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10282398 No.10282398 [Reply] [Original]

>Using the word "collectivist" unironically
Memen M. Memerson has really done a number on discourse

>> No.10282402

collectivism is anti-individualism therefore systems like socialism and communism are flawed.

>> No.10282405

You call that an argument?
I thought I was retarded but then you came along and showed me what a sub-50 I.Q. really looks like.

>> No.10282417

Its more of an argument than your post. Ill give you another chance to respond properly.

>> No.10282429

Where are your apostrophes, you Mongoloid? Son of a whore

>> No.10282443

All people are collectivists but whites are the least collectivist on the spectrum. Hence why we're being taken advantage of by tribalists who are selling our countries out to the lowest bidder in the collectivist sweepstakes. White individualism only works in a homogenous white nation; it is a losing strategy when you're surrounded by groups competing for our resources and thinking and acting tribally, which is currently the case. This is why whites have, and are slowly learning, to think and act tribally as well, in order to compete and ultimately expel the jews and the other groups they've opened our nations' doors to since guilt tripping us into allowing them to gain power.

>> No.10282469

What? I'm sorry, I tried to read your post but it's just a bunch of buzzwords.

>> No.10282490

A buzzword? You mean a word you've been brainwashed to think is something other than what it is, and that thus affects your ability to interpret reality?

>> No.10282504


>> No.10282506

damn, you just convinced me to donate money to richard spencer lol

>> No.10282514

Huh? I think Richard Spencer is pretty rich already, and be honest, you don't have any money.

>> No.10282518

damn, you got me, I was kidding

>> No.10282853

An obvious shitpost people are biting on. Lame af

>> No.10282857
File: 5 KB, 160x266, spergler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites are the least collectivist on the spectrum

t. preußentum und sozialismus