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/lit/ - Literature

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10258088 No.10258088 [Reply] [Original]

H P Lovecraft is overrated and excruciatingly boring to read. Why has he been lauded so much? Could someone please recommend me a non-pretentious and actually good horror author?

>> No.10258093

>Could someone please recommend me a non-pretentious and actually good horror author?
Yes, HP Lovecraft.

>> No.10258098

how about you get the fuck out, normie?

>> No.10258142

E.T. to tha A. Hoffmann

>> No.10258150
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Niggerman the cat

>> No.10258191

You know what I realized? Cultists in the Azathoth Mythos are basically cargo cultists. They're just latching onto something that seems to be so far above them simply via that fact. They don't understand it, so they revere it. They can't comprehend its true nature, so they worship it.


>> No.10258298

The cultists also tend to be nonwhite.

>> No.10258322

at least half of them, more are white degenerated rednecks

>> No.10258360

You have no idea what that word means.
P.S. It doesn't mean using big words.

>> No.10258563

You know what he did brilliantly? The Cluthuhlu/Necronomicon Mythos. He actually encouraged other writers of his time to use it as well in order to give it legitimacy. Can you imagine a writer today (or of any time) to co-opt an original idea in this way? What a great literary community they had. And it worked. To this day there are people who think the Necronomicon was a real book.

>> No.10258582
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>tfw (((op))) has a dog in this fight

>> No.10258635

Because you're a boring pleb that only focuses on plot

>> No.10258649
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Charlotte writes good ghost stories. Also, there is a woman accredited as the first feminist writer it's horrific, it's gonna rip your head off man.