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/lit/ - Literature

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10258583 No.10258583[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ feel about water? Do you drink water and hope that the pee pee of a great writer will slide down your throat and you will absorb his literary essence?

>> No.10258592
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Nigga no I drink I hoping it's some cute girl's pee

>> No.10258615
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I am the water.

>> No.10258630

>drinking tap water
Enjoying stunting your creativity

>> No.10258637

Water can hardly belong to us, though it is almost everywhere in us. Which reminds you and me at least that it is almost everywhere else. Or was before we were. It is one of our properties, passing through, as if we were one of its. And if we are one of its properties - for it helps us live - where can that take us? Isn’t it pretty simple, water? We better drink it and better not breathe it. Soon done with it, we forget our need, yet come back, revisit, and may wonder at this continuous substance in the offing held by sameness, concealed by distance, contained by surface or habit, qualified by quantity, and necessarily shapeable. In pipes and underground. In cloudburst, surf, high sea, gutter, sink, mouth. And in its insubstantial yet strikingly reflective surface, its standing depth, beneath us, in us, beyond us. I sound like the sage; is this what water does, beckon, get personal, think for us, ask for trouble, insinuate or flatter, while persisting ruthlessly inanimate?

>> No.10258641

Tell me more o humble water filter salesman

>> No.10258642

hehehe all the water you've drunk was once pee

>> No.10258656

lowers blood pressure, calms acid throat burns, stops death even especially after alcohol.

>> No.10258657
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>This is the water, and this is the well
>Drink full and descend
>The horse is the white of the eyes
>And dark within
What did he mean by this, /lit/?

>> No.10258670

the horse is in whiteface but deep down is a niggerhorse

>> No.10258723

And so we build its need with ours. Or I do today - every one of these days in New York, trusting my own self-love and the city, and water’s still widespread, selfless, and apparent simplicity, to help me think sometimes with my senses. But as bather, gazer, diver, thinker, water-proof clock-watcher, often half-conscious consumer of bottled water, wader-in, or in even a canoe or ship of my eye-watering memory and perspiring future water- borne (as we say of some diseases), I’m not done with its quite indivisible surfaces and its lights and awful lid and waiting dimness through which gravity draws a stone, a ring, the pages of a magazine, a history of waste and communal amnesia; nor even as the deluge clearing and cleaning the Earth has water quite seemed to me day to day first and fundamental, though for all its unbreatheable compounding of oxygen it is a naked medium for me, a naked, night-swimmably different, a freeing “element” on the skin, its look, what it is surroundingly like an outside that is inside.

>> No.10258740

Nerve-endings in my finger tips and toe tips. No.

>> No.10258746

literally hydrate or diedrate. if you're not drinking many many glasses of water daily, you're not operating at your full potential.

>> No.10258777

all things derive from water desu
thales was right