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File: 47 KB, 418x740, socialists-change-obama-786775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1025995 No.1025995 [Reply] [Original]


Americans, why did you let this happen?

>> No.1026012

Sorry, wasn't payin' attention. What's goin' on?

>> No.1026017

>implying he's not a liberul.

>> No.1026019

what are you even trying to say you fucking retard

>> No.1026026

> Amazon did not need threats from the Obama Justice Department to notice the design flaw and fix it. That is the way the free market works.
> the free market works.


>> No.1026028

Obama used the media to brainwash the younger voters with empty promises of change. Adding the Obama zombies to the typical bleeding hearts he would get because he's black, and the people who would believe his promises, and the people who vote Dem every time anyway, and he only won by a small percent.

Once in office, the Dems have control of congress and executive office, so they can do almost whatever they want.

>> No.1026030


>> No.1026033

Actually he won because he's young and hip and McCain's an old fart

>> No.1026034
File: 12 KB, 630x592, 127636223150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People rarely mention that "Barack" is Hebrew for "lightning." His name is actually Lightning Obama. Come on, you can not say that is not cool.

>> No.1026145

This. Plus one was obviously better at speeches than the other.

>> No.1026164


>Once in office, the Dems have control of congress and executive office, so they can do almost whatever they want.

And yet they haven't done shit.

>> No.1026283

You know, I was flipping though channels right before bed, and glenn beck was talking about this subject. I thought to myself, "Who the hell is this retarded?"

>> No.1026288

This thread is about Kindle news, not general politics

>> No.1026292

>It is even environmentally correct, as it saves a lot of trees

Why does everyone think this? Does no one know that trees are an easily renewable resource?

>> No.1026366


Your e-reader will eventually stop working and become irreparable. When that happens, you chuck it and it probably won't disintegrate until after your great great grandchildren are dead.

Books rarely stop working, unless they get water-warped or eaten by termites, at which point you chuck it, and it dissolves in 40 years.


>> No.1026372


>> No.1026384

Also, to add to anon's point. That dissolving is in no way damaging. Au natural.

>> No.1026396
File: 24 KB, 300x273, grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obama regime