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10266104 No.10266104 [Reply] [Original]

Pleasure isn't everything, and it is necessary to accept suffering, but does suffering only serve to attain higher pleasures?

>> No.10266108

Why don't you either start with the greeks or go listen to a pleb podcast you inbred.

>> No.10266126

With suffering, you gain more virtue - being the moral and physical control of your life - cause sufferung isn't a end in itself, like pleasure, on the other hand, that only makes you want to feel more pleasure, while suffering you use as a fuel to not feel it again, in that case being a better person.

>> No.10266150

There is suffering and suffering. There is necessary suffering and unnecessary suffering.

Dormandy in his book the worst of evils talks about how unnecessary is our capacity for pain.
And most of suffering in life is unnecessary now.

The pain of boredom, of an early morning, of a cold commute, of your muscles in the gym that's nothing and we go through it.

But how much more pain there is in life and for no reason. The excruciating pain of cancer, of depression, the hopelessness of an ugly life surrounded by ugly people. This is all useless suffering and this is the kind of pain that cannot be simply justified under the guise of a greater good or greater pleasure.

This is the trick I see all the time: they sell you the suffering you have now as something that will lead you to a better life or self, when instead that suffering is doing nothing other than sapping out energy and joy from your life.

>> No.10266184


There is a wisdom that is woe; but there is a woe that is madness. And there is a Catskill eagle in some souls that can alike dive down into the blackest gorges, and soar out of them again and become invisible in the sunny spaces. And even if he for ever flies within the gorge, that gorge is in the mountains; so that even in his lowest swoop the mountain eagle is still higher than other birds upon the plain, even though they soar.

Herman "MyMan" Melville

>> No.10266193
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Ask yourself OP. Are you the bird of the plains, or the mountain eagle, or the blackest gorges, or the sunny space?

>> No.10266200

utilitarian pleb detected
not only should we accept suffering, suffering > pleasure
pleasure makes one unhappy and lifeless, while suffering brings joy and peace

>> No.10266203
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>ywn be the mountain eagle
give me one reason to continue onward

>> No.10266209

Answer, because you are too pleb to figure it out: You have been all of them.

>> No.10266217

Dunno man, since I stopped suffering from depression I'm much more peaceful, joyful and alive.

>> No.10266335

yes, but it's because you suffered. Why do you kids of billionnaires are always getting addicted to pills and killing themselves? No perspective, constant pleasure and high-chasing. A happy life is simple and good. Read Anna Karenina, especially the chapter that has Levin working the fields