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/lit/ - Literature

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10306773 No.10306773 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you boys ever joined (or thought about joining) some sort of literature club, whether it was from school, college, or anything else?

If so, what was it like?

>> No.10306871
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Get in the closet.

>> No.10306906

I formed a book club with my friends

>> No.10307013
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I joined debate club in high school.
>read thousands of books beforehand
>practiced memory tricks, deep learning, all that bullshit
>stumped the english head who was supervising by dropping philosophical & syntactical bombs on her pedestrian comprehension of psychological merit in literature critiquing
>proceeded to squirrel every debate and essentially verbally shitpost every chance possible
>won nationals
>teacher overjoyed but extremely conflicted
>disbands debate
>i create a lit club
>ask her to be supervisor
>takes a lot of work but she eventually agrees
>put a legitimate marketing campaign into the works
>recruit people from all over the world into the club, EngHead doesn't know
>keep it going on the downlow until next semester, when the international students arrive
>pic related, hundreds of foreign students arrive, thinking their engrish so good they got scholarships to a prestigious private high school
>set a video to go off at specific time in the auditorium, where all the foreigners had been seated by one of the kind office workers i bribed with pot brownies
>video of a chimpanzee with a child narrating, verbatim, the EngHead's position on psychological merit of lit critiques
>i'm long gone, graduated early

Never joined anything like that anon.
If I did, it would probably have been pretty fucking gay and a massive waste of time for all involved.

>> No.10307038

Either people of my class dont care about literature or I hate all of them.
Why would I waste my time with people that I hate and worst of all, never read anything better than their YA garbage?
Fuck them. I can do better myself.

>> No.10308177


>> No.10308266

That's what /lit/ is for.

>> No.10308269

just monika

>> No.10308271

My school only has sport circles.
But my teacher hinted that I should try forming a literature club.

>> No.10308276

>high school
your age is not welcome here

>> No.10308281

Yeah, just don't call it a literature club though

>> No.10309039

what a good thread. I thought about doing something like that but realized that my school was just a bunch of nignogs

>> No.10309077
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I was in a few clubs in high school, anime, cooking, and literature club. The epitome of faggotry, I know. The literature club was basically girls who were obsessed with YA garbage and a few dudes who only read sci-fi and fantasy. The anime club was a melting pot of landwhale females, autistic males, and the 2 cute females that everyone flocked to. Cooking club was the only club that was worth my time, I actually learned a lot and it's also how I met my first girlfriend.

>> No.10309126

I spent six months toying with the idea of starting a literature club in college until I decided not to, since the only thing anyone in my year had read was the Harry Potter series at best.

>> No.10309165

/lit/ is my literature club. Why would I ever risk embarrassing myself publicly?

>> No.10309196
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School literature clubs are just filled with post modern crap and YA fiction. No thank you.

Also Monika is dumb. She a dummy!

>> No.10309224

Same but replace Harry Potter with "Half of a Game of Thrones"

>> No.10309353

Please don't assume gender. Monika didn't

>> No.10309367

Is this what high school dropout southerners fantasize about?

>> No.10309534

Your high school had an anime club? Is that typical? Could you please explain to me what that was like (i.e. was their a faculty advisor, did you just watch anime, how often did you meet, how many people participated)?

>> No.10309555

Why does Yuri get such a bad rap on other boards anons?

>> No.10309589

I'm not sure if it was typical, but the leader of the club was the advisor's daughter, and she said she had shown him Ghibli films. We met once a week, with a special event (movie night, etc) once every couple months. As for participation, it varied, the most I can remember was about 20-25 people.

>> No.10309629

Not him, but mine did too for a while. Wasn't in it, but I sat in on a few meetings with my friends. Lots of the football team joined because they all got into Naruto, and the others were a few of the geeks and dykes. They watched a few episodes of some entry-level stuff and then disbanded because nobody showed up after the first several meets. The advisor was the Spanish teacher that had a PhD, but she never sat in on the meets. I didn't know her well, because I dropped Spanish as soon as I was able to stop taking language courses.

>> No.10309662

Natsuki >= Sayori > Yuri > Monika

>> No.10309700

Which one of them was the futa?

>> No.10309710
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This club culture is so foreign to me.
My schools never had any. There is a Spanish circle, but that is more like an extra class, than a club.
I remember wanting to join the chess club in fourth or so grade. I stood 40 minutes in front of a locked door, then went back to my class. They told me the nex day that nobody had an interest in it, so it was disbanded.
One of the bands have a room they can use after class, but that's all.
Yeah, nothing "book" related. Honestly, I just ask my teachers and librarians when I need to know, or want to know something. Never once have I discussed an interesting book that wasn't part of our curriculum.

And you yanks and brits and western pricks have anime clubs and book clubs and all the (to me) weird stuff that would be really fun to check out for a day or two, just so that I have the experience "well, I saw that too, weeaboo gathering outside of the cyberspace", but no, I have to accept the fact that all I will ever get on this front is a stray weeb girl with an "I <3 Yaoi" badge on her bag or the odd faggot learning Japanese and then saying that he buys all his manga or the three guys who are shorter than you, and are full of pimples who talk about watching the 666^2th episode of naruto. I will never learn to play chess. Nobody in my vicinity wants to play with me. So I'm absolutely abhorrent at playing it. I will never learn to play Go either.

Why is it that my best experiences have been only in the library with the librarian, and a few moments with my teachers. Why can you have clubs with people interested in the same things as you? Why is it that I still find books in the library that were never opened even though they were purchased in the seventies and eighties? Why is it that I despise anglo commercialism so much but then again I'm jealous of some of the things you have, an why wouldn't my life be complete without speaking lingua franca?
Why does it take so long for the sun to die?

>> No.10309721

>waaah im an insufferable faggot
end your existence

>> No.10309724

No you-.

>> No.10309726

she's a slut

>> No.10309751

Scotfag here, not only do school clubs not exist, you'd get the shit kicked out you if you tried to get back into the building during a break or after school. I snuck off with a mate in my last year almost every lunch to be weeb fucks and read and drink tea, even then we got stopped after teachers found out through people taking the piss.

>> No.10309793

None of them. But natsuki is a trap

>> No.10309801

How does one find a /lit/ group after college? There are several "creative writing" and "literature" groups around, but I use scarequotes because they're old spinster book clubs that share their murder mysteries with each other and talk about the latest thing to slither from Danielle Steele's postmenopausal womb rather than actual literature or technique.

>> No.10309810

Me and a few of the neighborhood housewives have a book club. I imagine there's countless in your community, just be social.

>> No.10309856

I'm in a literary society lol

>> No.10309879
File: 598 KB, 1280x800, DC6F4404-AF24-41F3-8FBC-164001400E4E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uni freshman
>invited to join litclub because am lit student
>first event yesterday
>slam poetry at a bar
>go anyway
>bitches drinking Starbucks at 9pm
>In the fucking bar
>club member starts rolling a cig
>offer one of my own
>they stare at me
>”thanks Anon but I prefer rolled”
>”haha we are too poor to buy packs”
>buy beer
>they order light, lemon-flavored “””beer”””
>they stare at me again
>first slammer is on stage
>utter shit
>people randomly snap their fingers
>2nd slammer takes the stage
>club members cheer and snap fingers
>tell them it’s so bad I fear becoming suicidal again
>slammer finishes and comes up to us
>it’s a fucking club member
>they cheer on him as an artist
>a great poet
>hours pass
>I get slammed
>haha slammed get it
>sperg our about actual poetry
>I literally say “fuck your pseudo-art” and wander off to drink more
>another 5 minutes and I’d have shared my own shitpoems
>talk to some old prof at least as drunk as me
>cry about literature’s death together
>wake up today
>kicked from messenger group
>they stare at me when I pass by
>they won’t even sit next to me during lectures

In short, it was pretty shit f a m.

>> No.10309887
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Good job, you're fucking autistic. You could have sucked it up then taught one of the qt female members about real poetry with your dick in her mouth.

>> No.10309898

>implying there were fuckable clubmembers

Besides, there are girls actually studying lit at my uni instead of joining retarded clubs for the aesthetics

>> No.10309926

I joined my uni's creative writing club, it consisted of a literal retard, a guy who looked like a caricature of a black, a thing that asked everyone's pronouns (also has a bag with words HENTAI on it), half had poorly coloured hair and almost everyone looked like special needs, their caretakers or those people that would comment on Adalia Rose's facebook page "You're beautiful. AMEN!".
Some quotes:
>So, Anon what are your pronouns?
>It SUCKS our uni won't give us more funding! We're tech but we are SO innovative, just like the uni's slogan!!!!
>Oh I'm drawing inspiration from Bad Dragon for my story... and for you
I btfo'd real quick.

>> No.10309938

The only thing you did wrong was not denigrating them more than you did

>> No.10309946
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Write a short story about it and post it here. Sounds like it could have some 21st century literary merit

>> No.10309948

>girls actually studying lit at my uni
I'm constantly torn between falling for the stem meme and maybe meeting girls who share an interest while having interesting formative young adult educational experiences

>> No.10309981

Nobody cares about you. Discuss the topic at hand.

>> No.10310013

This sounds strangely comfy, as I expected. Your descriptions are giving me a weird nostalgia for something I never experienced myself. Nostalgia may not be the right word. It seems uncomfortable, this high school anime club thing, but endearingly so. I am envious, but also glad I do not have to uncomfortably remember such things long after high school. I hope that does not sound strange. Would either of you be willing to describe more of the ambiance of the meetings of these anime clubs? Where you comfortable to be there? Did the faculty involved seem completely on-board, or was there any hint of embarrassment? Was there a sense of unity among the attendees, or did individuals keep to themselves and their friends? Did the Spanish teacher like anime herself, or was she just the advisor because the student in charge asked her? What time did these meetings take place?

>> No.10310099

y-yes yuri-chan

>> No.10310169

Why do you do this?

>> No.10310231
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>>10309589 here. I'll try and greentext the average after school meeting. The faculty advisor never attended.

>It was only the beginning of December, but it was bitterly cold and the ground covered with a thick blanket of snow.
>I walked into our meeting room, which was a smaller classroom with an overhead projector, space enough for about 30 people to be comfortable.
>The club leader was addressing the attending group, asking what episodes we should watch today (it was usually something from the current season).
>People are chatting about random things, current events or whatnot
>There are drinks (usually some soft drinks and tea) and snacks, someone was in charge of bringing drinks and another for snacks, it rotated every week
>Once we've decided what to watch, the club leader dims the lights and turns on the episode
>Watch it
>Afterwards, while the dusk sun filters through the blinds, we discuss the episode or something else
>Gradually people filter out to go home
>I would sometimes stay to help clean up

There was a certain sense of unity among the attending, in that we were all there for anime and manga, but there were definitely friend groups that stuck together.

I'll admit, I had a crush on the club leader, she was a year older than I was, and to my young and naive eyes, extremely pretty. Tall and thin, long black (dyed) hair and green eyes, plus she had a great rack. Sometimes I wonder what happened to her after she graduated.

>> No.10311672

Thank you anon. My prosthetic nostalgia is through the roof right now. Man, now I want to return to the more straightforward times of high school. I wish I could have participated in something like this on a cold December evening. I will admit it. Everything has gotten so complicated and people have grown so old and practical. Hideous adult practicality. I completely realize that these sentiments are among the most cliche things for one to experience, but there it is.

Could you look the club leader up online the learn about her current state? Actually, that might not be the best idea. She may have grown disinterested in anime by now. She may have gotten married to an grotesque man. She may be taking psychoactive medications that have lobotomized her and bloated her tall thin frame. So many people seem this way nowadays. Maybe it would be best if you did not look into the matter. Did you go home before the club met, or was it right after school? Did people openly laugh or make noise in response to the cartoons, during the funny or provocative parts, or was everyone too self conscious to speak or react during these screenings? Thank you again.

>> No.10311717

Isn't /lit/ a literature club?

>> No.10311791

I feel this feel too, anon.

>> No.10311953

it's a literature section of a message board, so no. but you can join the doki doki discord club.

>> No.10311990

It’s sad to think of how poorly some people on this board have adjusted socially in life. Like imagine being somewhat intimidated by joining a fucking book club, like it is some kind of event that needs preparation and consideration. Really sad because it is likely these people won’t live that great of a life. God I love being well liked and comfortable in social situations. It truly makes me thankful, and gives me some perspective on how pathetic most of 4chan is.

>> No.10312344

I missed out on getting a chance to join a /d/ writers circle and still regret it to this day, their critique speed was on point.

Despite your faggotry I sense you're correct.

>tfw you realize you would be chris-chan if you hadn't grown up in rural Australia, a place where the women are so slutty yet fit you can lose your virginity at 13

>> No.10312373

Nope. And even if I did I wouldn't have anything to do with people who read shit like twilight or who take Kafka as mindless entertainment.

>> No.10312523

I joined a sort of horror/fantasy/lit society while in college many moons ago. It was run by a young lecturer from one of the universities I wasn't attending, and we had monthly meets in some local tavern or other, where said lecturer would propose a topic to debate or banter about. All pretty harmless, and enjoyable in a sense. I only vaguely remember things getting hot and worked up when some neckbeard took exception to my rather elitist stance on the necessity of good prose and style, in addition to a good plot or whatever (he was a fan of Clive Barker, that much I recall). Other than being called a Flaubert-loving faggot or something as we drunkenly spilled out onto the streets, I don't remember much else.

>> No.10312647

I did once. It was awful. Not to invoke /pol/ memes, but the estrogen in that room was so thick it could be cut with a knife. Im pretty sure I was the only non gay male in the whole thing. Most the people just wanted to read things like Stephen king, Neil Gaiman or some form of YA fiction. I knew from the start that I wouldn't ever want to come back, so when we were voting on the first book to read, I suggested they read blood meridian, when they asked me what it was about, I told them it was a YA horror/romance about some guy who's secretly a vampire. Of course they all heard YA and Vampire and each blindly voted on it, not even bothering to look up a real online summary or anything. I only wish that I could see their faces when they realized they all got tricked into reading real literature.

>> No.10313318

Why is my opening image now listed as a spoiler? I'm pretty sure I didn't mark it as spoiler when I posted it. Mods what the h*ck

>> No.10313325
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You know why, you bad boy Ahaha~

>> No.10313586

Best girl

>> No.10314196

>Be me when i was 15 or 16 yo
>Always go to an old bookstore in my city to get classical literature
>One day i am looking for the the divine comedy so i ask the clerk/bookstore owner for it
>He gives me a cheap edition designed for school students
>I tell him if he had something in verse.
>He gives me a pretty cool pocket edition and then tells me if i want to come to some literary meeting he holds in the back of the library every frydays
>I tell him i'll be there.
>That friday i go to the place he mentioned with my twin brother and we look for the "meeting"
>We see a couple of old guys (50>yo) sitting on around a table and drinking beer.
>We were spergs so we just sit in an empty couch and dont say anything
>We hear them talking until midnight and then we leave
From what i gather the group was composed with a lawyer, a foreign farmer, an ex musician and active sugar daddy (Patron??), and a fat writer who sometimes read the book he was writing about a manlet opera singer, and a beautiful college student who always came with his boyfriend and sometimes his rich parents.

The meetings were pretty cool. They gave me motivation to read more so i could understand more o what they were saying and the poetry or essays they sometimes read. Sometimes they also manage to get writers and people in the literary field to be in the meetings.

I stopped going because one day my mom wen with me and couldn't stop loudly speaking to the phone when they were reading a poem.

>> No.10314416

I feel empathy for him. I don't see that it's too off topic.

>> No.10314473

latin club in middle school, but after the first meeting only went to the solstice/equinox parties, catered by a greek restaurant. had to wear a toga (sheet over your clothes) to be admitted. the membership roll was gigantic, 3/4 of the club didn't take latin, on club signup day it was all 'you have to join latin club it's amazing', knowledge passed down from older siblings. the parties/food were great.

was briefly in a writing club in college, didn't end well. had a bunch of member numbers in my phone. there's a running icebreaker i've got with a friend from high school where i ask how big her tits are (they're quite large) and she tells me to fuck off and a conversation follows. got blasted one night, txted a girl from the club instead of my friend, got no response, kept txting, sent over thirty messages to her, some remarkably vile. she did not respond once. felt paralyzing embarrassment most of my waking hours over the next several days, like my whole body was being squashed/compressed from all angles or something. never apologized or went to another meeting, got stared at by the girl and the friend she always walked with on campus every time i passed them for the rest of the semester, the next year too.