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/lit/ - Literature

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10314509 No.10314509 [Reply] [Original]

Wil this become the best book in the self help "genre"?

>> No.10314514

It's philosophy not self-help

>> No.10314661

Jordan Peterson is a fucking mongolid. I wouldn’t wipe my ass with his pathetic excuse for “self help.”

>> No.10314678 [DELETED] 

t. unsorted soyboy with a dragon of chaos in his uncleaned room

>> No.10314697

Lmao this, he's like a snakeoil salesman who deals in betamale-bait

>> No.10314698
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Sort your room, rescue your father and slay the cat-bird-snake, faggot.

>> No.10314709

Is this the guy who cried on webcam when he was associated with the alt right?

if so, please post the video

>> No.10314751

what is it about him that triggers this board do much?
serious answers only pls. can anyone even articulate why they dislike him beyond the 'clean room father figure jungian dragon slaying anti postmodern man'?
i just don't see what he says that is such an issue and the hate for him here is outright neurotic

>> No.10314762

>looks at the comment section on his youtube videos

I wonder why

>> No.10314903

does anyone know what the 12 rules are?

>> No.10314909

His fan base consists of fascists, misogynists and boorish /pol/ types.

I personally really like the guy though.

>> No.10314917
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>Wil this become the best book in the self help "genre"?

yes. it will do the literature equivalent of winning the special olympics, although "7 habits..." and "how to win friends....." are still running strong

>> No.10314921

Nothing he's said has any value whatsoever. His attempts to "destroy" postmodernism are just pathetic, showing no evidence he's actually read the thinkers involved and quickly digressing into areas that aren't postmodernism at all. Just a worthless speaker and writer.

>> No.10314925

I think it's similar to Rick and Morty hate. It's more of a hatred for the sub-100 IQ fan base. I guess you could get something out of Peterson though, like book recommendations. Rick and Morty is pure, unadulterated trash

>> No.10314945

When has a fan base really determined your interest in a subject? He's just a psych prof who was ahead of the internet curve and uploaded his videos. It's no wonder so many ideologically fueled neckbeards latched onto him, none of them had a dad.
Have you read any of Maps of Meaning? Holy shit you're delusional bucko.

>> No.10315074

>Have you read any of Maps of Meaning? Holy shit you're delusional bucko.
Why would i read that trash when i had read Jung already?

>> No.10315081

One of the advice is literally "Pet a cat if you see one" and "Let kids do skateboarding"

>> No.10315085

Not that i doubt you but, proof?

>> No.10315086

He's a scam.

>> No.10315095

>It doesn't sound smart or profound so it isn't good advice

neck yourself brainlet

>> No.10315103

lmao. Post excerpt

>> No.10315105
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>> No.10315118

>the book have the subtitle "an antidote to chaos"
>is grandma tier advice

>> No.10315134
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such an intellectual giant

>> No.10315135
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>assuming Chaos is a bad thing in the first place

>> No.10315140

I thought the 'dragon' thing was a meme to make fun of him.

>> No.10315142

Sounds like he struck a nerve, though. What is it about postmodernism that makes it immune from criticism?

>> No.10315144

>that voice

>> No.10315147

>What is it about postmodernism that makes it immune from criticism?
But making strawmans of what is and just adding everything that you don't like it is another fucking thing.

>> No.10315154

He does talk about slaying dragons a la Campbell or Jung. He also uses the analogy of cleaning your room. If you want a taste of Peterson (I'm only interested in him peripherally, I'm not a mini memerson) I'd recommend checking out his analysis of Pinocchio. It's pretty fun and novel.

>> No.10315159

The key point being INTELLIGENT criticism - there's plenty of parts in Derrida, Baudrillard, Deleuze/Guattari, etc, that don't work at all, but Peterson never addresses those actual errors of postmodernists, he just snowballs everything into this catchall category of "neo-marxism" or "subversion" and conflates it with unrelated subjects that he's also mad about, like the pronoun shit. It's lazy thinking at best, deliberately misleading at worst.

>> No.10315167

>If you want a taste of Peterson
I'm not really into youtubers. I'll leave this thread

>> No.10315171

He writes books too; he was a professor at Harvard. Youtube just made him famous.

>> No.10315184

>While encompassing a broad range of ideas, postmodernism is typically defined by an attitude of skepticism, irony or rejection toward grand narratives, ideologies and various tenets of universalism, including objective notions of reason, human nature, social progress, moral universalism, absolute truth, and objective reality.[4] Instead, it asserts to varying degrees that claims to knowledge and truth are products of social, historical or political discourses or interpretations, and are therefore contextual or socially constructed. Accordingly, postmodern thought is broadly characterized by tendencies to epistemological and moral relativism, pluralism, irreverence and self-referentiality.

To be fair it does sound like a load of horseshit.

>> No.10315196

>literature equivalent of winning the special olympics
this is probably the best analogy i've seen

>> No.10315204

we need a /yootoober/ and /self-help/ board.

this shit's ridiculous

>> No.10315205

It sounds like a useless presupposition. It's like, okay, well, what's next? It doesn't help society, it doesn't progress metaphysical thought. Wow shit is relative. Congratulations.

>> No.10315206

>claims to knowledge and truth are products of social, historical or political discourses or interpretations

Do you doubt this?
Here's Nietzsche: A mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphisms—in short, a sum of human relations which have been enhanced, transposed, and embellished poetically and rhetorically, and which after long use seem firm, canonical, and obligatory to a people: truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that this is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins.

>> No.10315223

This board is so slow and full of meme books already, how is this thread not helpful in keeping this relic of a board alive?

>> No.10315230


>> No.10315231

Die functionalist scum. *shoots yu in the head*
I bet you'd tell God to fuck off... hurr what use is heaven what use is truth

>> No.10315239

10/10. Here is your (you).

>> No.10315255

the book isnt even out so you cant possibly know the context the 'rules' are in.

not sure if you actually have something against him or your just trying to rustle

>> No.10315262


>> No.10315265

Rebel without a cause baby

>> No.10315284

This is a Peterson thread, not a Camus. Camus is cool though. Punk as fuck.

>> No.10315287


>> No.10315291


>> No.10315294 [DELETED] 

Redd/lit/ is full of /leftypol/ wannabe intellectuals.

>> No.10315303

I think it's more the fact that the right so staunchly identifies and absorbs him into the culture. You for instance are probably the kind that would call him /ourguy/ or click the click bait "Peterson ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS [insert arbitrary group].

>> No.10315305

>confusing rebel without a cause and l'etranger
wew lad

>> No.10315311

Which is funny, because Peterson himself says he skews left, and even if he was a right winger he would be a right winger in Canada (our right wing parties make Clinton look like Mussolini).

>> No.10315315

I think it's the disjunct between his clearly having read and probably understood the major post-structuralists, and his outright dismissal of them as all saying *exactly* the same thing, basically his refusal to engage with them on individual merit. At least that's what turned me away from following him.

>> No.10315321

No. It’s just that it doesn’t make me froth at the mouth with rage to see someone trying to help young men live with purpose. I actually think it’s a good thing, despite the protests of Reddit, to encourage /r9k/-types to not be useless and unhappy good goys. Nice strawman, though.

>> No.10315339

well go to evangelize the fuckups at /r9k/ and let us talk about fucking books in peace.

>> No.10315345

But peterson has written books and he's a pretty decent writer.

>> No.10315350

this is a thread about petersons book you fucking moron

>> No.10315352


>self help

Really makes me thonk

>> No.10315353
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Because people have been posting the same threads about him for months on end even though he has practically nothing to do with literature or philosophy. Oh, and the people who post about him are typically the_donald tier who have barely read a book in their life. It's nothing personnel, people just don't want Peterson's drooling fanbase here.

>> No.10315369

this is just a thread for the cult of personality of your internet dad you faggots, there is LITERALLY no discussion of anything that the retard have wrote on here.

>> No.10315376


>reading capitalist propaganda

Really mapes me gink

>> No.10315383

He has a lot of good and interesting stuff to say that his mongoloid fan base ignores in favor of "Le epic SJW burns!" and "clean your father's dragon room bucko xD"
His bible series is really great archetypal analysis of the Bible and what that means for life but of course his retard fan base can't go through 4 hours of the stuff at a time

>> No.10315384

>that whole 'kekistan' thing and replies.

>> No.10315385
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>people will read this instead of Aristotle

>> No.10315392

It's his followers, not him, although he is second rate. I have enjoyed some clips from his lectures, but when he tries to engage with philosophy it's almost embarrassing.

>> No.10315395

/leftypol/ is more 4chan than /pol/ now

>> No.10315399


See http://metamoderna.org/jordan-peterson-and-camille-paglia-a-marathon-of-academic-incompetence?lang=en

the tldr of it is a non philosopher talking about philosophy mischaracterises and miss uses ideas and condemns it based on those missunderstandings

>> No.10315407
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>People will read Aristotle instead of the so called "pre-scoratic" Milesians and Eleatics

>> No.10315414

Newfag or /pol/lack confirmed

>> No.10315447

Exactly. This

>> No.10315458
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Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.10315460

Holy shit that is awful

>> No.10315469

The majority of /pol/ is from the anti-sjw youtube sphere or the r/donald. It isn't a matter of politics, and to be blind to the amount of traffic /pol/ and in turn the rest of this site got after the election just shows you weren't here before

>> No.10315472

We should move all the peterson "God is necessary for all proof" peterson threads to /pol/. We need to make it clear mouthbreathing retards are not welcome here.

>> No.10315474

if we only had moderation

>> No.10315485

>ITT: Faggots getting mad that some people have found a lecturer and writer that they like and whose ides they've found useful.

>> No.10315491

Hello comrades. If you want everything you don’t personally liked banned, there’s this great website called https://www.reddit.com You should check it out. Especially r/communism. If you’re a loser IRL you should also look into becoming a Reddit or /leftypol/ moderator yourself so you can feel like you have power over something for once in your wretched life. Communism will win!

>> No.10315498

t.newfag who is oblivious to the decay Peterson fans bring because he is one

>> No.10315501

>everything that i don't like is communism
I don't give a fuck if you want to talk about fucking mein kampf.
What i hate is you faggots spamming bait threads and having the discourse level turn into youtube comment tier.

>> No.10315508

Ironically the "everyone who disagrees with is my political opponent" is a staple of r/the_donald, r/communism and youtube comments. You people just keep outing yourselves as ideologically driven idiots

>> No.10315514

he only barely covers the surface of philosophy and makes pseuds feel good about their (((intellect)))

>> No.10315525

Peterson is hated mostly because of ideological reasons. The left will attempt to discredit anyone who they see as a threat to their doctrine of moral relativism and cult to collectivism.

Post-modernism follows an intellectual playbook very similar to Islam

>Person criticizes x
>"You can't criticize x if you haven't read the authors"
>Person reads authors and rather than changing his mind, confirms that said ideology is dangerous and makes no fucking sense
>"No no no you don't understand what they mean, please pay $300,000 dollars for a course on transexual fifth-dimensional neo-feminism, only then will you understand Foucault and Derrida"
>Person takes course, still can't make sense of post-modernism
>"Well I guess you can't be helped"

The academic discipline of philosophy went down the drain the moment professors inspired by the post-modern school started taking over.

>> No.10315529

>You can't criticize x if you haven't read the authors
well... no? At least not in the fucking literature board?

>> No.10315535

The point is that they will make up any excuse to make you think that you don't understand their shitty ideology or philosophy.

>> No.10315536

Is this bait?

>> No.10315544

read vox day and lauren southern on this topic

>> No.10315557

its interesting, i think jp might not be revealing how much he knows.

my main complaint is that he repeats the same ideas over and over. watching his lecture series even casually means noticing just how much he repeats himself.

as to why i still think he knows more than he lets on, his best stuff comes from interviews where he cant steer the conversation to what he has a clear narrative on. in those videos he can play with info from a broad range of fields. in one of the q&a sections he is called out on his mischaracterisation of postmodernism. while i personally think he answered the question poorly, he did admit that when he refers to postmodernism he is only talking about those people that want to subject their narrative onto everyone and that he does it on purpose.

i respect the dude and had found him to be a great initial guide for figuring shit out in my life, its important to know that he makes a lot of shortcuts which many people misinterpret as a lack of knowledge because he rarely admits it. personally think is for the sake of the people not interested in reading the books he suggests, which is why the comment section looks so shitty because its full of just those people.

>> No.10315562

Thank you for letting us know that you are a cultist.

>> No.10315579
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Because Americans have to politicize everything. You have to hate whatever the other side likes without examining it, hence, left leaning boards like /lit/ have a lot of spergs who think their bizarre ranting is some sort of political act. If these people realized no-one gives a solitary fuck about their pointless 'culture war' and their worthless opinions. If they did something in the real world they might achieve something, but no, have to keep up the pretence of relevance otherwise the ego might suffer.

And vice versa for the right.

>> No.10315593

if that helps you sleep at night

>> No.10315686

I think you would be hard-pressed to find an intelligent comment on youtube in general, let alone on a fairly popular video.

I agree that he really shows that he is out of his depth when he starts to bring philosophy into a discussion and outside his lecture series he has surprisingly little to say given his ___vast intellect___.

His main problem I think is outright dismissing huge tracts of work by labeling them as post-modernist and/or Marxist and then just takes certain elements out of them (post-modernism's rejection of grand narratives, Marxist thought leading to vicious states) and uses that as a dismissal. However, a lot of people do this same exact thing regarding him. He has some good things to say.

A lot of the allure is having a living semi-intellectual with content, imo.

>> No.10315700

>left leaning boards like /lit/
The delusion

>> No.10315709

To ideologues, everyone who doesn't agree with them is the enemy. If one poster doesn't advocate bringing back gas chambers, the whole board is full of lib-cuck post-modernist Marxists.

>> No.10315714

>says Peterson fans bring decay to the board
>doesn't say anything about the decay of civilization that Peterson's enemies bring.

>my main complaint is that he repeats the same ideas over and over. watching his lecture series even casually means noticing just how much he repeats himself.

That's true of any speaker or thinker. You're noticing it because you're watching lecture after lecture, while he's tailoring his message to the people he's speaking directly to. The same holds true for anyone on either side of the spectrum. Go watch a handful of Zizek talks.

>> No.10315728

Just finished his maps of meaning lectures, was about to start his personality course. Is it basically the same material or is it different enough to watch with his same little anecdotes?

>> No.10315739

> he's tailoring his message to the people he's speaking directly to

which is why ive found myself watching less of his content. i suppose its time to move on

>> No.10315773

Alright, let's be real here. Zizek repeats jokes, but he has a way bigger pool of ideas to pull from in lectures.
t. Zizekfag who's watched too many Peterson videos.

>> No.10315780

>read vox day and lauren southern on this topic
Is this bait?

>> No.10315851


Day 1 purchase tbqh.

>> No.10315860

It's more psychology driven.

>> No.10315862

>Go watch a handful of Zizek talks
Zizek has much better phil credentials, Peterson is really just a Jungian

>> No.10315895
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>brown hand

>> No.10315898

Im not the anon in

> i think jp might not be revealing how much he knows.

I think its more to do with him using very different and questionable definitions and understandings. For instance take a look at the evasiveness that happens when it comes to his Christianity. His stance and position can be stated in a couple of sentences but he doesn't for what I can only suspect out of a desire to not alienate people who are genuine Christians by revealing the more bizzare elements of his belief

>> No.10315924
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Girls that cute give me bittersweet dopamine kicks
fucking cunts

>> No.10315932

i think you might be closer to the point than i was.

he seems to at least be following what he believes about 'telling the truth, or at the least not lying'. clearly going for the latter.

perhaps he fears being called a heretic

>> No.10316165

Everyone that goes to /pol/ should be sentenced to death by guillotine.

>> No.10316178

whyd id someone make a less funny ripoff of the exact same pic

>> No.10316242

1. Accept the current system.
2. Become more productive.
3. Embrace tradition and tell yourself that it's revolutionary.
4. Reproduce so the system goes on.
5. Study myths and use them to justify everything you do.
6. Study cartoons at length and apply everything you know in explaining them.
7. Every statistic is useful and correct, form a narrative around it.
8. Study memes to appeal to the internet people.
9. Spin a narrative out of everything ever and tie it all together.
10. Fight postmodern neo-Marxists, the contradictions of this label are on them rather than you.
11. Sound like your about to cry while imitating Kermit every time you speak.
12. Ignore geopolitics and possible catastrophies, focus on little things and individual motive.

>> No.10316245

I'm curious, what part of D&G you think doesn't work?

>> No.10316249
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>> No.10316256

>such an intellectual giant
he's not wrong
Peterson is a genuine force for good in our times
it's a shame ideologues are so adamant to discredit him without understanding him, they are basically agents of evil

>> No.10316275

Anyone else read it as
>An antidote to Chads
at first?

>> No.10316285

1. He has obnoxious fans.
2. He says some vague overly generalized stuff about postmodernism and neo-marxism.
3. They're unironic SJWs and unsorted people/redditors.

>> No.10316287

I feel sorry for you

>> No.10316292


>> No.10316297

I think the reason his message is so important is because they're INCAPABLE of understanding him, the man is restoring reason and humanity to a world ravaged by nihilism.

>> No.10316311

>implying grandmas are bad
shut your whore mouth

>> No.10316329

That doesn't undermine the fact that you have to read the authors to criticize x, especially if your criticism reveals your ignorance

>> No.10316411


>> No.10316445

good to hear you two Chads have it all figured out. what are you doing to help your fellow man then?

>> No.10316571


>> No.10316751

/lit/ used to be /leftypol/'s safespace on 4chan. that's no longer the case, so said subhumans need to lash out against something

>> No.10316839

should I read joseph campbell instead?

>> No.10316842

I am a fan of his but I don't think anyone needs to read his book after listening to this, he couldn't possibly add anything more.

>> No.10316859

i bought that understand myself shit he was shilling. biggest waste of 10 bucks of my life. never supporting him again

>> No.10316864
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What were Peterson's fans doing BEFORE Peterson came along? Why did it take Peterson of all people to get them to notice leftist rot?

>> No.10316874
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he is not a great writer, and the extract he decided to use for that video kind of shows it, he is good at making videos and portraying a psychological conception of your life and other people

not sure why he makes people in this board so angry, he is just a psychologist writing about very broad topics using his expertise on psychology, of course he won't get all the themes as right as other scholars that actually studied those subjects, but that doesn't undo the criticism from a psychological point of view, and nobody seems to address that at all, just point at something retarded he said about postmodernism or maths, which is fair enough, but still doesn't undo the criticism

>> No.10316876

playing video games and masturbating to anime

>> No.10316879

Those four arrows forming a square would make a great fascist symbol. Has something like that ever been used?

>> No.10316888

trying to understand zizek

>> No.10316890
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feels like i'm 13 years old at a school computer again

>> No.10316902
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>> No.10316910

TLDR I blame the YouTube algorithm. Honestly, don't love or hate Peterson, so baffled by the YT recommendations. Guessing Joseph Cambell has more to offer since that seems to be a Peterson Influence.

On a related note, Canadians sure have done their part in destroying traditional hetero relations, ay?

>> No.10316916

>/leftypol/'s safespace on 4chan
4chan as a whole was always left-leaning and back in the days of marxist generals on /lit/ we used to have unironical /n/ fascists producing interesting argumentative coherent political discussion here before you and the giant election cycle tide of your larping redditesque /the_pol/ ilk with 9 years of secondary education and 3 failed attempts to get a GED buried virtually anything good to come out of this memeposting shithole under a thick layer of unadulterated cretinism and infantile shitflinging, you piece of human refuse.

>> No.10316923

>Guessing Joseph Cambell has more to offer since that seems to be a Peterson Influence.
he's not

>> No.10316977

>he didn't know that the gulag archipelago can be found in literally every university library around the world
I like Peterson and all but goddamn man Kekistanis are some of the dumbest people ever

>> No.10316996

What decay do you think this is bringing to the board? If anything, I see it as leading some people to read Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, and Jung. You will always have people who misread authors, but at least one more person who can genuinely discuss these authors is welcome in my book, since most posters already who try to contribute don't read anything anyway.

>> No.10317087
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He's articulate and insightful, and he's popular with normals. So, contrarians who define their self worth by the degree to which they stand distant from the centre of popular opinion are obliged to personally attack his character as is their only actual option in the face of conceding that instead of divining truth through antisocial ideological dogmas derived from 4chan, they may not actually understand a lot of what he's talking about.

That's basically the gist of it.

>> No.10317100

>1. Accept the current system.
>4. Reproduce so the system goes on.
Peterson is known as an activist and social critic, what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.10317101
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>> No.10317111

You're wrong. Too many fakes on Lit today.

>> No.10317121

>I swear we used to be cool and left-wing but then the righties came and they're being STUPID and MEAN

>> No.10317130

fake whats?

>> No.10317137

4chan was never specially left wing, it was anti-establishment, anti-government, and at the time left wing ideas were associated with that, but 4chan never had any kind of positive left wing message attached to it, just negatives against several things

>> No.10317144

Hes just so fundamentally wrong about everything that its horrific to see mainstream journalism ask him to explain things like he is some sort of expert.

I watched that one video where he was asked about french postmodernism and was shocked by how he completely misunderstood not one but every member of that school.

Its one thing to watch an idiot talk, its quite another to watch him talk on a podium.

>> No.10317194

misreading people is productive and only plebs think otherwise

>> No.10317197

>No responses.

That's what I thought, /lit/.

>> No.10317208

>it was anti-establishment, anti-government, and at the time left wing ideas were associated with that
4chan is just a contrarian machine

>> No.10317213

>a psychologist is not a philosopher
tell me something i didn't know already and how that in any way addresses his criticism of the external manifestation of postmodernist academics

>> No.10317215

Nobody wants to engage with either a babby bait or a sincere retard.

>> No.10317242

how convenient it is that the left never has to take responsibility for anything

>> No.10317246

>blaming Peterson for the comments on his videos
Literally any popular youtube video has cancer in the comments.

>> No.10317248 [DELETED] 

>left leaning
>the place that refers to everyone as faggots and niggers

>> No.10317250
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Is peterson soyboycore?

>> No.10317261

>all left is politically correct

>> No.10317451

No, Peterson is Onion Man core. Lifting and reading brings out the inner beast so one can fight the dragon of chaos.

>> No.10317674

Everyone is anti-system today. You could be the most conservative person ever and present yourself as a revolutionary. Even Macron the president banker wrote a book literally called Revolution.

>> No.10317741

"revolutionary" and "conservative" aren't necessarily in opposition one to another. It all depends on the current socio-political context.

>> No.10317754

>muh lifting
Yeah -routinely picking up weights in a safe, sterile, air-conditioned environment couple times a week really makes the BEAST pop out

>> No.10317801

>implying increased testosterone levels, muscular mass, cardiovascular health and diminished depression aren't conductive to optimal masculinity

>> No.10317821

True, but a revolution should change the political system otherwise it's a reform, no matter how radical. An example of a conservative revolution is fasicsm. Bit today we don't eve get that, just radical centrist memes.

>> No.10317829

I know - I've been lifting for years myself - and those are all great things, but "beast" is in your mind. Looking like one and being one are different things.

>> No.10317852

And, as far as I know, Peterson doesn't claim to be a revolutionary. In fact he warns about the dangers of ideological violence and only preaches moderate traditionalism.
The political climate of Canada is such though, that even moderate conservatives find themselves in a place of controversy and opposition to the status-quo.

>> No.10317882

>Lifting and reading brings out the inner beast so one can fight the dragon of chaos.
Is this what first worlders tell themselves to give meaning to their pathetic lifes?

>> No.10317895

Just look at the sidebar.
Do you really want to associate with these people? Endow them the appellation of comrade?

>> No.10317898
File: 69 KB, 609x720, 1511323389793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ has a responsibility to respond to every bait post
I have never witnessed such high levels of entitlement

>> No.10317980

My privilege got me this far, I may as well take it all the way to see what I can become.

>> No.10317993

>but "beast" is in your mind. Looking like one and being one are different things.

Did you discover a new model for testosterone? lel

>> No.10318008
File: 120 KB, 434x400, heero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"saving your father"
>room cleaning
>banal platitudes and fantasy metaphors
so this is the power of modern """philosophy""" . . . . woah

>> No.10318010

>a thirdie shitskin raises voice to people whom he owes everything including his infernal shithole being livable today
That's a bad dog. Shush.

>> No.10318082

Yeah, the small increase in natty testosterone from lifting weights will truly turn you into a BEAST of man.
Whatever makes you sleep at night

>> No.10318164

>clinical psychologist and a teacher professionally
>social activist and a YouTuber in the spare time
>isn't a philosophical genius
Wow... How is this possible?

>> No.10318184

wtf i love designated shitting streets now

>> No.10318245

this hack nigger is cashing out so hard and none of his brainwashed followers notice it