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File: 180 KB, 663x828, greypill - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10308253 No.10308253 [Reply] [Original]

What is some Blackpill recommended reading?

>> No.10308291


>> No.10308296

That's not the black pill, the blackpill is defeatist fatalist pessimist nihilism with a side of incel.

>> No.10308301

Shit thread let it die

>> No.10308337

no the blackpill is whatever I want it to be because it isn't real.

>> No.10308765

Yes. Black Pill is the internalization of a bitter, self-defeating philosophy and pessimistic world view.

>> No.10308787
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>> No.10308837

No, that's the BLACKED pill.
Old good guy Greg memes

>> No.10308890

OP pic is way older than this nu-gen blackpill.

>> No.10308938
File: 75 KB, 558x960, 10378133_960714703958842_4932723719507987713_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rediscovering Colors: A Study in Pollyanna Realism - Michael Watkins
The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution - Bernard Bailyn
The Philosophy of Vacuum - Simon Saunders
Incerto - Taleb
After Godel: Platonism and Rationalism in Mathematics and Logic - Richard Tieszen
Paradoxes of Rationality and Cooperation: Prisoner's Dilemma and Newcomb's Problem - Campbell and Sowden
The Hated of Music - Quignard
Teleology Revisited and Other Essays in the Philosophy and History of Science - Ernest Nagel
Philosophy of Probability: Contemporary Readings - Eagle
Material Constitution - Michael Rea
Holism in Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Physics - Michael Esfeld
Instantaneous Action at a Distance in Modern Physics: "Pro" and "Contra" - Pope, Osborne, Winfield
Considerations on France - Maistre
An open letter to open-minded progressives - Moldbug

>> No.10309249
File: 192 KB, 600x399, 1510250848014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moldbug is anything but blackpilled. In fact, he's the only rightist who has provided a workable program to turn things around

>> No.10309265


Why would anyone share that information even if it did exist? It has less to do with reading and more to do with your actions and life. Hoarding information can't change your character.

>> No.10309266

>A computer scientist who labelled the vast organized conspiracy to democratize society "The Cathedral" is the only political philosopher who has provided a workable program to turn things around

>> No.10309362

Moldbug is a fucking joke silicon valley nerd with zero knowledge of the philosophical tradition.

>> No.10309373


Or economics for that matter

>> No.10309382

>Computer scientist blabbles on things he doesn't know anything about.
It's almost a tradition at this point.

>> No.10309383


These are the people who will inherit the earth, nonetheless.

>> No.10309387


Needs to be specified that it's people who entirely bring it on themselves.

Ethiopians born with AIDs in Africa aren't blackpilled, Joel Stevens born into a middle class (probably divorced) household in suburban USA and given every opportunity to succeed but doesn't entirely because of his own crybaby shittiness is blackpilled

>> No.10309405

mq4+hakan's TLs Tbh

>> No.10309410

Have you read Moldbug? He doesn't think the Cathedral is an organized conspiracy, or even organized. More of a decentralized cultural network of influential people with the same views

>> No.10309445

That's blackpill alright

>> No.10309545

people are just as powerless over their character as they are over their material situation brainlet.

depression is a hand you're dealt just like being spawned in the third world is.

>> No.10309784

Depression doesn't equate a cynical philosophy. Everybody is depressed, how you handle it or view your depression dictates your philosophy.

>> No.10309796

The Book of Disquiet is the defining work of blackpill philosophy.

>> No.10311053
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Still a shit thread.

>> No.10311114

Nietzsche, Spengler, and Evola in that order

>> No.10311390

Then stop posting here faggot

>> No.10311636


The fact that he's the only notable right-winger (and I'm stretching "notable") to understand that elites have to be persuaded, not fought, for right-wing values to see a resurgence makes him and those influenced by him the only right-wingers worth noting at all. Literally every other one is fighting a loosing battle (except, maybe, Kissinger).

>> No.10311640

The fuck? Have you read it? It's the very antithesis of blackpill philosophy. It's about smallness, powerlessness, obscurity. The defining work of blackpill philosophy would be something like Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.10311876

There is a level of obscurity in this meme that I fear will forever be beyond my understanding.

lots of squigglies

>> No.10312103
File: 82 KB, 907x1360, 61gafoq4XBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you're looking for.

>> No.10312300

>>A computer scientist who labelled the vast organized conspiracy to democratize society "The Cathedral"
Is this a fallout reference?

>> No.10312306

>the elites aren't right-wing

>> No.10312347

>the elites
>anything but globalist neoliberal transhumanists

>> No.10312511
File: 163 KB, 1024x683, madoka_magica_cosplay__homura_and_madoka_by_adurnah-d4w1bbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews are right wing
>the eu is right wing
>the establishment politicians are right wing (even the neocons)
dems are the real racist too

>> No.10312516
File: 2.84 MB, 6624x3024, 1507808503850-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10313213

Where is the Florida pill?

>> No.10313231

This is dumb. You're dumb.

>> No.10314982

Emil Cioran

>> No.10315113

I'm getting this dark party started

>> No.10315145
File: 540 KB, 468x605, 1503235582765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I suppose I'd be Gray Pill.
Yet I secretly long for a life as Juggalo Pill...

>> No.10315168
File: 20 KB, 1024x1024, 1364856172202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10315957

Can't read this shit

>> No.10316988

>smallness, powerlessness, obscurity
that's exactly what blackpill is about

>> No.10317791

Thanks Doc