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10264746 No.10264746 [Reply] [Original]

so I'm kind of a new guy (shit on me) but I want to know if McCarthy's whorth reading? Blood Meridian ... or the Road/ No country for old men?

>> No.10264773

>Step 1: go to library
>Step 2: make sure you are allowed to borrow books from the library
>Step 3: read the first chapters of a McCarthy book
>Step 4: decide if it is worth reading further

>> No.10264786

Gritty dark prose.

Like >>10264773 says. Go read some and see if you like it.

>> No.10264815

Blood Meridian is amazing. Didn't like the Road as much as everyone else did.

>> No.10264832

my library has only Suttree and the Child of god I think ... should I try Suttree?

>> No.10266064

Hipster library like not even the road or no country

>> No.10266074

suttree is best


also, don't stay here...this board died a long time ago

>> No.10266219

Suttree is one of his best, and certainly his funniest.

>> No.10266275

Suttree is his best