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/lit/ - Literature

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10274635 No.10274635 [Reply] [Original]

What is the literary lifestyle?

>> No.10274660


not asking

>> No.10274664

You must hit the following checkpoints
-posting on /lit/
-majored in Literature/English
-less than $50 to your name
-read a book once every 3 years
-laugh at shitty authors while also crying alone because your manuscript has been rejected for the 15th time and the publishers refuse to give you reasons why, instead saying your character Craig just seems too unrealistic and readers would be unable to relate, and the prose is too dense in many places even though it was exactly your point and was entirely deliberate, but then fucking Tyler calls you when you email them back and tells you that he doubts your manuscript will ever be published and you call him a faggot cuck and he tells you to never call their publishing company again; you try desperately to call them again but no one picks up so instead you leave Tyler a 10-page email telling him he is a dumb fucking massive retard who needs to commit suicide immediately before you break into his home and rape his kids while he watches and then you have a restraining order put on you. Fuck you Tyler. Craig is relatable and I hope you choke on a fat black cock and die painfully
-drink coffee every day, shitty starshmucks
-never call mommy and when she calls you sound obviously angry/annoyed

>> No.10274677
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and feebly attempt to ruin people's lives like our irony inflicted friend here

>> No.10274685
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>mentall illness
>substance abuse
>quirky jeb or neetu
>heavy on the shitposts

>> No.10274689

not him, but

>> No.10274697


to you maybe

>> No.10274715

>-posting on /lit/
>-majored in Literature/English
>-less than $50 to your name
>-read a book once every 3 years
>-never call mommy and when she calls you sound obviously angry/annoyed
hey that's me
wouldn't be surprised if other people here put their english degrees towards becoming suicidal neets

>> No.10274719
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>>mentall illness
>>substance abuse
>>quirky jeb or neetu
>>heavy on the shitposts
heh passed, guess you guys should be asking the questions now

>> No.10274733

>parents provide your money and are leaving you with a fortune
>went to NYU out of state
>eat at seinfeld diner every day
>take the subway to random places and ride back without doing anything just to pass the time
>walk around at 3 am trying to encounter a life-or-death situation to unlock your potential, live in rich neighborhood so you've sabotage even this
>carry book around daily and keep buying new books, but you never manage to read more than 2 pages at a time
>get passionate, inspired mood once a month, only thing stringing your hopeless dreams along
>can't speak any language except english, studied grammar so much that you think absence of grammar is artistic and edgy

>> No.10274740

Maybe english isn't your first language, but if it is promptly kys

>> No.10274741

>studied grammar so much that you think absence of grammar is artistic and edgy\
lol does this go away

>> No.10274746

please elaborate on your specific version of each of those to pass the test. Here is your template:

>mentall illness:
>substance abuse:
>quirky jeb or neetu:
>heavy on the shitposts:

>> No.10274753
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you lack imagination my dear, poor sufferer

>> No.10274756

probably involves not working or working few hours so you have time to study, research, read, do some weird exercise regimen involving taichi and Indian clubs, and write love letters you'll never send.

>> No.10274766

if you're good with grammar you shoud be able to pick up new languages easily enough. hardest part is grammar for most.

>> No.10274779 [DELETED] 
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>>mentall illness: Diagnosed Aspergers as kid but it seems like it kind of went away?
>>substance abuse: Opiates :/
>>books: Balls deep in Hegel and can barely communicate what I've "learned"
>>quirky jeb or neetu: Autodidact NEETscholar dropout
>>heavy on the shitposts: Everyday

>> No.10274780
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>>mentall illness:
Diagnosed Aspergers as kid but it seems like it kind of went away?
>>substance abuse:
Opiates :/
Balls deep in Hegel and can barely communicate what I've "learned"
>>quirky jeb or neetu:
Autodidact NEETscholar dropout
>>heavy on the shitposts:

>> No.10274791

>substance abuse
>actually reading
>actually writing
>cafes and bars acting as living room and/or office
>not Starbucks, it's for plebs
>humanities at uni/drop out
>visiting museums and other places of culture at least once a month
>have been to a public reading completely wasted at least once
>casual sex
>obsessing over that one time you actually had a good relationship, no matter how long ago
>stylish, if not it's on purpose and still well-groomed, not disgusting
>apolitical or lefty with no party-affiliation no matter the country
>lives in densely populated area
>bonus points if it's a flat downtown with places of culture nearby but way out of budget
>huge ego and feeling worthless at the same time
>proud to the point of stupidity
>somewhat healthy social life that still doesn't prove fulfilling enough
>longing for deep emotional connection
>being unable to have deep emotional connection
>live in the knowledge that you're fucked up
>enjoy the idea of being fucked up

NEETs need not apply.

>> No.10274794
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>>enjoy the idea of being fucked up

>> No.10274795

>>casual sex
>>obsessing over that one time you actually had a good relationship, no matter how long ago
>NEETs need not apply.
Motivation desu maybe one day ill be literary ahhhh

>> No.10274798
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>>casual sex
>>obsessing over that one time you actually had a good relationship, no matter how long ago


>> No.10274800
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>literary life
>NEETs need not apply

top kek, not gonna make it lad

>> No.10274801

When Nabokov doesn't hit his stride, his prose style is fucking awful and awkward. Fuck that meme about him speaking English since he was a kid, he still wasn't raised in an English speaking country and his style can be awkward as fuck sometimes. Even at its best, its strange and distinctively unique sounding, except in a good way.

>> No.10274803

Begone biopucci, i don't wish to be inflicted by your degenerate wares

>> No.10274804
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The literary life is inherently edgy f a m

>> No.10274806

Related to the OP, does anyone else sleep an awful lot? I find I reliably get at least eight hours, if not more.

>> No.10274811

before I started on meds I was pretty deep in depression and slept at least 10 hours a day, lots of times up to 14

>> No.10274814


>implying I'm not an overpaid slacking shit working 6 hours a day 5 times a week at a place of cultural significance

>> No.10274818

This question is out of place and all, but how the fuck do I reach out and ask for help?

>> No.10274825


sorry to disappoint, but I peruse only the finest vajinyay

>> No.10274833


you might take less stock in degeneracy once you accept the fact (oh yes, fact) that you drank of the kool-aid before you had any idea who you were. I use the past tense because you have halted your maturing. Enjoy a life always prematurely ripe.

>> No.10274834

call nearest psych office that takes your insurance, set up appointment
I found the place I go now because my friend mentioned where he got his meds, started them at 19 and now I sleep max 9 hours if I'm tired as shit.

>> No.10274836

>Being consistently vague and/or two steps behind
Don't mistake this for creativity anon

>> No.10274839

>falling for bait this hard
wew lad

>> No.10274841


I never mistake anything for creativity.

>> No.10274849


I'm a bad fishy

>> No.10274850
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Ask for an appointment to a psychologist/psychiatrist, preferably the latter.

Make it a point that you need therapy and refuse taking meds without it, else you'll be btfod to prescription addiction that helps in the short term but fucks you up in the long term.

>diagnosed depression
>gf at the time is bipolar, on meds
>she struggles with addiction
>feel overwhelmed, see dr.
>get prescription
>"good luck bruh ride it out"
>tfw I'm addicted to xanny and painkillers 6 months later

Be smart about your therapy because some of these docs basically don't do shit but sign prescriptions and call it a day

>> No.10274853

His name was lil peep and he passed away tonight. This generations Rimbaud came and went right before our eyes

>> No.10274857

>Make it a point that you need therapy and refuse taking meds without it
lol, I pretty much did the opposite. Whenever my psych brought up therspists I always said I didn't need it. tbqh I just can't talk to them and feel like I am wasting my time when I can just talk to friends over skype/discord and get better results. I feel like at least they're not paid to pretend to be my friends or w/e.

>> No.10274858
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>> No.10274861


grow up dude

>> No.10274862

Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I added you because you're a female gamer, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

>> No.10274868

nah I'm good. I just want my meds and I am able to live normally without paying for therapy. I know this isn't the case for a lot of people, though.

>> No.10274870

Idk man, I needed the professional help. When I get really bad I can't talk about it to my friends without feeling like I'm bringing them down/taking their time up with my bullshit. Not to mention that they can't really help just by listening.

>> No.10274874
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eat your words dork


>> No.10274878

gettin my stretch on with you nerds

>> No.10274897

>work a dead end job
>usually on the verge of homelessness, but you manage to keep your studio apartment
>dormant passions underneath your disillusionment with living
>want to travel widely, but instead you spend nights locally in bars and diners and your days in parks, reminiscent of beauty you've had very little of in your own life
>very few relationships, all failed due to unrequited love, possibly virgin due to mild sexual trauma
>tobacco is actually really disgusting but you've stopped caring
>always tired
>only visit museums to see pre 20th century art and to visit the in-house bar/restursant. you consider contemporary art for a moment but dismiss it due to its naivety
>possibly mild alcoholism
>people think you're pretty strange, but you don't interact with anyone enough to care anymore

>> No.10274914
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Damn I look just like Byron w/o the balding, can I become a literary Chad?

>> No.10274928
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>be 24
>live in brooklyn
>studying lit at nyu while working part-time at a library
>dating a qt sensitive arts major
>both vegan
>regularly attend readings by local poets and authors
>have met tao lin two times
>take xanax and lean almost every weekend
>about to publish my first chapbook with a small independent publisher
>semi-ironically autistic
>rarely use upper case letters
>listen to and enjoy gangster rap as a means of transcending my upper-middle-class inherited identity
>pro multiculturalism, diversity, socialism, anarchism and communism
>understand 4chan culture and relevant in-jokes / memes
>wear oversized blazers and smart trousers along with vans and tatty tshirts to express my ambivalence towards socio-cultural boundaries
>have a twitter profile, an instagram profile, a facebook profile, an ask.fm profile, a 4chan profile, a snapchat profile, a whatsaspp profile among others
>at least 75% of reading since ~2015 have been by female and / or non-white authors

q: could my lifestyle be any more literary? i seriously think I've reached the peak of literary culture in terms of my lifestyle.

>> No.10274942 [DELETED] 
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>>listen to and enjoy gangster rap as a means of transcending my upper-middle-class inherited identity
Oooh so close. There a few things you could have said to discredit your entire post but you managed

>> No.10274944

sounds pretty good man...

>> No.10274945


Pleb lol

.t European living the literary life

>> No.10274971


if you stop saying literary and if you stop saying chad. they both imply that you're on the outside. be in the know even if you aren't. and start balding.

>> No.10275044

>mental illness
diagnosed schizotypal. It runs in the family: my uncle and grandfather both hung themselves with orange extension cords. The only note my uncle left said: "dont open the door. call 911.", which my cousin was home to find. I fantasize of carrying the tradition.
>substance abuse:
used to have a meth habit when I was 17-18, but after overdosing followed closely by losing relation to reality I found it in me to quit.
currently reading: On Certainty, As I lay Dying, Sketches from a hunters album
>quirky job or neetu:
Cognitive Science major at UCI and work in the lab doing research on the A beta peptide. My main study is centered around disproving the amyloid cascade theory
>heavy on the shitposts:
youre looking at it. That shitpost about l'tranger translation was all me as well

>> No.10275066

>pro socialism, anarchism and communism
So you're retarded?

>> No.10275069


Byron had a pet bear, so no, you can't.

>> No.10275080

>Cognitive Science major at UCI and work in the lab doing research on the A beta peptide. My main study is centered around disproving the amyloid cascade theory

>> No.10275115
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Is this the right pic? Will come back later

>> No.10275149

I find you in poor taste. The amyloid cascade theory is a barrier from the cure for alzheimers. A patient was given a medication which targeted the A beta peptide and the result was that his cognitive symptoms got remarkably worse. Now it seems obvious that this means that we were thinking of treating alzheimers backwards, and that this patient's reaction was incredibly significant in getting us closer to a feasible treatment. The amyloid cascade theory basically states that the result of the medication had too many side effects, and that there is nothing to learn from it. But a side effect would be a cancer patient losing his hair with chemotherapy, not his cancer getting worse. Since cognitive degeneration is the primary symptom of alzheimers the patients acceleration of his cognitive degeneration was not a side effect. It is a very interesting study and can help a lot of people, why do you think it gay, anon?

>> No.10275163
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You think I'd read more than a word of that garbage? Guess what, I still know nothing about what it is.And I am still better than you. And I'm posting anime girls.And I'm starting sentences with And; arrogantly ignoring any writing convention, except for semicolons

>> No.10275168

I like to start sentences with and too c:
fuck writing conventions desu

>> No.10275178

king of bantz

>> No.10275193
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>> No.10275197

rambo was just a typical partying teenager though
i guess the real "writer lifestyle" is just never "growing up"

retaining your imagination and romanticizing everything maintaining a sense of naivety, individualism, substance abuse, faux-jadedness, all things we associate with youth.

>> No.10275202

and all things that we also associate with cringiness unless the person happens to actually have an interesting talent such as music, painting, or writing.

>> No.10275208

why does this read like a john oliver sketch you fucking hack

>> No.10275209
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>> No.10275380
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For me the literary lifestyle is about a long time struggle being gifted with this immense creative power. That power is so great, so severe, so beautiful, that it would it ever come to fruit it would be like the meteor that dropped on earth and caused the dinosaurs to turn into birds and paved the way to the age of mammals. But you don’t want to turn therapods into robins, you want to take time and smash it into a new age of creative prowess. You want to display your peacock feathers, so heavy and stunning it makes you vulnerable, yet so unlike everybody’s else. You want to know the world what’s up by dropping a bomb of creativity and wit on them, make it flourish and rub it in their face. Your ego is so big that it could fill up the whole universe, yet, you are so humble and kind at the same time. You try to communicate the world inside of you, stuck in your massive brain, but they are like, hey, is that man insane?

To live the literary life is to be rejected, time and time again, day in day out, year after year. You know your full potential, like the first species to go terrestrial, or the first bird that took flight, but they holding you back, thinking you wack. Yeah, I see you, and I see little dots, but these dots right here are connected towards something greater, and that greater is me. The struggle is one of the daily, getting a bore-out a week. You have severe self-doubt, much anxiety, but it is greatness that you seek. - Why at times I gotta be so weak? - Yet I’m moving on, getting stronger, reading longer, still young and aspiring to get where I wanna get, to get what I wanna get. I came from the depths of hopelessness and despair, being put there, but I’m crawling my way up and not stopping until I reach the top. The ordinary people, they are trying to keep me in my place, so it is not my immense creative power they have to face, but fuck them, they are nothing but wasted space.

Let it be known that I shitpost myself untill I reach that level that you all can’t reach. And fuck the language rules, my writing transcends rules and creates them a-new, that’s what I do, you’re just pawns while I’m your creator. And so, the struggle keeps on going, yet the words keep flowing, turning into sentences and paragraphs, and as a person I keep on growing. I feel I’m growing tougher and tougher by month, larger and larger by year, and better and better by day. To live the literary lifestyle is to transcend from your fragile past, leave it behind until that day comes you make it so big it takes a another creative genius to surpass you, or you crash down so badly the time you’ll recover the sun used all of its fuel. Or, you just make it little, but I’m a everything or nothing person, so.

Oh, and these rhymes might be shit, but who cares, I'm using my wit. They are my feathers and I'm showing I'm fit.

>> No.10275406

I haven't read your poetry so I'll hold off on calling you a pseud poseur white-cishet trash. The drugs, music, and attire really clue me in though.

>> No.10275417


This is about as good a generic explanation as anyone's going to get. So glad I didn't give it.

>> No.10276076


Soundcloud rap-tier, the 20 subscriber like.

This sucks and I honestly hope you can do better.

>> No.10276142

I'm not sure if you get the intent. Still have to ask: can you show me how it is done?
Eventually I like to get to the point that I'm serious.

>> No.10276964

still not as good as neetdom

>> No.10276969

>lil peep died
suprisingly gives me a feel

>> No.10277066

Idk know where to begin to be honest with you.

Drop prosepoetry until you're comfortable with the "basic" form. Prosepoetry is usually shit in general, it's even worse when done by a newbie. Avoid slam poetry, because that's shit also and it's just bad influence.

I mean, fuck, just read through your HS curriculum and study meter and poetic devices so you don't rely on particularly faggy rhymes.

I'll be honest with you f a m, seriously consider if you want to write Youtubetier slams/shitty rap or poetry. If you want to be a poet, study poetry instead of whatever you're doing.

>> No.10277084

you'll need a tortoise and a bent jeweller

>> No.10277399


>> No.10277452

Depression and alcoholism, if that counts.
Alcohol and caffeine.
Currently reading Effie Briest by Fontane and a poetry collection of Houellebecq.
I work in a warehouse.
Not really. Sometimes.

>> No.10277473
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Alcohol counts, it's the worst drug.

>destroys the body more than most other drugs
>extremely hard to quit
>withdrawals can be lethal and are among the most torturous of all
>available everywhere 24/7
>advertised everywhere
>referenced and shown in all media
>present at all social events
>if you're a recovering addict normies will try to pressure you into relapsing at every occasion

>> No.10277491


>> No.10277633


I hope you've received this telegram with little to no issue STOP

>> No.10277879


>> No.10278746

poverty, alcoholism, and being a lady's man

>> No.10278862

>went to NYU out of state

What are the implications of going to NYU out of state? I do not go to NYU; I am just curious about this specific detail. I do not know much about New York and its universities' reputations/culture, and would very much like to know about the cultural context behind this.

>> No.10278868

NYU isn't a public university

>> No.10279121

If this thread is any indication, it takes retarded arrogance to live the literary life.

>> No.10279152 [DELETED] 

I fucked many girls there over the years just from performing at Acrobatics Everyday shows.

>> No.10279223
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I don't know. I'm 22 and published my first collection of stories this year. Its selling decently because I have artist/music connections and I even found a bad review posted to Tumblr. Now I sort of wish I hadn't burned my earlier efforts, but alas, the flames were hungry that day.

When my dad passed away I was left with an inheritance of $40,000, which prompted my move from Los angeles to north county, San Diego. Besides browsing 4chan and Reuters I pretty much have dropped out of society. I read the same few writers i have since high school-- Plato, Shelley and Kierkegaard namely, and they get better with time. Oh and walking to the grocery store has become an intense daily experience.

>> No.10279234


Wow - this is me. Who are you anon?

I have a very normal social life, but I come here because no one is as smart or interesting as you fuckers or something.