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/lit/ - Literature

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10266901 No.10266901 [Reply] [Original]

who here bought Infinite Jest but never read it

>> No.10266909

How pathetic is it that I've been reading it on and off for almost two years now?

>> No.10266919

less pathetic than buying it and not opening it once

>> No.10266935

Read about a third and dropped it. There's only so much pseudointellectual verbal masturbation I can take and a lion's share of it is already used up on browsing /lit/.

>> No.10266936
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>buying books

>> No.10266946

>living in an area with a library
i bet you frequent starbucks.

>> No.10266948


I love libraries but I find it so hard to get reading done. People are very disrespectful, eat food, take phone calls, giggle etc.

I also can't seem to not rack up fines.

>> No.10266949

I bought it, then read a couple pages a few months later. Haven't touched it since. I might pick it up for real some time, but I'd honestly rather go through classics I'm more confident that I'll enjoy.

I've never been able to read a borrowed book. I read at a slow pace, so whenever I've borrowed a book I would always have that anxiety of worrying that I won't finish it in time. Also to me a benefit of owning a book is that it secondarily acts as sort of a trophy to me when I finish reading it. I feel like less of a piece of shit when I look at a shelf and see the books I've read.

>> No.10266958

>Not striving to amass a collection of books that would rival the Library of Congress
pure savagery desu

>> No.10266976
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you uncultured swine, having been birthed many years prior, would not have even traversed the halls of the Library of Alexandra, would you?

>> No.10267001

Me, too busy reading non-fiction.

>> No.10267004

I'm about 200 pages in

>> No.10267044

What the fuck are you even saying? Learn how to speak English before you use it.

>> No.10267070
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>> No.10267141

Not an argument.

>> No.10267152

Improper English/10

>> No.10267160


>> No.10267219

The last time I got a book at my local library I immediately began marking it up with my pen making petty comments and connections to other works or creations and streaming my thoughts along with the text

Read all of Joyces Dubliners before I realized I didnt own it, dropped it off feeling like some kind of literature rapist

>> No.10267365

>if I cant defile beautiful women I may as well defile beautiful literature
makes sense desu

>> No.10267429
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>leaving your home
>not isolating yourself entirely with an ever growing library of books on .pdf

Don't do this. The library is probably a better place. Do not spend your life in isolation.

>> No.10267764


Part of my weekly tomfoolery is getting hammered, scouting out the only pale skinned dark haired lost chick at the bar, successfully convincing her im not an asshole, more or less raping her even though technically its consensual, i always get them on camera saying we can fuck etc

My preferred method of defilement is tying them to my bed and putting on a pig faced mask and squealing violently while I stab lost girl vagina no. 17 with huge white cock, 9 inches slut eat it

My preferred sexual reaction is disgust. I hate two things more than anything else, vanilla sex and women smiling. I will go to great lengths to get the desired reaction. Sometimes I go too far

Oh how far from home ive...come

>> No.10267781

i bought it and finished it in about a month and a half
i really liked it and would say it's one of my favourite books

>> No.10267792

I bought it as an Ebook so i wouldn't have to load it around or ripe the chapters apart. But as it turns out, it's even more frustrating to flip back and forth between endnotes.

>> No.10267875

But how will people know what books you have read?

>> No.10267937

I received it as a christmas gift, I thought "shit they think i'm the kind of person to read that bullshit".

Never opened it. :_(

>> No.10268130

Why shouldn't we just take pictures of all the pages of books and get rid of libraries?

>> No.10268258

>Do I look like I know what a pdf is?

>> No.10268307

Goodreads and make sure it’s linked to your fb

>> No.10268338

Not an argument. Seriously physical media is fucking useless we should just get rid of it all. Old books can just be scanned. Libraries take up too much space in unis anyway.

>> No.10268366

I've bought it, but I've read it completely. I've failed.

>> No.10268457

>Being so indigent to not afford books, but instead linger in the library like a common vagabond.

>> No.10268476

but they're fun, anon

>> No.10268480

I got 200 pages in and realized it was literally just meant to test my patience and the jest was that I was trying to force my way through this worthless book.

>> No.10268584


>> No.10268591

Reporting in

I was afraid they would stop printing the meme edition, I will get to it eventually I swear
Also I read the first page

>> No.10268654

"literary critics" aka hipsters trying desperately to validate their english and library science master's degrees, the payment for which has them swimming in a lifetime of student debt... those kind of people find unironic validation in forcing their way through a worthless book
they may even then go so far as to comment on the book among their peers, and the most despisable of them will take it to the extreme, and pretend they enjoyed the book, and may even pretend they don't hate their entire life

>> No.10268701

Librarians get paid 75k+ and benefits in my city. I wouldn't mind dicking off and swiping library cards for that.

>> No.10268707

I bought it by 'accident' (it was sitting in my online shop cart and I bought a bunch of other books) and didn't go past page 200. Seems like a waste of time.

>> No.10268743

I leave it around the house in various places every week in a bizarre OCD like state. Anyhow, I have not read it but I look at the footnotes and touch myself.

>> No.10269216
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Who here bought Infinite Jest again after their copy wore out from reading it too many times?

>> No.10269226

I bought it when the only sample I've ever seen was on sale in my third world country. 10/10 door stopper, I wish I could read it soon though

>> No.10269330

i read like 5 pages of it and I don't think I'll work up the will to finish it

>minute, segmented, halting, hesitating observations of social interactions
is this how drones validate their discomfort with the system they're part of?

for those of us who have made our peace, why should we want to relive in detail the hellish detention in this system?

>> No.10269515

libraries are unethical

>> No.10269652

Not an argument to keep them.

>> No.10270566

Doctrine of First Fucking Sale, you fucking fuck.

>> No.10270615
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>tfw bought infinite jest and immediately started lending it to my friends and making fun of them for not being able to finish it
i have no intention of ever opening it

>> No.10270634

Passable caffeine and located anywhere? Why not?

>> No.10271031


>> No.10271061

You're supposed to read it?