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/lit/ - Literature

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1027475 No.1027475 [Reply] [Original]

Post Age, Sex, Location, book you're currently reading, favourite book

>> No.1027480
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>> No.1027481

20, M, NJ, Risk Pool, Straightman (Both by Richard Russo) just started reading for leisure so I don't have many favorite books to choose from.

>> No.1027482

13/f/ cali

book currently reading: alice's adventures in wonderland by lewis carrol

favorite book: twilight

>> No.1027483

San Fran
I'm reading Dune Messiah, The Once and Future King, Lord of the Rings (just finished Book 1) and The Republic of Plato (for class)

Favorite book: probably Dune, followed by The Hobbit

>> No.1027484

Good Omens

>> No.1027485

19, F, USA, Against the Day, Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.1027489

18, female, Denmark.

Currently reading The Discovery of Heaven.

Favourite book is Vanity Fair.

>> No.1027490


The IRA's got every copy of Dubliners marked you limey motherfucker

>> No.1027492

Underage b&


>> No.1027493

moby dick

>> No.1027494

Why so many females and no sagers, suddenly?

>> No.1027495


>Implying I consider myself a brit

>> No.1027499 [DELETED] 

23, M, Paris, Nineteen Eighty Four, Paradise Lost

>> No.1027498


Wanna hook up?

>> No.1027501

I'll give you a hint, only one of those is true.

>> No.1027503

come at me faggot

>> No.1027505

21/M/San Diego, CA

Currently reading:The Stand
Favorite book: Catch 22

>> No.1027508



>> No.1027509

Both posts reported. Come back in 5 years.

>> No.1027516

house of mirth
brideshead revisited

>> No.1027528

You're gonna have to pick one dude.

>> No.1027531

Not gonna bother posting my info since I don't live in the US nor UK.

>> No.1027537

sexually, i am a lady.
but i gender-identify as male.

>> No.1027538

not a social networking site

go back to /r9k/

>> No.1027540

So you're gay?

>> No.1027542

Oh alright, thanks for letting us know. I was anticipating your contribution.

Hey guys, anon isn't going to post their info in this thread, you can cross them off the list.

>> No.1027548
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>> No.1027549

Don't try to simplify things.

>> No.1027551

Always here to help.
I'm also not going to talk about the books I'm currently reading nor anything. I'll be here, though.

I'll be here.

>> No.1027558

19 m bay area moby dick
reading gravity's rainbow

why'd i post this

>> No.1027559

no. i like people.

thank you.

>> No.1027561

So do you have a penis or a vagoo?

>> No.1027568

Learn the difference between gender and sexual orientation

>> No.1027572

There is no such thing as gender, that was invented by stupid feminists with a leftist agenda

>> No.1027576

20, M, NJ, No Man's Land: The Black Hand Gang (don't read much sci-fi, trying to broaden myself), Tie between Brave New World and Catch-22

>> No.1027577

Please explain. I don't see how there could be an agenda.

>> No.1027578
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>> No.1027579

Just finished Concrete Island by Ballard, don't know what to read next.
Um, couldn't say. Quite a few books I've been loved and made me maudlin. Out of the books posted here, probably The Stand.

>> No.1027588
File: 15 KB, 252x289, 1280628854214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orlando, Florida, United States
>current book
Fahrenheit 451, its not required reading
>favourite book
coloring books

>> No.1027590 [DELETED] 

26, Male, Germany (originally from USA), Tender is the Night by Fitzgerald, don't have a favorite book

>> No.1027592

It's pretty cut and dry.
Penis + Penis = Gay
Vagina + Vagina = Gay
Penis + Vagina = Straight

If you have both, you get your pick. Nobody that has both ever simply calls themselves androgynous so I'm assuming there's a sex there and you're in denial.

>> No.1027598

19 M Montreal
currently reading Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Representation, The Gay Science, and non-philo books from Lautréamont, Bataille, and Beckett.
favourite book: I have no such thing as a favourite book, but I really love Céline.

>> No.1027600
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I thought most of you guys were 25+ no?

>> No.1027604
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>hurr durr I put everybody in restricted categories

>> No.1027607

threads like this attract the younger crowd i'd think, myself included

>> No.1027609

That's an incredibly beautiful picture, OP.

>> No.1027611

Again, you're simplifying.
I have tits and a twat, but that's just the physical.
Shit's complicated.

>> No.1027615 [DELETED] 

Thanks, here's the source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKzLGgTbAe0

>> No.1027618

Soo you're a butch lesbian?

>> No.1027619

I bet race is nonexistent to you too, right?

>> No.1027622

You again.


>> No.1027623

oh come on, get real.

>> No.1027624


It's from this movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqBhgECKm7g

>> No.1027625

Don't get race into this, race is theoretically nonexistent too.

>> No.1027626


>> No.1027628

Oslo, Norway
Journey to the End of the Night by Céline
The Moment of Freedom by Jens Bjørneboe

I guess there are mostly/only americans/brits here though. Oh well.

>> No.1027629

So I'm probably right in my guess? It's just that you can sort of tell by the tone, /v/ gives off that feeling that there might be people as young as 16 as an average age while /g/ feels like there's alot of neckbeards in their 30s.

I think /lit/ feels closer to /g/.

>> No.1027630
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>ITT: Sexual ambiguity getting troll'd

>> No.1027631

fuck it.

Male (ooooh, shocker!)
Current: Love in the Time of Cholera
Fave: The General in his Labrynth by Marquez / Dune / The Mat Cauthon Storyline from WoT.

Yup, I picked 3 faves, and one of them was a hybrid from a horrendously long series. I'm a pretty bad dude.

Now to let the shame of posting in this thread soak in...

>> No.1027632

Are you into chicks or dudes?

>> No.1027634
File: 1.24 MB, 200x150, dancekid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently enjoying The Plague but my all time favorite is either The Trial or Pale Fire.

>> No.1027635

the choirboys
i dont have favorites

>> No.1027636


I don't think identifying with males automatically means you're into the ladies. You could be straight, gay, bi, asexual, undecided, or anything you could think of that fits in between.

>> No.1027637

I'm more about plants and animals.

>> No.1027638


Welcome, NorBro.

>> No.1027640

If you're a chick and you're into dudes and you identify with males then you're a tomboy. All of these combos have been around forever. There's no need to act super unique.

>> No.1027643

Transgender is the state of one's "gender identity" (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) not matching one's "assigned sex" (identification by others as male, female or intersex based on physical/genetic sex). "Transgender" does not imply any specific form of sexual orientation; transgender people may identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, or asexual; some may consider conventional sexual orientation labels inadequate or inapplicable to them. The precise definition for transgender remains in flux, but includes:

* "Of, relating to, or designating a person whose identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender roles, but combines or moves between these.
* "People who were assigned a sex, usually at birth and based on their genitals, but who feel that this is a false or incomplete description of themselves."
* "Non-identification with, or non-presentation as, the sex (and assumed gender) one was assigned at birth."

>> No.1027647
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>not saging
>reporting me
>I sage posted
Let me guess, still a little sore about "the zine" thread? That is legit spam, my posting is not.

>> No.1027648

Either you have XX chromosomes or XY, so you're male or female, end of the story

>> No.1027650
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>> No.1027651

Yeah but nobody cares. Telling somebody you're "transgender" is meaningless.

People know what you look like, they want to know what parts you've got down there, and they want to know whether you're into guys, girls, both, or none.

>> No.1027652

you are incredibly ignorant.

>> No.1027656

No, in all likelihood you are. It's simple genetics, there are rare cases where things get crossed and you end up with hermaphrodites and micropenises and things like that. If you're not one of those special cases then you have a distinct gender.

>> No.1027657


I'd fuck her.

>> No.1027659

US, East coast
Kafka on the Shore
I can't pick favorites for anything.

>> No.1027660


>Doesn't understand the difference between genetics and psychology

>> No.1027663

>hookup thread
>People debating sexual orientations / preferences

Congratulations, /lit/. You're declining into true 4chan material nicely.

>> No.1027665

What? No, I'm someone else. I'm reporting you again because your posts are complete shit.

Oh and I didn't sage because I specifically wanted you to read my disapproval.

>> No.1027666

I understand both pretty well, thanks. If you did you wouldn't waste your time on this.

The idea of gender confusion isn't exactly well-respected as far as psych goes.

>> No.1027668

I'd much rather read this debate than "lol u like sword of truth 2????"

>> No.1027669
File: 42 KB, 500x396, 1280543297862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently: Nausea
Favorite Book: The Piano Teacher

>> No.1027673
File: 20 KB, 375x500, TyBrax2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even going to bother trying to follow this.

Probably that same "bad-ass" crew that hounded me for not being a deluded misogynist pulling similar non-PC shit over transgenders. How rebellious.

>> No.1027677

18, M, CA, Vineland, Also Sprach Zarathustra

>> No.1027679

Biologically yes. If we were simpler animals discussion would end here. But humans are more complicated. Not surprisingly our self-identity is more complicated also.

You can't perfectly reverse-engineer a whole person with feelings and all to their genome. You can't find everything from the genes. Insisting on calling everything based on genetics is stupid.

>> No.1027680

20.m.Pa. I'm reading Death of a Salesman, and after that a Steinbeck book.

>> No.1027681

Who are you even criticizing there? That's a mess of a sentence.

>> No.1027682

>posting in the thread only to state he's not going to follow the debate
Just fuck off, back to /mu/ with you.

>> No.1027685

the Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett
Not sure.

>> No.1027686

>I'm reporting you again because your posts are complete shit
People are constantly bumping this thread & feeding trolls, & you call me posts shit?

Seriously I apologise over what I did to personally enrage you. I suggest we put it behind us so that you can start seeing some sense...

>> No.1027688

Good one.

>> No.1027694


Then stop trolling and discuss it properly bitchweed.

>> No.1027696

Oblivion -DFW's short stories
Crime and Punishment

>> No.1027698

It's been discussed to death, "bitchweed" (what are you 14?).
Saying "well I'm not!" doesn't really make a cohesive argument. If you're railing so hard against logical categorization you need to justify it. If there's anything you're confused about, I'll be glad to answer questions.

>> No.1027701

Sex refers to biological status as male or female. It includes physical attributes such as sex chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, internal reproductive structures, and external genitalia. Gender is a term that is often used to refer to ways that people act, interact, or feel about themselves, which are associated with boys/men and girls/women. While aspects of biological sex are the same across different cultures, aspects of gender may not be.

>> No.1027702

Currently reading: Paradise Lost
Favourite book: 1984

>> No.1027703

Isn't well-respected?
Are you the head of Harvard Psych department?
You obviously haven't done any research into the topic at all, so I guess can understand how your own personal prejudice against things you don't understand makes you a puffed-up slobbering idiot.

>> No.1027706
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I guess that sentence was really lacking a comma.

I'm criticizing that type of poster that seems to get off on spewing non-PC stuff about gays, women, blacks, unemployed, etc. Is it them doing what they're too scared to do irl?

No I posted that to piss off the above type of poster.

Seems it worked...

>> No.1027707


omg girl from uk! hi2u!

>Crime and Punishment


>> No.1027708

> Going to the American Psychological Association's website
> Clicking sexuality from front page
> Transgenders, difference between sexual identity and the sex of the person, sexual orientation, transitions between sexual identities and genders
> All this just jumps out
> Not respected
> Sure

>> No.1027709

This is you:


Not even a single post of yours involve participating on the thread, it's all about complaining about the content or to show your disapproval. And what about your own input?
I still remember you coming here with your shitty holier-than-thou attitude, "MY MUSIC TASTE IS PERFECT!", when it was frankly underwhelming, same as your general input in the board.

Just leave, dude. Or make an effort to improve.

>> No.1027710

He wouldn't need to be. Anybody that's a serious psychology student in any capacity would know that. Even if you weren't, it's practically common sense. If you don't want to be pigeonholed into a gender role, then don't be. There's no need to tell the world you're so strange. If you like men and you're female, you are heterosexual. If you like gay men and you're female, you are heterosexual. If you like bisexual men and you're female, you're -- you guessed it -- heterosexual.

>> No.1027711

Any Scottish posters on /lit/?

>> No.1027712

- 20
- Female
- Texas
- A Canticle For Leibowitz, The Subtle Knife, The Temple of the Golden Pavillion
- Hitchhiker's Guide, A Clockwork Orange, The War of the Worlds

>> No.1027714
File: 211 KB, 500x683, ENTER THE VOID - FINAL POSTER_500px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP how is Enter the Void?

>> No.1027715

Just because something is in the DSM doesn't mean it's respected.

You think any doctor takes fibromyalgia (for example) seriously?

>> No.1027716

i love this thread but most of these posters make me wanna scream.

>> No.1027717

Bay Area
Just finished War of the Dwarves
The 13 and 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear

>> No.1027718

Forgot to mention that I'm currently reading Android Karenina.

>> No.1027719

>arguing over psychology.

Go to /sci/ if you want to talk about that. This is about LITERATURE. Fuck sake. Now where was I? Oh yeah...

>21, M, UK

>> No.1027720


>makes no sense

>> No.1027722

More substandards, definitions, obfuscations: anything for another crack at being marginalized. We can all be victims now.

>> No.1027724

>Not even a single post of yours involve participating on the thread, it's all about complaining about the content or to show your disapproval. And what about your own input?
Unlike you, I don't contribute to troll threads. I just like to piss off certain groups posting in them. Maybe if you checked out some decent threads (they do exist!) once & a while you'd receive some of my input.

>I still remember you coming here with your shitty holier-than-thou attitude, "MY MUSIC TASTE IS PERFECT!"
That never happened. I can't even remember why music was brung up, but you guys asked for mu lastfm. It all started when I posted a completely normal post that was slightly controversial (as in not popular but not quite troll-material), got lots of angry replies :(

>> No.1027725

Visually beautiful, not for kids/family (some brutal violence and hardcore, un-simulated sex), tripping balls like a motherfucker, but (at least 30 minutes) too long and repetitive. That said, Gaspar Noé was never known for his subtlety

In case you haven't seen this already, new, full opening credits (the one you actually see in the movie): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5NLx_dyPo4

New, official US, HD trailer: http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/independent/enterthevoid/

>> No.1027730

Sure, but if you don't feel like a man even if you are biologically a man or you don't feel like a woman even if you are biologically a woman or if you don't feel like either or if you feel like you're a little bit both, stuff gets complicated. Just because you find it simple doesn't give you any grounds to simplify other people's lives. Calling it how you, literally, see it isn't the whole story here.

>> No.1027733

@the butch lesbian

When people ask you about your sex, they don't care about your psychological issues. They only want to know if you have XX chromosomes or XY. That's it, very simple.

So tell us

XX or XY? And don't start with "that doesn't apply to me" fucking yes it does.

or you know, you could just explain your shit

fucking in-denial-lesbians

>> No.1027737


>> No.1027739

female (gay)
Currently reading: City of Saints and Madmen by Jeff Vandermeer, Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson
Favorite books: Nights at the Circus by Angela Carter, The Passion by Jeanette Winterson, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Orlando by Virgina Woolfe

>> No.1027740

I've already said I am SEXUALLY a lady.
But that it has no impact on my gender preference.

>> No.1027742

I spend most of my day here and it's not like it's difficult to spot you. Don't lie, you don't contribute, all you do is whinewhinewhine.
Or act like an ass, the way you're doing now.

>> No.1027743

Have anyone actually gotten in touch with this thread yet?

>> No.1027750

I came buckets when I found out she had tits and a twat, if that's what you're asking.

>> No.1027753


How's about I clear this shit up for everyone so we can get back to asl

She's a chick - that is, she has a snatch. But maybe in her worldview she lives her life as man in a woman's body. Who knows? Who gives a shit? Not really any of our business. But anon asked earlier if she was a he or she, which she should have just replied "female" to save all this butthurt.

Now gimmi your fucking asl's. I want to eat this cancer.

>> No.1027754

I'm sorry but if I'm looking for a partner I would very much like to know whatever applies to him/her. I would NOT want the simple answer. There would be trouble ahead.

When answering to a form everybody knows what box to check. When trying to tell someone who might fuck you you don't want to take the simple route.

>> No.1027756

yeah i noticed, i was only trying to make a point which i'll explain below
was it so hard to do that immediately? my point was that nobody asked about your psychological issues and nobody cares, so stop attentionwhoreing when being asked about your sex, just tell them you're female ffs

>> No.1027760

We are hooking up here. Sexual orientations, genders and identities matter. So if you are complicated, please state it. We don't NEED to ask.

>> No.1027761

You're still not understanding that I'm

>> No.1027763

The roving mind
Alice in Wonderland

Now please, can I get my blowjob?

>> No.1027764

It's just our bodies. If you want a hookup [emphasis] that requires some kind of gauntlet of empathic actualization to be ran through your beliefs and understanding... Well I've heard a term for that used well before I was acquainted with transgenderism.

>> No.1027766

You are biologically, stop denying it.

>> No.1027768

I would fuck a beautiful shemale. If she would say she's a man I would never know and I would miss the chance. If she said "I'm originally male but..." I would be thrilled.

Everything shouldn't go as you like. We're all different.

>> No.1027770

I'll just finish this by saying my annoying posts (to you) are probably more memorable to you than the "constructive" ones, so I don't really know what to say. I shit post in shit threads, contribute to good ones, that's about the extent of it.

>> No.1027771

So what if a straight male was attracted to a woman who was attracted to him and then they had sex, the man not bothering to ask what her mind thought she was sexually, but then the woman revealed herself to be a "man" to the other guy?

He'd probably ask when she had the operation, at which point maybe she'd explain the situation proper. Then, being a male attracted to a female, he'd likely hit it again.
End of story.

>> No.1027772

Not if your favorite book is Alice in Wonderland.

>> No.1027773

A twat.

>> No.1027774

Only if it wouldn't cost me like a thousand or something dollars to get to Belgium in the first place.

>> No.1027776



>> No.1027783

ITT: no one hooking up

>> No.1027784


>> No.1027786

18 f fl
Reading In the Woods.
Favorite book Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.

>> No.1027791

Maybe, maybe not? How could we know? I'm pretty sure there are people who would be distracted if their woman said she feels like a man inside. If you are fine with it, cool! I probably would be too. Some may not. Thus your cool story is quite irrelevant.

>> No.1027794


Jack shit's going to happen in here unless people post pics.

>> No.1027795

You're a twat.

>> No.1027801

Yeah, maybe. My point isn't that universally men have the same feelings my point is that there is no logistical problem with a woman who claims to be a man on the inside. Why would that be detrimental to you, other than perhaps a confused psyche? If you ignored it, it'd be a complete non-issue.

>> No.1027803
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>> No.1027808

What? Why?
Dammit, I guess we could split the cost and meet in the middle somewhere.

>> No.1027810

Yes because it is apparently so easy to just ignore feelings. Sure you might feel fucking disgusted by the thought, but hey, just ignore it. It's still pussy right? Wel, maybe for some. Others may want to have the whole package, not just the outer shell.

>> No.1027812

Male, 37, Northern Mississippi, USA. Currently reading "Speaker for the Dead". The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series(comes all in one book).

>> No.1027813
File: 63 KB, 600x600, poladroidcar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manlady, here.

>> No.1027821



>> No.1027825
File: 144 KB, 510x680, I Am Anonymous (And So Can You!).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 21.
Sex: Male.
Location: Oklahoma.
Currently Reading: Sherlock Holmes - The Complete Novels and Stories - Volume II.
Favorite Book: The Lord of the Rings.

>> No.1027826

Right...but back to what I was saying: The point is that if you're not bothered by it there is no reason it would be a problem. Like if you saw a girl with a nice rack and took her home and found out there was a penis hiding there, you've got a logistical, marital, and reproductive issue.

>> No.1027827

No Scotsmen on /lit?

>> No.1027831

So you have a penis?

>> No.1027834


>> No.1027839


Speak for yourself

>> No.1027847

No, he doesn't. Read the thread.

>> No.1027848


Hey bro, wait your turn.

>> No.1027853

How is that not universal?

>> No.1027855

I'm a Scotsman I'm just not posting as I am not terribly proud of what I am currently reading.

>> No.1027856
File: 304 KB, 1438x1760, a_dyke_on_a_bike_by_david_shankbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll end this ridiculous discussion with a pic of me, faggots

pic related, me riding my dike

>> No.1027857

> If there is no problem there is no problem
Of course. This is why it is crucial to have all the information available so that you can evaluate if you would have a problem in the future.

>> No.1027858

That's the same girl that's been posting?

>> No.1027861

>penis hiding there

But it's an imaginary penis that only exists in her brain. Not a physical penis that's about to go in your butt.

>> No.1027862


>> No.1027865
File: 40 KB, 620x360, 1993 - Sam and Max Hit the Road-620x..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seventeen/Male/Monterey, CA

Currently reading: Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov

Favorite book: (Tie) A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin / A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

>> No.1027866

age? also don't be embarrassed we're all friends here.

>> No.1027867


'Cause I'm in to that shit.

>> No.1027872

Yeah that's why it's like whatever. There'd be a problem if she decided she wanted to change her bits around.

>> No.1027875


>> No.1027877

Yeah I said specifically heterosexual males homeslice (a couple posts back).

>> No.1027879
File: 125 KB, 354x354, Picture 27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh crap, didn't see that this thread had developed into a war zone. Don't shoot, I'm a civilian!

>> No.1027882


No it isn't, anon replied to you by mistake.

>> No.1027891


Yeah wasn't not part of that clusterfuck discussion

>> No.1027892

that sounds a little disrespectful to whatever potential trans partner you might have.

>> No.1027902

Uh, lol?
"Honey, I've decide I'd rather have a penis"
"Well, I guess I could adapt."

>> No.1027925

Ah may as well go the whole hog.

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Location: Scotland
Currently reading: Twilight series to see what all the fuss is about
Favourite book: Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy.

I feel so ashamed to be reading this damn thing but I've gotten curious enough to at least give it a shot.

>> No.1027926

I meant it sort of sounds like he's saying it's not an issue if he can't actually SEE the penis.
If you're a straight male, who married a straight woman, who eventually came out as a transman..
I think that merits a discussion and not just a EH whatev, just don't get a real weewee and we'll be fine.

>> No.1027952

And how is the book coming along so far?

Never actually read it myself, just hate it on principle.

>> No.1027960

>I think that merits a discussion and not just a EH whatev, just don't get a real weewee and we'll be fine.

Why? It has no practical impact on your life.

>> No.1027967

24, male, Massachusetts, The Stand :V, SICP.

>> No.1027969




currently reading 'modern baptists' by james wilcox

favourite book is 'hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world' by haruki murakami

>> No.1027971

It's author self insert fan wangst of the highest order so it's not good but to be honest I have seen much worse in my time, although none of those got movies.

I'll have finished the whole series in a day or two and be back to better books soon, still deciding on what to read next.

>> No.1027982

>just hate it on principle.

What principle? The "I'm a smug prick and anything I can do or say to make myself feel superior to those around me is automatically justified" principle?

>> No.1027987

It has no practical impact that your partners entire view of gender and his/her own sexuality has changed?

>> No.1027988

No the "I hate mormons and everything they produce" principal.

It may not be nice but its worked for me so far.

>> No.1028005


Who said anything about it changing? People don't "turn" transgender after falling into a vat of nuclear waste or something. The most reasonable assumption is that your partner was always transgender and you just found out about it, in which case no, it wouldn't have any practical impact on your life. The only way it would matter is if you were so repulsed by her imaginary, not real, non-physical, doesn't exist penis that YOUR view of the relationship changed and fucked it up.