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/lit/ - Literature

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10308878 No.10308878 [Reply] [Original]

Shabbat shalom! Thread for discussion of Jewish scriptures and writings, Tanach, halakha, kabbalah, philosophy etc.

Started pic related a few days ago. Just finished the author's preface and waiting to get more in depth, it's about the importance of loving and trusting God and the heart's intention before all the practical commands. Very interesting and well written.

>> No.10308993

Question: what do the regular Juden think of the Karaites?

>> No.10309068 [DELETED] 

I hope you kikes burn.

Stop ruining everything you touch.

>> No.10309084

What are some good books by jewish author, lad?

>> No.10309091

החוצה יהודון

>> No.10309098


I bought the Babylonian Talmud but lost it because of homelessness. Does a good translation exist online? Also what is the best and preferably fastest way to learn Hebrew?

>> No.10309111

anyone here's read Gershom Scholem?

been meaning to have a look at him for a while now.

>> No.10309129

The Essential Kabbalah by Daniel C Matt is amazing.

What do you suggest OP? Not necessarily Kabbalah

>> No.10309625
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assuming you mean jewish books by jewish authors (if not you can choose from Kafka, Heine, Bialik, Proust, the Bible...): jewish mysticism is great, you can read Scholem for an introduction to the Zohar and that sort of things. You can try Maimonides, Mendelssohn, Benjamin for instance. a favorite of mine is A.D. Gordon.

>> No.10309632
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There is nothing in goodness above pleasure and there is nothing in evil below pain - Sefer Yetzirah

What does this mean?

>> No.10309633
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How I can become jew?

>> No.10309643

Sholem Aleichem and Isaac Singer were great short story writers if you're looking for something explicitly Jewish.

>> No.10309655

does anyone have Sabbtai Zevi: The mystical messiah by Scholem in PDF?

I can't find it anywhere

>> No.10309661

I've read one book, but it was just general kabbalah stuff, everyone is telling me to read his big boy stuff like major trends and:

He's considered one of the best by scholars I talked to

>> No.10309663

Cut off your dick and worship Moloch.

>> No.10309667

saw a dude with that symbol tattoo'd on his arm yesterday, I thought he might have been a him fan at first. is it anything other than a star of david with a heart in it?

>> No.10309684

But anon, I don't have a dick.

>> No.10309696


Sort of...like...they're undeniable things aka. irrefutable truths about life.

You can't deny pain.It's a fundamental blablabla of human existence.

Otherwise it just reads as ''yo just ya life, smoke and chill homie '' altough it could be argued that suffering is one level beyond pain(even tough it's a component of it)

>> No.10309773

He neans he's a shitty utilitarian who hasn't put in the actual effort to understand Ecclesiastes and Job.

>> No.10309776

I started to read Kabbalah and its Symbolism (I think that's the English name, I read it in Hebrew), just a few chapters in it's completely mind-opening. The first chapter is about the relationship between the personal exprience of the mystic and the tradition from which he comes from, some very interesting insights.

Miserable /pol/tard, go whine about mixed marriage online and jerk off to anime in your basement.

>> No.10309820

Try Agnon

>> No.10309933

ישראלים התפקדו
מישהו קרא 13 עלי השושנה?
יחסית לספר ברמת כניסה לקבלה זה לא רע בכלל

>> No.10309950
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how do I get a qt jewish gf?

>> No.10309952

Sefaria translation is the best, but isn't complete yet.


The Soncino translation was the standard one for decades, but it out of date now. There's a free app for it.


>> No.10309957

Be a Noahide, it's dead easy

>Worship God
>Don't make idols
>Just be good in general

>> No.10309960

Which is better for reading, modern or ancient Hebrew? What sort of works are there in ancient/biblical Hebrew other than religious commentators?

>> No.10309967

do what this guy did

>> No.10309971
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Become a volcel dedicated to furthering the state

>> No.10310468

posting this question also.

>> No.10312296

Yeah, I've read Major Trends, and Origins among others. His Story of a Friendship (nyrb) about the time he hung and subsequently corresponded with Walter Benjamin is top notch as well.

>> No.10312451

He should prob read some kant and then convert to christianity

>> No.10312462

did Cicero make any ASMR videos

>> No.10312503

unironically prefer agatha forever also
> everyone be a monumental figure
not a possible thing

>> No.10312679

His speeches were probably live ASMR

>> No.10312687

I want to learn Hebrew. Was starting to try to learn the alphabet. This is for the study and practice of the Kabbalah, which is integrally connected with the Hebrew language.

Haven't managed to put in the time yet though.

>> No.10312739

Are there any good novels set in Israel? Amos Oz is the only Israeli novelist I know and I've heard from Israelis that he's a bit meme-tier.

>> No.10312779


Uhhhh Tim Powers has one that includes a bunch of Israeli stuff. Three Days to Never

>> No.10312814

My Lord Christ died on the Cross. God strode on the Earth and he asked men why they could not have the feintest compassion and awareness of the air we all but breath and his mothers people ripped him apart.
They spat on his grave and for what? For their measley fucking shekals, counting silver high. So they can move their rat hands and twitch their rat smiles for centuries to come being a scorn to all hard working people. The people they rely on to keep the streets moving and keep their games affloat and their response is to spit and make jokes at the very notion of salvation and love. Of God himself. AS IF THERRES ANYTHING ELSE WORTH LIVING FOR
I don't know if there's actually a single kike on this board but if there is I want you to know your day is drawing near. People are waking up and I hope things don't turn as they always did but I can't say I will feel pity easy if it does

>> No.10312982

>your day is drawing near
Uh oh. If the christcucks are turning on you...

>> No.10313028

GTFO roastie goyim

>> No.10313061


>> No.10313149

This hostile attitude towards the people you consider as enemies and blame in such a generalizing manner for something some of their ancestors might have done in the past doesn't seem very Christian of you. But you probably rather worship idols in church than actually heed the teachings of your messiah, like most Christians.

>> No.10313170

Cicero is my husbando

>> No.10313286

>t. athiest

>> No.10313829

is cicero cute though?

>> No.10313846

I would argue so, yes

>> No.10313869

I'm not an atheist, I believe in god but I don't adhere dogmatically to a particular religion

>> No.10313918

>reeee kikes le day of the rope
Ah yes, that's my favourite of Jesus' messages

>> No.10314062

Athy, Athier, Athiest

>> No.10315242

>loving and trusting God

But jewish "god" is christian's satan.

>> No.10316022

Mein Kampf is one of the best pieces of Jewish literature out there and not a single one of you can refute this.

>> No.10316026

who /martin buber/ here
I also have a book by Abraham Joshua Heschel on my shelf. Anyone read him?

>> No.10316027

>be white goyim dating Jewish girl
>tfw I realize she's trying to turn me into a Jew

>> No.10316389
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Your "lord" was a kike himself.

>> No.10316432

The ban on graven images.why is god so jealous. Is it related to the ashes to ashes concept in orthodoxy that is interpreted as prohibiting body art?

Leviticus is introduced with a caution that it’s intended for the rabbinical class. What does rabinnical class mean 4000 years ago or whenever?

>> No.10318251
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Sorry for not shitposting, but does anybody have "On the Bible" by Buber on ebook?