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File: 6 KB, 258x195, pyg-weeabo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10296258 No.10296258 [Reply] [Original]

was pygmalion the first anime nigga?

>> No.10296456

What I don't get is why Aphrodite brought her to life, I mean he was obviously a sick individual who could not love a real women and Aphrodite fed his sickness

>> No.10296468
File: 20 KB, 216x255, b868f516599c67121422329853cf06fcc9acba9c7b7426736c4eb068dc1fea59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ywn have Aphrodite make you're waifu real
It hurts, bros

>> No.10297254

Maybe we have to interpret greek gods as archetypes of the psyche. Aphrodite is the godess of love, beauty and pleasure, so basically she is the figurative representation of our sexual/erotic needs which take possession of the sculptor and make the sculpture come alive in his imagination.

>> No.10298548

>Maybe we have to interpret greek gods as archetypes of the psyche.
don't do this.
the Gods are real and always will be no matter how hard atheists rage and beat their chests