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File: 130 KB, 760x1094, anarchist books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10281594 No.10281594 [Reply] [Original]

It's obvious to recommend Orwell's "Homage to Catalonia," but is there much else anarchist literature out there? Anything from essays to fiction would be appreciated.

>> No.10281647


>> No.10281657

>Thinks people co-operating to stop a meltdown is some kind of State.
Ebin.... 'orizontalist anarchism BTFO again.

>> No.10281660

I just thought it was humorous my brother. I have no real opinion on anarchism.

>> No.10281690


>> No.10281713
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The Republic is truly a decentralised peasant utopia

>> No.10281731


>> No.10281747

Fuck off with ye neo-feudalism. I obviously posted an anarcho-syndicalist poster, you dumb ancap.

>> No.10281821

The Coming Insurrection

>> No.10282031

Most of the craziest sjw's are self identified Anarchists

>> No.10282036

Thanks for the contribution. I'm probably one of them, you reddit faggot.

>> No.10282113

"Anarchists" who have never picked up a fucking book.

>> No.10282114


>> No.10282116
File: 57 KB, 440x694, Manuel Rojas - Hijo de Ladrón.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manuel Rojas is a chilean anarchist writer, I haven't read all of the books of his fictionalized self biography but the two I did were amazingly good.
His most recognized work are his short stories, specially "The glass of milk" but I recommend you to take a look at his "Tetralogy of learning", composed by "Son of thief", "Better than wine", "Shadows against the wall" and "The dark shining life".

He's also a poet if you are into poetry too.

>> No.10282206

Stirner. Not meming

>> No.10283943

How exactly do "Anarchists" expect to uphold a Communist society without a repressive state? Newsflash, (a lot of) people won't take kindly to some scrawny faggot robbing them of the fruit of their labor so he can finance his thesis on Sartre

>> No.10283973

of course there is but it's not published by mainstream publishers
look up e.g. feral house

>> No.10283981

Best Anarchist book I've read is Machinery of Freedom by David Friedman

>> No.10284021

can i have a synopsis of the plot of his short stories you mentioned?

>> No.10284024

>Manuel Rojas
Thanks, I'll check him out, anonimo. Learning Latin, so maybe I can learn Spanish later to read him in his tongue. I feel like poetry is always translated poorly.

>> No.10284047

Orwell was a lifelong moderate socialist, and very much *not* an anarchist.

>> No.10284050
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Anarchist Morality by Kropotkin is a very nice short read.
The Dispossessed by Le Guin is also very good.
I like Stirner too.

>> No.10284051

Homage to Catalonia and the "Bread book" by Kropotkin are very much memed by online anarchists.

>> No.10284071

The Conquest of Bread is meh. Nothing too special. Kropotkin's other books(Mutual Aid, Fields Factories and Workshops) are worth reading though.
For contemporary stuff, I really like Graeber(Debt) and James C. Scott(Against the Grain and The Art of Not Being Governed)

>> No.10284129


>> No.10284651

Industrial Society and Its Future by Theodore Kaczynski

>> No.10284737

>Actual anarchism
Lol fuck off republishit

>> No.10284898

belief in the abolition of all government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion.

Anarcho-capitalism is, by definition, anarchism.

>> No.10284907

V for Vendetta

>> No.10284952

The only book worth reading by Kaczynski but damn, it's powerful. I'd recommend Ellul for those who want to dive deeper.
Every 'anarchists' who support either communism or capitalism haven't put a single effort into their mental gymnastics.

>> No.10284967
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>> No.10284980
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>> No.10284991

>Dude the dictionary meaning lmao!
How do I know you've never actually read many books? Even your beloved Ancap writers admitted "anarcho" and "libertarian" were cop-outs of the European leftist tradition that has been around since before Marx.

>> No.10285040
File: 1.11 MB, 540x324, 060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow so clever

>> No.10285053
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why not just let it fail?

>> No.10285128

>Muh left anarchism
Lol fuck off commie

>> No.10285139

That's all it ever meant, illiterate. It's for a peasant economy, not one where they have landlords.

>> No.10285224

I refer you to the definition. Fuck the origin; We don't use Libertarianism in reference to left anarchism anymore, just as anarchy doesn't mean what it used to.

>> No.10285252

Most anarchists lived and thought in an era before we had a global, mechanized, totalitarian system.

Even in the 19th century you could fuck off to the woods and not get run over by a hick in his SUV or have to fend off Yippie joggers trying to take selfies for googlebucks from their blog.

In the 20th, you could maybe escape to South America without getting swamped by hipsters on psychedelic journeys of self-discovery, before trying to sell their documentary and get a mid-level creative management position while trying to keep your micro-dosing LSD levels at a stage where they don't make you see space demons from another dimension.

Today you live in your head or you blow your brains out after killing as many people as you can just to get them out of their misery.

>> No.10285275

Capitalism is, by definition, authoritarian. Anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron shilled by the gullible and internet trolls.

>> No.10285279

>I refer you to the definition
This is babby's first argumentative tool. Please go to university.
>; We don't use Libertarianism in reference to left anarchism anymore
Well, everyone on the left does. I feel like you don't ever leave r/liberty or your subreddit very often. Discursively, libertarianism is still used to refer to the past (May '68, Paris Commune) and present events (Rojava).

>> No.10285297

My Disillusionment in Russia - Emma Goldman

>> No.10285313

>>Dude the dictionary meaning lmao!
>How do I know you've never actually read many books?
t. every dumbfuck 12 yo who doesn't actually know wtf he's talking about ever...

>> No.10285480

>that’s right I’m an ancharist! No limits, just pure individual freedom!
>*calls someone a tranny*
>oi bruv yeh gotta go to jail

>> No.10285509

[citation needed]
Laissez faire economic organization is one of the biggest empowerment to individual liberty in human history

>> No.10285556


Homage to Catalonia Chapter 9, he says he would readily have joined the anarchists to get to the Madrid fighting.

> I had told everyone for a long time past that I was going to leave the P.O.U.M. As far as my purely personal preferences went I would have liked to join the Anarchists.

>> No.10285589
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>> No.10285746

Take it back to your containment board >>>/pol/

>> No.10286110
File: 176 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 11-18-17 at 6.35 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked this up at my local bookstore.

>> No.10286116

This^ is a one stop shop if your really into learning as well.

>> No.10286282

Oh cool so that invalidates the entire spectrum of antistatist thought!
Wtf I’m a fascist now? Hot diggity dog

>> No.10286350
