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/lit/ - Literature

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10321828 No.10321828 [Reply] [Original]

We're having a /lit/ meetup in Boston. Trident Booksellers & Café on Newbury Street. Friday December 1st at 7 PM.

Email bostonliterature at gmail if you're interested—I'll give you the name the table will be under.

Gotten a fair amount of interest so far, should be a good turnout.


If you've been to university organizations, reading groups, or hung out in a cafe up here, you've noticed the stilfling eggshell-walking culture. And also that no one reads /lit/ books.


Something in the vein of Ben Franklin's Junto. Discussion, critique, even a /lit/ oriented rag for exercising yr writing/editing/design muscles.

>> No.10321841

I'm a girl. Should I go or are people going to be weird?

>> No.10321878

One person works at Harvard, another is a student there (verified by email adresses)—other people are wild cards—you can always get up and leave.

>> No.10321907
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Maine—can't recommend either way, what w/the bus ticket & all, but it's a guaranteed literary adventure during a time between major wars in a beautiful city with the only people who read the same books as you (and you us).

>> No.10322241
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>> No.10322457
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>> No.10322463

If I lived in Mass. I'd go anon, alas I am in Californie way

>> No.10322465

Become my gf and nobody gets hurt

>> No.10322569

I can tell from your response you read translations. No thank you.

>> No.10322670
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>> No.10323023

I'm going and I'm a girl and I have mace and lots of opinions and I smoke cigarettes and I will probably light up inside just to see how long it takes for them to ask me to put it out and then I'll "go outside" and depending on how interesting everyone is I will decide whether to go back inside or to go get hit on by people across the street at Urban Outfitters while I steal stuff.

>> No.10323724
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I'm a girl but I'm not much bigger than Alexander Pope. Buuut I'm essentially Mary Therese McCarthy reincarnate. I'll be there, probably at an adjacent table, listening to you roosters.

>> No.10324179
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>> No.10324190

im gonna show up and collect some of your scalps

>> No.10324319

follow the trail of dandruff desu senpai

>> No.10324430

Given how obsessed this board is with Infinite Jest wouldn't it be more fitting to do this in Metro West? Newbury st. is just a crowded shopping mall full of normies.

>> No.10324460

BMW is a bit too spread out.

Newbury isn't a mall(?), & it's almost exclusively foreign aristocrat college students. Also Trident is one of the few non-normie-infected places in Boston.

>> No.10324537
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>> No.10324742
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I'm a girl. I'll go if someone buys me a book and a coffee.

>> No.10324768

I expect photos and greentexts ofthis meeting a day after it takes place.
I need it to imagine I wasn't stuck in yurop and was there.

>> No.10324788


I'm going and I identify as a girl, you can refer to me with the pronouns 'xer' or 'xem' though.

>> No.10324808
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>> No.10324843

I have three different stories already written out. You can't possibly expect the truth, this is /lit/...

>> No.10324860
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>> No.10324879
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>> No.10324883

I dont need them to be true. I need them to be believable with a pinch of 4chan autism/awkwardness.

>> No.10324888
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>> No.10324900
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>> No.10324916
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>> No.10324961
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>> No.10324981
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>> No.10325016

keep your autism in check please

>> No.10325534
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>> No.10325538

Toppest kek

>> No.10325557
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>> No.10325995
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>> No.10326801
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>> No.10326831

I'm only going if there's some old /lit/izens going. if its full of newfags I'm out.

>> No.10326911

Like from when Blood Meridian was in the meme trilogy? Or like NotPynchon? Or Tundra? Or (ick) TAR?

>> No.10327414
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>> No.10327417

How consrvatively do I need to dress for this (I'm a girl)

>> No.10327471
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>> No.10327501

i cant let anyone see my ankles theyll never leave me alone

>> No.10327533
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>> No.10327550

! boots

thatll prevent any bullshit footsie attempts

and keeping my winter jacket and scarf on

>> No.10327607
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>> No.10327628

Can i ask how many people sign up for the meeting OP

>> No.10327642

that's some feminine ass impressionistic prose you've got there

>post so edgy
>most people probably don't listen to the words,
>but they should,
>because it's not just about the difficulties of femininity, pseudo-radicalism, and the importance of trends
>It's also a personal statement about the bitch herself

>> No.10327677


>> No.10327691

over 20 so we're splitting it into two days

half all girls plus op

half all boys no op

>> No.10327706

OP here, no one has responded time 2 kms desu senpai smdh

>> No.10327855

What happened to the washington DC meetup?

>> No.10327887

Two different people brought whiskey and they attempted to recreate Ulysses, particularly the brothel part (You probably think I'm kidding)

>> No.10328075

how many people showed up? How else did it go, overall good? No group photo?

>> No.10328207

5 people, I was there for the start and end. The anon taking pics lost his phone in the Potomac. I saw it slide out in slow motion as he was vomiting into the river like a squawking birdling.

I left when the other anons went up into some apartment. Can't stand cramped apartment parties. Overall lots of surprisingly intelligent conversation with surprisingly normal seeming guys.

>> No.10328234

>The anon taking pics lost his phone in the Potomac. I saw it slide out in slow motion as he was vomiting into the river like a squawking birdling.
you cant make this stuff up...b-but, did you?

>> No.10328480

>not asking to hear about my reflections while wandering the nation's capital while waiting for strangers I dared to meet and connect with

>> No.10328533

Hey anon, would you share your reflections while wandering the nations capital while waiting for strangers you dared to meet and connect with?

>> No.10328914

>thinking femanons want their pics on 4chan
get the fuck outta here

>> No.10329029

femanons (male), tru, you right

>> No.10329220

Took me a bit to find the envelope I scrawled this nonsense on:

Coming to the apartment building, a bit bent forward, I looked down, smiling and said "It's okay I'll just go for a walk." And the 3 disappeared into the entrance's yellow mouth, laughing.

A DC secret: The Von Braun statue—the location leering among the maps in my stepgrandfather's freemasonry books. I'd been before but why not again & I go and read the plaque & I touch the owl engraving & close my eyes & see the black walls of the labyrinth I've been born into & remember the reach, the scar around my cock: WE HAD YOU FROM BIRTH:

And while you were sleeping.

I press my ear to the labyrinth's walls and can almost hear—but the traffic washes it out & I go & wait outside and wonder what to scribble.

>> No.10329377

Ok Brian remember how we agreed NOT to discuss what happened that night? You fat fuck.

Second off you BROUGHT US TO THE VON BRAUN STATUE you literally wouldnt shut up about it

An envelope?? You spent the whole night scribbling in a fucking notebook like an autist and we TOLD you to wait outside AND YOU SOMEHOW GOT BLIND FUCKING DRUNK AND WERE STUMBLING AROUND THE LOBBY SHOUTING AND BUZZING EVERY FUCKING ROOM it was pretty funny desu.

And that stuff you were saying about second skeletons was actually pretty facinating and I hope you come to the ne t one lmao

>> No.10329507
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>> No.10331228

Will there be Tao Lin

>> No.10331242
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Would anyone in Melbourne be interested in doing a similar meetup? We could go to the fed square book market or something :3

>> No.10331255


>> No.10331431

U may be the only aus that reads books in fact i dont even believe your really aus

>> No.10332723
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