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File: 4 KB, 400x300, Agnostic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10258712 No.10258712 [Reply] [Original]

Is there such thing as pragmatic agnosticism? Like I believe in a God and I have faith, but I'm just gonna act as if this wasn't so important.

>> No.10258720

Is there a such thing?
Consider the fact that the US has hundreds of millions of people that consider themselves christian. Go to any church on Sunday - see if the numbers stack up. The discrepancy is absurd.

Most people are exactly like you, in fact I was you at 13 or so.

I could get into a tirade but I won't, just remember that it boils down to this: faith is belief in the absence of evidence. Some consider that a virtue, others a vice.

>> No.10258722

>I believe an almighty being created the universe to his liking and therefore all men either follow his design or exist perversely, but that's not important lol
Sure thing, bro

>> No.10258734

It's called "im a gigantic pussy too afraid of the crushing ego of others to express myself in any way"

>> No.10258750

T b h I've spent years as a devoutly religious person and i just dont see any benefit anymore. I dont care about heaven and im not afraid of hell. I still want to be good to people but i think God will forgive me if i figure out my own way to do it.

>> No.10258767

I've come to the conclusion that some people, regardless of perceived intelligence cannot remove themselves from belief in god.

Whether this is a "god" gene, a lack of creative thinking, a fear of death or nothingness is hard to say at this point in human society. I think at a certain age due to indoctrination it becomes incredibly hard to shed the beliefs as people essentially have formed their mind around this belief.

The best thing you can do is educate yourself. And that doesn't mean by reading the bible or listening to some religious expert - it means challenging yourself. There are plenty of good books and debates out there. I'd recommend Christopher Hitchens (if you like rhetoric), Richard Dawkins (if you like science) or Alan Watts (if you want your brain to explode) they're all on youtube if you're interested in learning more.

>> No.10258799

Is this considered effective bait by /lit/'s standards?

>> No.10258812

i love the bait post
whenever someone either can't be bothered to or just actually can't scrounge up an argument the post is bait

the few points i made are essentially just regurgitated points by the persons i mentioned. and yet you are effectively their intellectual superior

>> No.10258819
File: 97 KB, 420x420, 1496003007488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this very much

>> No.10258864

posting meme to cement your viewpoint
joke's on me

>> No.10259043

This thread was moved to >>>/his/3672844