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/lit/ - Literature

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10255585 No.10255585 [Reply] [Original]

>be an advocate of sincerity
>write the most self-conscious novels and short stories in the last 30 years with the most self-conscious prose

What the fuck was his problem?

>> No.10255590

>>be an advocate of sincerity

He wrote one essay on irony and television, and said one thing in an interview and everyone thinks "lol be sincere" is his ultimate theme as a writer

>> No.10255594

The man’s entire life was an affectation. The way he spoke, the way he dressed, the way he wrote. He was a mess.

>> No.10255605
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Most of his essays have such theme attached to them, even 'A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never do Again'. In his interviews he's always complaining about not wanting to be seen as 'faux' or 'pedantic'.

>> No.10255679

the supposedly fun thing is the best shit he ever wrote

>> No.10255690

I agree. And the sincerity sub-theme is very explicit throughout that essay.

>> No.10256609
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Wait. I've been away from /lit/ since a year.
How did the board start hating him so viciously?

I remember earlier discussions were somewhat more neutral and although they joked about his style/ideas which were memed to a certain degree. he was still viewed favorable.

but now anons here seem to despise him.

>> No.10256613

Intellectual teens. Same thing happened to Radiohead on /mu/ in the past two years.

>> No.10256616

maybe. its weird. do boards just get worse over time? honestly, discussion in general seemed way better a year and a half back. even dfw was discussed with some seriousness instead of whatever this thread is.

>> No.10256656

>we don't have 5 IJ meme threads every day by retarded English lit freshmen anymore
>woah whats up with THE VICIOUS HAET guys?
Neck yourself.
Contrarianism both ironical and sincere *especially* about "classics" has always been on /mu/. You neck yourself too.

>> No.10256671

Its the /pol/tards and trumpkins
they despise anything metafictional and hold it to be "postmodern" (their strawman for anything more complex than black or white)
the majority of them haven't read him. Most of the oldies here who have look at DFW quite fondly and reread IJ every couple years.
He isn't my favourite author but I'd say I like him
the overall intelligence level has dropped here significantly. You can tell just by the volume of "hey guys I haven't read anything and I'm too dumb to look at the sticky, tell me what to check out" threads which appear in the dozens each day and the number of peterson threads.

>> No.10256681

It isn't boards getting worse. Fantastic threads are usually on exceptionally specific topics which a few well educated readers will comment in. Threads that appeal to the lowest common denominator will have comments from posters with any level of education whatsoever. You'll almost never see good threads on the front page, but you can find them in the catalog. Phoneposters and gamergaters are now about half of 4chan's population

>> No.10256738
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>the overall intelligence level has dropped here significantly. You can tell just by the volume of "hey guys I haven't read anything and I'm too dumb to look at the sticky, tell me what to check out" threads which appear in the dozens each day and the number of peterson threads.

exactly. besides, people seem to be way more dismissive of things they don't understand. way more threads that are just <insert-caustic-meme-mocking-this-author-i-read-but-didn't-understand-which-makes-me-angry>. it annoys me that when anons don't like or understand something, the norm is not to discuss it or provide a decent explanation or critique or any discussion. the norm is to insult anyone who tries to explain or spam shitty caustic memes to validate their hate. its so fucking annoying. i wonder if "memes" are the cancer of internet subculture and have crippled people's ability to talk like normal fucking people or risk being wrong even if its in front of an anonymous crowd.

i honestly use the catalog only. always have. and i still feel it's getting worse.

>> No.10256787

Nope, it's called growing into real literature. IJ is quintessential undergrad redditor material