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10309006 No.10309006 [Reply] [Original]

looking for a new author and remembered he existed. any recommendations?

>> No.10309230

Just skim the Necronomicon

>> No.10309240

Cats of Ulthar is a good start for something you can speed through in 20 minutes or so. Encapsulates his prose pretty well.

>> No.10309281
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1. The Colour Out of Space
2. The Rats in the Walls
3. The Horror at Red Hook (a bit less known but personal favourite)
4. The Temple

>> No.10309302

Isn't The Rats in the Walls the one with niggerman the cat?

>> No.10309317

Yes, it is. Also "The Horror at Red Hook" is considered his most racist story ever written, so if you have leftist beliefs you may want to skip that one, even though it's a personal favourite for me because I can relate to it as a person who's living in a terrible ghetto full of gypsies. "The Rats in the Walls" has nothing racist in it (if that's a concern of yours) except the Niggerman cat and is one of the first Lovecraft works I have read.

>> No.10309343

My favourite stories are The Shadow over Innsmouth, The Dunwich Horror and The Shadow Out of Time.

>> No.10309587

The Horror at Red Hook is not in any way Racist. Kurds are white.

>> No.10309628

The Shadow over Innsmouth is probably my favorite of his stories. The Colour Out of Space is another great one, especially given the more amorphous nature of the monster. The Whisperer in Darkness also comes to mind as a memorable one. At the Mountains of Madness is great if you are looking for something a bit longer.

>> No.10309634
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>so if you have leftist beliefs you may want to skip that one
>tfw leftist cuck that can place the work in the context of it's times
I'm still mad those guys removed the lovecraft bust award because of its 'problematic' connotations, some people are just ridiculous.

>> No.10309642

Charles Dexter Ward is my favourite

>> No.10309758

The Horror in the Museum is a very good one that is not very well known because it was ghostwritten by H. P. Lovecraft for someone else. But i highly recommend it, as a short to medium lenght story.

>> No.10309772

At the Mountains of Madness is my favorite, has some suspense that his shorter stores often lack

There's also one where some explorer discovers a huge underground city of crocodile-people, and I can't remember the name of it, does anyone know what it is? I remember it was very spooky and want to reread it.

>> No.10309812

Not "the most racist story ever written." It's basically him hating New York and saying the Yezidis are devil worshippers. Nothing new, just with beautiful descriptions of scenery

>> No.10309839

>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
>In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
>The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
>Yet were they too remote from humankind.
>To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
>Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
>A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
>Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
H.P. Lovecraft, 1912

>> No.10309908

>most racist story ever written
It can not possibly be more racist then the turner diaries, or can it?

>> No.10309977
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The Nameless City

>> No.10310266

this girl is attractive

>> No.10310340

Don't fall for the Cthulhu mythos meme, many of those are his most dull and overly long stories

>> No.10310752

Lovecraft is overexposed. Within a year or two the meme will die, and any time you've devoted to this brainlet will have been wasted.

>> No.10311486

Read his dream cycle for something different: the White Ship, Celephais, Cat of Ulthar, the Outer Gods, Oblivion, and the Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath (this one is quite lengthy so you might want to read it last)

>> No.10311723

So you retroactively decide things you've read weren't enjoyable because they cease to be in the spotlight on a japanese cartoon fansite?

>> No.10312101
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Good post

>> No.10312111

The "meme" hasn't died for several decades now, why would it die within a year or two?

>> No.10312117

Naming a cat Niggerman is enough for leftists to want to hunt down every copy ever printed and burn it. You don't understand how insane these people are.

>> No.10312123

Some leftists, not all. Actually only a tiny minority of leftists would literally want to destroy the work. Let's not exaggerate.

>> No.10312135

I don't really like his stuff

>> No.10312225

Shut the fuck up. You aren't fooling anyone anymore.

>> No.10313181

I'm going through the Necronomicon. So far I particularly liked:
Cats of Ulthar
The Music of Erich Zann
The end of Herbert West - Reanimator is also pretty cool, even if the stories are pretty predictable up to that point.

>> No.10313195

The Haunter of the Dark is my favourite by far. Nobody else seems to remember it though.

>> No.10313265
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>> No.10313366

What I said is objectively true. You being a retard doesn't make it untrue. I'm not even a leftist, it's just that unlike you I'm capable of looking somewhat objectively at reality.

>> No.10313488
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What are your thoughts on the new manga adaption of three of his stories?

>> No.10313630

Tried to read something from his followers and it was absolutely shit. Can someone recomend me something Lovecraft-styled? That isnt cringe and wannabe

>> No.10314204

>1. The Colour Out of Space


"Then without warning the hideous thing shot vertically up toward the sky like a rocket or meteor, leaving behind no trail and disappearingthrough a round and curiously regular hole in the clouds before any man could gasp or cry out. No watcher can ever forget that sight, and Ammi stared blankly at the stars of Cygnus, Deneb twinkling above the others, where the unknown colour had melted into the Milky Way. But his gaze was the next moment called swiftly to earth by the crackling in the valley. It was just that. Only a wooden ripping and crackling, and not an explosion, as so many others of the party vowed. Yet the outcome was the same, for in one feverish, kaleidoscopic instant there burst up from that doomed and accursed farm a gleamingly eruptive cataclysm of unnatural sparks and substance; blurring the glance of the few who saw it, and sending forth to the zenith a bombarding cloudburst ofsuch coloured and fantastic fragments as our universe must needs disown."

fuck yes.

>> No.10315324

this guy wasn't even a closet racist, he was a foaming at the mouth racialist
fuck all of you for being so asleep

>> No.10315374

14 by Peter Clines is an enjoyable take on Lovecraftian themes.

>> No.10315378

he was neither. his opinions were perfectly normal for the time he lived in.

>> No.10315398

And 'Notebook Found in a Deserted House' by Robert Bloch is a good meat and potatoes horror story along "old school" Lovecraft lines (whereas the Clines book might be called neo-Lovecraft).

Someone posted a scan of the Weird Tales mag in which the Bloch originally appeared:

>> No.10316353

Old Bugs

>> No.10316522

yeah, he was a foaming at the mouth racialist just like the rest of his contemporaries
all his characters are reactionaries

>> No.10316524

Thank You guys! Gonna check them later. Personaly I recomend Night Lands by William Hope Hodgson. It was quite enjoyable.