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/lit/ - Literature

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1027073 No.1027073 [Reply] [Original]

Once again, the /lit/ Zine Writers Guild is seeking out material written by 4channers to publish in our monthly online publication, the ZWG /lit/erature Digest.

If you wish to submit something, e-mail us at zinewritersguild@gmail.com. Please make sure to mention the piece name, the type of piece being submitted (EG: poetry, Fiction, or Non-fiction), and most importantly the author pseudonym you wish to go by.

We have no submission size limits, however pieces over 3500 words will be typically broken up into multiple parts for the sake of space. WE HAVE A LIMIT OF THREE PIECES PER PERSON APPEARING A SINGLE ISSUE. Blatant Racism and hate literature will be rejected automatically.

Our homepage is here: http://zwg.wildwestwaffles.com/
Our out-of-date wiki that we never update is here: http://zinewritersguild.wikia.com/wiki//lit/%27s_Zine_Writers_Guild_Wiki

Thanks for your time

>> No.1027077

>Blatant Racism and hate literature will be rejected automatically.


>> No.1027090

Yes, limited censorship. If we didn't have it, we'd get twice as many complaints

>> No.1027095

it's called parenting

>> No.1027097


Can't handle complaints? You have no place publishing anything, you cowards.

>> No.1027100

We're handling you, aren't we?

>> No.1027099

Once again, the /lit/ Zine Writers Guild is seeking out unreadable shit churned out by 4channers to publish in our quasi-monthly online publication, the ZWG /lit/erature Digest.

If you wish to submit something, email us at zinewritersguild@gmail.com. All submissions accepted. Please make sure to mention the piece name, the type of piece being submitted (EG: pretentious bullshit, wish fulfillment, or troll prose), and most importantly the author pseudonym you wish to go by because your imagined fame is more important than anything you might actually produce.

We have no submission size limits, however pieces over 3500 words will typically be broken up into multiple parts for the sake of space, much like you might break up a large log of shit with a toilet brush so the pipes don't get clogged. WE HAVE A LIMIT OF THREE PIECES PER PERSON APPEARING IN A SINGLE ISSUE, BECAUSE NOBODY CARES ABOUT /ZWG/ ANY MORE AND IF IT'S THE SAME FIVE PEOPLE WRITING EVERYTHING /LIT/ MIGHT GET SUSPICIOUS. Blatant racism and hate literature will be rejected automatically, but everything else- even a smear of dogshit on a piece of notebook paper- will be seriously considered as art.

Our homepage is here: http://zwg.wildwestwaffles.com/
Our out-of-date wiki that we never update is here: http://zinewritersguild.wikia.com/wiki//lit/%27s_Zine_Writers_Guild_Wiki

Thanks for your time

>> No.1027101

As long as no one insults the master race I think racism is OK.

>> No.1027107
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Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.1027109

So if I write the tale of the little girl locked in a basement being force-fed feces, who grows up to kill herself by biting off her own tongue and bleeding to death, it's okay?

What if she's black? Is it not okay then?

>> No.1027113
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Christ, do somthing useful for a change. The zine is one of the most constructive things to come out of /lit/.We're hardly spamming

>> No.1027118


It's not really constructive. It's just kind of masturbatory.

>> No.1027121



>> No.1027122

Eh, if it had nothing redeeming about the narrative we would not puiblish it. What you're describing sounds like some combination of guro and exploitation, we would probably reject it.

And for the record, racism flows both ways.

>> No.1027124
File: 5 KB, 199x253, TyBrax20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do somthing useful for a change
you have no idea...

>The zine is one of the most constructive things to come out of /lit/.We're hardly spamming
Says you...

>> No.1027127

I disagree

>> No.1027125

Okay, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Just fuck off, dude. This zine is one of our many projects, contribute or leave. You've done nothing but post shit around here.

Also what's with the /b/tards ITT? Racism isn't censorship, it's considered illegal by the UNO Declaration of Human Rights.

>> No.1027129


Stop posting this faggots' pictures everywhere, faggot.

>> No.1027133

The zine has traditionally been a troll target right from the start, I wouldn't expect anything different. As funny as it sounds, they're often very useful because they bump the thread. Gamergirl's trolling was a very indirect reason for the spread of the zine

>> No.1027134


>Eh, if it had nothing redeeming about the narrative we would not puiblish it.

You guys have absolutely no appreciation for art or literature as an abstract medium. The fact that you even mention narrative shows this. You're putting together a white-washed pile of brainless tripe. And you call this constructive.

If anything it's destructive.

>> No.1027140
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>Just fuck off, dude. This zine is one of our many projects, contribute or leave
It's like I'm really still in high school...

>> No.1027141

deal with it

>> No.1027145
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>You guys have absolutely no appreciation for art or literature as an abstract medium.
>art or literature as an abstract medium.

>> No.1027152



Makes no mention of hate speech. In fact:

Article 19
>Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

>> No.1027154

u mad

>> No.1027157

If I write a commentary on how I think the ZWG is total shit, will you publish it?

>> No.1027160
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Stag you're not a fan of this whole silly project thing are you?

>> No.1027170
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Like it or not, the zine is going to reject work.

that would explain your immaturity

We will not. We are not about to defame our own project

>> No.1027179

I'm neutral when it comes to the zine
I don't want to insult Prole and his people either though because they do put some time into it and the writers do too
those are my boundaries

>> No.1027180

its not exactly your work is it though. Its stuff that other people write that you copy and paste into one document without even bothering to spell check it

>> No.1027176

>that would explain your immaturity
What strain of "logic" is this?

Also you were called out on the UN thing & gave him an equally shitty response...

>> No.1027184

>read an e-zine about a board about writing

>> No.1027189


>We will not. We are not about to defame our own project

If anything, my inane commentary will only strengthen your current readerbase. Are you afraid they're going to agree with me? Of course they won't, they'll completely disagree, and whatever time or effort commitment they've invested will ensure that they'll be totally deaf to any criticism whatsoever.

Which these threads kind of illustrate brilliantly.

>> No.1027191


That's argument ad hominem, broski. Prole, prole, prole the asshole. I am truly the wittiest.

>> No.1027197

That is basically irrelevant to the questions at hand, isn't it? You may have your opinions, but we are not obligated to broadcast them just because you have them.

Thanks. I respect that- zine compiling generally takes about three days. Even with the apparent simplicity of the work to outsiders, it's nowhere near as easy a task as it is often made out to be

>> No.1027198

Hardly. This is something we will not do

>> No.1027200


masturbate moar

>> No.1027204

Okay... how about this!

Say I write a short story, and use a fictional equivalent of the ZWG, and criticize them via the narrative?

>> No.1027205

>Article 2.
>Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

I'm sorry, you were saying?

Read above
Also you're just one of these fags from /mu/ who are doing nothing but shitting up the board. Fuck off.

>> No.1027215
File: 407 KB, 250x250, gee wiz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see you're already doing that. No thanks

Now, for anyone actually interested in submitting something, I wish to reiterate our e-mail address: zinewritersguild@gmail.com

>> No.1027217
File: 31 KB, 353x450, 130-126big-brother-is-watching-you-posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a reason why my pseudonym is Prole. Big Brother is watching you

How about no

>> No.1027221


>Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

>all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration

The right to not be offended isn't set forth in that declaration. In fact, it gives a gay black guy the right to be as racist as a jewish woman. We all have the right to be disgusting bigots.

>> No.1027226


Technically, if your name is Prole, Big Brother is watching YOU.

>> No.1027228

Heh, I can concede that.

>> No.1027231

>The right to not be offended isn't set forth in that declaration
Because that's not a right, idiot. Also, since you took the time to look up the Declaration, why don't you just keep reading?

>Article 30.
>Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
Meaning, your rights aren't above mine, and not because you have freedom speech rights it means you can affect mine.

>> No.1027235

you are a bigot because you are a bigot. there is no right to be a bigot. you are just claiming a right to not be "judged" which is an encroachment upon others' right of expression.

i now express my opinion of you thusly,

you are a fucking retard and a waste of oxygen

>> No.1027239
File: 11 KB, 476x360, Doublepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people bring the declaration of independence into a thread about a virtual magazine

>> No.1027240


>Because that's not a right, idiot

Exactly! Which means I'm free to say whatever hateful thing I want!

>and not because you have freedom speech rights it means you can affect mine.

What? I can't figure out what you're trying to say.

>> No.1027247


>you are just claiming a right to not be "judged"

No, that's not what I'm claiming at all. I'm claiming the right to express my opinion. My opinion that black people smell like bad onions, for example.

>> No.1027250


>Declaration of Independence

Oh you.

>> No.1027254

you are already saying that at will, and that's not because you have a right to it, but because you are a retarded bigot.

>> No.1027255

A classic derailing tactic. Luckily, everything anon needs to know is in the OP. So further posts are basically irrelevant

>> No.1027259
File: 5 KB, 149x172, jogo5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realize it's not the declaration of independence

>> No.1027266

john hurt does a cool version of stagolee or stagger lee or stackolee. nick cave's lyrics for his version are cool but i don't like the music fyi.

my triptag is from an old tune too. alternatively called just bully by etta baker.

>> No.1027267


Show me where I'm forbidden to express hate speech in the document we've been discussing.

>> No.1027273 [DELETED] 

make a threat on someone's life and we'll see what's up. but you're allowed to be racist as long as i'm allowed to call you a coward for laying blame on others for your own shortcomings.

>> No.1027280

yeah i've heard the john hurt version <blacktext>on youtube</blacktext> it's pretty good

>> No.1027281

you are the retard that tried to build your argument from this general "right to be a bigot". i only tried to point out how "to be a bigot" is way too vague and broad in establishing a right to be a bigot in a particular activity/situation.

fucking retard. shut up.

>> No.1027285
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You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar

Stag, it's [*spoiler] insert amazing secret here [*/spoiler]

(remove the*)

>> No.1027289

ok thanks

>> No.1027291


Is English not your first language? I was just being cute with that whole "right to be a bigot" thing. What I meant(and really, I thought it was obvious) is that I, and everyone else, have the right to hate speech under the rights set forth in this document.

Which, I might add, isn't really that legally binding. It's supposed to apply to all member nations, but the UK actually does have laws that violate Article 19(the previously cited right to express opinions).

And why you mad? Personally I find this sort of thing fascinating.

>> No.1027292

I just want to clarify a little bit, since this discussion has gone massively downhill.

We generally only reject things that aren't really worth reading. Now obviously that's a very subjective measure, but if all the editors agree a story isn't worth reading, we're probably not completely wrong in our decision.

We have no objection to distasteful or adult elements - but only if they're used contextually in the purpose of a story, and not just gratuitously for the purpose of shock value. A story about a girl tied up in the basement and force-fed feces until she bites her own tongue off - well, if it's well written and actually interesting to read, despite being distasteful, would probably get published.

We're not trying to turn into some sort of literature gestapo - we generally say that anything goes as long as it's worth reading, and if all of us think it isn't worth reading, then we're not going to publish it.

>> No.1027293

the moar you know

>> No.1027298


Theoretically, would you publish (parts of)The 120 days of Sodom?

>> No.1027300

Holy motherfuck, how many times do I have to point it out?
It says so right here >>1027205, fucking read it.
And pair it with this >>1027231.

>>1027240 What? I can't figure out what you're trying to say.
No wonder why racist bigots are retards. I'm saying is, not because you have freedom of speech you can be racist, because you'd be violating one of the articles of the declaration. Thus, your freedom of speech right is completely voided.

>> No.1027301

is it in the open domain?

>> No.1027305


>>Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Do you understand what this says?

It says that no one shall be denied the rights set forth in that document based on race, etc. Which means that you need to show me that hate speech violates one of the rights set forth later on in the document. You have not done this.

>because you'd be violating one of the articles of the declaration.

Which article? Article 2? How does my hate speech deny them of some right set forth in the document?

I'm really beginning to think this is a problem of comprehending English on your part.

>> No.1027310

>What I meant(and really, I thought it was obvious) is that I, and everyone else, have the right to hate speech under the rights set forth in this document.
No, you do not. The article 2 forbids it, by saying you can't trespass individual rights by discriminating.
You're trying to support your argument with the Article 19, which says the following:

>Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

But look at what it says
>without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
> through any media and regardless of frontiers.
It doesn't say "regardless of creed or ideology".

>> No.1027314


I think you're missing the point. I'm trying to gauge what you would deem acceptable. For no other reason than I'm curious, by the way.

Near the end of 120 days of Sodom, it's essentially a list of awful things that people could do. That would be deemed unacceptable, yes?

>> No.1027319


>The article 2 forbids it, by saying you can't trespass individual rights by discriminating.

Again, which rights am I trespassing with hate speech?

We're not talking about discrimination. I don't know why you brought it up.

>> No.1027322

prole y u discriminate against discrimination? y u hate amerika???

>> No.1027324

>We're not talking about discrimination. I don't know why you brought it up.
Yes we are, Racism (expressed through hate speech) is a form of discrimination.
Take a look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrimination
>Discrimination is a sociological term referring to the treatment taken toward or against a person of a certain group in consideration based solely on class or category.
And within the types of discrimination, we have "Race and Ethnicity discrimination", or in other words, Racism.

>> No.1027330

don't mess wit my freedoms, baby. im gon shit on whomever i want!

>> No.1027332
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Because Amerika is just so kafkaesque

>> No.1027340

ZWG is a private project and reserves the right to refuse anything it fucking wants to.
The guy arguing for his racist bullshit is a troll or a moron, jesus christ. If he does write a bunch of hate rhetoric, I'm pretty sure he's used to getting rejections by now.
And the guys arguing with him, you're trying to use reason AND BADLY to argue with somebody whose views have no basis in reason. Holy fucking hell. Grow up, and learn to ignore people like this.

>> No.1027345


>Discrimination is a sociological term referring to the treatment taken toward or against a person of a certain group in consideration based solely on class or category.

Okay, my mistake. I concede that hate speech is a form of discrimination.

Now, explain what right hate speech violates.

>> No.1027349

it violates ideas of common sense in relation to decency.

>> No.1027353

>Now, explain what right hate speech violates.

I'm done here, this guy is right >>1027340, I've argued enough.

>> No.1027359

oh and the right. i guess the right for others to pursue happy lives. you want that don't you? well if people should want that they should respect that others are entitled too.

>> No.1027360


I maintain that you have no comprehension of what Article 2 actually says.


So does 4chan. Should we censor it?

>> No.1027363

oh look, some retard whining about getting banned on the internets.

>> No.1027366
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You see this Babby? It is the cause of all our problems. Anon became so distracted with babby's visage that they couldn't help but argue. You can't blame them.

Now, if we could get some submissions, this whole thing would be so much easier

>> No.1027369


>i guess the right for others to pursue happy lives

How does someone holding a sign that says "Niggers are lazy" violate that right?

>> No.1027370

oh. i have no issues with you and hate speech here. i'm a different anon than the one you were talking to earlier. you continue in your way and i'll continue thinking that you're simple. i know how it goes. this is 4 chan and i'm not new.

>> No.1027379

I have a better understanding of it than you do, and it's clear why. If you don't understand why hate speech is a direct offense and demeaning of other people's rights, you're the one who's wrong.
And I frankly I don't care if you don't want your precious stormfront shithole to fall apart, but in reality, hate speech and discrimination in general does nothing but trouble. Hey, you know what the muslims you hate so much are doing now? Discriminating other people just because they want their own land. While their right to have their own territory is legitimate, it doesn't give them the right to kill others and to disturb their peace just to achieve that.
There's plenty of examples and it's also a reason why hate speech is illegal in pretty much every civilized country.

>> No.1027545
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Now that I'm back, I'll bump this thread.

The best support you can give is submitting your work.

>> No.1027586

Y'know, I was going to submit one of my short stories, but I think I'll wait for the guys of the other zine to reappear.
After all, they seem to know how to justify their texts, unlike some people I don't want to mention.

>> No.1027601

Eh, your loss. If you read any of the current issues, you'd be able to see that the text is justified. But I suspect you're just a troll anyhow

>> No.1027605

The latest issue wasn't justified, and it was fucking 60mb.
I mean, c'mon.

>> No.1027639

ZWG Zine: Making me lose all respect for /lit/ "writers" since Issue 1.

>> No.1027644

where the fuck did blood on the tracks go, faggots

>> No.1027661
File: 39 KB, 600x600, gentlemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respectfully deny that. If anything, while there have been some less-than-amazing work published, we also get some very good work. The quality has been steadily increasing, our last issue had some work that seemed publishable in regular magazines. And this isn't just Josef K. I'm talking about, either.

No. If there is one thing I respect while working on the zine, is the diligence of our writers. They take so much shit and flak from anon it's ridiculous, but most of them just keep coming back, and getting BETTER at what they do. It's inspiring, makes me wish I wasn't so wrapped up in zine work and had more time to write myself. But, what can I say, the zine is still very important to me- It must continue for the sake of our authors. And those are my thoughts. Anon is a poor target for the efforts of these people, but it is the best we can provide

>> No.1027664

>implying anyone actually reads this

>> No.1027667

It was trashy steampunk wank, why are you worrying?

>> No.1027674

Hey, I've got some stuff I'm willing to throw your way. But first I should probably read a few back issues to find out what your target audience is, no?

>> No.1027687

If you wish, but I suspect you'll have a hard time guessing our audience out of the fairly random amount of work thrown our way. We've recieved just about every genre in the book at this point

>> No.1027713

fuck you
it had dylan
it was going places
it was really well written
fuck you

>> No.1027845

goddammit 115 pages? you guys really need to cut down on the amount of stuff you publish. I mean really, you should only take the very best stuff you get.

>> No.1027873

That is fairly legitimate. Previously, 80 pages had seemeed sufficent but for the last few issues I felt it might seem prudent to make it a little higher. It gave everyone a chance and didn't make anyone have to wait, but it also left nothing in reserve. Right now we're running on empty, it's very important we get more submissions.

Eh, luck is unpredictable. Some days you lose, some days you win. We can always solict the other boards

>> No.1027993

Maybe save the 115 for special issues (like December or something) and stick to 80. "Giving everyone a chance" is not how the publishing industry survives, my friend. I personally like what you're doing here- it's the first time I've heard of a /lit/ zine, it's just that if you only publish the best, I'll know that a) each issue is worth waiting for and b) I'll know I won't have to scroll through pages of crap to find the gold.

Those are my two cents, and they are well meant. :) Good luck getting submissions.

>> No.1028002

>is not how the publishing industry survives
>publishing industry
uh huh.