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/lit/ - Literature

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10275165 No.10275165 [Reply] [Original]

I always knew Norm was a voracious reader but I didn't know he posted about it online. Apparently he only reads classical lit and has made a list of stuff that people should avoid. What are your thoughts on Norm's list?
>Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
>Darkness At Noon by Arthur Koestler
>The Way Of All Flesh by Samuel Batler
>1984 by George Orwell
>Slaughter House Five by Kurt Vonnegut
>The Wings Of The Dove by Henry James
>The Ambassadors by Henry James
>Animal Farm by George Orwell
>Howards End by E.M. Forster
>Point Counter Point by Aldous Huxley
>Zuleika Dobson by Max Beerbohm
>From Here To Eternity by James Jones
>A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
>The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark
>Under The Net by Iris Murdoch
>The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M Cain

>> No.10275170

inb4 real jerk

>> No.10275195

Seems good to me

>> No.10275211

>hates both Huxley and Orwell

Based as fuck.

>> No.10275215

A moth goes into a podiatrist’s office, and the podiatrist’s office says, “What seems to be the problem, moth?”

The moth says “What’s the problem? Where do I begin, man? I go to work for Gregory Illinivich, and all day long I work. Honestly doc, I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. I don’t even know if Gregory Illinivich knows. He only knows that he has power over me, and that seems to bring him happiness. But I don’t know, I wake up in a malaise, and I walk here and there… at night I…I sometimes wake up and I turn to some old lady in my bed that’s on my arm. A lady that I once loved, doc. I don’t know where to turn to. My youngest, Alexendria, she fell in the…in the cold of last year. The cold took her down, as it did many of us. And my other boy, and this is the hardest pill to swallow, doc. My other boy, Gregarro Ivinalititavitch… I no longer love him. As much as it pains me to say, when I look in his eyes, all I see is the same cowardice that I… that I catch when I take a glimpse of my own face in the mirror. If only I wasn’t such a coward, then perhaps…perhaps I could bring myself to reach over to that cocked and loaded gun that lays on the bedside behind me and end this hellish facade once and for all…Doc, sometimes I feel like a spider, even though I’m a moth, just barely hanging on to my web with an everlasting fire underneath me. I’m not feeling good. And so the doctor says, “Moth, man, you’re troubled. But you should be seeing a psychiatrist. Why on earth did you come here?”
"Well I wanted to tell you this joke" says the moth
"What joke"

Larry Lobster and Sam Clam where best friends. They did everything together. The only difference between them is that Larry was the nicest Lobster ever and Sam, well lets just say he was not so good. Larry and Sam did so much together that they even died together.

Larry went to heaven and Sam went to hell.

Larry was doing well in heaven and one day St. Peter came up to him and said, "Larry, you know you are the nicest clam we ever had up here. Everyone likes you but you seem to be a bit depressed.

Tell me what is bothering you, maybe I can help."

Larry said, "Well, don't get me wrong Pete, I like it up here and everything, but I really miss my good friend Sam Clam. We used to do everything together and I really miss him a lot."

St. Peter looked at Larry with pity and said to him, "I tell you what, I can arrange it so that you can go down to hell tomorrow and visit Sam all day. How would that sound?"

This made Larry very happy and he got up bright and early the next morning and grabbed his wings, his harp, and his halo and got in the elevator to hell. When the doors opened he was met by Sam. The hugged each other and they were off. You see in Hell Sam owned a disco. The spent the day there together and had a great time. At the end of the day Larry and Sam went back to the elevator and

>> No.10275216

i dont agree with ignoring orwell or burgess
if anything on the basis that they are extremely short 1-3 day novels
literally no commitment

>> No.10275220

Why don't people like Slaughter House Five?

>> No.10275247

Seems like hes trying to stop people going down a generic path rather than calling the books bad.

>> No.10275251

I would also like to know this
It sounds like he doesn't like them. "Don't bother with" makes it seem like he's saying they are not worth the readers time.

>> No.10275255


I just gave you the answer and you immediately go back to the comfort of kneejerk hating.

>> No.10275257

??? What answer? I'm not hating. What are you talking about?

>> No.10275261

He also had a few recommendations:

>> No.10275270

That's a fine enough list of works that don't add to your soul

Many of them have strong political/social messages, which tend to undermine the artistry of things

>> No.10275282

these are all good entry level books that i assume all of us read while in high school, and for that purpose they are good - but he's correct, they're all overrated

>> No.10275294
File: 4 KB, 212x218, 1415110660115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recommends Pevear and Volokonsky

fucking DROPPED

>> No.10275299
File: 129 KB, 300x300, 1452161125531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't sound too b-
>Translators for Russian books: Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky

>> No.10275307

>read your posts
>check who my book was translated by
Fug. What's so bad about them? Who would you guys recommend?

>> No.10275314

Two reasons:
1. They try to retain as much of the original content and sentence structure as possible, which makes their English renderings really awkward
2. Volokonsky, Pevear's mail order bride, is only semi-literate in English (seriously, not joking)

>> No.10275330

>2. Volokonsky
A more important point is Pevear being not-even-a-little-bit literate in Russian

Depends on the book. Sometimes the alternatives are worse than P&V, but they're a terrible general recommendation.

>> No.10275333

>A more important point is Pevear being not-even-a-little-bit literate in Russian
Aha, I forgot about that

>> No.10275334

they arent over rated if being accessible or concise is a metric you consider having importance
also the list seems really random. zuleika dobson is great. and 1984 and animal farm are great. regardless of ""difficulty""

telling people to avoid easy to read books under 400 pages is kind of retarded.
you can finish these texts in a week reading an hour a day.

>> No.10275341

Garnett is superior, amirite?

>> No.10275344
File: 26 KB, 660x280, fear-and-loathing00290-660x280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish the fucking story, man! What about the CLAMS?

>> No.10275369

My favourite /lit/ meme is how everyone here hates P&V and then shills translators like Lattimore.

>> No.10275390

Nothing bad about that translation. It's cool to hate on it now because some edgy kid wrote a blog post full with ad homini towards PV. You can easily find it once you search for 'Pevear & Volokhonsky'.

Academics say PV is the most accurate. But they don't actually read Russian right?

>> No.10275397

Or Garnett, who admitted herself she just left out parts she didn't understand

PV is endorsed by most experts

>> No.10275399

>Academics say PV is the most accurate. But they don't actually read Russian right?
Those who endorse PV actually don't

>> No.10275451

At the end of the day Larry and Sam went back to the elevator together said their goodbyes and Larry got back in the elevator and went up to heaven. He stepped off the elevator and was greeted by St. Peter who blocked the doorway to heaven. He looked at Larry and said, "Larry Lobster, didn't you forget something?"

Larry looked around and said, "No, I don't think so I have my halo and my wings."
St. Peter looked at him and said, "Yes, but what about your harp?"

Larry gasped and said, "I Left My Harp in Sam Clam's Disco."

>> No.10275456

Why would I listen to what a retarded Trumpcuck comedian has to say? What's his credentials?

>> No.10275459

Legend has it he just drives around and steals jokes from foreign cabbies
he's admitted to it even, but people just think it's a joke

>> No.10275476

>underrating Henry James

>> No.10275523
File: 85 KB, 595x751, Norm blue steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Larry gasped and said, "I Left My Harp in Sam Clam's Disco."
fucking kek

>> No.10275531

Norms brilliant and quick to recite bits of poetry, but Orwell does not belong on that list.

>> No.10275562

he's a bum, get real

>> No.10275589

I love Norm, he's a funny ass bastard. I swear his stand up and sense of humor comes from laughing at the crowd

>> No.10276052

because vonnegut is reddit

>> No.10276055

>Translators for Russian books: Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky

How can I take him seriously when he fell for the P&V meme?

>> No.10276067
File: 312 KB, 1090x1087, a_fucking_leaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a flaming faggot

>> No.10276122

Is Norm really a trump supporter? I didn't know that. sauce?

>> No.10276145

Whats the joke?
Explain it to me, please

>> No.10276147

He's not. He's simply more in awe of his Judeo-Christian roots and less dismissive of metaphysical leaps. Which makes him more of a centrist/conservative than the majority of this board would like him to be.

He's also lived a little, which hopefully most of /lit/ will find later, actually helps.

>> No.10276148

I think Norm is probably a moderate conservative, not an outright Trump supporter but not a rabid anti-Trumper either. IIRC he's repeatedly urged people on twitter to calm down and give Trump a chance because he thinks Trump ran with the best intentions.

>> No.10276152

the entire joke is a set-up for the punchline which is a play on 'I left my heart in San Francisco'

basically it's an elaborate Carlos joke

>> No.10276160

Makes sense I guess.

No idea what I left my heart in San Francisco is.

>But I'm not american

>> No.10276163

>No idea what I left my heart in San Francisco is.
It's a famous song.


>> No.10276174

I bet he's against The Postman Always Rings Twice for some stupid, BS reason like its sympathetic to adulterers, completely misunderstanding it.

>> No.10276181

Nevermind. I misread that as Kevin MacDonald. Seems like just a random list of basic starter books that most people read when first starting to get into literature.

>> No.10276184

What is wrong with Henry James?

>> No.10276263

i don't want to read any damn work that is endorsed by experts

>> No.10276279

It varies by book. The only one I remember off the top of my head is that for Dr Zhivago, you want the Hayward and Harari.

But really just learn to читaть пo-pyccкий

>> No.10276298

>depends on the book
I've been reading the brothers karamazov. How's their translation? I haven't noticed any issues but I don't really have anything to compare it to.

>> No.10276321

Every translation has a ton of people that shit on it. PV and Garnett are the standards for a reason, they do a good job despite minor issues. Compare paragraphs side by side and they'll be nearly identical.
I asked a Dostoevsky-obsessed professor from Russia what the best translation of TBK was and he said PV, he'd read four different ones.

>> No.10276334

McDuff or Avsey. Garnett's translation is horrid, and every real scholar of Russian literature I've met has told me that they're convinced P&V use a machine translator and then clean it up afterwards

>> No.10276339

r e v e r s e p s y c h o l o g y

>> No.10276349

The one about 'keeping all your eggs in one basket' is best


>> No.10276495

Not him, but I also just picked up brothers K translated by P&V. if I just stick with this version what will I miss?

>> No.10276504

Btw, not a Russian scholar by any means, more of a filthy casual when it comes to lit, so realistically, what will I miss being the brainlet I am?

>> No.10276535

I'm not that guy but I'm like 500 pages into the P&V version and I haven't really noticed anything out of place. I think it's a fine version to read to start with. If you find out about a better translation down the road then you can just read that version.

>> No.10276544

I like Norm more as an Internet dad more than Peterson

>> No.10276552

Come on, anon, we all know Norm is always very straightforward.

>> No.10276562
File: 173 KB, 500x531, explain-the-difference-pdxprogressivex-twitter-this-is-the-difference-2837202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTFO's trannies on his podcast
>Named the jew during his white house dinner routine
>Is aware of (((David Greenspan))) and the (((Federal Reserve)))
>Jokes about Hitler a lot
>Has obvious disdain for feminists
I like Norm. He is old /pol/ af

>> No.10276566

>Liberals always project

>> No.10276572

>his credentials
He's talking about books, not anything important

>> No.10276577
File: 294 KB, 1018x768, 1510606713871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>David Greenspan
*Alan Greenspan

>> No.10276579

Norm wouldn't get that wrong even if he did dislike it.

>> No.10276582


a lot, but he shouldnt be on a list like this, both those books are worth reading for james's use of language

id knock off james jones as well

>> No.10276584

Why do people who don't speak the original language feel the need to comment on translations?

>> No.10276591

Ask /a/

>> No.10276594

It's probably not James, but those books specifically. James himself sort of denounced Wings as an incomplete effort.

>> No.10276618

How many Russian speakers do you think are on here? Obviously people should go with the translation that has been well recieved as opposed to some moon rune translation recommended by contrarians on an potato alphabetizing image board.

>> No.10276853

it is considered the signature song of Tony Bennet; not that there's any good reason for you to know who that is (even if you were american.) But unlike most of his peers, who are mostly dead or forgotten, he is still considered relevant and has a "cool" image.

Particularly for people Norm's age or older, the song would be common knowledge.

>> No.10276923

my favorite jokes to tell are the ones I heard on the elementary school-yard. as long as you know how to tell a joke, you can get big laughs. any joke you can actually remember from back then, chances are its a good joke.

>> No.10276933

>How many Russian speakers do you think are on here?
This is completely unrelated to my original question. If you don't know shit you keep your mouth shut. Doesn't matter whether there are or are no Russian speakers around here.

>Obviously people should go with the translation that has been well recieved as opposed to some moon rune translation recommended by contrarians on an potato alphabetizing image board.
Do you have schizophrenia?

>> No.10276962

Lurk more newfag

>> No.10276971
File: 113 KB, 634x424, atlanta 1996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the difference

>> No.10276976

The question is, who does Norm know so much about holocaust revisionism?


>> No.10276999

"Accurate" is a meme

>> No.10277021


"I'm a Serious Reader, and you should only bother with Serious Fiction."

Lost a bit of respect for Norm. Odd coming from a comic, too.

>> No.10277071

what's wrong with Orwell?

>> No.10277080

Just don't read the 20th century.

>> No.10277087

typical smarmy hipster 'I hate everything' shit - say what you DO like and put yourself out there to be criticised, you slurring drug addicted popinjay

>> No.10277089

This, go from Melville straigh to Tao Lin

>> No.10277094

Its not bad to read any of these books. It's not bad to enjoy any of these books. It's not bad at all to hold any of these books up as your favourites. What is bad is not digging any deeper than these books. I think that's what Norm is trying to say, but obviously the most pretensions of folk here would take that at face value (Logo Daedalus, the list goes on...).

>> No.10277095

he soesn't seem very knowledgable on or engaged with politics and takes that 'the truth is somewhere in the middle on every single issue' stance that celebrities dependent upon a paying audience now all have to.

>> No.10277107

>Its not bad to read any of these books

>> No.10277110

Stfu pseud, a translation is judged by many criteria and you dont need deep knowledge of both languages to form an opinion. Please pseud somewhere else, I'd suggest reddit.

>> No.10277112

I just gained respect for him

>> No.10277156

Sounds like a pretentious fag, I bet he browses /lit/

>> No.10277162

Can confirmed that 1984 was a bore

>> No.10277172

He has some pretty out there beliefs. He doesn't believe that smoking causes cancer and he was a little skeptical of evolution without outright denying it.

>> No.10277792

>that 'the truth is somewhere in the middle on every single issue' stance that celebrities dependent upon a paying audience now all have to.
but being anti Drumpf is profitable now

>> No.10277956

You people are stunningly retarded. Especially the ones who claim to be familiar with the man's work.

The list is a joke. A joke. Do you think he'd waste time writing a very specific list of books one should NOT read? Jesus, you people really are autists.

>> No.10277965

It isn't a joke you retard. He is very passionate and opinionated about literature. Just look up his the "norms book club" twitter page. Dude tweets out shit almost every day. Read through it and you'll get an idea of his thoughts on /lit/. Why would he do something like that every day on an account with such a small following if it was just a joke?

>> No.10278004

he really doesnt have prose to write home about
also I always thought the sensibilities are really transparent and simple. describing everything as if it were through the perspective of like a child or seomthing, really grating and cringey. I remember one part, he describes trains whistling as they pass one another like "They were saying hello to each other :))))))))"

>> No.10278019

Oh, so you're saying it's a list devised by those who frequent "norm's book club" twitter page and make assumptions about his literary taste based on the compressed thought nuggets he shares on the matter. So a fan-made list so to speak. Well, my comment about autism still stands.

If the man had written such a list himself though, it would certainly be a joke.

>> No.10278089

Garnett is not the standard for anyone. She is just everywhere because she is in the public domain so it is super cheap for mega publishers to print out mass market paperbacks of her old poorly translated and heavily edited version.

She is the only translation that doesn't work. All other translations are more or less equal but she is objectively inferior.

>> No.10278121

The two I disagree with are Point Counter Point, which is both a wonderful satire and tragedy, and Zuleika Dobson, a strange satire on life as a student at Oxford that is really in a league of its own. I assume a lot of it went over Norm's head, because I would have expected him to enjoy it.

Aside from those two I agree with the list.

>> No.10278137

Former Russian Minor here. All but one of the professional scholars of Russian literature that I have met have used and endorsed P&V (the one exception used Magarshack).

>> No.10278174

No Norm runs the site. Look up his book club twitter, he's discussing the razor's edge right now and doesn't seem to like it.

>> No.10278183


Norm MacDonald is not an authority or really insightful.

>"huhuh he's fanny"

Really makes me think.

>> No.10278455

I presume that Norm MacDonald is more intelligent then most of the people on this board

>> No.10278465

1984 and Animal Farm are pleb-tier but A Homage to Catalonia and The Road to Wigan Pier are pretty good desu

>> No.10278480

Honestly wouldn't surprise me, he always seems to be hiding his full hand.

>> No.10278490


That's not a very big accomplishment, to be honest.

>> No.10278501

>from Russia

>> No.10278529

Yeah? A Russian would know the most about the original text.

>> No.10278535


I really liked my Magarshack translation of Anna Karenina. And my Ivan Ilyich is Solotaroff.

>> No.10278681

>full with ad homini towards PV
I don't think you know what that term means

>> No.10278685

not really, he thought Stendhal was a guy that owned a museum that made people freak out

t. WTF interview. it's played straight.

>> No.10278753

super major entry level pomo

>> No.10278764

>trashing all this highschool reading list shit like Orwell, SH5, and Clockwork Orange makes me edgy, different, and intelligent! I'm not a sheep intellectual like these english teacher shills, fifteen year old kids, and 'normies'

yeah typical "insightful" comedian here. reminder that television comedy is literature for people with ADHD

>> No.10278827

>>The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M Cain

That's a GREAT crime-noir book.

Norm needs to sort himself out. Clean his fucking room and re-read it.

>> No.10279282

"He doesn't speak Russian" isn't ad hominem? :^)