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10276435 No.10276435 [Reply] [Original]

What were the Mysteries of Dionysus?

>> No.10276957
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>> No.10276973
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>> No.10276994

the whole Jesus Christ meme of wine representing blood comes from Dionysic worship

>> No.10277027
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>> No.10277033
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>> No.10277040
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>> No.10277051

I am unironically fucking obsessed with Dionysus. I wish worshipping Greco-Roman deities wasn't fucking edgy tbqh.

>> No.10277053
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>> No.10277056

How do I join a dyonisian cult

>> No.10277058

what book(s)?

>> No.10277063

Psychoactive drugs

>> No.10277065
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>> No.10277076

Modern Dionysian cults are just oldfags going through a midlife crisis getting drunk and having a disgusting orgy. It's sad. I want to worship him as a god of embracing creativity, allowing yourself to be consumed by imagination and the influence of alcohol in order to create beautiful things, weird things, wild things without letting anxiety or convention limit you. Of course what you'll make will still be mostly crap though, but to me it's about just getting it out, and he helps me do this. I feel like I invoke him whenever I write or draw seriously or anything.

>> No.10277085
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'Mystery Religions in the Ancient World' by Joscelyn Godwin

>> No.10277093
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>> No.10277096
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>> No.10277103
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>> No.10277109
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>> No.10277114
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>> No.10277124
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Godwin is good. This book is comfy.

>> No.10277140
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Some good quotes about mystery cults and Dionysius in this book but unfortunately I lent it to a friend and moved since.

Of course, one could interpret it as an Apollo-nizing with its Neoplatonic explanations...

>> No.10277148
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Uzdavinys seems a lot less polemical than Nietzsche... I like his balanced unity of Apollo and Dionysius. Nietzsche seems to often be misinterpreted as advocating excess.

>> No.10277186
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People often say the mystery religions were “lost”. They have not been lost. They have been supressed. And as scholarship has left behinds its Christian chains it has begun to re-examine some of this suppressed knowledge. People, iy seems, have been having these same experiences through the same methods since the dawn of recorded history. Christianity has just been suprressing them for the last two millenia. New revelation threatens old religion. Listen to: >>10277063 or try any other method for altering consciousness. I think drugs are the most “stereotypically” Dionysian method, however.

>> No.10277237
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Augh. So many typos. Got too excited. Notice the mushroom on the cover.
I often have trouble reconciling my love of Nietzscheanism and Platonism, lol.

>> No.10277569

Finally a good thread

>> No.10277602

As someone who has taken large doses of psychedelics but avoided any more than 5-6 shots of alcohol on a night out could anyone who's had both psychs and 20+ shots of alcohol tell me if spirits actually get you "high" or is drunk on spirits as far removed from psychedelic revelation as I imagine it to be?

>> No.10277654

It is horrible, i would not recommend anon and if do anyway be prepared to vomit

>> No.10277947


thank you guys so much for this

>> No.10278057

I have done many drugs, many drugs. Stylized myself a shaman once. Now I stay away from psychedelics. I have found a happy center. I would not recommend twenty drinks in a short period of time. It is not “psychedelic”. Entheogens are highly unique. I believe in ancient times, various psychoactives (including alcohol) were mixed together. Polydrug abuse can be fun albeit dangerous. I myself enjoy mixing beer and weed and cigarettes. All bad habits on their own but damned if they don’t deliver me to a state of nirvana wherein I can work and study and read and write without being crippled by my overwhelming anxiety. I thank psychedelics for showing me my happy center and giving me faith in a metaphysical world, however, even though I no longer mess with them. Seek and you shall find, as they say.

>> No.10278062

I'm jealous as fuck tbqh
I don't even know anyone so I can't get anything like weed or DMT or whatever.

>> No.10278068

If we knew, they wouldn't be mysteries now would they?

>> No.10278215

Daily reminder that the ancient Greek mystery cults are nothing more than the ancient equivalent of modern Pentacostal churches.

Who you gonna trust? Four thousand years of theology or a high?

>> No.10278226

>Who you gonna trust? Four thousand years of theology or a high?
definitely the high tbqh famalam. it's more fun and I'm a filthy hedonist.

>> No.10278243
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>only choosing theology or drugs
>not mentioning the third option

>> No.10278276

What's the third option?

>> No.10279196

Both nigga

>> No.10280566
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I love Klimt

>> No.10280586

Have you guys read The Bacchae? It's a good one!

>> No.10280601

I'd love to party with those chicks

>> No.10280651

You could've ended with "nietzche ilseems to often be misinterpreted"

>> No.10280699

Are you the guy with the shrine who unironically believes that Dionysus inspires your creativity? If so, respect

>> No.10280708

>“It's a very Greek idea, and a very profound one. Beauty is terror. Whatever we call beautiful, we quiver before it. And what could be more terrifying and beautiful, to souls like the Greeks or our own, than to lose control completely? To throw off the chains of being for an instant, to shatter the accident of our mortal selves? Euripides speaks of the Maenads: head thrown I back, throat to the stars, "more like deer than human being." To be absolutely free! One is quite capable, of course, of working out these destructive passions in more vulgar and less efficient ways. But how glorious to release them in a single burst! To sing, to scream, to dance barefoot in the woods in the dead of night, with no more awareness of mortality than an animal! These are powerful mysteries. The bellowing of bulls. Springs of honey bubbling from the ground. If we are strong enough in our souls we can rip away the veil and look that naked, terrible beauty right in the face; let God consume us, devour us, unstring our bones. Then spit us out reborn.”

>> No.10280722

i watched a lecture on youtube about it but i couldn't find it right now. the mysteries were divulged to the initiate through stories that were like cautionary tales: basically don't fuck with dionysus, he's not a "minor god" and you have to respect that dark, animalistic, mysterious part of the human psyche because if you don't it gonna fucking consume you.

>> No.10280757

yes ):

unironically this

>> No.10282309

>unironically this


>> No.10282842

Dark web

All you need is a safe address and monero. Plausible deniability because LE cant prove you knew pack was coming

>> No.10282880

Just pay with bitcoin?

>> No.10282973

Isn't DMT contained in Chaliponga and other legal herbs?
I heard you have to take Syrian Rue or Pergamum Hamala and then either Chaliponga or Yopo Seeds (or others) to have a full experience.
They're all legal, try and research them.

>> No.10283088

Some Canadian pharmaceutical websites sell 4 aco dmt for research purposes..

>> No.10283126
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Mithraic mysteries >>

>> No.10283226


>> No.10283230

Mysteries depended on mystagogy. People keeping secrets. Course the secret of the secret is there is no secret...

>> No.10283235

where can I find information on mystery religion cults located in asia minor? I will be located in turkey for a while and I would like to travel a bit to collect photos and stuff. I might collect them all into some kind of text in the future.

>> No.10283237

More like how do you found one?

>> No.10283400

>implying someone like you can Know anything
Parrots get nowhere.