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/lit/ - Literature

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10312154 No.10312154 [Reply] [Original]

Hey fellas,
I need a break from the heavier literature and am looking for something with a captivating plot that's difficult to put down - preferably a thriller that's still OK written. Conspiracy, shadow governments, terrorism, you name it! American Tabloid was a great example.
Just no Dan Brown please.

>> No.10312171

I liked the Hunger Games a lot, read the series nonstop for a week, kept me up at night.

>> No.10312354

The City & The City by China Miéville. Great read. Well-written, check; connspiracy, check; shadow government, check.

>> No.10312479

The Secret History, by Donna Tart is exactly what you are asking for.

>> No.10312487

read the Stieg Larsson trilogy
China Mieville is a communist

>> No.10312494

1984 - orwell
a new atlantis - bacon
both are dystopian fiction, but bacons was written from a 1600s perspective vs the 1940s perspective of georgie

>> No.10312501

Similar situation as you, OP.
I find John Le Carré novels do the job nicely, actually.

>> No.10312513

Excluding Dan Brown, try these maybe

Foucault's Pendulum, Eco Umberto - heavy conspiracies. Couple of adolescents memeing everything into a conspiracy which turns out to be true, basically /pol/ the book.
The Giver, Lois Lowry - dystopian government

>> No.10312527

james bond books or flashman

>> No.10312561

This. Don't read a lot of him in a row, as he gets a little repetitive, but Le Carre is great at showing his characters' motivations without just telling you them. That, and spies who actually make sense.

>> No.10312564

Yeah, these are great, especially Flashman.
I'd also throw in Tom Sharpe's novels - in small doses.

>> No.10312582

Baudolino's the best conspiracy novel ever written
Dirk Gently and Confederacy of Dunces are just dope.

>> No.10312590

the Foundation series by Asimov is good

>> No.10312592


This is bait, so ignore it.

I recently read Zodiac by Neal Stephenson which I thought was OK. Same with The Three Body Problem by some chink (it's not well-written, but the ideas are kinda cool).

Or perhaps try some Paul Auster. It's great and pretty dark literature, though it's easy to read.

>> No.10312665

It's not bait, I enjoyed the books, they were easy and fun to read.

>> No.10312667

james ellroy

>> No.10312735


>> No.10312819

This is level 2 bait, ignore it.

Read Richard Bachmann, he writes nice and easy prose and has intriguing plots.

>> No.10312855

If you have not I urge you to read Lord of the Rings. I have just finished it and it is superb and marvelous and will drive you to soul searching.

>> No.10312886
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If you want to want to kill yourself

>> No.10312914
