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10282064 No.10282064 [Reply] [Original]

What are the weirdest ideas in philosophy?

>> No.10282074
File: 21 KB, 306x432, philosophy king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the present king of france is bald
Well, it's true.

I think the weirdest idea in philosophy is probably panpsychism.

>> No.10282080


>> No.10282081

inverted solipsism

thinking everyone in the world is real except yourself

>> No.10282084
File: 5 KB, 260x194, alois irlmaier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have always been a Mereological Nihilist without knowing that it was a thing to be.

>> No.10282093
File: 15 KB, 480x360, posadasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh.. you are like a little perra.. try this

>> No.10282107

But that is kind of true. We only really exist via the collective perception of we the subject as part and our own individual perception is just an image acting as a mechanism for continuation of the collective perception.
If we are sole, we are not and, we fade. But, we can know that the other is absolutely existing and will continue to exist beyond our reality. You know?

>> No.10282156


>> No.10282189

>We only really exist via the collective perception of we the subject as part and our own individual perception is just an image acting as a mechanism for continuation of the collective perception.

This literally doesn't mean anything.

>> No.10282369
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>tfw meteorological nihilist

>> No.10282379
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>meteorological nihilist
Not sure weather or not you're playing a joke.

>> No.10282392
File: 35 KB, 344x485, 1A4F3F44-6137-4D8B-82A5-9DB70D7F6488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sacrifice of the scapegoat reconciles the rivalry engendered by the mimetic desire

>> No.10282401

Posadism is a boring meme, I made memes for it for about a year. It's only good to subversively spread socialism.

>> No.10282403

You didn't understand his post

>> No.10282411

>tfw metrological nihilist

>> No.10282425
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>> No.10282461

Girard is not weird and your greentext is absolutely correct.

>> No.10282488
File: 406 KB, 1377x1600, Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mind is the idea of your body

>> No.10282497

>bicameral mind

>> No.10282585

If the subject is that which stands in relation to reality, then it is outside reality, and if it is outside reality, it is unreal.

>> No.10282589

Aristotle thought the soul/mind was the form of the body

>> No.10282596

ooga booga?

>> No.10282643

The noumenon
I mean, think about it. The idea that we never get to see things themselves, rather only their apparitions, is so counter-intuitive on a purely experiential level, yet it makes so much sense philosophically.

>> No.10282745

>our own individual perception is just an image acting as a mechanism for continuation of the collective perception
There is no collective perception.

>> No.10282754

>There is no collective perception.
Well, that is the stupidest thing that I've heard yet today. What are society, culture, and history?

>> No.10282755

what if... life is like a dream man

>> No.10283714

Yea but Spinoza thought that your mind was like a TV screen view of your body that had nothing to do with what your body does

Kinda creepy desu

>> No.10283718

He is God-Emperor, he said so himself

>> No.10283719
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>> No.10283748

>What are the weirdest ideas in philosophy?
that it matters
or that it belongs on this board

>> No.10283863

>What are society, culture, and history?

>> No.10283864

fucking this

>> No.10283892


Zeno (SVF - 91)

"The Stoic Zeno believed that colors were the coloration of matter."

>> No.10283893


>> No.10283909


He actually makes a formal distinction between soul and mind. The soul is rooted in the body, the mind is autonomous.

>> No.10283912

this is true isn't it?

>> No.10283930


Check the Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta.

Also, this time from Cleanthes: (SVF - 508.1)

"...all the other stoics believe that the stars are spherical, Cleanthes, instead, that they are conical."

>> No.10283949

theyre mostly round right?

>> No.10283968




>> No.10283999

kek my sides anon;ppppppppp good 1 bruv

>> No.10284083

cogito ergo sum or that micky mouse/donald duck meme picture.

>> No.10284091

Azathoth will wake in strange aeons.

>> No.10284278


>> No.10284725


theyre cubes

>> No.10284730

MY ideas.

>> No.10284904

mereological nihilism are morons with a fundamental misunderstanding of how atoms are measured

>> No.10284906

Neither did you

>> No.10284909

What an absolute word-soup of an answer

>> No.10285629

>he believes in material composition
>he thinks 1 grain of sand is a heap

>> No.10285634

What are you on rn anon???

>> No.10285639

stop smoking pot anon

>> No.10285652
File: 28 KB, 354x486, 154445485-slavoj-zizek-attends-the-premiere-of-the-perverts-guide.jpg.CROP.promovar-medium2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10285655
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Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.10285668
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>> No.10285964

Modal realism. I'm not sure I'm convinced but David Lewis's book on this blew my mind.

>> No.10285983

Bicameral mind theory

>> No.10285994

Oh my. Oh, my my my.

>> No.10286302

It seems to be the proper term for "dude you're just molecules LMAO"; if I can describe software on my computer as existing despite "really" being a bunch of charges or absences in silicon, then you and I exist despite "really" being atoms and shit.

>> No.10286310

What are you, some kinda Jap Fascist?

>> No.10286886

good and evil objective absolutes who exist outside of human experience
I think they call it God
weird lizard-tier shit

>> No.10286892

And what about the practice of "measuring" atoms refutes mereological nihilism?

>> No.10286923

the main point of it is parisomony and getting around stuff like the sorites paradox and the ship of theseus and the like

>> No.10286930
File: 412 KB, 1920x1200, hasanybody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are the weirdest ideas in philosophy?
the suggestion that existing, ergo, living, is worthwhile

>> No.10286969
File: 71 KB, 620x428, gilles-deleuze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entirety of existence is nothing more than inflections, curves, and folds of an endless irreducibly complex array of becomings, the processes of which compose the false conception of beings. All is contracted intensities of verbs of a univocal plane that is actually a modal composite of endless topological vectors that are becomings of themselves. The leaf is not green, the leafing greens.

>> No.10287030


>> No.10287055

This is just Heraclitus with some added modern sophism.

>> No.10287074

I actually like the unabashed pseudry reminds me of land

>> No.10287282
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>> No.10287357

I'm not anon, but I quite literally base a lot of my metaphysics on meteorology and atmospheric conceptual metaphors. Teleconnections and chaos theory come up a lot in the field and are very useful for describing the behaviour of many complex systems, and really what system is more complicated than reality?

>> No.10287360

atmospheric science*

>> No.10287369


>> No.10287376

the peoples perceptive responsibility is harpooned in this Kafkaesque montage that we plebians call society, we are so intermingled with the mechanism of collective perception that ingots fall into themselves periodically, conclusively and developmentally to construct ideals and power manifesto's to the effect of world wide mushroom power trigger?

>> No.10287422

Thats coo, but why did you post Jack Nicholson?

>> No.10287518


>> No.10287854

I believe in panpsychism, ama

>> No.10287892
File: 174 KB, 320x320, 472643-cyborgcolor[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all aware that the senses can be deceived, the eyes fooled. But how can we be sure our senses are not being deceived at any particular time, or even all the time? Might I just be a brain in a tank somewhere, tricked all my life into believing in the events of this world by some insane computer? And does my life gain or lose meaning based on my reaction to such solipsism?
Project PYRRHO, Specimen 46, Vat 7. Activity recorded M.Y. 2302.22467. (TERMINATION OF SPECIMEN ADVISED)

>> No.10287971

best game

>> No.10288009

Reddit user Anonymous has been gifted 2 months of reddit gold for this post

>> No.10288047

>the way you interact with the real world and change it is entirely through your perception
>the physics are actually a jumbled incoherent mess, not only ugly and unintuitive, but also constantly in flux - the science of Physics is not about truth, but mostly about beauty
>everybody is immortal because they project themselves across all of time, although they live only during a short part of it
>one of the rare ethical universalities is weird inherent block against escapism
>thoughts exist, anything else is uncertain

>> No.10288190

Your education has failed you. Seek urgent remediation.

>> No.10288198

I-include me in the screen cap.

>> No.10288204

Meaning doesn't exist. There is only weather

>> No.10288399

Ok tell me if I'm correct in my interpretation of your garbled mess. You're saying, "We act as we do because of societies expectations of us as a result of how we look." For instance if one wears nerdy glasses the outside force expects one to be nerd, and therefore the individual will act as a nerd. I suppose this would be a chicken and the egg situation. Was the person already nerdy, or are they nerdy because society expected them to be? I personally believe the former.

>> No.10288808

>i personally believe the former
I know "literary types" are above using reason and evidence, but couldn't you at least try?

>> No.10288840

>tfw continentals think theyre so clever when they give shitty rehashes of old analytic ideas

>> No.10288850

Idealism (Berkeley's version)

>> No.10289949

Weird but right

>> No.10289957

Neither did I

>> No.10289976

Cogito Ergo Papel
The God Inside the Diaper

>> No.10289983

life IS like a dream. dreams are based on reality

>> No.10289986

The idea that the white race is the supreme race.
That shit crazy.

>> No.10290010

i just came up with this vague vague so maybe with concept of karma and other lives, in utero what you absord determines what you become, so if you absord the right things you will come out of a human woman so the world is created base don what you eat

>> No.10290385

It's hard to find weird ideas in philosophy because philosophy always panders to human intuition. But some weird ideas in the sciences include the MWI, and the copenhagen interpretation, which is also just as fucking weird despite being the only alternative.

Paraconsistent logic is kind of strange.

isn't Deleuze right though? he defines a rhizome in such a broad way that it applies to anything, so of course he's "right" but in a trivial sense.

>> No.10290411

>sniffs nose
>And so on and so on...

>> No.10290429

read Emerson's "experience"

>> No.10290434
File: 9 KB, 180x256, kantstopdrinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phenomena are not "apparitions," they have objective validity. Have you even read Kant? It's like you read Rand's assessment and believed it, even though she herself never read him

>> No.10290443

I wonder why they chose atoms and molecules as the cause of their nihilism. Why not, "we're just bones and m eat," or "we're just animals," etc?

The atom-view doesn't even do an effective job of conveying true nihilism, since the knowledge and distinguishing of atoms still requires a point of view.

>> No.10290445

This is just an age old idea poorly expressed.

>> No.10290446


>he defines a rhizome in such a broad way that it applies to anything, so of course he's "right" but in a trivial sense

t. someone that hasn't read D&G.

>> No.10290448


>> No.10290494
File: 2.12 MB, 531x354, 1508236061659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is your brain on continental philosophy

>> No.10291391

oh yeah thats what im talking about baby

>> No.10291395

Why do you step on rocks then? What gives you citizen rights, etc. and not animals, let alone trees, or rocks?

>> No.10291402

that our existence has a meaning because we cant cope with the fact that it doesnt.

>> No.10291414


>> No.10291415

Isn't this just pantheism?

>> No.10291434

It's the belief that everything is conscious, not that everything is God.

>> No.10291438

I see a difference in external and internal desire

A rock as far as i can tell possesses either very little or no internal desire, compared to say an animal or even a single celled amoeba. A rock doesnt decide to sit on the ground- it is forced to, by gravity, by its chemical composition, etc. the animal however can moo and let me know it doesnt like when i cut it up

When i step on the rock i dont feel bad, but im also the kind of person who likes to eat meat.

I recognize that my whole life i have been a vicious beast, completely dependent on destroying living things in order to fuel my body. Much like all other living creatures in the universe

Vegans and vegetarians are stupid to me. Even if you are strictly vegan, the plants you eat were living. All the food you consume was living at one point

I am unsure what you mean by citizen rights, could you expand on that?

>> No.10291444


This poster >>10291434 has it right

I am agnostic ultimately, although I lean slightly towards atheism

>> No.10292716

he was just saying that the subject exist only because there is others. The fact that you can say "I" and think of yourself as an individual is because you're not alone.

>> No.10292862

Don't forget women and politics.

>> No.10292870

Weird idea, that has protagonists: thinking continues after death.

>> No.10292890

They are just weather patterns

>> No.10293021


>> No.10293030


>> No.10293035


>> No.10293089

Easy. Changing 1% of something makes it something new. Change the rudder and it's not the same ship; to the captain. If we pretend the captain has sailed the ship for decades and the rudder gets blown off, that part of the ship for which he loves -- has passed into memory.

>> No.10293095

The whole is more than the sum of it's parts.
The idea of something is more than whatever it is.
Like sex. Having sex with a prostitute is not the same as having sex with that very same prostitute; but you love each other -- for some reason.

>> No.10293119

Precisely. A constitutive part of Dasein is Being-with-others.

>> No.10293370

No. Lurk /sci/ for more, ignorant.

HINT 1: Waves
HINT 2: Frequency

You can see colors, but in reality what you see is the only VISIBLE frequency this or that object can't absorb.

>> No.10293442

What do you think about?