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10304343 No.10304343 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any philosophy books as deep as this speech by Joe Rogan?


>> No.10304348

the consolation of /r9k/

>> No.10304364

Conquest Of Bread - Peter Kropotkin

>> No.10304368


>> No.10304370
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Firstly, why throat singing? Secondly, there is no difference between the two scenarios he's comparing. One is libertarianism at its best, the other is libertarianism at its worst, but the substance of both is the same.

>> No.10304386

I snarkily wrote down a list of predictions for the things he would say, but most of the stuff went into two categories: "Vague, Insipid Injunctions" and "Fuck Corporations/Society". I was expecting something or other about weed but I suppose he was exercising restraint that day. Anyway you could probably pick up the first book you see at a library and you'll already have something infinitely more valuable than this pathetic man's life

>> No.10304399

This sounds like a person who's literally never read about ideas, and values his opinions because it's the only thing he's come in contact with. A podcast should help with that I guess but these topics need to be engaged with in writing

>> No.10304408

You sound like some fucking silly person who's never smoked susquehanna weed while flying high on alpha brain

Also who else listened to JRE until 2012 or so

>> No.10304448


>> No.10304462

What is with the Mongolian Inception music?

>> No.10304655

Universally Preferable Behavior by philosopher Stefan Molyneux

>> No.10304798

at least he's having a go, yeah its a bit shit and naive but its not as bad as most of the people who are revered by pseuds

fuck me, imagine knowing this little about anything. its as if you're a 14 y/o who watched half a youtube video and read some tweets and is now ready to debate the world. I think its probably like that because it is that