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10283752 No.10283752 [Reply] [Original]

If the Universe is infinite, as scientists claim, then there are infinite probabilities of infinite things happening, therefore everything that we can imagine exists, and everything that we can't imagine also exists.

Among the things that can exist is an omnipotent, omniscient being, who has all properties of all the Universe. Amongst the properties is the property of existing, therefore, God exists. Checkmate atheists.

>> No.10283753

>If the Universe is infinite, as scientists claim
literally stopped reading

>> No.10283757

>If the Universe is infinite
It isn't.

>> No.10283763

The set of 2 4 6 8... Is infinitely large yet will never contain an odd number

>> No.10283764
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>Universe is infinite, as scientists claim

>> No.10283769

There is zero chance of impossible things happening, even if the universe were infinite.

>> No.10283922

your cool

>> No.10284062

Same. Wtf op?

>> No.10284075

>if the universe is infinite then infinite probabilities of infinite things happening
>therefore everything that we can imagine exists

>> No.10284108

You don't even understand the difference between countable and uncountable infinite so your argument is automatically retarded. Don't use infinity in your theory unless you have a math degree

>> No.10284149
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Among the things that also can exist is a super dooper God negation machine that negates God from ever existing ever
Checkmate, Christcuck

>> No.10284153

>If the Universe is infinite, as scientists claim
wont even give you a (OP), retard
but good bait, made me rustled

>> No.10284155

Nothing can be infinite outside of abstraction because its incomprehensible.

>> No.10284156

Are you the same frogfag shitting up /sci/?

>> No.10284159

There's an infinite number of numbers between 0 and 1, but none of them are 2.

>> No.10284171


>> No.10284206

literally no scientist claims the universe is infinite

>> No.10284229

skipped the science day after 1910?

>> No.10284318

>universe is infinite
>universe expands
pick one

>> No.10284344

>If the Universe is infinite, as scientists claim
>then there are infinite probabilities of infinite things happening
>therefore everything that we can imagine exists, and everything that we can't imagine also exists.


>> No.10284385
File: 2.94 MB, 512x288, 1395632730259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10284600


>> No.10284645

>If the Universe is infinite, as scientists claim, then there are infinite probabilities of infinite things happening, therefore everything that we can imagine exists, and everything that we can't imagine also exists.

This is not true. You don't understand infinity.

>> No.10284660

>everything is possible

Well, we'll just see then, maybe.

>> No.10284683

Dank thread

>> No.10284692
File: 1.29 MB, 1664x816, based mongols.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything being possible is impossible, why can certain impossible things exist as a concept when created by a man through art?

Checkmate, scientists.

>> No.10284697

I for one imagine myself immortal, a gazillion dollars belonging to me, and a fully devoted, ever-loving artificial girlfriend to do the dishes that I am right now imagining piling up in my minds eye.


>> No.10284709

>hi i'm 15 i recently learned about isaac neutron in school and this is why e=mc2 is wrong

>> No.10284834

Infinite possibilities does not mean every possibility. There is an infinite amount of numbers between one and two, but none of them are three.

>> No.10284861

That's not how fallacies work my dude. Cringy bait.

>> No.10284875

thus humans with penises on their foreheads exist

>> No.10284895

Oh I get it. You can be an infinite number of things, but you'll always be a faggot because it isn't possible for you to not be one. Rly makes u think.

>> No.10284945

Are parallel universe fags the biggest brainlets in the scientific field? Even ancient alyum and timetravel fags are above them, and that's saying a lot.

>> No.10285332

Conceivability does not entail possibility. Don't you read any philosophy?