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10309307 No.10309307[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This kills the Marxist.

>> No.10309315

I would probably still be a Marxist if it were not for other Marxists

>> No.10309325

We must kill all the Marxist so we can become Marxists again!

>> No.10309334

At last I see Stalin was right all along

>> No.10310205

I believe he was more of a leftie

>> No.10310216

Yeah but he killed more Marxists than anyone

>> No.10310224
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The best book title

>> No.10310232

Stalin was a red fascist, when will you wake up and take the Nazbolpill?

>> No.10310241

If you're a jew that's a given. If you're white you're the epitome of a useful idiot doing the work of the people who hate you.

>> No.10310247


>> No.10310257

guilty, I couldn't resist

>> No.10310263

But Kolakowski was a Marxist until the end of his life.

>> No.10310274

I'm kind of half Jewish in a figurative tense. Rather like Leopold Bloom. My allegience has been mine to choose but in the end I am with the gentiles

>> No.10310319

Jewishness is racial, and like I saif before you fundamentally don't understand your own philosophy. Jewish Marxism is inherently against white people.

>> No.10310322
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>your race is your essence
how fucking shallow can you get?
>all jews are marxists
yeah, all those jewish bankers totally want to abolish capitalism

>> No.10310334

Race absolutely is your essence. It shapes and informs everything about who a person is. There is nothing shallow about accepting that. And we're talking about Marxism in a cultural, or jewish iconoclastic, sense.

>> No.10310336

>yeah, all those jewish bankers totally want to abolish capitalism

They're doing well but they know they can't keep this game going forever before white people wake up. Communism is their fallback project

>> No.10310350

>Marxism in a cultural, or jewish iconoclastic, sense.
Please elaborate. I have always understood marxism as the writing of marx.

>> No.10310354


>> No.10310363
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Syncretic indo-europeanist post-modernist Tbh

>> No.10310368

>Race absolutely is your essence. It shapes and informs everything about who a person is.
Why do you think this? As far as I can see, there is not one thing I have in common with all white people that I do not have in common with any non-whites apart from my skin colour.

>> No.10310376
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>Race absolutely is your essence. It shapes and informs everything about who a person is
t. mutt

>> No.10310387

Marxism is judaism, its basic principles are those of the jew. People who say Marx was wrong about everything are right, but so are people like me who try to explain to plebs that he was right about the only thing that mattered, which was using the underclass to unseat the European aristocracy and allow jews to obtain power. That's what happened, and that was the intention from the start.

Jews use people against each other, and that's all Marxism is in its various forms: pitting proles against the bourgeois, men against women, minorities against whites, etc. Modern art jews or Frankfurt School jews, this is always at the root of it. It's cultural iconoclasm, an ethnic strategy, levied against the host society with the intention to atomize the population so jews can climb to the top.

>> No.10310399

People have evolved for thousands of years in different evolutionary environments that have selected for different traits. You obviously have more in common with people of your own race. If you're white there is a firewall blocking you from understanding this though, in that that environment selected for hyper-individualism whites often display, and in the form of the moralized, egalitarian propaganda you've imbibed your whole life telling you that identifying with your white racial group is something only lower class people do, propaganda that was produced by jews btw.

>> No.10310402

Those are some quite astonishing claims, I assume you have proof for this?

>> No.10310432

Not him but Culture of Critique.

If you don't want to read it there is a quick summary which makes it all pretty clear:


>> No.10310435

I can accept that I have some traits that are different than that of the average asian, but average is the keyword here. I do not have the same attributes as every withe, nor does no asian have the attributes I have.
>You obviously have more in common with people of your own race
Again you left out ON AVERAGE, I have nothing in common with EVERY white.
>If you're white there is a firewall blocking you from understanding this though, in that that environment selected for hyper-individualism whites often display, and in the form of the moralized, egalitarian propaganda you've imbibed your whole life telling you that identifying with your white racial group is something only lower class people do
>i am right, and if you think i am wrong that is more proof i am right
Also, if my environment is able to shape me away from my racial essence, what is left of that essence? Is the realization of my race-essence dependent on an appropriate environment? Where is this environment derived from? I know for sure they are not engraved into the nucleobases of my dna.

>> No.10310453

I didn't watch the whole video, but as far as I see it is about how a jew replaced the idea of race as a fundamental trait with the idea of culture. I don't see at all how that relates to the original claim, "Marxism is judaism, its basic principles are those of the jew.".

>> No.10310454

Proof of what? Jews exploiting other groups for their own benefit? No lack of that. But the proof is history. Of course someone who's been gaslit by jewish narratives his entire life will find it "astonishing," but like I said, that was the result of Marxism -- it's literally what happened; and it fits a long-documented trend of jewish behavior, so ultimately it's just about you connecting the dots.

>> No.10310476

Don't know about marxism being judaism since I haven't read the torah or talmud but part 3 of the videoseries I linked explains a lot if you're actually interested.

>> No.10310477

I think you just have a low understanding of the subject matter here. Read some HBD literature and you'll get a better grasp. People are prone to different behaviors and have different abilities. The proclivity for hyper-individualism you are displaying is a white trait. It is the reason whites are so creative and have invented nearly everything, but it's also a hindrance in that individuals such as yourself stubbornly try to separate yourselves from it to virtue-signal.

>> No.10310487

>Proof of what?
>Marxism is judaism, its basic principles are those of the jew.
That is what I wanted proof of.
>Jews exploiting other groups for their own benefit?
When you say jews, do you mean all jews? Was Anne Frank also part of this? Are Israeli construction workers constantly exploiting us? What I can see is jewish capitalist, jewish bankers and jewish lobbyists over the course of history exploiting others, but that is something they have in common with other capitalists, bankers and lobbyists, not all jews. Also, I don't think they shy away from exploiting poor jews.
I do not deny that the jewish elite conspire in mutual benefit, I only deny that this is a result of their race.

>> No.10310489

How do you reconcile this theory with Marx's On The Jewish Question in wich he pretty much pull an happy merchant stereotype and say that jews and christians need to shift away from a judaic pov since jewish values=burgoise values?
Is the usual "all part of a jewish plot" or the even more usual "I hit my head when I was a child"? Or something more elaborate, like Marx being some sort of Phyrexian's sleeper agent?

>> No.10310495

>"Marxism is judaism, its basic principles are those of the jew.".
What I was getting at with this statement was more that Marxism is interwoven into the jewish character -- a reflection of it. It picks apart, it divides, it endlessly (ahem) 'critiques the culture' of the out-group. The jewish revolutionary spirit.

>> No.10310499

>Are Israeli construction workers constantly exploiting us?

funny you should say that though since they're actually bulldozing the Palestinians right now

>> No.10310501

Marxist-Leninism, as it actually existed, was masculine, authoritarian, implicitly violent, autocratic, militaristic, and overwhelmingly white. They considered people who act like American leftists to be mentally ill or criminals.

''Culturally'', Marxism looks like the culture of East Berlin did - it doesn't look like NYC.

>> No.10310508

First part: >>10310495

Jews are not individualists, and this is the hardest thing for individualist-minded whites to wrap their heads around. Jews are tribal, they make decisions based on whether it will benefit their group with few exceptions. But this shouldn't be too much of a surprise if you factor in how jews are extremely inbred and are literally all close cousins.

>> No.10310512

>People are prone to different behaviors and have different abilities.
Again, here I agree. I only claim this is not your very essence. Genes are only the materials humans are made of, and while you cannot make a great house out of dirt, you can make lots of different houses with the same materials. Genes determine how you react to the conditions of life, but they don't determine those conditions.

>> No.10310522

>Jews are tribal, they make decisions based on whether it will benefit their group with few exceptions.
Here I think some kind of validation is in order, of the claim it self and of how this is genetic.
I will go to sleep now anyways, goodnight.

>> No.10310525

>Race absolutely is your essence. It shapes and informs everything about who a person is.
Jesus fucking christ this is cringy. I have more in common with my Lebanese best friend than your fat larping ass.
>It is the reason whites are so creative and have invented nearly everything,
If I create something or invent something and you tried to claim it as coming from your tribe I'd tell you to fuck right off. You don't get to claim all of the accomplishments of """your race""" as your own. Do you think Japanese people are proud of China inventing gunpowder? Do you think Persians are proud of the pyramids?

>> No.10310526
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>> No.10310530

You have to try and see it in the social context in which it was written, but no, it's not a genuine critique of jews. Jews had mostly been confined to the shtetl prior to then, Europeans didn't know a whole lot about them. Therefore Marx, in proposing these revolutionary ideas and selling them to the goyim, had to throw out a few uniting bones. To say "we jews are just like you, our intentions aren't bad." The subsequent jewish slaughter of tens of millions of Russians once Marx's ideas finally got their day should throw this notion out the window though. Jew are esoteric people. These texts are aimed at other jews, they are, in a way, instructions. Europeans are naive though, they took Marx at his word.

>> No.10310533

>Jews use people against each other, and that's all Marxism is in its various forms: pitting proles against the bourgeois, men against women, minorities against whites, etc. Modern art jews or Frankfurt School jews, this is always at the root of it. It's cultural iconoclasm, an ethnic strategy, levied against the host society with the intention to atomize the population so jews can climb to the top.

Jesus. Do you ever stop to appreciate the irony that you're just describing yourself? The stuff you're accusing the Jews of doing is exactly what you're doing.

>> No.10310539

Of course they do. Genes are reflected in nature, reflected in the way you just applied logic. Reflected in how you think, reflected in everything.

>> No.10310544

Well your Lebanese friend does not feel the same, and if you were transported to Lebanon you would not be treated the same as your Lebanese friend is treated in white society.

The rest of your post is virtue-signaling about individualism while continuing to be ignorant about how this fervent display of individualism is a product of your European heritage.

>Persians are proud of the pyramids?

>> No.10310550

This post is a logical failure.

>> No.10310588
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The only book you need to read about socialism.

>> No.10310683
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This kills the postmodernist.

>> No.10310697

can't tell if bait

pls say it's bait

>> No.10310713

so it's the "all part a jewish plot", interesting, interesting.

>> No.10310714

Look at that brown person monkey hand.

>> No.10310736

His argument is really against command, or top-down, economies. It could easily be applied to south korea as much as china.
In short, anyone who isn't a dogmatist can read his book and still support the idea of socialism.

>> No.10310742

fucking how

Waste of a comment.

It's like they think we've never heard it before.

>> No.10310773
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You know, i do actually see your perspective. The complete redefining of race into a mix of nation, culture, biology, and human developmental cycles.
Like Marxism, Freudianism, Darwinism, or any of the other isms that revolutionize the way we see aspects of reality, once you see it you cannot un-see it.
The entire history of the world can be integrated into this "theoretical perspective" of Jewish malfeasance, with superficial 'just so' stories that sound reasonable. You can even find statistics and historical bits that confirm what you want to see.
But you know what seeing you guys reinterpreting reality through this lens tells me? It tells me that i shouldn't put all my marbles into any one ism, else i might make you folks' mistake of reinterpreting all of human history in a way that fits my preconceptions.

>> No.10310780

Who the fuck do you think is pulling the strings in this grand jewish conspiracy? The illuminati? Or have you renamed it something less stigmatized?

>> No.10310822

>The complete redefining of race into a mix of nation, culture, biology, and human developmental cycles

What are you talking about? That is more or less the definition of it, not the redefinition of it. The redefinition of race is the modern jewish version of it where every race is equal, or unequal due to the actions of whites, where the pointing out of racial difference is deserving of censure and moral condemnation. Which is an extension of jewish universalism in line with jewish Christianity, jewish communism, and within the contemporary model of jewish liberalism.

>> No.10310849

Point proven. Step out of your bubble m8

>> No.10310855

You see, that is actually ethnicity. And for the most part it is a fluid social construct. Race isn't even that. It's just a power laden term of convenience. But it's whatever, you'll just discount me as brainwashed.

>> No.10310919

The incoherent point you failed to get across was in no way proven.

That is such a twisted, modern retconned perspective that you know deep down is bullshit. This is how biology works. It's how we are and have been for ages. Modern jewish social science quakery is a complete joke in its attempt to pretend such things aren't real.

>> No.10310923

In order to "kill the Marxist", you would have to say with a straight face that capitalism is good.

>> No.10310937

No you just need to know how to fly a helicopter.

>> No.10310944

Muh joos

>> No.10310969

It's good at increasing the productivity of labor, not even Marx denied this.

>> No.10310992

To buttress his point, what would the world look like if Africans inexplicably colonized America? Would the institutions that we're familiar with today be there? What if all the Chinese disappeared? Would anyone speak of a Chinese culture, aside from the texts we would have? Culture is derived from race; this is most evident from the fact that nowhere else but Europe experienced the Renaissance, the Age of Enlightenment, the Romantic Era, and Modernism.

>> No.10311076

Right. Those are things that only occurred, and only could have occurred, within white/European societies because they represent a striving for knowledge and greatness that is completely absent in even high-functioning races like east Asians, who are incapable of producing the level of ingenuity and freedom of thought Europeans have due to centuries of evolutionary pressures that shaped them into robotic conformists. Which is to say nothing of dysfunctional races like Africans, mestizos, and arabs who have never produced anything and are total burdens on white societies. The individualism exhibited by whites is totally unique to us and is the source of our domination of innovation and intellectual movements. These phenomena are also functions of race, and whites need to get that through their judaized heads, that these unique aspects of our nature must be protected and will disappear if we blend into the brown hordes now storming and occupying every nation in the west. And fixing this problem begins and ends with the removal of the jew.

>> No.10311080

Yeah this. Marx is less about "Capitalism is the worst thing to ever happen" and more "Capitalism has vastly outlived its usefulness, and must be seen as a dialectic development in human progress. Communism is the next logical step in this progression."

>> No.10311149

>That is such a twisted, modern retconned perspective that you know deep down is bullshit. This is how biology works. It's how we are and have been for ages. Modern jewish social science quakery is a complete joke in its attempt to pretend such things aren't real.
No, deep down I know you are fucking uneducated.