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10264576 No.10264576 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10264578


>> No.10264584


>> No.10264586
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Isn't there someone you're forgetting

>> No.10264588


>> No.10264590
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>Marcel Proust paid for reviews praising his work to go into newspapers

>The wealthy writer paid 300 francs – around £900 today – for a flattering reference to Swann’s Way to appear on the front page of Le Figaro, then – as now – one of France’s leading dailies. He paid a further 660 francs for another much larger summary of a glowing review by a friend of his to similarly appear on the front page of the Journal des Debats.

Wow, why would such an eternally great novelist need to do this?

>> No.10264599

Because being eternally great doesn't guarantee you money.

>> No.10264602

>want money
>spend money

>> No.10264603

>Joyce is greater

>> No.10264608

Gotta spend money to make money, kiddo

>> No.10264634

isn't there some explanation that this was common among writers in those days or something

anyways who cares, do you think the book is bad? most people seem to think it's good

>> No.10264640

It's probably a lot more common now, if you think about it.

>> No.10264839

Reviewers have always been dumb careless and mercenary. Don't hate the playa

>> No.10264856

>this was common among writers in those days or something

Among kikes maybe

>> No.10264870

Now I want to read an author named Joust..

>> No.10264873


>> No.10264884

Oy vey shut it down

>> No.10264927

This reminds me of a story by Marco Pierre White who explained why he retired, he said something like "I was slaving away for the approval of [critics] who knew less than I did, at which point I thought, why continue?"

>> No.10265017

Do the words of his novel somehow change after learning this? I don't think so. It's still a masterpiece.

>> No.10265081

>It's still a masterpiece.

Its not though, its overwrought pagentry. The fact he's being compared to a real artist like Joyce is a joke

>> No.10265084

no way pleb

>> No.10265177

>he spends his time posting about books he hasn't, and never will, read


>> No.10265189

Joyce was an egghead. His books were written for academics to dissect. There's not a trace of artistry in his works. Proust, however, was an artist of the highest order.

>> No.10265201

You sound like someone who has never read Joyce

>> No.10265219

And you sound like someone who has never read Proust.

>> No.10265861

The Proust estate continues to spend millions on positive reviews and favorable mentions in the media. Most of the positive reviews on Amazon for Proust are supplied by the estate. I wouldn't be surprised if the Proust Estate funded media and groups have been taking lessons from Soros.

>> No.10265873

Oy vey how dare you insinuate that the greatest jewish writer achieved greatness through deception and fraud!

>> No.10265904


>> No.10265923

Currently reading Swann's Way

It is okay, mostly a comfy relaxing read with contemplation. But Proust isn't a funny or exciting writer like Joyce.

>> No.10266216

>he didn't get Bloch
>he hasn't even got to part the regaining of the little tune


>> No.10266221

Proof that this is continuing, and is out of the ordinary?

>> No.10266222


>> No.10266261

Yeah, I'm sure critical praise has nothing to do with academic interest on his work and its current status as a masterpiece. Surely, a positive review in France's top newspaper is of no consequence at all

>> No.10266266

I'm past the Jewish bits anon

>> No.10266273

Does Proust have anything as sophisticated as Oxen of the Sun?

>> No.10266352
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pic rel

nah, joyce is much more form(the king), contra proust who is much more esthetic expression of consciousness(and the greater of the two, imo, although the most fun i ever had reading was the wake)

>> No.10266889

you are a pretentious douche but you don't realize it

>> No.10266962

Should I read Proust in translation or wait until I learn French?

>> No.10266971

Moncrief is a great translation one of the rare examples

>> No.10266972

Perec is better than both

>> No.10267095

Nothing I've ever encountered in literature compares to reading Time Regained after managing to get yourself through 4000 pages of Proust. It justifies the whole process, and I feel bad for those who abandoned the novel partway.

>> No.10267547
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nice, are you psychic?

>> No.10267563
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read something else instead

>> No.10267564

Because the press have always been shitty. Better to just play the game.

>> No.10267594

One of the most difficult lessons for teenage boys to learn is to stop 'rating' different things against each other. If you need to rate, go to /b/ and rate your dick.

>> No.10267640


>> No.10267681

I've read the whole thing and was genuinely blown away by it. However, I actually don't really believe that half the people who've read it really understand his great revelation in the final volume. It's a finicky and incredibly abstract kind of salvation that never really left me feeling satisfied. It's intensely beautiful but I've never been quite sold on the profundity of the conclusion when compared with his other meditations throughout the work. What was your understanding of his final revelation in Time Regained?

>> No.10267696
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Wait the final book is literally called "time regained"?
Holy shit what a hack

>> No.10267706

Proust is a huge waste of time.

>> No.10267713

This. He is extremely similar to Scientology.
Its members get in thinking there's going to be this wonderous end and reward at the end of his writing but there's really nothing. But then if you end up deeply invested you rather believe in the cult than admit how much time and mental resources you've wasted and join in with the other followers bullying anyone who dares speak against the master

>> No.10267721


>> No.10267724

I literally thought it was a joke at first. Like a greentext >TFW the end of In Search of Lost Time where he finds his Time again

>> No.10268898
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prout ⊂ arseful

>> No.10270222

The book was meant, at the very beginning, to be composed of two volumes, one being Lost time and the other one being Time regained. Of course he felt he needed more than 2 volumes and chose other titles, but also preferred to finish his last novel with the title he had in mind for the conclusion.

But of course you tick headed dumbfuck can say what you will about that.

>> No.10270974
