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10283389 No.10283389 [Reply] [Original]

So what comes next after postmodernism?

>> No.10283399
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>> No.10283403
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Post-postmodernism (we are already)

>> No.10283404

here are the options

1)nothing, the end of writing, possibly existence itself.
2)Time travel
3)what ever the "first era" was

>> No.10283407
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>> No.10283410

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.10283426

>some idiot unironically thinks this

>> No.10283479

That thing Shia Labeouf rants about

>> No.10283493

I don't get it. What does the Black Sun have to do with Snuffkin?

Also it's new sincerity, all you tryhard fags go home.

>> No.10283514


>> No.10283516

I would read 300 pages of this.

>> No.10283533

New sincerity was DOA except as some beta niche thing. No surprise it hasn't caught on and people laugh at shlubs who bought into it.

>> No.10283539

>hasn't caught on
John Green begs to differ.

>> No.10283542

Isn't that the little kid's writer?

>> No.10283550

You can usually guess the cultural zeitgeist by the kind of books that kids' and YA authors churn out.

>> No.10283562

Not at all. I don't think you belong here and recommend you leave.

>> No.10283572

I see this whole "new sincerity" thing as a Francesco Clemente painting, sincere but mawkish

>> No.10283580

Sure but first try to refute my statement, faggot.

>> No.10283596

This thread is about intellectual movements; you're trying to talk about a beta-male complex few have heard of and a children's author.

>> No.10283598
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>So what comes next after postmodernism?
the shoah of the goyim

>> No.10283602

Explain to me how children's literature is not indicative of wider intellectual movements.
I think you're the one who needs to leave.

>> No.10283613

I don't feel like I need to explain such a thing since that's never been the case. You are not a mature person yet, and that's okay, but try to keep it in perspective.

>> No.10283636
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>uses alpha/beta terminology
>doesn't want to acknowledge the importance of children's literature because that's, like, for kids
>calls me immature
Wew lad.

>> No.10283644

Ah, I always knew the bugs meme was being perpetuated by 15 year olds. More confirmation to the larger point I suppose.

>> No.10283690


>> No.10283701

>So what comes next after postmodernism?
i don't understand how people can unironically ask this question

modernism, postmodernism, and all of the flaccid, forced, and overwrought attempts to rig up a new movement... are basically just modernism continuing to play out its logic and narratives on itself - responding to itself, dismissing its own tradition, and trying to experiment with new progressive ideas

every time i see one of these threads the impression i get is that there is this swarm of timid bench warmers waiting on the edge of their seats to be called up to the next intellectual movement so they can make their mark on history

what if that's not what is going to happen friendos? what if there isn't a new fresh intellectual bohemian movement, and actually awaiting us there's a decay or a dark age or a "burning of the great library" so to speak?

after all, what is likely to happen in the decades to come? the limits to growth? climage change? continuing economic tyranny/crisis? more political and social chaos? unthinkable war? crazy and unsustainable increases in technological/social/economic complexity are attempted in response to worsening problems?

what sort of literature will people reach for, in those sorts of circumstances, I wonder . . .

>> No.10283704

>doesn't read moomins in original Finnish

>> No.10283791

Is that so?

>> No.10283924

A return to empiricism is inevitable, especially because decades of postmodern hegemony have not seen any serious gains in social justice besides legalizing gay marriage and making people slightly more tolerant.

Current political and economic conditions offer a good opportunity for Marxism to strike back and reassert itself in the academy.

>> No.10283936 [DELETED] 

>original Finnish
Jag skrattar på du, det är en roligt post. Du kan inte läsa Moomin i "originel finsk", pleb

>> No.10283940

Buddhism grasped correctly

>> No.10283954
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post colonialism

>> No.10283961

You must be jewish or an incredibly stupid shabbos goy to assert, and feel comfortable asserting, such a stupid point of view.

>> No.10283989
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>> No.10283990 [DELETED] 
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“Christianity, and this is its greatest merit, has occasionally calmed the brutal German lust for battle, but it cannot destroy that savage joy. And when once that restraining talisman, the cross, is broken, that the old combatants will rage with the fury celebrated by the Norse poets. The wooden talisman is fast decaying; the day will come when it will break pathetically to pieces. Then the old stone gods will rise from unremembered ruins and rub the dust of a thousand years from their eyes, and Thor will leap to life at last and bring down his gigantic hammer on the Gothic cathedrals.”
This will happen again, another turn of the wheel.

>> No.10284045

YA and children's novels are mostly based on marketing. If you think the current zeitgeist is easy-to-read consumerism rather than anything else, I suppose you're right. But there's really no philosophical underpinning of Harry Potter or John Green, I feel like people pointing out the liberal ideas in it are retarded, that's simply the author's personality permeating through.

>> No.10284073

Marxism is the best method of analyzing society. Material conditions shape all history, and great individuals only make do with what the forces of production have allowed them.

Post-structuralism's whole game is rejecting macronarratives and even the concept of empirical truth, but this doesn't get us anywhere or even offer many particularly new insights about humanity.

I'm convinced that Foucault and Butler rose to prominence mostly because they offered various ways of understanding parts of society that were not associated with the big bad Soviet Union

>> No.10284080

That's not an analytic framework. It's a mindset or field of study.

However, you're correct that a lot more future academic literature will come from the Asian literati.

>> No.10284084

>Marxism is the best method of analyzing society.

>> No.10284092

comfy prose

>> No.10284093
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Probably meta-modernism, or transmodernism depending on what academic journals you read.

>> No.10284098


>> No.10284101
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post-modernism is just s set of loosely defined ideas that float around in academia and various circles of intellectual fuckery...... it doesn't exist.

In a very real way modernity exists and prevails in the ways we think of ourselves, of others and how we live our everyday lives. You could maybe argue that we live in an era of hyper-modernity.....but we do not live in post-modern times. A better question would be to try and idendtify which aspect of modernism will eventually become surpassed.

Also, as anyone who has had much to do with the sharp end of academia will tell you, the so called "post debates" are old hat and are viewed as a concern of the early 90's.

In short, to adopt the terminology of oldschool chan culture:
>this thread is dildos.

Don't bother replying to this post. I'm not going to read any replies. I didn't even read any posts in this thread

>> No.10284103
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the dark enlightenment

>> No.10284106

Nice google translate

>> No.10284107 [DELETED] 
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>Material conditions shape all history
Marxism is an extremely narrowminded view of the world, its reductionism is just a failed attempt to deny half of the world

>> No.10284111

The only two historically correct answers. We are living in a post-postmodern or, perhaps, meta-modern world. The question is what comes after these two systems?

>> No.10284113 [DELETED] 

Ei vaan kuus vuotta pakollista ruotsia

>> No.10284117

For the majority at least.
Literature will be a response to decaying of middle and lower class lifestyle and it's continued commoditization.

There will be a separate literature movement among the elites which will be basically a new decadence novement.

This is after the elites can stop playing the egalitarian narrative and show their true belief in superiority.

Two class responses to decay.

>> No.10284130

then Middle Age

>> No.10284138

new sincerity

>> No.10284139

So you're admitting to being a retard. Okay. The first step towards getting your life together requires acknowledging that you've been brainwashed by iconoclastic jews who actually hate you and have infused you with these ideas to make you a useful idiot that will contribute to the destruction of your own society.

>> No.10284142 [DELETED] 

Lol nerds

>> No.10284143

Name a better framework.

Marxism gives you a toolset that's universally applicable to analyzing society because Karl Marx was the first to really comprehend the ways in which material forces shape society and politics.

>> No.10284145


>> No.10284146
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>The first step towards getting your life together

stopped reading there

go to bed Jordan

>> No.10284162

not better.... but I don't think you can completely discount, for want of a better phrase, psychological structures. I wouldn't be the first to wonder what marx would have written if he came to intellectual maturity in an environment marked by freud and his descendants

>> No.10284292

The destruction of class society is what I'm hoping for, anon. You're brainwashed because you are unable to recognize the significance of material factors on history.

Liberals and fascists and traditionalists and Islamists all obsess over various ideological abstractions that revolve around their specific idea of virtue, when any kind of empirical analysis makes these worldviews fall to pieces.

>> No.10284323
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There has to be some asslord to take a long hard look at the philosophers and -phies of the past whatever years, read thru them carefully, review it all and find something in common between them to then finally try and bring erything under some new term.

It'll prolly be called bugeasyonthecarrotism.

>> No.10284343

Your whole intellectual architechture is dependent on jewish thought. You're a puppet and a parrot.

>> No.10284414
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>> No.10284449

really got him there, buster

>> No.10284461


>> No.10284465
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cheers buddy

>> No.10284481

Moomin was written in Swedish.

>> No.10284493


>> No.10284497
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Cool review but I'll stick with my s'awesomed tendies thanks

>> No.10284602

postmodernism is just a (minor) subgenre of modernism

reminder that literature is advanced by the individual vision of talented artists, not letzter-mann academics weighing and classifying works of genius in their cubbyholes

we have to figure out how to write long poems of structured verse again lads. the trail went cold after faust II

>> No.10284771

Cultural suicide.

>> No.10284773

jordan peterson

>> No.10284785
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>the trail went cold after faust II


>> No.10284802
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myabe not muh jordan..... but mediums like yootoob and yootoobers reducing a complicated world to bitter soundbites will undoubtedly weaken the codex and, thus, long form writing/literature (which has provided modernism with the the coal to fire its engine).

Everyone's just getting louder and more retarded.

>> No.10284806
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Reactionary archaeo-futurism

>> No.10284818


>> No.10284827

Pre-Fabricated Meta-Intrinsicism, naturally.
Prefab Metaint for short.

>> No.10284836

Meta-modernism, post-postmodernism, and new sincerity aren't real things so people should stop mentioning them. New sincerity is *maybe* a half step between postmodernism and the next thing, but it's not something in and of itself. The next movement will involve national REnewal, REassertion of racial identity among whites, and a REconstruction of western culture. This has only recently begun and still needs a name, one that preferably starts with -re. It is also the natural progression here, will be monumental, and undo much of the harm postmodernism did, which many whites remain emotionally tethered to, to the point where they won't accept the reality of what's coming, which is what I'm talking about. You can't stop it either. It's already here.

>> No.10284841
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Postmodernism was ushered in by the emerging Neoliberal socioeconomic model in the '60s and '70s. Given that that model hasn't been changed, or rather has just accelerated, since then, we won't get any sort of new "Modern" until it collapses or evolves into something else. Thankfully that seems to be coming pretty soon.

See: Mark Fisher, Deleuze, Debord

>> No.10284847


>> No.10284858

What's this

>> No.10284908

a man can dream anon, a man can only dream..

>> No.10284918

A return to Romanticism

>> No.10284935

The new thing always feels like "postmodernism," which is why no one can describe it.

>> No.10285253

You're all fucking plebs. Speculative Realism is where it's at.

>> No.10285310
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Actual lit

>> No.10285311

Neo-romantism: semi ironic nature poems about a complicated relation to one's own soul

>> No.10285319


My GOD please kill me already, it's like everybody's 11 and just had their first few drinks.

>> No.10285325

it is the collapse of isms your retard

>> No.10285326


>> No.10285337
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but that's a meme...or at least a shit-tier advertising prop used by the paris review.

glue your hands together and hang yourself you insufferable, impressionable brainlet

>lets take a bunch of authors that have nothing in common and put them into an arbitrary grouping so that we can market them to soyboys.

i just learneded the term "soyboys" last week and I use it everywhere... i dont even know what it means, but I like it

>> No.10285343

Post Ironic Sardonicism

>> No.10285359


>> No.10285371

Soy increases estrogen levels so it's a term that describes effeminate, beta-orbiting numales who are too weak and stupid to understand the jewish problem.

>> No.10285389

it just makes you grow bitch tits. guys with bitch tits can see through jewish fundamentalism...... look at your average /pol/tard for example

>> No.10285456

The renuissance

>> No.10285464

Sexual Marxism-Eliot Rodgerism

>> No.10285473

This is the correct answer; yet it goes ignored.

>> No.10285548

the truth is that the world will never progress passed 1997, that was the peak. Now, we are in the very fledgling years of the ruination. Which is fine, nothing should last forever

>> No.10285681

Came here to post this

>> No.10285684

You and about 5 other high schoolers.

>> No.10285702

>what sort of literature will people reach for, in those sorts of circumstances, I wonder . . .
The Greeks

>> No.10285760

any votes?

>> No.10285785

itt brainlet shit takes

>> No.10285798

boy you know it

>> No.10285803

There is no "postmodernism" for the same reason there was never "modernism". You people use too many dumb neologisms to describe art you don't even understand.

>> No.10285824

You posted it already, Esoteric Hitlerism

>> No.10285911

honestly, I think it's stuff like this
not to this extreme, but the general type and style
postmodernism was about taking established facts and theories and ways of thinking and questioning or subverting them
the new hotness is taking the very nature of thought and sincerity and questioning and subverting that, it's similar to absurdism but it's at the same lighter and darker because it tends to presume things are shit (whereas absurdism allows for things being fine as long as it's not expected or wanted) but also to presume it doesn't matter, and further to presume you're a fag for even thinking about it about for more than two seconds (but it's cool to think about unimportant things if you're in the right company)
the question is what comes after that, because you can't get more meta
this is actually a good example, both of rejection of thought while simultaneously encouraging it, and of why this is the case-- the modern order is being overturned by the Internet
mass media has been around for a while, yes, and even fast electronic communication, but the Internet (mainly since the advent of social media) has brought people together in ways and degrees that were nearly unthinkable before
the ability to not just receive information from anywhere but to send information to everywhere, at any time, is an enormous power that we're not even closing to having a handle on
I mean hell, there was a ruckus within the last few weeks over someone (an employee leaving Twitter) exercising authority over the ostensibly most powerful man in the country/planet by temporarily cutting off a means of access to that instant, all-reaching communication, which has already been used to make large impact and will surely be used that way still
it also illustrates that to take the modernist viewpoint past modernism you need to reject everything
I mean literally, everything, that's what it's about, nothing matters unless I say it does, this thread is dildos but I'm replying anyway because autism, just don't even bother
you could call it Rejectionism

>> No.10285945


>> No.10285947

Romanticism is beta shit, and the main problem with literature and art in general these days is that its commercialized processes have been placed in the hands of nepotistic jews, who have in turn empowered primarily their coethnics, women, and non-whites whose talent is typically nonexistent. Literature, like everything, is done best by white men, and it still is despite the jewish cultural mutiny and endless egalitarian/anti-white propaganda. But to get this cultural medium of ours back on track and back in the hands of the people it belongs to does not involve sissy romanticism or new sincerity that no one gives a fuck about in an increasingly collapsing west being overrun by beaners and muslims. The exact opposite is what will win the future by inspiring a new vision only white men are capable of producing, and using this cultural outlet to instill a message of strength and civilizational revitalization within our people.

>> No.10285953
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>> No.10285965

I'll have to agree with this.

>> No.10286018

what does melanin have to do with writing skill

>> No.10286031

You're right.

>> No.10286078

Little in and of itself, but racial realities are not so superficial, obviously. What matters is evolutionary environment and social pressures adapted over millennia.

>> No.10286107
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>> No.10286121


>occurring over millennia

sure pal

>> No.10286129
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Marxism is the applied doctrine of intellect worship. It’s a disaster because it is fundamentally anti-reality as things like social classes are a product of humans associating with one another. More charismatic people tend to get others to follow them thus becoming “elevated” above them. You will always have a bourgeoisie, there will always be deception, humans trying to “force” equality only creates equal opposition.

The only way to achieve this is if we’re all under such scrutiny and controlled by The State that we are unable to make any life decision that matters. Have you noticed that the Progressive Doctrine attempts to solve the problem of human social chaos by removing humanity from the equation.

This struggle is spiritual in nature, we like to think that we can use our intellect to build a perfect and balanced society, but we’re just dumb animals playing with fire.

>> No.10286134

post-ironic sincerity

>> No.10286146

>follows kantbot on twitter

>> No.10286152
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I remember being 15 too

>> No.10286172
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Fucking bronies are “part” of the new sincerity movement. It’s basically the consumerist religion of small souled bugmen, preached down to us by the media aristocracy.

>> No.10286215

Will someone explain the new sincerity thing to me? Not being judgmental here but someone mentioned the Paris Review earlier itt and I'm just curious if this is something that is being institutionalized. I thought it was just a DFW thing and have read his thoughts on it, but assumed it was limited to that. Am I missing something or could someone point me in the direction where this is being made into a more commercial media thing. Thanks.

>> No.10286287
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There is a wikipedia page about it with an extensive list of sources, I know...
but it does a decent job encapsulating it.

From what I’ve gathered new sincerity somewhat evolved after DFW’s death. It’s mostly about just doing what feels good and call people who judge you meanies. It all ties in with this bullshit safe space culture, transgenderism(transhumanism), shitting on one’s civilization while taking for granted its benefits. It’s the embodiment of narcissism and self-worship.

You may want to DYOR though since I may be a tad biased against it.

>> No.10286296
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>> No.10286309

Good post

>> No.10286313
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> what sort of literature will people reach for, in those sorts of circumstances, I wonder . . .

>> No.10286343

No, I think you served up the explanation I was hoping to receive. It's a mindset for the mentally underdeveloped as I assumed it was. I wasn't aware DFW ever wrote much about it though. I guess I was confused about what it was intended to be vs what Internet kids think it is.

>> No.10286582

What kind of humor would this fall under?
Is it postmodernism or post postmodernism? I really dont know


>> No.10286622
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I hope for these, but I think that postmodernism will continue for a long time; we have a long way to go. There are so many more horizons to cover; postmodernism still hasn't truly saturated all aspects of life yet.

>> No.10286629

There are cycles of aristocratic/bourgeoisie control and materialism/spiritualism. Right now we're bourgeois materialist, we'll evolve from there, though I have no clue to what.

>> No.10286635

The elites can't stop playing egalitarian since our current set are firmly bourgeoisie and ignoble. You'd have to replace them to get that.

>> No.10286637

whats a metamodern novel?

>> No.10286643

traits can evolve pretty rapidly dude. blonde hair is extremely recent, blue eyes as well.

>> No.10286795


>> No.10286822


>> No.10286903


>> No.10286937

already there m8

>> No.10287088
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>gains in social justice
Wew lad.

>> No.10287105

>The elites can't stop playing egalitarian
They aren't playing it now. We live in an openly elitist neo-feudal society. We pretend to be egalitarian in the same way Putin pretends to be democratic

>> No.10287107


>> No.10287456

Is that not the object of postmodernism?

>> No.10287471

Standing on the edge of the crater
Like the prophets once said
And the ashes are all cold now
No more bullets and the embers are dead
Whispers in the air tell the tales
Of the brothers gone
Desolation, devastation
What a mess we made, when it all went wrong

Watching from the edge of the circus
For the games to begin
Gladiators draw their swords
Form their ranks for Armageddon

I'm nuclear
I'm wild
I'm breaking up inside
A heart of broken glass
Deep inside
The abandoned child

Standing on the edge of the underworld
Looking at the abyss
And I'm hoping for some miracle
To breakout, to escape from all this
Whispers in the air tell the tales
Of a life that's gone
Desolation, devastation
What a mess we made, when it all went wrong

I'm nuclear
I'm wild
I'm breaking up inside
A heart of broken glass
Deep inside
The abandoned child

I'm nuclear
I'm wild
I'm breaking up inside
A heart of broken glass
Deep inside
The abandoned child

>> No.10287514

Don't think so. Justice is seen as an oppressive meta narrative imposed by power elites to further their own diabolical aims.

>> No.10287575

Neomodernism. Anthropocentrism is mostly discarded, as are word games - everything is treated as things, links between things, links between links and so on. Culture shifts to preference of virality over monetary gains, most art is patroned and kept on life support, only third parties earn money - exploitation in non-judgemental sense, just a division of responsibilities. Fiction becomes less attributable, and yet very personal, addressed each time to the author by the author, with any audience being just a affirmation of existence. Works are shorter, apocryphal, and blend the edge between storytelling and plain (self-)deception: the separation between real and imagined vanishes, as now everything is here-and-now-real. Genres atomize to the point of a multitude of seminal works having orbits, and they are ennumerable. A lot of art abandons the present and considers unfinished possibility of the past, less alternative history and more reviewbrah and fashwave.

>> No.10287696

That's because you are insincere

>> No.10287698

Jesus that's comfy.

>> No.10287768

People discover axiomatic beliefs and see postmodernism as a haggling tool for the lazy and the evil.

>> No.10287789


According to Sloterdijk a new conservativism. The 21st century will be a conservative century.
I think the current events are proving him right.

>> No.10287807

I think so as well. Spengler was right, too.

>> No.10287862


Spengler will be proven right about everything.

>> No.10287897

Sorokin will be proven right about everythi ng

>> No.10288935

A culture that predicates masculinity and adulthood on the basis of reading is overrepresented in literature? Alert the media

>> No.10288996

Write a book just like this. In this prose, about this same subject.

>> No.10289015

I'm a fucking brainlet when it comes to anything after postmodernism. Can anyone define metamodernism, post-postmodernism and what makes them different from postmodernism?

>> No.10289239

>the destruction of class society is what I'm hoping for

>i'm a weakling so to hell with it all

>> No.10289245
File: 24 KB, 960x370, 2b28fd33e98082283f48bf131f1ded214167df91749df22f8d507267a3fb26c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breddy gud

>> No.10289249

if you're a retard

>> No.10289264
File: 26 KB, 645x645, IMG_20171022_162007_840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxists are always boring faggucios.
I require funzies and insipiration because my little poopy brain and soul dictate as such.
Why are Marxists weak?Why are they resentful?
Why are they noy joyful?

>> No.10289299


>> No.10289349
File: 181 KB, 452x572, Hegel_portrait_by_Schlesinger_1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>material forces
The state of /lit/