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10286465 No.10286465 [Reply] [Original]

>life is suffering lmao
>no gain no pain lol

>> No.10286479

>unironically reads Evola and Guenon

>> No.10286486

im lonely because i dont have any friends. i can't drink because im an alcoholic and i can't take drugs because im vulnerable to psychosis due to overindulgence of psychedelics in my youth.

when i feel down i cant even summon the motivation to read and will often toil in bed all day watching television and hating myself.

>> No.10286490

>not reading analytic philosophy of pain

I want to understand the physical and metaphysical essence of pain quale. I don't give a fuck about your ethical lamentations

>> No.10286497

this nig is the favorite of the well off white boy in pink shorts that want to feels like he has real sadness in his life.

>> No.10286502


Are you me?

>> No.10286601

Cioran - Edgelord, World War 1 edition.

>> No.10286650

>i can't drink because im an alcoholic and i can't take drugs because im vulnerable to psychosis due to overindulgence of psychedelics in my youth
I can't stand kids like you who have a story and an excuse for everything. You don't hate yourself enough yet.

>> No.10286660

Stop limiting yourself. I don't mean that you should take drugs or anything, but every experience is a learning opportunity. Amphetamine psychosis was one of the most useful experiences I've ever had in that it showed me a highly exaggerated view of my own harmful perception of others actions. When I was psychotic for those few hours I thought that everything anyone said, no matter how banal or unrelated, had something to do with me in a negative way. Now I realize how important it is to remember that appearances can be deceiving and that people usually don't care that much about you one way or the other.