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10303481 No.10303481 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>autistic sperg who reads all day every day
>see the memes on here about how Jews run the publishing industry
>just win a short story competition
>submitted it under a obviously Jewish pseudonym (Yael Steinberg)
>get publishing offers but I made a mistake with my email so they discover I'm not actually Jewish and was using a pseudonym

What the hell do I do /lit/???Can you be arrested and more for pretending you're jewish to a publishing company? I thought it wouldnt be a big deal having them find out but they've overreacted in a real and very scary way. Please respond asap.

>> No.10303484
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Is there something you're not telling us?

>> No.10303485

>this user was deleted by mossad

>> No.10303486


>they've overreacted in a real and very scary way.

post screens of the emails or me no believe dis

>> No.10303487

Was it like a holocaust short story competition?

>> No.10303493
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>> No.10303497

>be me
>see memes about how all presidents are men
>ran for president under the pseudonym Donald J Trump
>get the job but accidentally made a mistake with my email so they discover I'm not actually a man

What the hell do I do /lit/??? They keep saying I've been colluding with Russia now for some reason

ITT people pretend to be people they aren't

>> No.10303501

Good one my dude!

>> No.10303505
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You mean this memefact?

>> No.10303509

>joke is not even about Trump, just a stupid situation regarding a public figure
>proceed to reply to it as a retard

>> No.10303522

Yeah, that's the one. In America when Aryans were displaced by the Jewish ruling class they took over all forms of media like Hollywood and the publishing industry.

>> No.10303523

Yummy (You)s. I have no self esteem and my entire sense of validation is based on how many replies I can get to a post

>> No.10303532

>joke is not even about Trump
>ran for president under the pseudonym Donald J Trump
yeah not about trump or the 2016 election at all

>> No.10303535

just tell them it's a pseudonym, and act like it's not a big deal.
if they keep hassling you, tell them it's your grandfather's name.

>> No.10303539

Evidence? Pastebin of the short story? Screenshot of the acceptance notification? Screenshots of the overreaction?

>> No.10303562

>they've overreacted in a real and very scary way

>> No.10303596

It would be same thing with any fucking president name. In fact it would have been funnier with Hillary actually not being a woman.

>> No.10303606
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Oh shit dude you are in deep.
It is illegal to impersonate a jew.

>> No.10303633

Holy shit it fucking scares me how much of a hold jews have on so many major industries. Im a latino. What chances do I have of being successful in publishing something. Im not a writer but im just curious.

Do jews really like minorites or are they as insular and as jewey as /pol/ potrays them to be?

>> No.10303644

Minorities are in fashion for the foreseeable future. Cheers to you

>> No.10303655

Jews have a vicious hatred of anyone not jewish that has been culturally ingrained in them for centuries. They "like" you only insomuch as they can use you as a battering ram against whites. That is the very reason you are, I assume, in a white country right now: because the jews running that white country let you in.

>> No.10303672

It depends on if you're in one of their diaspora countries or in Israel. The only reason Jews push liberalism and progressivism in countries other than their own is to subvert the white Protestant majority

>> No.10304599

All whites really though. White protestants are still their main conduits.

>> No.10304612

say your dead grandpa was jewish and you wanted to honor him or some shit. you're already fucked, so go for it.

>> No.10304618

actually, make sure they can't verify it

>> No.10304619

>Jews have a vicious hatred of anyone not jewish
You literally just have to get to know a few Jews in person to realize that this isn't true. Might wanna get out of your basement every now and then.

>> No.10304625

>they've overreacted in a real and very scary way
In what way is that? Can you be specific?

>> No.10304628

Not him but have known a ton of jews and it's really not about that. Personal relationships are not reflections of the greater world and jews are chameleons that will change everything about themselves to blend in and still act like jews when the goyim turn their backs. Jews have a dual morality so perceiving that your jewish acquaintance is just like you is natural for whites, but you'll realize how deceptive it is when you learn how they act on a larger scale.

>> No.10304636

You'll find a way to rationalise anything.

>> No.10304643

No, jewish dual morality is a very real thing. They don't think like whites.


>> No.10304647

Even if all that is true, which it isn't, that doesn't sound much like "vicious hatred".

>> No.10304650
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>> No.10304652
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>> No.10304657

>hasn't read the talmud or looked up what jewish holidays actually represent.
To be that green again.

>> No.10304659
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>They don't think like whites.

>> No.10304666
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>They don't think like whites.

>> No.10304667

Most Jews have never read the Talmud either, or give much of a shit about the ancient meaning of Jewish holidays. You're failing to show that "Jews have a vicious hatred of anyone not jewish".

>> No.10304669
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So on one hand we have your theory about Jewish chameleon people, on the other we have many, many accounts of major atrocities carried out by white people.

>> No.10304673
File: 146 KB, 720x703, alina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think like whites

>> No.10304675

Jews have been forced to memorize the talmud for centuries.

That was a jewish war.

Psh, weak.

>> No.10304681

>Jews have been forced to memorize the talmud for centuries.
I bet very few of the Jews whom I know ever memorized it.

>> No.10304686

Trump is a reptilian

>> No.10304702

You'd be surprised, but even so, memorizing the sick things within it for so long and celebrating your genocides of amalek, among many other things, has shaped the jewish mind profoundly and for the worse. Stop relating info from your personal life though. I've known way more jews irl than you, but that doesn't matter. They aren't individualists like Europeans.

>> No.10304711
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>That was a jewish war.

>> No.10304712

>I've known way more jews irl than you
Yeah right

>> No.10304724

I once had a harem of jewish girls, ace.

>> No.10304726

>bush is a christian
>therefore is muh white cis white christian males fault

lol. If trump starts a war against Iran wouldn't it be a Jewish war? Are you aware of the connections between Israel and the republicans? You must have heard of kushner

>> No.10304727

And... how does that mean you've known more Jews than I have, exactly?

>> No.10304731

It was an example. Did you expect we'd start tallying them up?

>> No.10304737

Sure, tally them up if you want me to take you seriously. Also, explain how you found them to be unusually sociopathic, or whatever it is you're claiming them to be.

>> No.10304759

There are many studies that have documented jewish neuroses if you're interested in finding out about this topic. Jews are many times more likely to have things like schizophrenia, for instance. Googling the following will give you a good start: "jewish genetic diseases."

>> No.10304761

That doesn't mean they're sociopathic. Personally, I've found them to be about as likely to be sociopathic as the average white person.

>> No.10304762

What does schizophrenia have to do with them being non-individualist sociopaths?

>> No.10304775


Hey OP!>>10303481

>> No.10304777

High rates of mental illness don't affect sociopathy and sociopathic behavior?

>> No.10304783

schizophrenia and sociopathy are two very different things.

>> No.10304785

Wrong minority. He isn't arab or black.

>> No.10304790

If they do, it's on you to show that they do and that Jews are specifically more likely to be sociopathic than other groups.
Personally, I doubt it. Jews don't seem to be unusually highly represented among, for example, serial killers.

>> No.10304792

I'm just curious how someone can be a sociopath and non-individualist. Because that's a nonsensical position.

>> No.10304801

Does the genocide of 60 million Russians last century work for you? The starving to death of 10 million Ukrainians?

>> No.10304807

it is non sensical for you becuase you're not a jew.
if you were you would get it

>> No.10304810

>person has a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others
Fits like a glove actually.

>> No.10304813

Care to explain why you think there is something unique or special about genocide when Jews contribute to it?
Several million Spanish wiped out pretty much all of what's now called Latin America, but I don't see you saying there's something uniquely sociopathic about Spanish people.

>> No.10304818

Cont. If anything, the Jewish role in Bolshevism is more excusable than what the Spanish did. The Russians had been fucking with the Jews for centuries, whereas the Natives had never done a thing to the Spanish.

>> No.10304828

When someone promotes the line that the Russians had their genocide coming because they treated the jews bad, when in reality the Russians had the most friendly policies towards jews of anyone at the time, that poster is a kike.

>> No.10304833

It's nonsensical (that's all one word by the way) because it's a contradiction in terms.

>> No.10304840

Actually, I'm an ethnic Russian with no Jewish ancestry, as far as I can tell.
> the Russians had the most friendly policies towards jews of anyone at the time
Kek. You want me to believe that the Russians had more friendly policies toward Jews than the English, French, Germans, Austrians, or Americans? Come on now.

>> No.10304842

And I never said that the Russians "had it coming". That would be strange for me to say, given that first of all, I'm not psycho, and second of all, I'm Russian. I'm just saying that it's more excusable than what the Spanish did. Not that it's excusable, but that it's a bit closer to being excusable.
You haven't addressed my point about the Spanish.

>> No.10304851

The Russians had the most progressive policies towards jews, it's a fact. Even gave them the Pale of Settlement. And not only did the jews murder millions of your brothers, but turned around and did the same to your cousins and their former neighbors in the space you provided them with. And you're defending this group of people?

>> No.10304856

Brother, my own people committed enough brutality to others over the years that it wouldn't make much sense for me to say that we're some sort of saints or any better than the Jews.
As for your claims that Russians had the most progressive policies towards Jews, that's laughably ahistorical. Compare being a Jew in late 19th/early 20th century England, France or the US to being a Jew in Russia at the time. You realize Jews were treated basically the same as non-Jews in the US at the time, right?

>> No.10304863

Cont. The Pale of Settlement wasn't just for Jews, it was basically just a place Jews were restricted to. There were literal pogroms as late as 1906. There were no pogroms, as far as I know, in the US or Western Europe in that time period.

>> No.10304875

You are pathetic. Perhaps proof that they killed off the strongest men. An alien people from the middle east strides into your land and butchers your people, and you hit the gas to cuck 11. Makes me have a hard time believing you are Russian the way you are excusing what they did to your people. You must have no pride in your heritage or nation for that to be the case, and that's sad.

>> No.10304886

Assuming you're the same guy I was talking to before... are you going to try actually debating my points or admitting you were wrong about Russians supposedly treating Jews the best?
As for your new comment... what, are you suggesting that because I am Russian, I should distort my understanding of history and excuse Russian brutality? Why would I do that?
No, I don't feel any deeper degree of kinship with Russians than I do with Jews, or with French, or with Americans. I feel kinship with the exceptionally kind and/or intelligent humans of all nations. I'm not about to blind myself and pretend that a Russian killer is worth more than a Jewish poet just because I'm Russian.
There were many brutal and horrible Jews involved with Bolshevism, but there's nothing about that which makes me view Jews as a group negatively or think there was something unusually wicked about them. Likewise, I don't hate Georgians because of Stalin. I don't hate Germans because of WW2. Etc.

>> No.10304891

Oh, and by the way, the following:
"An alien people from the middle east strides into your land and butchers your people" is a very strange way of describing what happened, given that the reality is that Jews lived in Russia for hundreds of years before 1917, and suffered a lot more at the hands of Russians than Russians at theirs.

>> No.10304907

>Russians supposedly treating Jews the best?
There's no 'supposedly' here, Russians had the most liberal policies towards jews of any nation in Europe at the time.

Not reading your posts or cont posts anymore though, guy. If you really are Russian, you are a despicable human being who hates his own people and defends the only group that hates them even more. That is cuckery and failure on a level that can't be reasoned with and isn't worth any more of my time.

>> No.10304938

You still haven't managed to address the points I've brought up.
For example, how could Russia have had the most liberal policies towards Jews of any nation in Europe if it tolerated pogroms long after places like France and England?
>If you really are Russian
Last I checked, yep.
>you are a despicable human being who hates his own people
I don't hate them, I just don't judge them differently than I do people in general simply because I happen to be one of them.
>and defends the only group that hates them even more.
I don't defend Jewish brutality, I'm just saying that not all Jews were or are responsible for it, and that there's nothing unusual or unique about it compared to many other peoples.
>That is cuckery and failure on a level that can't be reasoned with and isn't worth any more of my time.
Whatever you say, but as long as this thread is up people will be able to see that you presented no valid arguments and instead just ranted and seethed.

>> No.10304979
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God knows anti-semites never writhe their hands over their own demographic being over-represented in this or that field. Nor do they seek out quotes from fringe loonies of their own kind, and assemble them into tinfo-graphics

>> No.10304983
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When it comes to the United States and Israel, you're imagining that the tail wags the dog, rather than the other way around

>> No.10305057

LMAO /pol/tards get destroyed itt. Your autism is showing btw

>> No.10305072

It nonsensical becuase I'm a proud phone poster and it automatically separated "non" and "sensical"

>> No.10305090

LMAO even better. how's it feel to get rekt kid?

>> No.10305103

>presidents have nothing to do with starting a war
Literally only he can do it

>> No.10305236


>> No.10305269
File: 494 KB, 1274x924, 64a819fdcb37558ba7f9f589cfaf59a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but here's two yummy (you)s

>> No.10305272


>> No.10305276
File: 75 KB, 1280x883, huhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're rambling like an insane person. Learn how to punctuate correctly before you start screeching.

>> No.10305281

>a jew was involved therefore the jews were in charge
Remind me again, if there exists such a thing as a master race, why is the aryan race and not the ashkanazim, the ones you claim run everything?

>> No.10305308

>Having any power to end any embargo

>> No.10305326


>> No.10305338
File: 36 KB, 520x347, Confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't implying that. I was implying that Israel follows the US's lead, rather than vice-versa.
Antisemites want to believe Israeli Fascism is a Jewish problem and not a Fascism problem. Antisemites want to believe Jewish Nepotism in the US is surprising even though it is very normal for statistical minorities to "stick together." Antisemites want to believe Israel wags the US, rather than the US wagging Israel. Israel was created as an anti-communist regional puppet for the US. But Fascism is Capitalism in decline, so both the US and Israel are becoming more Fascistic. Right wingers imagine some kind of "Jewish Question." where the answer is always "Kill da joos" but we all know some other group would just fill the vacuum and become persecuted.

There are a bunch of competing groups. Each one has the subconscious goal of dominance and hegemony, which, once achieved, splits into factions anyway.

Each group likes to imagine the other as some Great Oppressor with a Grand Conspiracy but it's all mostly manifesting as a day-to-day power struggle.

>> No.10305351

Just pretend to be an illegal immigrant and they’ll love you.

>> No.10305355

hahah nice bait faggot