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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 640x712, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10257884 No.10257884 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10257888
File: 273 KB, 450x450, spooks2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I heavily doubt that

>> No.10257895
File: 22 KB, 217x225, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you're posting Stirner by accident?


>> No.10257898

That's the power of Wojack.

>> No.10257901

I've done this with several specific things on boards. 4chan really is a hivemind.

>> No.10257908

Of course not, dear property.

>> No.10257918

I've also done this everywhere. Sometimes I think there is anon, most likely mods, who follow me around and make my memes come true.
I might have gotten someone assassinated.

>> No.10257933
File: 67 KB, 352x396, The_Accolade_Medieval_Knight_Painting_by_Edmund_Blair_Leighton_English_PreRaphaelite_Painter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was me first, and part of my plan was to make you think it was you. This thread was another small victory for me.

>> No.10257960

I've been posting on 4chan for 12 years. I've personally originated dozens of the top memes. There is not a single thought in your head that was not carefully selected and placed there by my acolytes and me.

>> No.10257979

So you think this board should feature less skanky sexualized women and food images? Me too!

>> No.10257995

Prove it

>> No.10257999

I've begun to recognize some of the most prolific /lit/ posters.
One in particular posts quite a lot. They are false-flagging as an alt-righter, the one who started the Culture of Critique meme. You can often find them posting stuff like:
>Women are inferior to white men like me
>Try the redpill, cuck
>In the age of the internet, every adult white male should be informed about the Jewish Question.
>Women and minorities are incapable of writing. They are simply inferior to white men like me.
>Read Culture of Critique to find out more about the Jewish Question. Every white man has a responsibility to know about the menace that is destroying their Western culture.
>I'm red-pilled
You can often find them posting long-winded, dogged posts about the jews, women, etc. Their style is very easily identifiable. They often post the same exact things in different threads. They've been operating for at least several months.

>> No.10258009

I'm not that poster but I post about The Jewish Question often from an anti-Civilisational perspective whereas the guy you speak about is pro-Civilisation.

I have a Jewish adversary on this board. Are you him? Until the end.

>> No.10258010

of all the things to have power over, is this really the one you chose?

>> No.10258019
File: 2.60 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170724-215808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only place possible... You might not get this because my posts on here are eloquent and resonant, but outside of 4chan I am a very meek and powerless fuckwit.

>> No.10258023

You're both shitheads and your little reddit-tier bitchfest is not worthy of the term "adversary". You're just a little cunt jerking off to naughty words. Grow up, dickhole slimeshit.

>> No.10258036

i keep recommending weird porn to /pol/tards and they keep pretending they've read it so they can keep making they dumb argument about whatever they think they are. i just like making politicos type out that they have in fact read the book where fondling bicycles or masturbating to hair is a leitmotif. i don't care if they say they hate whatever race of the week after they're willing to put in writing they read about eating young egyptian boy ass, and for that i thank the nsa archives these conversations are logged into and the advertisers hiro sells that information on to. i feel i should meme huysmans armpit fetish more, but i worry there might be a perfect time for that one. let's keep it at a spicy low boil, eh?

>> No.10258041


what the fuck did you just say

>> No.10258044

have you ever read proust?

>> No.10258050



>> No.10258053

that's okay, not all of us can be epic faggots, how are you on zola? have you ever felt the urge to join the clergy and a longing for a sense of home? i might have just the volume for you :3

>> No.10258055



>> No.10258068

then what the fuck are you even doing here? i bet you haven't even read daudet, mon pauvre jacky, mon cher marcel.

>> No.10258072



>> No.10258075

Uh oh guys, jewish thought-patrol poster.

>> No.10258076

if you keep saying no i'm going to see how long i can make the rape jokes go

>> No.10258078



>> No.10258083

c'mere phoebe

>> No.10258089
File: 1.47 MB, 1688x2000, 1448063272813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are multiple anons who do this and I am one of them
try the redpill, cuck

>> No.10258094

No, like all pro and anti jew posters he's a useful idiot keeping the attention on the Jews instead of the real culprits that are controlling them. Jews are a smokescreen, you have to go deeper.

>> No.10258100

rejected for publication by the french again?

>> No.10258103

The volcano demon? Jewish posters are already aware of that.

>> No.10258104
File: 19 KB, 1152x712, 1499232106633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted that picture in an /ic/ thread long ago, knowing that it would subtly influence your thoughts in such a manner as to eventually lead you to manipulate OP. If only you knew the extent of this, and how insignificant your role has become.

>> No.10258105

I started the bugs meme

>> No.10258106

the volcano demon was an empedocles hoax, bro, sorry, it wasn't even jews behind that one.

>> No.10258111

I see the misdirecting miscreants are out in full force today. Don't like it when we peek behind the jew curtain do you?

>> No.10258115

JQ rook. Could've googled it but you wanted to be snappy.

>> No.10258116

But where do you think YOU got the picture from initially? It's always been one of my favourites. It seems we've come full circle. The rabbit has returned to his hat, and I, the magician, can only laugh.

>> No.10258117
File: 48 KB, 600x600, The-Horror-of-Too-Many-Hot-Dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff my butt
With fat uncut
And bust a nut
So deep and thick

>> No.10258118

m8 attacking jews is one of the few ways to get refused by the french, you're obviously not even trying to fight the problem. are you seriously getting refused for not being able to speak french? lel, even gypsy and african kids can speak french, how retarded are you?

>> No.10258120

you could have bantered back about a lot of shit there, but you assumed your joke was the only one. there's an entire xfiles episode of nabokov banter you could have riffed off. i assume you only read hebrew and youtube like a good one of you.

>> No.10258126

The French and the Jews are drops in the shit ocean, of which the tides are stirred by forces larger than you can comprehend, bud.

>> No.10258131

is this your shitty attempt at homer?

>> No.10258143

More like a hasbara slider.

>> No.10258146

i don't speak yid

>> No.10258147

It's no joke!

>> No.10258154

it's not like he can make a serious attempt at homer

>> No.10258158

That was good.

>> No.10258159
File: 15 KB, 451x326, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it go, son.

>> No.10258162

>channeling lombardo
he's not even dead yet though he should be and he's shit to begin with. be possessed by greater souls.

>> No.10258169

It is not up to me which souls find themselves housed by my body, my mind, nor which fools might see problems therein. *farts*

>> No.10258182

>channeling the aristophanes charactization of socrates
this is better, it feels like laughing at your immanent suicide.

>> No.10258190

Every new moment is a suicide, bucko. Reincarnation happens when I blink.

>> No.10258203

and we're back to a 90s tool fan atheist who just grew out of kobain for being too commercial. have fun voting for bush in your future.

>> No.10258211

I've never been into any of those things, it's in imposter! This isn't the real me! OK, whatever I type from now on, don't believe it OK?

>> No.10258219

stop impostering yourself when you get doubles, it's embarrassingly like a teenage dostoevsky fan.

>> No.10258223

My previous post was a lie, though, it wasn't actually an imposter, that was made up by an imposter. This IS the real me posting now. Can't you tell? Wake up.

>> No.10258255

As a teenage dostoevsky fan, but not the guy you're replying to, how do I improve? Where do I go from here? Should I go somewhere from here?

>> No.10258267

As the guy he IS replying to, ideally you would stop being a teenager at some point.

>> No.10258274

Ah, but how do I know this is the real you?

>> No.10258277
File: 131 KB, 800x1121, 1504849586056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this sph porn tho

>> No.10258281

I never said he was, in fact, I wasn't.

>> No.10258288

I turned this board Catholic and now I'm making everyone into a Scientologist.

>> No.10258301


>> No.10258303
File: 204 KB, 675x900, 1486448638496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew

>> No.10258304

But indeed, that wasn't the real me either, so who is he speaking to now? Although this must be you, truly.

>> No.10258319

Let's just agree that there are a couple of imposters using our bodies to communicate with each other right now. I feel like everything will get a lot simpler then.

>> No.10258337

Fuck, man

>> No.10258342

Yes, of course. Although I don't think I really feel that way

>> No.10258359

It's not like a small dick loser like you deserves it anyway

>> No.10258368

Neither do I! It's just quite obviously the truth. As if he WOULD let you feel it even if you could. Ha! Don't make him laugh.

>> No.10258481

>I am an idiot who doesn't know how to reverse image search

>> No.10258578

Ha! I tricked him by having both of us think it's humorous! Even this new third guy is laughing, Haha!

>> No.10258588

Man fuck that third guy. Everything he laughs at is a lie.

>> No.10258607

Wait, oh fuck.

>> No.10258611

Dobby relished his groinsaw's roar as he withdrew the flesh-choked blade from the astronaut's ruined skull. He turned to Harry, thrusting his bloody, retina-covered pelvis with elfin fervor.

"How does Ronnie-Ron taste, master?"

Harry spat out an eyeball. "Like some kid with eyes."