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10278097 No.10278097 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Excerpts that make you cry

"Sure. It’s been hopeless for a long time, from the very beginning. You will never represent, Raphael, a young girl’s erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It’s already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you’ve known since your adolescence, Raphael, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That’s how it is."

>> No.10278110

why would i want a young girl to be sexually attracted to me

this is the stuff of perverse adults. young girls are not God lol

>> No.10278146

"We really didn't feel much hatred for the Germans as we crossed their lands, we only felt pity" -- T-34 in action.

>> No.10278171

There are times when what is to be said looks out of the past at you - looks out like someone at a window and you in the street as you walk along. Past hours, past acts, take on an uncanny isolation; between them and you who look back on them now there is no continuity.

>> No.10278182

War, what is it good for

>> No.10278197
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>>Wild eyes were another sign. It is something I have seldom seen — the expression of an ecstatic state — though much is foolishly written of them, as if they grew like Jerusalem artichokes along the road. The eyes are black, right enough, whatever their normal color is; they are black because their perception is condensed to a coal, because the touch and taste and perfume of the lover, the outcry of a dirty word, a welcome river, have been reduced in the heat of passion to a black ash, and this unburnt residue of oxidation, this calyx, replaces the pupil so it no longer receives but sends, and every hair is on end, though perhaps only outspread on a pillow, and the nostrils are flared, mouth agape, cheeks sucked so the whole face seems as squeezed as a juiced fruit; I know, for once Lou went into that wildness while we were absorbing one another, trying to kiss, not merely forcefully, not the skull of our skeleton, but the skull and all the bones on which the essential self is hung, kiss so the shape of the soul is stirred too, that's what is called the ultimate French, the furtherest fuck, when a cock makes a concept cry out and climax; I know, for more than once, though not often, I shuddered into that other region, when a mouth drew me through its generosity into the realm of unravel, and every sensation lay extended as a lake, every tie was loosed, and the glue of things dissolved. I knew I wore the wild look then. The greatest gift you can give another human being is to let them warm you till, in passing beyond pleasure, your defenses fall, your ego surrenders, its structure melts, its towers topple, lies, fancies, vanities, blow away in no wind, and you return, not to the clay you came from — the unfired vessel — but to the original moment of inspiration, when you were the unabbreviated breath of God.

>> No.10278207

I like this

>> No.10278213

"We do not know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realize what you are. That's what death is, don't you think?"

>> No.10278222


>> No.10278227

william gass - the tunnel

>> No.10278278

sauce on the jezebel pls

>> No.10278309

Jhulia Pimentel or something like that.

>> No.10278311


>> No.10278344

I'd eat her pimiento cheese if you catch my drift

>> No.10278447

T-34s can't speak

>> No.10278497

"What is so awful is that I cannot help seeing him as he was when he was young... You would not believe what a delightful young fellow he was, but I did not understand him then."

Levin in Anna Karenina about his dying brother Nikolai. Passage got me because of my relationship with my own alcoholic brother.

>> No.10278575


>> No.10278593

Why would that make you cry OP? Nobody gets everything in life, enjoy what you have, leave what you don't to others and make the best of this ride.

>> No.10278629


>> No.10278642

You could just buy some cheese from a store anon.

>> No.10278688
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Because I'm a virgin who is friends with young men who fuck hot girls nonstop

>> No.10278698

How am I supposed to find happiness knowing I will never get a girl like that?

>> No.10278702

I wonder what life is like for girls like this

>> No.10278731

so good, uncomfortably deep. goddamn

>> No.10278751

t. Normie

>> No.10278758

The same as it is for everyone else.

>> No.10278806


>> No.10278820

Do you think life is an RPG or something?

>> No.10278828

I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

>> No.10278829

The world is a fine place and worth fighting for and I hate very much to leave it.

>> No.10278841

It is but the stats are obfuscated

>> No.10278845

I thought a similar thing opening that picture. To hold a body like that, to have a smile like that directed towards you as a consequence of your existence and the personality you have developed over time. For someone with such obviously high aesthetic standards to feel compatible with you and thus suggest your own physical desirability and general high-standard. It hurts, sometimes physically, especially in the lower gut, to be reminded that at this VERY MOMENT this girl is awake, conscious, and in love with someone else, that her little heart beats quickly for him, that her cute face blushes when he is nearby. That there are hundreds of thousands of girls similar to her in the small demographic of women I would absolutely marry after a week of talking and mutual smiling who will NEVER so much CONSIDER dating a depressed manchild undiscovered genius like myself. It isn't fair and frankly somebody has to pay.

>> No.10278853

reading things like this makes me think that Internet + Globalization is the root of the demoralization of people today

Everyone wants to experience this imaginary simulation of a perfect life (that no one has in reality), with no interest in living a "real" life with both good and bad thrown in there. It's so childish to think that teenage love is so pure and perfect, or that love is so romatically idealistic. People watch beautiful women and chads on the internet everyday thinking that somehow their lifestyles are attainable through normal means or even desireable, most of you would get bored because sex and fame aren't some spiritual drugs that make your life fulfilling. Even if you were a handsome popular guy you would still be filled with the same existential doubts.
Just love the life you have and make the best out of the situation, that's something I can respect, but crying for a simulation of a fake reality makes me lose hope in people, go make the real deal happen (or kill yourself) if you think it can make you so happy. These people are no different than the kid who plays too much action videogames and wants to be a soldier so he can go to war.

I sometimes think mass media and the internet were a huge mistake.

>> No.10278857
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sounds like you are a superior gentleman

>> No.10278858

Is this gore Vidal?
That fucking twat.

>> No.10278866

The daily life for beautiful people is not remotely close to the same thing as daily life for ugly people.

>> No.10278874
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>don't worry about it just be yourself bro its gonna be ok

>> No.10278877

No, the reason life sucks for you is because you're a bitter failure. Plenty of uglets make it and plenty of pretty faces fuck up. It's you the one who sucks.

>> No.10278892

You've misinterpreted the passage. The reference to teenage love isn't the beginning and the end of what Raphael has missed out on. He has missed affection, love, intimacy, sex, his entire life, essentially entirely. This isn't about being a virgin at the end of highschool.
My life is terrible because of myself, yes. My life was ruined due to my own personality long before I was old enough to be ugly. But that doesn't mean that being ugly doesn't hugely affect people's lives for the worse. I can absolutely guarantee that running through the average day- once ugly, once beautiful- the latter will be easier.

>> No.10278894


why so focused on ease

>> No.10278897

because he is in pain

>> No.10278899

Because I'm too infantile to be a stoic and I don't have a Messiah complex.

>> No.10278901

It's more about just living what you are given instead of trying to live something that doesn't and can't exist.
If you are brave enough you will fight for what you think you deserve anyways.

>> No.10278909

Pretty people have it slightly easier than ugly ones. Most people are neither tho.

>> No.10278915

Life isn't a race to determine winners and losers, and if it was, why bother so much? You were doomed from the start (according to you), no pressure then.
Everyone experiences similar feelings and doubts despite the times they live in, the geographical location, their intellect, etc...
Even if you were a 10/10 grill you would think that love isn't for you because everyone focuses on your looks, or that you have to put extra effort in showing you are smart, or maybe some people harass you, hell, maybe you developed a horrible personality since looks is all you have and no one wants to be around you, so you marry a rich ugly guy since he doesn't demand much, but you feel horrible and dirty every night. Who the fuck knows.

Whatever it is, there's always something to complain about, life is never easy.

>> No.10278938

Nigger, I spent my childhood in the collapsing economy of a post communist 90's economy of an Eastern European country throwing rocks at gyppos and birds and putting money with 5 other lads to buy a non-bootleg football, then praying nothing ever happens to it. Then again, our grills are a class above Anglo goblins so there's that

>> No.10278941

>The women followed in black cloaks with turned-down hoods; each of them carried in her hands a large lighted candle, and Charles felt himself growing weaker at this continual repetition of prayers and torches, beneath this oppressive odour of wax and of cassocks. A fresh breeze was blowing; the rye and colza were sprouting, little dewdrops trembled at the roadsides and on the hawthorn hedges. All sorts of joyous sounds filled the air; the jolting of a cart rolling afar off in the ruts, the crowing of a cock, repeated again and again, or the gambling of a foal running away under the apple-trees: The pure sky was fretted with rosy clouds; a bluish haze rested upon the cots covered with iris. Charles as he passed recognised each courtyard. He remembered mornings like this, when, after visiting some patient, he came out from one and returned to her.

>> No.10278952

You're essentially arguing that being wealthy is not easier than being poor. It's the same idea.
Yes, being rich is a bigger advantage than being beautiful, you don't need to tell me that.

>> No.10279006

it's good for getting rid of surplus teenaged males, is what it's good for.

>> No.10279007
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There no more could a man who was in that work make light of it,
one who still unhit and still unstabbed by the sharp bronze
spun in the midst of that fighting, with Pallas Athene's hold on
his hand guiding him, driving back the volleying spears thrown.
For on that day many men of the Achaians and Trojans
lay sprawled in the dust face downward beside one another.

>> No.10279024

cum on dem tiddies

>> No.10279030

You said it youself, they are not comparable.
However my point is that one will always find misery on it's life because that's how we are programmed, we desire something we don't have or have melancholy about something we didn't live. No matter how good things are, there's always something bad going on with our lives or something to complain about.

Rich people, handsome people, tall people, etc... they all can suicide too. Maybe they have a marginal advantage over you, but they don't realize that because they have normalized those advantages over their lifes. For rich people having an iPhone is an afterthought, so they don't realize the struggle, not because they are perversive, but that's simply how humans work.

In fact I'd even argue that people with an easy life have a less fulfilling one (or they don't develop spiritually), because they haven't met adversity, and adversity is what makes life beautiful and rewarding. But at the same time, a life with too many adversities is also a depressing one.

Anyways, people don't realize the good in their lifes and exaggerate the bad. For me, it's (generally speaking) the sign of a great person to say "my life is good and I like it despite everything", because it shows that they either don't care about shit anymore, or that they have some degree of humbleness.

>> No.10279072

>Jesus wept.

>> No.10279079
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i got pretty sad and emotionally overwhelmed when they crucified Coltaine, and then again when the crows came to redeem him
but yea, i've always been a sucker for religious imagery, and anything related to it
my man

>> No.10279089

more like
>don't worry about it just be yourself bro its gonna be ok sometimes and bad sometimes, just don't be too delusional about what a life is

>> No.10279098

>Human contact is no big deal bro haha sometimes things just happen

>> No.10279111

full and stretched out, you jelly?

>> No.10279114


>> No.10279131

t. Low Test

I'm recently turning 20-ish and I'm going fucking girl-crazy over here. It's driving me insane. All I can think about is girls. Bruno Mars said it best when he wrote that one song about girls and how they'll be the death of him. I've never said anyone say it any better.


>> No.10279162
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>he cites popular american music as a source

>> No.10279169
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>Bruno Mars

>> No.10279172

Is this real life?

>> No.10279176
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>Tfw 2 intelligent for pop music

Do you also refuse exercise because it's "brutish"?

But in all seriousness, that song makes me very sad. Every young girl, to me, is my very own Lolita. No matter where I go, they haunt me in my wake and in my dreams-- I will never be rid of their poison for as long as I live. I will die, buried, with the love of a million young girls still left in my heart ;_;

>> No.10279177

Jesus, that ass could make a man believe in God.

>> No.10279183


>> No.10279188

Is this just fanta sea?

>> No.10279192
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i'll forgive you for this because, as you say, you are only "20'ish", which my keen detector for fraud prompts me to interpret as no more than freshly 19

when you achieve a bit more senior years, your hormonal balance, assuming it is henceforth maintained, will cause you to be attracted to grown, healthy, fertile women, capable of not only baring children, but also taking care for them and supporting them

until that time, i suppose maybe 3 to 5 more years, the curse of the Lolita will indeed be upon your testicularly-strained mind

>> No.10279202

MILFS were a mistake...

I seriously can't be fucked to be attracted to anyone older than 25. Fourteen year olds to 17 year olds are my absolute kryptonite. They'll literally be the fucking death of me. I'm calling it right fucking now-- my insanity for young girls will drive me to despair.

Screenshot this, boys. I'll be in the news one day, several years from now. May God have mercy on my soul.

>> No.10279212

You too, anon? Ah, sweet childhood. The romanigger urchins had their revenge though when une if them almost hit me with a rotten peach masterfully thrown through the open window of the moving train I was in.

>> No.10279254
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>> No.10279264

She is a non-nude "model" on MFC, and she spends hours sitting waiting for guys to give her $100 to do a handbra

>> No.10279315
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>> No.10279325

t. Tolstoy's original title

>> No.10279339


>> No.10279351

Best post in the thread so far desu. Lit is slow tonight.

>> No.10279361

I want to fuck the shit out of her ass with my penis and spray paint her face and big titties with my opaque cum if ya catch my drift lads.

>> No.10279375

A little flesh, a little breath, then death.

Sounds pretty similar to me.

>> No.10279394

Are you a dog? (White girls fuck dogs)

>> No.10279404

HOOOOOOOOLLLLLLYYYYY **** i just fall of chair!!!! simply le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwn'd ftw le bacon narwhale xP upboated good sir i tip my fedora to you! tips fedora, le any1 athiest? LOL











EPIC MEMEING /b/ro BAZINGA BAZINGA BAZINGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ZIMBABWE is this a le new epic meme? screen kapped for dat sweet karma xD. FUS ROH DAH!!!!!1 i used to be a christmas but then i took an arrow 2 da knee : BAZINGA BAZINGA ZIMBABWE. top kek, toppest of keks. le nyan cat? hahahaha le mayonaise. *ing epic ass meme i love that *ing meme so much man wait let me just gets crack pipe out smoke some of that good 420 **** : rips a bong AHHHHHHHHH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that sure hit the spot ok now repeat that fucking epic ass M E M E

>> No.10279407

I'm not hearing a "no"

>> No.10279413


>> No.10279427

I could only answer with a quote of Evola's, but I am too much of a sloth to look one up and I don't want to make one up from memory. This apathy and depression of mine is a direct cause of the lack of war and struggle.

>> No.10279429
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“I keep thinking about this river somewhere, with the water moving really fast. And these two people in the water, trying to hold onto each other, holding on as hard as they can, but in the end it's just too much. The current's too strong. They've got to let go, drift apart. That's how it is with us. It's a shame, Kath, because we've loved each other all our lives. But in the end, we can't stay together forever.”

>> No.10279438

That beats literally anything in the world.

>> No.10279445


>> No.10279447

I feel you bro,
How about in Memories of Ice, where Whiskeyjack is killed by Kallor.

>You should have just gone to a doctor with your bad ankle you stupid bastard!

>> No.10279464

What could this young man possibly have meant by this, la's?

>> No.10279468
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>> No.10279471

good post

>> No.10279472

>bootleg toys made of thin plastic
>most of everything is homemade
>clothes on the market so bad and stiff, 16 yo girls sew their own clothing
>mom cuts everyone's hair
>corduroy pants
>that one toy you always want and never get, never complaining about it
>singing traditional carols at the christmas tree with your family
>socks and clothing for christmas
>dad giving you his childhood books
>crafting presents for your parents
>Home Alone 2
>sleigh ride with your dad on a home made sleigh
>hot black tea with lemon, honey and a drop of rum when you get home
>Little Baby Jesus


>"fuck off mom"
>money in an envelope

>> No.10279525

>Home Alone 2
I was there for Home Alone 1, about the same age as Kevin too. Everything else checks though, except the carols and baby Jesus. And the tea was herbal because black tea kept me up at night. This is Russia, yes?

>> No.10279539

It's from a collection of memoirs edited by Artyom Drabkin and Oleg Pushkin. (I think )

>> No.10279544


Teenage romantic encounters are completely overrated. t. Popular in HS

>> No.10279552
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I want to go back

>> No.10279670


As a profoundly ugly man, I can tell you that you have no idea about how horrific being completely cut off positive encounters with members of the opposite sex of your age is.

t. Someone so ugly people assume Im mentally retarded.

>> No.10279672

Yes I am Slavic

>> No.10279675

This is bullshit. People still envied the chads and stacies in their local communities before the internet and people still take love where they can get it after the internet

>> No.10279705

i have chuckled

>> No.10279721

I love how much /r9k/-/lit/ anons romanticize the idea of sex. I can see the frustration, their wounds, because they feel entitle to access sex with beautiful unnamed young woman, just as advertising, TV and fictions have told them, and they can not.

Try to find the origin of your preconceived ideas about what you really want or need. You'll live with less frustration and we would have better discussions here.

>> No.10279735

We good looking people usually do not even pity the ugly, we see them as animals living a life of a lower sort and never even coming close to what actually is joyous and beautiful in mankind. Sometimes we laugh ofcourse like when you see an especially funny cat, but we never take them seriously.

Even when some Eliot Rodger type stands over a Stacy ready to take out his low revenge fantasies on her, she would not think him powerfull or regret rejecting him. Rather she will in that moment see him as a rabid dog.

>> No.10279741

This but unironically

>> No.10279750

What they miss out on isn't sex alone but romantic love. Any /r9k/fag could bang a hooker. They simply recognize that being rejected by most women is an indication of you not being all that genetically beneficial to humanity.

>> No.10279778

A robot's idea of (sexual) relationships and the reality of those are both stupid. I'd say we're in a state of transformation between animalistic bodily love, and an honest, transcendent, loving connection. I was talking to my girl just yesterday about the modern constitution of marriage and how plastic it feels to me, how disenchanted of any form of spiritual depth. There has been a massive shift of divorce rate of young marriages in the past ten to twenty years, and I can't figure out why. I observe a phenomenon in people that are nearing thirty:
Guys - afraid to form a stable and lasting relationship; lack of a dependent fatherly figure; avoidance of personal growth and accepting responsibilities. "I don't want to grow up. I still want to play."
Girls - disappearance of femininity; lack of personal identity; extreme competitiveness; later an unconscious intensive endeavour to secure a male for herself (clearly evolutionarily driven) => a baby. "t. Edith Stoner"

Damn, I need to learn more. Any recommended literature on these issues?

>> No.10279790

Symposium by Plato, if you havent already read it.
Orphaned Society by Pim Fortuyn.
Conditional Love by Thierry Baudet.

>> No.10279830
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actually, i was just about to post this excerpt from Martha Nussbaum on Alcibiades. the last few sentences make me cry like a bitch:

‘I'm going to tell the truth. Do you think you'll allow that?’ — Alcibiades, to Socrates

He was, to begin with, beautiful. He was endowed with a physical grace and splendor that captivated the entire city. They did not decline as he grew, but flourished at each stage with new authority and power. He was always highly conscious of his body, vain about its influence. He would speak of his beauty as his ‘amazing good fortune’, and his ‘windfall from the gods’ (217a). But this was not the limit of his natural gifts. Energy and intellectual power had made him one of the best commanders and strategists Athens had known, one of the most skillful orators ever to enchant her people. In both careers his genius was his keen eye for the situation – the way he could discern the salient features of the particular case and boldly select appropriate action. About all these gifts he was equally vain – yet also almost morbidly concerned with criticism and gossip. He loved to be loved. He hated to be observed, skinned, discovered. His heart, generous and volatile, was rapidly moved to both love and anger, at once changeable and tenacious. He was, then, a man of great resources who made deep demands on the world, both emotional and intellectual; and he did what resource and courage could to guarantee success.


But what, then, becomes of us, the audience, when we are confronted with the illumination of this true tragedy, and forced to see everything? We are, Alcibiades tells us, the jury (219c). And we are also the accused. As we watch the trial of Socrates for the contemptuous overweening of reason, which is at the same time the trial of Alcibiades for the contemptuous overweening of the body, we see what neither of them can fully see—the overweening of both. And we see that it is ours, part of the way we must go if we are to follow either one or the other. But so much light can turn to stone. You have to refuse to see something, apparently, if you are going to act. I can choose to follow Socrates, ascending to the vision of the beautiful. But I cannot take the first step on that ladder as long as I see Alcibiades. I can follow Socrates only if, like Socrates, I am persuaded of the truth of Diotima's account; and Alcibiades robs me of this conviction. He makes me feel that in embarking on the ascent I am sacrificing a beauty; so I can no longer view the ascent as embracing the whole of beauty.


When Alcibiades finished speaking, they burst out laughing at the frankness of his speech, because it looked as though he was still in love with Socrates (222c). He stood there, perhaps, with ivy in his hair, crowned with violets.

>> No.10279844

You forgot the "hugh"

>> No.10279861

you forgot the "mungus"

>> No.10279876 [DELETED] 


You are just world rationalising.

>I-if I don't feel that happy then no one c-can!!!

Some people are fucked and others aren't. Don't rationalise this away

>> No.10279927

I just don't understand how you can be so unabashedly resentful and pathetic. Don't you feel shame in openly declaring your total submissiveness to, not even a carnal pleasure itself, but an image of it? To have an identity at all, you must be self-sufficient. Incidentally, this is what those instagram sluts lack the most.

Also, stop posting my waifu.

>> No.10279959


What is the name of your waifu?

>> No.10280014

Jhulia Pimentel.


>> No.10280061

Actually terrible.

>> No.10280094

This is shit though

>> No.10280113

Do you want to believe that maybe a bit more then you really believe it?

>> No.10280125

I think one of the saddest parts of a book I ever read was the part in The Idiot where Myshkin is comforting some slut with TB that the entire town hates.

Its kind of the only part I remember in that book.

>> No.10280170

Are you fucking quoting Naruto

>> No.10280227

>undiscovered genius

yeah, right.

>> No.10280239

Gogol, Dead Souls vol.2

What does it mean, however, that even in his fall, the perishing man demands to be loved? Is it an animal instinct? or the faint cry of the soul smothered under the heavy burden of base passions, still trying to break through te hardening crust of abominations, still crying: "Save me, brother!"

>> No.10280252 [DELETED] 

Too many to remember.
I swear to christ. If someone is holding a monologue about how they long for something, or how they're sorry, I'm fucked.

I think it has something to do with the shit I dealt with as a kid, but emotional desperation destroys me. The example that comes to mind is:

Da gießt unendlicher Regen herab,
Von den Bergen stürzen die Quellen,
Und die Bäche, die Ströme schwellen.
Und er kommt ans Ufer mit wanderndem Stab,
Da reißet die Brücke der Strudel hinab,
Und donnernd sprengen die Wogen
Des Gewölbes krachenden Bogen.

Und trostlos irrt er an Ufers Rand:
Wie weit er auch spähet und blicket
Und die Stimme, die rufende, schicket.
Da stößet kein Nachen vom sichern Strand,
Der ihn setze an das gewünschte Land,
Kein Schiffer lenket die Fähre,
Und der wilde Strom wird zum Meere.

Just... this guy's mindless desperation, imagining him flinging himself back and forth: not even pacing, but gasping, wide eyed, looking for a path he knows isn't there until he just flings himself into the water, not knowing if he'll live or die, but not caring, because he HAS to...

I'm just very goddamn emotional, and desperation is something that I always feel very vividly, and I know how awful, and painful it is.

>> No.10280261


Too many to remember.
I swear to christ. If someone is holding a monologue about how they long for something, or how they're sorry, I'm fucked.

I think it has something to do with the shit I dealt with as a kid, but emotional desperation destroys me. The example that comes to mind is Die Bürgschaft (The Pledge):

Da gießt unendlicher Regen herab,
Von den Bergen stürzen die Quellen,
Und die Bäche, die Ströme schwellen.
Und er kommt ans Ufer mit wanderndem Stab,
Da reißet die Brücke der Strudel hinab,
Und donnernd sprengen die Wogen
Des Gewölbes krachenden Bogen.

Und trostlos irrt er an Ufers Rand:
Wie weit er auch spähet und blicket
Und die Stimme, die rufende, schicket.
Da stößet kein Nachen vom sichern Strand,
Der ihn setze an das gewünschte Land,
Kein Schiffer lenket die Fähre,
Und der wilde Strom wird zum Meere.

Da sinkt er ans Ufer und weint und fleht,
Die Hände zum Zeus erhoben:
"O hemme des Stromes Toben!
Es eilen die Stunden, im Mittag steht
Die Sonne, und wenn sie niedergeht
Und ich kann die Stadt nicht erreichen,
So muß der Freund mir erbleichen."

Doch wachsend erneut sich des Stromes Wut,
Und Welle auf Welle zerrinnet,
Und Stunde an Stunde entrinnet.
Da treibt ihn die Angst, da faßt er sich Mut
Und wirft sich hinein in die brausende Flut
Und teilt mit gewaltigen Armen
Den Strom, und ein Gott hat Erbarmen.

Just... this guy's mindless desperation, imagining him flinging himself back and forth: not even pacing, but gasping, wide eyed, looking for a path he knows isn't there until he just flings himself into the water, not knowing if he'll live or die, but not caring, because he HAS to...

I'm just very goddamn emotional, and desperation is something that I always feel very vividly, and I know how awful, and painful it is.

>> No.10280270


You're too young to genuinely know anything about anything.

>> No.10280290

T. Every guy who is in his early thirties and doesnt actually read or study but thinks he is "wise" because his life experience is somehow an allegory of most of the human condition.

>> No.10280309

>"Those poor innocents," he exclaimed in a stricken whisper, as if some blindness had suddenly healed itself, allowing him at least to see the horror transpiring on the ground. "Back at the beginning of this ... they must have been boys, so much like us ... They knew they were standing before a great chasm none could see to the bottom of. But they launched themselves into it anyway. Cheering and laughing. It was their own grand 'Adventure'. They were juvenile heroes of a World-Narrative--unreflective and free, they went on hurling themselves into those depths by tens of thousands until one day they awoke, those who were still alive, and instead of finding themselves posed nobly against some dramatic moral geography, they were down cringing in a mud trench swarming with rats and smelling of shit and death."

>> No.10280311

>chads on the internet everyday thinking that somehow their lifestyles are attainable through normal means or even desireable
>go make the real deal happen
did you have a stroke in the middle of writing this post

>> No.10280312

>alienation doesn't exist because some richfag kills himself sometimes
holy mackerel

>> No.10280314

Wrong on all accounts.

Maybe I came off wrong; I have no intention of putting you down or belittling your pain.

But that doesn't change that what I said is true. You don't stop developing on a biological level until ~25 and you are quite literally going through growing pains.

That too shall pass.

>> No.10280317

The one thing a man in his early thirties knows is what it's like to be a man in his twenties.

>> No.10280325

That is a much nicer message.

>> No.10280342

And all shall be well and
All manner of thing shall be well
When the tongues of flames are in-folded
Into the crowned knot of fire
And the fire and the rose are one.

>> No.10280343

Still think its pretentious af to talk like that. And nobody has the exact same experience of being in their early twenties senpai, especially not if it was a decade ago for you.

>> No.10280366

... if you're in your early thirties, your twenties were not a decade ago. In your early thirties, you have that the most possible experience of being in your twenties physically possible, as recently as is physically possible.
>nobody has the exact same experience
You're about to explore a new country. You have the option of two people to ask for advice on your journey. One of them has explored a different country before. The other one hasn't. Which would you to listen to?
Maybe you should listen to the anon who was trying to help you out instead of getting all aggressively defensive about your inexperience.

>> No.10280393

I am not the guy he was trying help. How was he helping him in saying that other anon "doesnt know anything about anything"? Here is a guy who is about to explore a new land (maybe jungles) and here is a guy who explored a dessert once, boasting and calling him dumb.

>> No.10280415

That's a really bad analogy.

Are you being intentionally obtuse?

>> No.10280435

How was he helping him in saying that? answer the question and stop projecting you obtuse old timer.

Also note that the guy how originally said the thing we are discussing, has already corrected himself and I accepted his advice.

>> No.10280453

>I thought a similar thing opening that picture. To hold a body like that, to have a smile like that directed towards you as a consequence of your existence and the personality you have developed over time. For someone with such obviously high aesthetic standards to feel compatible with you and thus suggest your own physical desirability and general high-standard. It hurts, sometimes physically, especially in the lower gut, to be reminded that at this VERY MOMENT this girl is awake, conscious, and in love with someone else, that her little heart beats quickly for him, that her cute face blushes when he is nearby. That there are hundreds of thousands of girls similar to her in the small demographic of women I would absolutely marry after a week of talking and mutual smiling who will NEVER so much CONSIDER dating a depressed manchild undiscovered genius like myself. It isn't fair and frankly somebody has to pay.

You are so ridiculous, I can't even tell if this is sincere. Sort yourself out and stop being such an anxious and ENVIOUS bitch.

So chill out man, build some indifference, take your time, there's no rush and slowly gain self-respect!

So that's patience, relax, self-respect and indifference.


>> No.10280474

I didn't correct myself, I explained what "don't know anything about anything" actually meant in a context I used.

There is no shame in not knowing something, it's actually freeing because once you come to term with "I don't know this or that" is a perfectly acceptable position.

But it is shameful and counter-productive to not know and refuse to even entertain possible answers because it would chip away at your self image.

>> No.10280487


I honestly never realized how plastic the West really is

>> No.10280503

There may be jungles but there also may be deserts. The man who explored the desert knows about maps, compasses, reading the stars, how to best approach natives, etc etc. Yet you're still writing him off entirely because your feelings are hurt at the suggestion that someone who has been in a similar place to you might know more than you.

>> No.10280511

I'm from Easter Europe and I've visited USA a couple of times, have a buddy who works as a software engineer in New York and we recently talked about this.

Our childhoods compared to that of his peers are SO different that he's basically an alien to them (well was, he's been living there for a decade or so).

>> No.10280515

> Yet you're still writing him off entirely

Lol I only challenged his pretentious coment which prompted him to disclose some actual advice.

>> No.10280546
File: 58 KB, 488x604, 1506529864868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were poor compared to the first world countries but I'm glad I've lived the life that was given to me.

Picture related, a wedding after the war has ended.

>> No.10280618

Do people still get married in Eastern Europe?

>> No.10280719
File: 45 KB, 637x411, hessOld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't watch anything that portrays teenage romance, I get really sad and angry, it reminds me what I missed in life.
Fortunately for us Houellebecq knew the relief to this despair.
"That doesn't mean that all posibilty of revenge is closed to you. These women you desire so much, you too can posses them.
You can posses what is most precious to them, their life. Launch yourself on a career of murder this very evening;
believe me, my friend, it's the only way still open to you.

>> No.10280881

How can people type this sort of advice unironically and sincerely believe it is at valuable? It's literally more absurd than the resentful man claiming other people should pay for his misfortune. At least the latter is self aware.

If I get told one more time to be more confident or to be myself I'm going to blow my fucking brains out

>> No.10280908

Well, I'm not him. What's your problem, exactly? Maybe I can help? I'm a fuck up too, so I can empathize.

>> No.10280917

>What's your problem, exactly?

Take a look at the thread we're in and take a wild guess

>> No.10280918

I didn't tell you to be more confident or be yourself, dummy.

>> No.10280930

his problem is he's probably immature, inexperienced and afraid that he has lifetime of misery ahead of him.

>> No.10280932

I've been drunk for three days. I don't have the patience or investment to put that much thought into it. I'm just offering to give you non shitty advice, not learn your personal history.

>> No.10280947

Oh. That's easy.
1.Shut up
2.listen when people talk
3.don't be an asshole
4.be honest with your feelings
5.don't deny yourself what you enjoy

>> No.10280949

>and knows that he has lifetime of misery ahead of him.


>> No.10281095

Nothing ensures a lifetime of misery like thinking that you have a lifetime of misery ahead of you. Self-fulfilling

>> No.10281096
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>> No.10281205

Has man ever played a grander prank on God? Find what makes you miserable. Say
>Tfw no gf
Calculate the amount of time you spend brooding over something so trivial, let's say an hour of materialized angst a day. That's 365 hours a year complaining. Stop. You can apply that to almost anything. If it's more abstract, say you hate work but can't quit for obvious reasons, figure out why it's miserable and then work around it.
Get a goal, if you're still an incel permavirg but not so angry, try talking to women for 30 minutes a day. Get Tinder and pretend to be Chad if that's what it takes. It's fun, and you aren't missing much! Most people want women to shutup.

>> No.10281704

Is there any place in the world where you can still live meaningfully?

>> No.10282947

My own head.

>> No.10283109

How's the rent?

>> No.10283111

Good God y'all