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/lit/ - Literature

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10298647 No.10298647 [Reply] [Original]

What literature have you read that has been published recently, say within the last decade? Books of any kind, novel or otherwise, fiction or non-fiction.

I ask because I, to my recollection, have not read anything at all published later than this

>> No.10298680

Reading My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante. Want to finish the Neapolitan Cycle because I like it a lot. It also makes we want to read My Struggle by Knausgard.

>> No.10298687
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Read this. I will probably read " A Little Life" if it comes to the library.

>> No.10298706

Norm Macdonald's "memoir". Wasn't bad.

>> No.10298724

Has anybody here read any truly awful books recently?

Feel morbidly curious after consuming good shit so much

>> No.10298732

Nightwood by Djuna Barnes. Utter shit.

>> No.10298733

bleeding edge is better than people give it credit for

>> No.10298766
File: 939 KB, 1400x2283, 9786073147019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who can read spanish should read this

>> No.10298770


That looks good, added to my list.
Some books I like or loved that were published in the last ~5 years:

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

Invisible Planets: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation by Ken Liu

Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy

The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World

The Book of Strange New Things

The Corpse Exhibition and Other Stories of Iraq

The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside The Room, the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made

Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets

The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America

Tenth of December

Robert Oppenheimer: A Life Inside the Center

Amsterdam Stories

>> No.10298790

Nice list :)

>> No.10298795

Recently read Tai Pei, it was a great novel until it became clear that there was no way Tao was self-aware/able to end it in a satisfactory way. There was no real resolution, but the imagery in the book - for instance, Paul's musings on Taipei in relation to his own life, early on in the book - was stellar, as was the way he captured the depressed boredom of modern existence, memey as that idea may be. I'm looking forward to Leave Society though I don't actually have high hopes for it.

>> No.10298797

>The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside The Room, the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made
I'm surprised that isn't memed on here. Can't wait to see the movie.

>> No.10298837

If we're including non-fiction:

The Secret of Our Success
Nietzsche's New Darwinism
The Ego Tunnel
The Secret of the Labyrinth
Professor Borges
The Age of Em

>> No.10298841

It's a surprisingly deep book! I went in thinking the author would shit on Wiseau for his weirdness, but it's more a story of a friendship the author himself does not understand

Thank you anon :3

>> No.10298871


Cover is interesting. I can't read Spanish. What's the plot / why should people read it?

>> No.10298947

emerald light in the air
barrelling forward
you are having a good time
homesick for another world
dead husband project
the fun parts
angel esmeralda
the woman who married a cloud
love affairs of nathaniel p
unlikely pilgrimage of harold frye
knausgard 1
the dinner
lush life
magicians trilogy
deathly hallows

>> No.10298958
File: 2.52 MB, 1410x2250, The Gods Wait (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this is as good a time as any to shill my shitty ebook (self-recorded audio book inc. [fire emoji]). it's free, and you would make my year if you downloaded it just to shit on it in a review.

there's too many memes and young thug interpretations to be literary but what the hell, ya know?

>> No.10299004

The Corpse Exhibition is scarier than most actual horror books, 9/10 would read again

>> No.10299122

About the decay of a father and the human body

>> No.10299285

stop fucking listing books and actually write your impressions about some of them

>> No.10299472

admittedly I cracked your book. Lots of cats, man, what gives?

>> No.10300287

>knausgard 1
Why do people say that the second one is better than the first one? It's such bullshit.

>> No.10300353

>reading contemporary literature

>> No.10300497
File: 28 KB, 261x400, 8C8816AC-4856-4DE8-87CD-CDB836E1D080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the edge, by Rafael Chirbes. This book is a masterpiece.

My struggle, by Karl Ove Knausgård. Pretty good, although the third one sucked. I will read the last one when it comes out.

Leaving the Atocha station, by Ben Lerner. Comfy and fun.

>> No.10300611

lincoln in the bardo is really good

>> No.10300662
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150 p in to The Pale King
it's not hard to imagine this guy as the author

>> No.10300878

Better than IJ imhotbqhwyf

>> No.10301663

haven't read IJ so I can't compare
it seems to be a common opinion here though

>> No.10302591

all of nu-delillos stuff
which is better than his older stuff

>> No.10302804

Some novels I enjoyed from the last decade
2017: Steve Erickson, Shadowbahn
2016: Alan Moore, Jerusalem
2015: Alexandra Kleeman, You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine
2014: Ben Lerner, 10:04
2013: Tao Lin, Taipei
2012: Colm Tóibín, The Testament of Mary
2011: Blake Butler, There Is No Year
2010: Jennifer Egan, A Visit from the Goon Squad
2009: Thomas Pynchon, Inherent Vice
2008: Rivka Galchen, Atmospheric Disturbances

>> No.10303216

The thread just asked to list. For someone on /lit/ your reading skills aren't that great.

>> No.10303265

Elucidate nigga. What do you mean by it "wasn't bad?"

>> No.10303315

A bunch for school.
>Eunoia by Christian Bök
>Injun by Jordan Abel
>chapbooks by Fenn Stewart, Sean Braune

>Tfw Canadian

>> No.10303426

>2017: Steve Erickson, Shadowbahn

Ooh, nice. I have Zeroville and should read it. Pynchon recommends Days Between the Station.

>> No.10303433

Libra is still his best imo but I really liked Zero K and I'm kinda saddened that Delillo is so accessible stylistically that people who shouldn't be reading him read him.

>> No.10303435

The Iliad

>> No.10303475
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Lawrence Osborne

>> No.10304069

Pynchon recommended a book? Where did you ever find recommendations by him? Genuinely interested btw.

>> No.10304425

i dont actually read books

however i spend tens of hours consuming reviews and highly-regarded opinions on books that are outside the scope of mass opinion, but well known enough to garner a following

i dont actually have a taste of my own, which is why my entire list is without any personality

>> No.10304583

books are gay

>> No.10304825
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>> No.10304846

Give a hoot, read a book

>> No.10304849

What do you guys think of neil gaiman?

>> No.10304859

six four by hideo yokoyama. long but it's a solid mystery with a nice twist. bought it because of the cover

>> No.10305506

The latest Senges, Michon, Vila-matas, Marias, Quignard, Pynchon, The Magicians trilogy, Bakker (well, he's new, but still), Pullman, Helprin, Tawada

>> No.10306051

he blurbed Days Between the Station, he blurbs a lot of books. Writers completely removed from Pynchon's style/themes send him books and if he likes it he blurbs it, if he doesn't/doesn't read it you hear nothing back.

>> No.10306069
File: 37 KB, 198x300, Divergent_(book)_by_Veronica_Roth_US_Hardcover_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily one of the best books in the past 50 years. Will most likely be read for decades to come, as it should be.