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10253996 No.10253996 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.10254004


>> No.10254007

You ought to write for tabloids with your skills for making shitty unfounded titles

>> No.10254008


Kermit the Canuck is so intolerably egotistical and doesn't know what he's talking aboot

>> No.10254012

>for making shitty unfounded titles

Do Peterson shills suffer from some form of Schizophrenia?

>> No.10254016

About damn time!

>> No.10254021

Can someone explain what the fuck this guy thinks postmodernism means? Like, as if its some evil anti-discourse? How far has he strayed from something like Jameson?

>> No.10254023



>> No.10254035


>Psychology professor Jordan Peterson's stated plan to build a website aimed at reducing enrolment in university classes he calls "indoctrination cults" has drawn the ire of his University of Toronto colleagues, who say it will make them the target of harassment.

>"As a science professor, I'm not specifically targeted, but I still believe this website is morally wrong," U of T physics professor A.W. Peet told As It Happens host Carol Off. "A number of students and faculty members who I'm in correspondence with are concerned about his plans."

>"We're going to start with a website in the next month and a half that will be designed to help students and parents identify post-modern content in courses so that they can avoid them," he told CTV's Your Morning in August.

>"I'm hoping that over about a five-year period a concerted effort could be made to knock the enrolment down in postmodern neo-Marxist cult classes by 75 per cent across the West. So our plan initially is to cut off the supply to the people that are running the indoctrination cults."

>> No.10254037


Can you believe there are actual and i mean actual plebs on this board who think that having read derida and foo-co in english somehow matters

>> No.10254047

his interpretation is basically that postmodernism teaches people truth (and therefore value) are constructed things only useful as tools of oppression, and thus postmodernism is the devil.

The problem isn't so much that what he's attacking doesn't exist in postmodernism, it's that he's strawmanning probably the single most fragmented philosophical discipline there is into a single extremely simple tenet.

He seems to be unable separate "X has postmodernist traits" from "all postmodernism is just X"

>> No.10254050

The idea that postmodernism can be avoided is laughable

Can one also avoid modernity by not visiting certain courses?

>> No.10254052

Peet was the fucking thought-control tranny who wanted to ban people from disrespecting skler pronouns in the first place

Fuck I'm so sick of this tranny bullshit

>> No.10254053

Not everyone is being born French dood

>> No.10254058

>but thats not (((my))) post modernism

Fuck off snowflake

>> No.10254059

I notice a lot of this guys projects are him just taking some small concept and turning it into some fancy website and then overcharging it. All the authoring programs are just a set of writing prompts, the understand myself is just a generic personality test that you have to pay for, and now this thing which nobody asked for and he'll also probably charge for.

>> No.10254062

t. mystic

>> No.10254063

I thought this guy believed in Free speech

>> No.10254067

What is (((the))) postmodernism?

>> No.10254069

does anyone really think this system will be at all "reasonably precise" rather than a blanket catalog of vaguely left wing courses and professors?

>> No.10254071

He’s starting the same witchhunt the SJW crowd specializes in, only the other way around

Way to go, it’ll be fun to watch

>> No.10254072

Bunch of faggot pedo's tbqh
Vee oh la

>> No.10254081

Marxism = dialectic materialism narrative
Postmodernism = end of narratives, including Marxism

And the dissolution of truth and morality is a product of Nietzsche, not PoMo. Ergo, Peterson is a hack and should stick to scamming alt-little brainlets.

>> No.10254086

All going according to plan :)



>> No.10254096

>it would be better if services were not online and all free
Luddite commie scum.

>> No.10254097

I don't know why it wouldn't be. I'd bet money on it just being a script that collects public or semi-public data and scans for his trigger words, which should be a pretty accurate way of assessing postmodernist material. Probably false negatives are going to be more common than false positives considering it's hard to tell if some random stats professor secretly jerks off to Derrida.

>> No.10254101

This. He's getting swallowed by the rules of their game. This could be the single most stupid thing he will ever do.

>> No.10254104

Good goy pays money to improve himself by giving (((them))) his personal diary

>> No.10254105

I'm a massive fan of Peterson but this website plan sounds kind of unhinged to me, like he wants revenge or something for all the stress caused to him. It seems very SJW to me, too.

>> No.10254106

It wouldn't be reasonably precise by any means so definitely harm.

>> No.10254107

>This could be the single most stupid thing he will ever do.

It's what ((they)) want to happen.

Hegelian Dialectic in action. The Jew is a master at this.

>> No.10254108

Peterson is what the alt-right claims Jews are: aggressively pushing his uneducated views down peoples’ throats for the sake of profits

>> No.10254111

Haha! So postmodernism is the work of the Jews and so is the professor trying to destroy postmodernism and champion Christianity? Sort yourself out, bucko! You're all out of whack.

>> No.10254114

I wonder why (((they))) continually present Christianity as a solution.

The Great War is coming and they will sit comfortably behind the shadows as you die for them.

>> No.10254116

>He’s starting the same witchhunt the SJW crowd specializes in, only the other way around
>Way to go, it’ll be fun to watch

About time
I've had enough of those miserable miscreants

>> No.10254118

Can you fuck off already? Your meme is so fucking played out.
>inb4 note a meme
>inb4 educate yourself
>in before "I wonder why (((((((they))))))) would X
Honestly, I preferred the fucking rabbit.

>> No.10254121
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The phraseology is consistent within postmodern and neomarxist writing. I'm sure the results would give a gradated reading, not a black and white one.

>> No.10254122


"In the basement" is not "behind the shadows" you larping faggot neet.

>> No.10254133

>peterson thread
>/pol/tards derail it by refusing to actually discuss anything and making vague shitposts about (((leftists))) instead
every time

>> No.10254138

Mentally deficient individual.

>> No.10254145

No chance in hell it wouldn't be too rudimentary to be useful. And you shouldn't even need it, can't you tell yourself?

>> No.10254151
File: 85 KB, 958x959, 20604724_10155576936549347_5990078929647230174_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can build yourself a better life, champ.

>> No.10254159

I could appreciate the simple good things in life if I was surrounded by my blood, my people and my family but the Jew has taken that from me and so I shall take from the Jew all he holds dear, no, I shall take from him the very existence that allows him to bear no fruit but to poison all that is well in the world.

Hear me now, Kike, and hear me well. You will be the first.

>> No.10254160


You mean one guy?

>> No.10254208

>All the pro-postmodernism faggots itt
Ugh. I hope none of you are white guys because you're on the wrong fucking side if you're against this opening measure that will hopefully lead to the purging of our academic institutions of these anti-white jewish ideologies.

>> No.10254219

lol ew

>> No.10254229

Umm, sweetie, Peterson is using you

>> No.10254238

Why doesn't he just say post-structuralism or deconstructionism or critical theory

>> No.10254244

Disagreeing with something and cautioning others of it =/= calling for it to be banned.
This false equivalency will never stick no matter how many times you people try it.

>> No.10254254

Fake and gay.

>> No.10254258

>building an AI for identifying persons that willingly identify themselves
That's retarded.

>> No.10254261

>Disagreeing with something and cautioning others of it =/= calling for it to be banned.

But how is creating a computer algorithm that detects people and lists them on websites on the internet where they will be harassed any different to them being banned or silenced?

Are you Jewish by any chance?

>> No.10254266

because that's not a buzzword that activates the altright and altright-adjacent people
postmodernism on the other hand, especially when paired/equated with "cultural marxism", is a brand that attracts attention from the usual suspects

>> No.10254268

Nowhere does he call for that
People should be able to see if their college course is postmodern garbage before they invest their time and money into it.
People (including faculty) are constantly calling for him to be fired, going so far as to fabricate "alt right" links, simply because he challenged the role of college as an indoctrination camp. I think he has every right to swing back.

>> No.10254272

>come up with scheme no one will pay for

>> No.10254284
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I read your post, but I can't find any jokes or argument... Or anything really. You just described an aspect of capitalism and then said the word capitalism. So... Bravo, I guess?

>> No.10254287

Are you Jewish by any chance?

>> No.10254289

Thanks, I did not really aim for anything greater.

>> No.10254296

>Nowhere does he call for that
this is the level of thought petersonfags put into their stances
it's almost like the fact that you don't specifically call for something to be done with what you create doesn't mean it won't be used for that by your audience who have already shown themselves to be partial to such behavior

>> No.10254329

That's... stupid.
I learned a lot from Peterson and I still respect him a great deal, but damn can he not see the blatant hypocrisy here?

>> No.10254331

I see a lot of middle-aged people throwing the term "neo-Marxist" around in angry facebook comments. Seems like Peterson and Paul Joseph Watson are having their influence...

>> No.10254332

It'll be the precursor to the commie Terminator, where a cyborg will immediately measure the angle and length of everyone commie's nose to determine whether he deserves a gulag or the gas chamber immediately.

>> No.10254340
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Postmodernism is just a rationalization for the elite to justify their hatred of society since they have high IQs (for creating obfuscating points) but are rightful paid shit. So postmodernism allows them to lie freely to accelerate society to a point of destruction where they may institute their utopia as dictated. Literally the Marxist version of Taqiyya

>> No.10254358
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>> No.10254364

Do you believe that the elites are secret marxists?

>> No.10254412

Why not give students the opportunity to decide for themselves what to think or believe? It is condescending to believe that people can't make decisions or weight evidence or follow reasons. This is what ideologues hate. A free-thinking society. If "post-modern" thinkers are so evil, so illogical, then surely there is no danger. Why is he not in danger of being seduced, while the rest of us are? Is he so much wiser or more intelligent? It's ridiculous.

>> No.10254447
File: 302 KB, 486x322, 1497719660109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great Peterson reveals his ignorance about things from post modernism to AI. Who would have thought

>> No.10254454

Post modernism is the new boogeyman of the right, it's sad. You can't fight post modernism because it's a name for a general movement. There's no group called "post modern" it's just the natural progression of western thought. While one may argue the merits of said intellectual movement, its not a secret cult with a malicious intent, it just is.

>> No.10254477

Postmodernism is an academic methodological ideology that is rightfully, and finally, being exposed for the sham it is.

>> No.10254486

the only sham is the thousands of dollars idiots pay into this dick's patreon every single months

>> No.10254491

How is it an ideology? Its a rejection of ideology if anything. What ideology does post-modernism have?

>> No.10254504

An ideology that's just that: an anti-ideology.

>> No.10254506

the underlying conviction that metanarratives are interchangeable and equivalent (without questioning one's own actual metanarattive that identifying, uprooting, and destroying any assertion is "progress")

>> No.10254559

Muslim post-modern anti-Truth communism? Do we through gays off the roof for expressing any type of sexuality?

>> No.10254572

should kill yourself or at least stop reading literature and philosophy if thats the case

>> No.10254573

Wouldn't be hard. Corporations and governments already do this for politically incorrect and subversive views.

>> No.10254577
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>high IQs

>> No.10254579

>falling for the Peterson Jew


>> No.10254592

>>>10254491 (You)
>An ideology that's just that: an anti-ideology.

That's doesn't make sense, if it's an anti-ideology then how is it an ideology. One thing cannot be the opposite of a thing and at the same time be that thing.

>> No.10254594

it's an ideology in the same sense that "nothing" is still "something"

>> No.10254602

>Psychology professor calls out leftists for being the anti western civilization, Last Man ideologues that they are.

>Professor opposes the profligate immorality that is being pushed every day in society.

>He says that people should take responsibility of their lives, and that people who do not succeed in this will ultimately suffer from their lack of discipline.

>Won't compromise with people who try to use the law to force him to acknowledge claims about biology that have no basis in reality.

>Is trying to offer a solution to people for the emptiness that is modern society.

>Gets called a dick by someone posting on a cambodian waterpolo forum.

>> No.10254616

remember when people said he wasn't a member of the alt-right

>> No.10254617

But the right is post-modernist as normal leftists(class, not gender types) claim now.

>> No.10254621

How's the NEET life? How do you still manage to donate to his Patreon without a job?

>> No.10254624
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1509945812927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baaugh don't insult my internet dad
>he taught me it's important to do chores and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.10254630

more like
>say nothing original philosophically
>give stale age old advice
>be father figure for outcast 18 year old kids
>get tons of money
>continue said hackery for more money

>Won't compromise with people who try to use the law to force him to acknowledge claims about biology that have no basis in reality.

the law is targeted towards renters and employers, there hasn't been one person arrested or fined by c 16. Jordan Peterson is disingenuous hack for misrepresenting the situation as being "oh u didnt call me zer now im gonna call the police",

>Is trying to offer a solution to people for the emptiness that is modern society.

his advice is unoriginal practical self-help , nothing of note there.

>He says that people should take responsibility of their lives, and that people who do not succeed in this will ultimately suffer from their lack of discipline.

again, nothing new.

>Psychology professor calls out leftists for being the anti western civilization, Last Man ideologues that they are.

culture isn't static, why should I care anyway

>> No.10254632

Nothing is by definition the lack of something. Post modernism is a rejection of the idea of an ideology or truth. I think it's pointless to argue weather it's an ideology or not because I
We agree fundamentally what it is just not what to call it.

>> No.10254651

the lack of something is still something, just how 0 represents nothing but it stills represents what you have which is "something" and that's zero.

>> No.10254660
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>Nothing is by definition the lack of something

>> No.10254663
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>picturing how unsorted anti-peterson shills lives are

>> No.10254664

Has he named the jew? I don't think so. So not alt right.

>> No.10254666

>0 represents nothing but it stills represents what you have which is "something" and that's zero
Is this bait? It's hard to imagine there are people this retarded out there.

>> No.10254669

>using ad-homenim instead of proving me wrong
>*thinking emoji*

>> No.10254673

Is he really trying to link post-modernism and neomarxism shit that /pol/kiddies are always going on about

>> No.10254676

it brings in the money
can't decide if he really is brokebrained or just whoring himself out

>> No.10254683

And you plebs actually think you understand? Postmodernism and Marxism come from the same source and have the same goals. I don't know much of anything about Peterson but he's absolutely right to link the two, or at least not care much about distinguishing them. Quit your whining.

>> No.10254685

More good, maybe, but it's pretty easy to tell, anyway. Just look for the jargon, ie keywords the AI would parse for, or basically just read the course description or professor bio and look up all the words you don't know.

>> No.10254687

>say something so completely idiotic that a child would laugh at your stupidity
>get called a retard
>haha you didn't take time to explain why my inane mental diarrhea is wrong leftards btfo once again kek
Why do you, mentally challenged faggots, keep coming to this board?
>"having nothing" is like a positive linguistic description therefore nothingness can be positively define
Fucking kill yourself, cretin.

>> No.10254694

I think there are at least 3 or 4, unless it's one guy who's so committed he'll write in different ways to convince us there's several of them
These are exactly my thoughts and the fact that peterson has latched onto it too has reduced my opinion of him more than ever.
Do not debate with retards like that, once he said "nothing is something" you shouldn't have fed a (You)

Sure smells like /pol/ in here

>> No.10254696

go away froggy

>> No.10254698

>write in different ways to convince us there's several of them

I know thats what I do when I'm shitting up a thread. Not this one though.

>> No.10254704

>still hasn't proved me wrong
>getting this mad
>using ad-homenim
I'm not even right wing, so i dunno why you think i hate lefties...

language still has logic which defines our bounds of reality which in turn makes us perceive through a narrow hole and so much as so that nothing is something because of it merely being so without the other the other could not be and so as to say nothing it is also to say something

>> No.10254713

>we use linguistic signs to denote the absence of something therefore absence is presence
Actually unironically kill yourself.

>> No.10254720

do you think if i killed myself would there be nothing or "something" in place of the nothing because nothing is still in actuality something even though it may not be in a physical tangible realm, the reality of nothing may be above which we can comprehend so we view it so that it may not be

>> No.10254721

The worst thing is that if U of T rightly shitcans him, he still has the thousands of manchildren giving him six figures to tell them to clean their fucking rooms and other self-help banalities

>> No.10254727


>> No.10254728

So what is the profile of the average poster who defends postmodernism and Marxism in threads like this? Soyboys freebasing jewish/Marxist/postmodern propaganda in their first undergrad semesters? Fags who fantasize about Foucault giving them the hiv? Jews trying to stave off the inevitable collapse of the fake house of cards their coethnics turned our universities into after the 60s? Of course there are the purple-haired fat girls and a few other outliers, but I doubt there are many of those browsing /lit/. What do you think? Does that more or less sum up the demographic I'm referring to?

>> No.10254729

>get told
>lmao I was only pretending
>haha wacky insanity simulation baited you LOL
If you killed yourself the world would undoubtedly be a better place, autistic faggot.

>> No.10254730

underrated post

>> No.10254732
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>tfw unsure if masterful sature or terminal poltardianism

>> No.10254737

i don't understand what you're alluding to with those greentexts? not once did I say that i'm pretending...

but i feel as tho you've taken the exchange to heart and so much as to say that i should enter nothingness which btw is also somethingness but i don't understand why one would wish such upon such as i was only merely trying to discuss validity of calling an anti-ideology an ideology

>> No.10254746
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>so mad that you peddle non-arguments

>> No.10254750

>tfw when you're unknowingly using 2016 Ghoul memes

>> No.10254751

>tell them to clean their fucking rooms and other self-help banalities

Way to strawman his message. Now I remember why I left /lit for a year and spent all my time at /k and /fit. You guys are a bunch of insufferable cavelling faggots.

>> No.10254762

>literally what he says
Sorry, snowflake.
>spent all my time at /k and /fit
Kek. Truly the great thinker's lifestyle.

>> No.10254766
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does it give you a boner wasting your money on an intellectual midget whose "philosophy" boils to a vulgarization of jung for plebs mixed with some self-help bullshit for people with daddy issues?

>> No.10254767

Did you fuck any deer lately anon?

>> No.10254772


All his content is free anon.

>> No.10254778
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>implying i wasn't doing it ironically

>> No.10254784

may as well he is getting like 40k a month

>> No.10254790

The presumption of what you're doing is that you're attempting to dismiss his entire message by making light of one aspect of it: the part about cleaning one's room. You're attempting to misdirect any serious discussion of his points by drawing attention to this one particular aspect that isn't even important.

>Kek. Truly the great thinker's lifestyle.

No one gives a shit about your "thinker's lifestyle." What a big brain you have, Anon.

At least weapons and fitness offer an actual tangible power. They don't care whether you disagree with them, they'll hurt you anyways. You can disagree with the strong man all you want. You can deny the reality of his power, but it won't make a difference in the result. It's not like this metaphysical 'power' that accompanies a /lit/izen's overblown sense of self-worth. No one cares that you're familiar with Nabokov or Proust. That man who said that "the rules have changed; power now belongs to the man with the largest bookshelf" was wrong. No one cares about those "great thoughts" bouncing around inside your head.

To get back to the topic at hand: Why is it that Peterson has become so popular as of late? His message is apparently resonating with so many people that they're willing to donates tens of thousands of dollars to him every month? (And the most interesting part is that it doesn't seem to be an act on his part. You can find lectures of his from 15 years ago where he's addressing the exact same concepts.) Is there some void that people are trying to fill, or some explanation for the events that have been going on recently. Are answers to these questions located in the past? Are they just rehashed versions of things that people have faced in the past? These are issues that Peterson addresses, and it's why he's as popular as he is. Your glib reaction shows how ignorant you are of that.

>> No.10254798
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>scouts alt right media and steals their memes
Found the jew.

>> No.10254802

I might donate to him just for this

>> No.10254803
File: 39 KB, 296x389, 1496047997570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>appealing to popularity and might makes right instead of actually arguing how that poster isn't making a strawman out of Peterson's ideas
I am glad that you weren't shitting up this board until now

>> No.10254806

This. Mention anything as bad, including the morondom that is modern academia, and you're encouraging harassment.
This sounds like some sort of projection on your part.

>> No.10254808
File: 95 KB, 909x839, 1502289711819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>memes can be 'stolen' like property
What a pleb tier understanding of memes desu.

>> No.10254811

Top lel what a gigantic faggot.

>> No.10254819

Ahahahahahaha holy shit, I hope for your own sake you're not serious

>> No.10254821

Stop randomly aping words you clearly don't understand.
>dismiss his entire message by making light of one aspect of it
It's not dismissal, it's summarization. He's a self-help guru that provides some utterly basic life advice for people who didn't have a set of half-decent parents. Not that it's a bad thing in itself, but making an idol or a prophet out of him is brainletry par excellence.
>No one gives a shit about your "thinker's lifestyle.
I was talking about you, my dim friend.
>At least weapons and fitness offer an actual tangible power.
Indeed. However being a /k/ and /fit/ resident does not.
>No one cares that you're familiar with Nabokov or Proust.
Of course people do, just not in your bottom-feeding working class prole circles.
>Dude he's popular therefore great.
... You might want to stick to /r9k/ with barbells and noguns central.

>> No.10254822

The fact that he causes so much asspain in morons like you would be enough to make even the largest donations to the most outrageous cliche mongers in the world worthwhile.

>> No.10254826
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>be Jordan Memerson
>want to make a lot of $$$ and gain notoriety quickly
>perform the brave, heroic act of refusing to use someone's gender pronouns
>get worshiped as a hero by autists on the internet for whining about a letter he received from the school's faculty
>never receive any actual death threats, never have his life threatened, never actually get censored, never get imprisoned, never even get fired from his job
>simply whining about gender pronouns and being a professor of psychology is enough to be labelled a martyr for free speech by gullible anti-SJWs on the internet who desperately want an authority figure to affirm their whining
>whine about postmodernism and the cultural marxist boogeyman, even though postmodernism is a massive, broad subject never cite any actual literature or works or books by postmodernist authors or the Frankfurts, just say "they're all dumb guys trust me" like a true academic while occasionally namedropping Foucault or Derrida without actually addressing any of their arguments
>give the anti-SJWs you conned an imaginary enemy to blame all their problems on, while posing yourself as a hero when you've done jack shit and ironically whine about virtue signalling in academia while proposing no actual solutions to the postmodernist boogeyman
>fearmonger about a Canadian bill that you didn't even bother reading that was just a slight modification of a previous human rights bill that has already been in effect for decades, only it added "gender identity" to the list of criteria that you can't discriminate someone for and doesn't even affect universities because it only has federal jurisdiction
>virtue signal about how you would go on a hunger strike if you were arrested because of this bill, even though to this day no one has been arrested because of it and there isn't a single shred of evidence in the legislation or court records suggesting that would happen
>claim that a disgruntled twitter employee deleting trump's account is treason, then delete your tweet when everyone calls you out
>make 65k US dollars a month on Patreon from gullible morons who think you're brilliant for making glorified vlogs that spout Jungian purple prose, whine about children's movies being feminist propaganda and make vague, whiny criticisms of postmodernism that isn't backed by any actual evidence
Ah yes we have a true """intellectual""" on our hands

>> No.10254827

T. highschool dropout

>> No.10254829

He is doing something right when this entire leftypol piece of shit board is ree'ing this hard.

>> No.10254831

>Of course people do, just not in your bottom-feeding working class prole circles.
No, they don't. There are no more elites. Consider the vulgarity of your own utterly undistinguished prose. One finds more proof of intellect in the backwater preachers of 1920 than in anything you've ever thought or written.
You understand neither Proust nor Nabokov, I doubt if you even speak French.
>It's not dismissal, it's summarization. He's a self-help guru that provides some utterly basic life advice for people who didn't have a set of half-decent parents. Not that it's a bad thing in itself, but making an idol or a prophet out of him is brainletry par excellence.
He's no worse than the hundreds of academic imbeciles you and your ilk let slip without censure.

>> No.10254833

cool, except you're lying about what I said:
>Mention anything as bad

he's been whining about postmodernism for a while now and that's fine
where I draw the line is him making a hitlist of people that we all know will be harassed by his idiot followers

>> No.10254836


Anon you should check out Jack Donovan, I think you'll like some of his writing.


>> No.10254837

t. just wants to feel uniquely intelligent for going to uni like everyone else

>> No.10254839

I love this pasta because I agree with it but you'd get more (You)s on /pol/

>spam memerson constantly
>board gets sick of it

>> No.10254842

You must make a lot o friends with that self-righteous arrogant attitude backed by a whole day listening to some Canadian fuck's podcasts on a failed stand up comedian's MMA show.

>> No.10254843

>where I draw the line is him making a hitlist o
No one cares about your lines kek
He's been subject to more harassment than anyone he lists ever will be. Again, you seem to be projecting the criminal tendencies of your own delinquent group onto his generally decent people

>> No.10254846

Tell me about your job prospects anon.

>> No.10254847

>>10254728 (me)
After a bit more research I've concluded the following to be the most relevant and likely answer to my question regarding the group defending postmodern-neo-marxism and frothing at the mouth to attack Peterson:

>Jews trying to stave off the inevitable collapse of the intellectual house of cards their coethnics turned our universities into after the 60s

Peterson, whom I have no investment or real interest in generally, seems to drive these kikes up a wall. Why? Although he's at least outwardly kosher, Peterson is attacking the linchpin of their group's control within the western university indoctrination racket: the ideology, or anti-ideology.


>> No.10254849

Jordan B. Peterson fundamentally Doesn't understand What AI Is

>> No.10254850

oh no he isn't wine sipping bald faggot taking it in the ass in a french garden while trying to deconstruct social contracts in order to justify his homosexuality, truly terrible human being.

>> No.10254852

>you're all bad people btw

>> No.10254858

I'm a psychiatrist. My specialty is in dealing with the severely mentally disabled.
That's who you think the average peterson fan is? kek

>> No.10254860

The fact that he's Jewish himself doesn't phase you one bit huh?

>> No.10254861

>There are no more elites.
Okay, whatever you say, my little friend.
>"ur dumb and stupid"
Terrific argument.
>hundreds of academic imbeciles you and your ilk let slip without censure
Come on, you're letting the mask slip too much. No need to be so obvious about being a based redpilled centipede.

>> No.10254862


>> No.10254863

He's not Jewish. He looks very white

>> No.10254864

>his generally decent people
keep telling yourself that

>> No.10254865

>we elites look down on you etc
>ur obviously not elite
kek'd, typical peasantmong response

>> No.10254870

Looks don't matter since jews are frequently crypto, but his Wikipedia page on first glance doesn't mention such a thing so evidence is needed.

>> No.10254877
File: 486 KB, 469x463, dec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Jordan Peterson. The insight is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the degeneration of western civilization most of the jokes will go over a typical recipiants head. There's also Jordan's pseudointellectual outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws exclusively from psychology literature, Carl Jung for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these ramblings, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about CULTURAL MARXISM. As a consequence, people who dislike Jordan Peterson truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the self-help in Jordan's existential catchphrase "Clean Your Room!" which itself is a cryptic reference to Molyneux's epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those post-modern simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Petersons genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Carl Jung tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're willing to have 5 children of my own and no professional ambition beforehand.

>> No.10254880

that good feel when i have no idea who this guy is

>> No.10254890

I like this pasta

>> No.10254894
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1509066234586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not everyone is an angry middle school dropout like you
>lolwut ofc not ur dum an retarded kek peasant btfo

>> No.10254900

>literally posted a poll on Twitter
Yeah, nah.

>> No.10254906

>accelerate society
Yes, please. Accelerate, so that this burning pile of trash can finally crumble under its own weight.

>> No.10254908

See, Peterson evokes a type of extreme outrage and elaborate rituals of shaming and mockery that are distinctly jewish. And I know there are a few jew-aware anons here who know what I'm talking about. He's going after their bread and butter and they are reacting with jewish swarm techniques designed to discredit the message and prevent non-jews from realizing the schisms in the jewish postmodern/Marxist narratives Peterson is exposing, or in reality just noticing and publicizing for a mass goyish audience. Clock's ticking lol.

>> No.10254909


what the fuck are you talking about you dullard

>> No.10254911

Anon, you should see their meltdowns when people call Ayn Rand and Weininger "jews". Hilarious.

>> No.10254912

You'd be a loser in any kind of society anon.

>> No.10254913

I've read all of his books.

As opposed to what, you shitting it up this whole time while I've been gone?

Yeah me too. Everyone keeps saying I've been scammed into giving him money when I've never donated to his patreon or anything at all.

>> No.10254916

There is no "AI-based" anything, because AI doesn't exist yet. Peterson's paranoia is just a cherry on top of a shit sundae.

>> No.10254919

And you would be the Chad po-mo slayer? Keep dreaming, faggot.

>> No.10254921


Try reading the posts a bit more carefully.

>> No.10254922

Top kek, is this what you plan on spending your NEETbux on?

>> No.10254923

I'm just trying to interpret his tweet, I don't care about schizos ITT.

>> No.10254925

I don't feel the need to fill the void in my soul, my bank account or my bed with paranoid conspiracies by a a halfwitted internet guru for the absolute dregs of society, so I'm better off already

>> No.10254927

everything I don't like is jewish

>> No.10254928

Now you're talking, but don't be so mean next time! OwO

>> No.10254935

I spent my EmploymentBux on guns and grad school. If you're talking about books I've been using the library for a while.

>> No.10254941

>read all of the books by pagan larper that writes about manly masculine men being masculine and manly
>spend all my time on /k/ and /fit/
>peterson is my hero
Is it even possible to be more of a limp-wristed fatherless beta-faggot?

>> No.10254942

Answer this:
What is your level of education?
Are you studying?
Do you have a job?
Do you live alone or with parents?
Are you in a relationship?

>> No.10254946

>grad school
I think you mean "grade school", anon.

>> No.10254948

Yes, working on my PhD.
Yes, salaried position and an internship on weekends.
I live alone.
Four years and going strong.

What now?

>> No.10254949

is it even possible to more of a faggot for attacking someone for being fatherless?

truly, nigger behavior, sort yourself out.

>> No.10254952

nice pasta anon :D

>> No.10254953

Post proof

>> No.10254954

>As opposed to what, you shitting it up this whole time while I've been gone?
2/10 weak comeback

>> No.10254957

How, exactly? Do I post my gf's tits or my dick inside her, so you can all report me/have a meltdown? Do I take a picture inside the archive I work at? My diploma?

>> No.10254958

The one thing that makes me really mad is that people will associate Peterson's terrible analysis with Jung's.

>> No.10254961

It's not for being fatherless, it's for the way and degree to which he's letting it to affect his worldview.

>> No.10254962


>> No.10254965

Just because I've read all of Jack's books doesn't mean I agree with him. Not every person who has read the The Bible agrees with it either. Jack's books are entertaining, but they're not the gold standard for masculine literature by any means. I happen to enjoy shooting (I've been doing it most of my life) and lifting (I've been doing it most of my life).

I could write an essay on why I like Peterson, but in terms of relevance to people on this board he's one of the few prominent intellectuals these days advocating the western tradition, which is what this board is based upon.

The comma goes inside, not outside.

>> No.10254969

>The comma goes inside, not outside.
Not in British English.

>> No.10254976

Holy faggotry Batman look at how important this faggot thinks he is and how seriously he takes posting on a Hungarian Goulash Enthusiast Roadhouse

>> No.10254977

>these days advocating the western tradition, which is what this board is based upon.
Looks like someone didn't start with the Greeks. But go ahead and write that essay. This board needs a laugh.

>> No.10254984

>comparing the bible to poplit garbage
Good one.
>spend all my time on the internet forums
>shooting (I've been doing it most of my life)
>lifting (I've been doing it most of my life)
Even better one.
>I could write an essay on why I like Peterson
Yet you're somehow struggling to form three coherent sentences on this topic.
>The comma goes inside, not outside.
Not in proper English punctuation, my culturally enriched colonial friend.

>> No.10254985

And what is the Western tradition?

>> No.10254987


It's always the most absolute losers that talk about masculinity.

>> No.10254998

blumpf btfo how will he ever recover

>> No.10255027

So what you're saying is that Pakistanis don't use the comma inside rule?

>Looks like someone didn't start with the Greeks.

Someone who started with the Greeks would know that Peterson is arguing against people who usurp traditional Greek morality, or did you not read Nietzsche?

>Blah blah blah.
>Not in proper English punctuation, my culturally enriched colonial friend.

Would you like to apologize to me for your oppression of my people?

Mmm. If women have tricked you into thinking that it's not important, than for your sake and ours I hope you take that seriously.

The attractive men you can think of don't have to say anything about masculinity because they embody it already. Donovan doesn't care because he's gay.

>And what is the Western tradition?
Nice trap here.

>> No.10255031

Nigger, you got literally BTFO'd by every single post you're now responding to. Why even bother?

>> No.10255033

>who usurp traditional Greek morality, or did you not read Nietzsche?
Peterson is anti-christian now?

>> No.10255051

>attractive men you can think of don't have to say anything about masculinity because they embody it already
Indeed, they live it naturally, they don't read books about it or spend time masturbating to Zyzz or worship a surrogate internet father for broken home teenagers. This is the remit of weak individuals that try too hard to overcompensate for their developmental flaws.

>> No.10255058

he's a shitty writer and he's unqualified to talk about most of the philosophers\schools of thought he namedrops every now and then, but at least he knows the psychology of the masses well enough to monetize it. i can acknowledge that, kudos to him

>> No.10255059

>This is the remit of weak individuals that try too hard to overcompensate for their developmental flaws.

It also goes the other way round—men who think they can compensate for their physical weakness with some frivolous obsession with literature.

>> No.10255062

peterson is absolutely anti-christian, in one of his videos said that modern christianity has much more in common with postmodernism than with conservative ideas.
he even went as far as saying that jesus christ was basically the first first postmodernist.
my understanding is that jordan peterson is an old-testament maximalist

>> No.10255069
File: 12 KB, 250x242, 1509066939457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no it's you

>> No.10255101
File: 15 KB, 500x375, 1508265867207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw western tradition is taken literally and any potential changes or evolution is considered pomo
Holy shit idk which is worse, whether these are his thoughts or whether you are too stupid in grasping his

>> No.10255111

is pic-related a young noam chomsky?

>> No.10255135

I'm convinced every retard that attacks postmodernism is just your typical whiteboi who got suckered into kekistani pol cult or whatever and is now looking for a boogeyman to justify their retardation and say 'see this is what I was against all along XD' setting aside the likelihood that they themselves are postmodernists.

>> No.10255140

This whole website is the epitome of postmodernism and the 'alt-right' is literally a transgressive, post-Gramscian counter-culture, i.e. po-mo on speed, just coincidentally right-aligned.

>> No.10255144

So what does that make you, and more importantly, what are you doing here?

>> No.10255145

Peterson is a hack, but it's hard not to support anything that coul lead to no platforming leftists.
The elite aren't ideologically homogeneous.

>> No.10255147

The alt right wants to reconstruct what postmodernism has deconstructed so it's quite the opposite.

>> No.10255158

Call me when they stop using memes with ten layers of irony and meaning, using performance art techniques to spread propaganda, worshipping (yes, I know, ironically and not literally) a deconstructed and transformed ancient Sumerian deity, etc., and actually succeed in reconstructing anything. If you think that Trump is a throwback to older, better times, then you need to check your head. Putin's main advisor is a guy involved previously in avant-garde theatre, while Bannon might as well be Pynchon's alter-ego. Alt-right IS postmodern.

>> No.10255161

>Putin's main advisor is a guy involved previously in avant-garde theatre
Wait, what?

>> No.10255167

You're described pol and kosher cuckservativism, not the alt right, which it's clear you have no understanding of.

>> No.10255168


Sorry, not "main", but "personal".

>> No.10255169


>> No.10255171

Then enlighten me.

>> No.10255173
File: 178 KB, 1242x1237, trump voter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, altright are an entirely different enlightened breed.

>> No.10255177

long lives the grey cardinal, the true mastermind of modern day politics. this guys makes machiavelli look like a toddler

>> No.10255179

It's like I said. The alt right represents the polar opposite of what postmodernism stands for and wishes to export to Israel those most responsible for it. It's hierarchical, traditional, and anti-relativistic.

That guy is not alt right.

>> No.10255185

>It's like I said. The alt right represents the polar opposite of what postmodernism stands for and wishes to export to Israel those most responsible for it. It's hierarchical, traditional, and anti-relativistic.
Then name a public person that belongs to the alt-right. Is it Milo? Spencer? Weev, who keeps using the techniques he learned while working with the Occupy movement for his new pet projects? Why do you not understand that a) postmodernism is incredibly fragmented b) it is not really a set of values, but rather a mode of communication and criticism?

>> No.10255196
File: 1.64 MB, 1694x1133, 1510326246724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I really want from this bullshit is for professors to lose social status.

>> No.10255198

> That guy is not alt right.
yes he is, he was one of the former 8/pol/ admins

>> No.10255203

>8/pol/ admins
No, he isn't. None of the mods' identities have been discovered, you mendacious /leftycuck/.

>> No.10255213

Spencer coined the term and his opinions are out there and not transgressive or in any way postmodern. You seem like the type of person who sees postmodernism in everything, which is common since postmodernism has a way of warping things and making people believe it unearthed some creative and unique concept that can be applied to anything when things just are what they are and all it did was warp it in some usually uneventful or useless way.

>> No.10255216

8pol hates the alt right.

>> No.10255223
File: 26 KB, 278x368, OurLady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being unable to greentext properly
wew, the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.10255228

You can't get more post-modern than the alt-right, they've unironically proven what the French Orthodox Communists feared; Deleuze was a fascist and wrote the textbook on how fascism could work in the 20th century.

>> No.10255229


>> No.10255246

>You seem like the type of person who sees postmodernism in everything
Like Jordan Peterson? You still haven't adressed a single point that I made, oh well.

>> No.10255250

>when the algorithm detects peterson as postmodern and most of the courses he's disparaged as modernist
it's gonna be gold, no way they're writing the AI and they're gonna rely on wikipedia having a slightly better idea than they've read.

>> No.10255252

>when things just are what they are
Wow, you just solved philosophy once and for all. One Nobel on the rocks for this anon.

>> No.10255256

I corrected your misinterpretations then answered your question.

>> No.10255259

Why don't you agree what postmodernism is first before exploring whether x is or is not postmodern.

>> No.10255260

You sure you shouldn't run it by a feminist to make sure nothing was misgendered then a dindu who will look over the draft with a decolonialist lens before kicking it up to Shlomo for final approval?

>> No.10255262

I'd rather maintain a vague and fluid definition of "postmodernism" like my idol, Jordan Peterson, so I can make up shit on the spot.

>> No.10255266

I should run it by a buzzword-spewing anon on a Hungarian Gulash enthusiast board.

>> No.10255268

Has the retard responded to this video yet or is he ignoring it?

>> No.10255274

>has famous person who receives thousands of contacts from thousands of people daily responded to this one obscure video on an unknown channel or is he ignoring it
he most likely just hasn't seen it, anon

>> No.10255276

You expect people to agree on a definition of postmodernism when many like yourself define it so loosely that you mistake the opposite, which it turns out you don't even understand, for the ultimate expression of it?

>> No.10255279

Didn't you just use that one, rabbi?

>> No.10255280

>famous person
If there is one argument for the whole "decline of the Western civilization" thing, then it should be this.

>> No.10255283

Pardon? the concept of "famous person" isn't exactly new.

>> No.10255286

That was another person, but good to know that your paranoia is already peaking :^)

>> No.10255287
File: 31 KB, 500x645, everything i dont like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10255289

That someone like Peterson has gained notoriety. God, you're dense.

>> No.10255291

"You" is plural, m8.

>> No.10255292

Why would you repeating or copying someone else's phrase from a moment ago make me paranoid?

>> No.10255295

You'll see.

>> No.10255307
File: 13 KB, 366x329, 1510378123001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Status Quo Warrior

Don't you people get tired of memorizing new buzzwords every week?

>> No.10255312

The alt-right is using "cuck" and "commie" as if they were commas or periods.

>> No.10255325

They throw "cuck" at the world, it sticks for years. You guys hand this shit out like candy, still no one takes it.

>> No.10255335

Brainlet here, can someone explain postmodernism to me?

>> No.10255336

If anything you being mad means that meme is great. Saved

>> No.10255343

Universities are administered, above all, not by ideological zealots, but by careerists who have made a Faustian deal. They have preserved the most prestigious, productive, and adiministratively visible sides of their institutions -- the parts, not coincidentally, that the public and potential donors see -- from almost all of the depredations of ideological fervor. Physics, fundraising, athletics, microbiology, the medical schools, mathematics, financial management, physical plant, alumni relations, business, and metallurgy, for example, though no doubt caught up in the currents of our age, are not in the hands of ideological zealots. Rather, whole departments of the liberal arts have been given to those for whom universities represent, in their own minds, the revolutionary agency of our culture, walling them off, so to speak, from the parts of universities that trustees, rightly or wrongly, take most seriously.

>> No.10255348

Skepticism of metanarratives (the stories we tell ourselves)

>> No.10255349

Peterson gets on my nerves. I don't hate the guy, I rather am glad that a psychological authority actually is Jungian. But his fundamental disconnect with "postmodernism" and an actual phenemona that is 1960s post-marxism is surface level. I'm sure he intends it on being surface level for mass consumption by from students and the internet. It's irresponsible for him to use the term postmodern so liberally, when even looking up the definition it's describes it as broad and conflicting.

That's not to say post modernism is not without criticism but requires an honest analysis.

>> No.10255361

>That's not to say post modernism is not without criticism but requires an honest analysis.

What is there to be salvaged from it?

>> No.10255374

trust nobody not even yourself

>> No.10255395

Sounds good, why is it hated?

>> No.10255399

"Skepticism of metanarratives" here is code for "anti-white".

>> No.10255401

Because Kermit the Self-Help Guru says so, duh.

>> No.10255417

How does "Skepticism of metanarratives" imply "anti-white".
If it's skepticism how can one derive a clear stance?

>> No.10255418

As a philosoohy it would be deconstruction, removal of grand narratives, skepticism to the point where it disregards objective reality and full blown relativism

>> No.10255428

not him, but heidegger, baudrillard, derrida, and in literature, nabokov, o'brien, most of the 20th Century really. there's some shitty postmodernism (it gets very split in the sci-fi ranges with DFW, pynchon, vonnegut and burgess all taking different warring fanboy stances about who is or is not shit) but the so it goes tattoo girls are no reason to throw on the origins of a work of art out the window. if anything, they're a reason to force dumb bitches to read heidegger so they understand while the tattoo means to them they are deep, to everyone else it signals they're dumb and easy to score with and never read cat's cradle like the girls who are smart and easy to score with and do foot stuff to heal your broken nazi spirit.
>tl;dr- the object of the board is not "how do i read less" bitch.

>> No.10255432

But I hate the 20th century.

>> No.10255435

do you really want to read cervantes and sterne? i mean, they're great, but if you were trying to get out of word count, go with the 20th C, bro.

>> No.10255439

destroys the validity of tradition

>> No.10255448

postmodernism says that tradition is inevitable. no matter how much you want to claim a third gender, postmodernism will always list it as a phenomenon which started with a group of blue haird obese white girls who were the most obese the world had ever seen in recorded history, and the most privileged, who were widely regarded as still a low class of female gendered humans by most all humanity. we could compare them non favourably to rubens for a while, but postmodernism demands you recognise your tradition, which for most of the people who want to claim one in america means realising they're basic white girls from suburbia which has a grand tradition of fantasy dating back to the greek conception of hysteria. learn how to postmodernism before i lump you in with them.

>> No.10255461

according to peterson, postmodernism started with jesus christ subversion of what was the original christian philosophy of the old testament. much of the degeneracy that we bear witness today stems from the (((christ)))

>> No.10255464

it's like a teenager reading nietzsche :3 that's so goddamn cute.

>> No.10255475
File: 135 KB, 2134x2060, 1509662861929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so spooked that you fall for memes peddled by a guy that sounds like a puppet frog

>> No.10255501



>> No.10255505

Your post is incoherent.
I don't think you can deny that postmodernism involves the skepticism of metanarratives. Since a lot of cultural traditions require these metanarratives it's only fair to say that postmodernism forces us to question the legitimacy of said traditions.

>> No.10255532

m8, you can't claim my post is incoherent and then claim i'm making a coherent argument against things i never posted about. it's one or the other.

>> No.10255548

wtf, I have a boner now

>> No.10255561

glad we're on the same page

>> No.10255577

>you have to go back

>> No.10255596

you don't even know when to use greentext, brainlet

>> No.10255606
File: 41 KB, 600x450, time_to_stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10256380

nice spacing. pls go back

>> No.10256544
File: 5 KB, 241x250, 1470974216131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be an art theory professor
>by necessity have to teach Benjamin, Barthes, Foucault, etc
>get blacklisted on Daddy Peterson's site for showing students a Duchamp piece
>Website says I'm a Cultural Marxist, somehow has my home address, the school my kids go to, my dick size
>/pol/ sends me death threats after taping an It's Okay To Be White poster on my door
>try to speak out against this shit
>just get sent more threats
>every class is now heavily politicized
>just wanted to teach art theory
>Don't get tenure

>> No.10256577

Honestly, what he has written so far is probably far above what any of you ever have. I doubt you could understand his essay, much less even remotely aooroach it in your own "work."

>> No.10256586

Well, I'm sure that's what's going to happen.
And nice "frustrated wordsworth," as if he wouldn't laugh in all your fat sweaty faces

>> No.10256593

It's just a reaction image, calm down buddy

>> No.10256663

It would be better if he charged what they were worth and didn't overhype them and maybe he'd end up with a lot more sales.

>> No.10256664

This is funny because it is true

>> No.10256668

GOOD post

>> No.10256669

Le academic holocaust is coming!
>tells others to calm down

>> No.10256672


>> No.10256675

>make joke
>get taken seriously
>get mad because of joke

>> No.10256685


>> No.10256714

Assblasted professor detected
You're never getting tenure and no one will ever respect you for you are but a lifeless husk of a scared middle aged man

>> No.10256720

Was test posting to see if I was banned. Turns out I of course happened to make a definitive statement in a conversational string about pedophilia?

>> No.10256723

Why do you keep responding? Are you so mad and embarrassed to have realized that you're getting angry over a farce?

>> No.10256727




>> No.10256739


>at least weapons and fitness offer power

This is the most pathetic post of 2017. I genuinely pity you

>> No.10256740

Hit a nerve, professor faggotface? Go give your "students" an hour long "lecture" about mla format and the importance of one inch margins.

Keep wasting those tax dollars, til peterson humiliates you

>> No.10256742
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Isn't this exactly the same kind of shit Peterson's followers complained about?

Imagine the shoe on the other foot: an AI that detects former gamergate supporters or antifeminists or whatever else. Wouldn't everyone call that kind of thing "thought-policing" and "orwellian?"

Really makes you think.

>> No.10256743

>wah I'm being witchunted by postmodernists
>brb gonna make a literal witchunting site

what a fucking pussy

>> No.10256749

>reddit spacing
>brainlet content

>> No.10256755

>isn't this exactly

>> No.10256767

>I'm going to make an algorithm to spot footnotes and avoiding those classes will make you less feminist
mmkay kermie

>> No.10256770

Those people are already on lists and will be gulagged by jews as the anti-white animus gets ramped up for their brown diversity pets swelling into a majority if they don't start fighting back by counter-attacking the system in ways like this.

>> No.10256771
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Go die in a pit

>> No.10256786

>I'm losing the war of ideas so now I will suppress my opponents' ideas!

So much for free speech.

>> No.10256805

>by telling others what they teach
Ur desperate

>> No.10256815
File: 26 KB, 670x879, foucault-head-in-hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day rightists will realize that post-modernism serves them better than it serves the left and they will regret all those decades they criticized it, even alligning themselves with secular universalists like Sokal for the sake of it, without having read it.

>> No.10256830

Every post you get angrier and more autistic over literally nothing. I wonder how much longer you can keep that up.

>> No.10256862

>that .gif

>> No.10256868

No it doesn't, especially in the long term. Some on the right are using postmodernism's own weight against it to more quickly bring about its collapse, but when you're dealing with a fringe coalition led by jews of bulldykes, gays, blacks, and misc browns who have no history of running anything with white-man efficiency, it's going to go that way on its own. Just have to give it a little push.

>> No.10256901

>everyone says I was scammed out of money even though I haven't given him money
>so I might as well scan myself out of money

>> No.10256909

>who have no history of running anything with white-man efficiency
>trying this on the /lit/ board
>implying the island of saints and scholars is white
i know you were hoping to argue when the death of postmodernism was/will be, but just kill yourself now

>> No.10256911

>so poor that he notices the loss od money
Anti-peterson fags

>> No.10256917

because then their pain and suffering is the result of a chaotic and careless world and not the result of some great cospiration, thus depriving them of the hero-against-the-monster narrative they're seeing themself part of and thus hurting their fee-fees.

>> No.10256920

>trying this on the /lit/ board
Trying what? Nothing is whiter than literature.

>> No.10256923

Ireland is not white and it's most of literature.

>> No.10256924

A lot of the appeal of the left nowadays comes from its claim for being the party of progress, the "right side of history". Both in its liberal iteration, and the Marxist one (they just have different views from where history is leading).

Criticism of grand metanarratives means these ones get challenged too. There is no reason why the small, local narratives that postmodernists promote should be necessarily libertarian socialist, and not evolian "Hyperborean Aryans from Atlantis" shit.

And when they say your tradition is socially constructed, answer "so what?" and keep going.

>> No.10256937
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when does he begin the purge? it's going to be fun to watch

>> No.10256938

99% of the problems /lit/ has with JBP is that he's talking about political activism based on post modernism when he says the word postmodern and then /lit/ gets it's panties in a bunch over the belief that he is talking about all of the philosophy.

It's clear as all hell from JBP's context he's talking about the politics and SJW shit, so can we stop having this constant bitch fight on this shit chan?

The problem is with you guys, not him. Way to understand context.

>> No.10256946

it will likely target language use. it can be as precise or as vague as desired by the choice of words. if it's made open source i don't see a reason to argue about it being made.

>> No.10256951

it's not political activism based in postmodernism, it's based in identity politics which is a reaction to postmodernism. /lit/'s problem is that a psychology professor gets his knickers in a twist over saying SJW when everyone knows he doesn't mean postmodernism. he even knows he doesn't mean postmodernism, he knows half the time he doesn't even think SJW he thinks landwhale. we all know that and the irony of that is about the only postmodern thing near JBP.

>> No.10256952

there's clear cause and effect here. the universities teach shit things and then the students go off to do shit things.

the sjw post modern shit is based on bad correlations at best and it deserves to die.

>> No.10256963

You guys on /lit/ are fundamentally retarded.

Just cause he's telling people not to go, is not the same as banning it. I mean seriously, it's so obvious the 3-4 guys here that constantly post anti-JBP stuff have an axe to grind.

Stop being a pussy and go talk about this shit in JBP's subreddit or somewhere that isnt' a circlejerk of your own shitty opinions.

>> No.10256965

>it's not political activism based in postmodernism, it's based in identity politics which is a reaction to postmodernism.
they still use post-modernism to attack other ideas even if they don't apply it to themselves

>> No.10256967

political activism based in postmodernism was a big thing when JBP was ten. what's happening now is not happening because blue haired androgynous patchouli freaks started reading foucault and decided to stop shaving to be more frenchy. do you really want to believe that anyone in the movement he's fighting reads at a level so high above you that you would baulk at the text? isn't it more likely they read jezebel?

>> No.10256970

Years of pyschology R&D should be free and not cost anything.

"Generic personality test" shows how much you know about what you're shitting on.

You guys are so sore JBP's getting way more attention than you want.

>> No.10256971

Except none of the victim groups that have been created and weaponized are actually interested in or even capable of looking that deeply inward -- and why would they be? Don't ascribe more meaning here than there is. The point from the start was to take power away from white men and put it in the hands of those the white man had supposedly oppressed. I see no reason to force them into inwardly directed critique they can't engage with, but taking out their jewish paylords and putting them back in their place.

>> No.10256978

>Buying into the propaganda that Peterson fans are alt right
Please do not do this

>> No.10256980

no, they don't because that would involve them being able to read and comprehend any of it. think about the people you're talking about and how well they would do at understanding deleuze and guattari's critique of freud? good? no of fucking course not, they can't even read twitter without having a goddamn meltdown, and you expect them to understand how sartre got heidegger wrong and all the current shitstorm to come from that? you're fucking insane.

>> No.10256984
File: 19 KB, 374x211, tumblr_static_tumblr_static_1uauo3pbtq2sg8cwg8s4skc0c_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long until the social sciences and the other magical "studies" start ripping each other throats when the money flow starts drying?

>> No.10256997

it's actually pretty clear he's talking about the political implementation of pomo. When you have organized groups like Uni's, professors and SJW crowds to point at, your definition becomes clear.

You just don't like that JBP is talking shit about some parts of the "philosophy" pomo and by proxy you are pissed off.

Suck a dick and respond to what JBP actually talks about if you're gonna sling shit. He's made more than enough potential errors, if you go looking. No need to be so butthurt you ignore that if you want to fight.

>> No.10257002
File: 1.44 MB, 587x318, Tilly-Star-Trek-Discovery-ISSA-Futuristic-Toothbrush.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, that goes without saying, most of those "disciplines" were created by siphoning random, unprepared, oportunistic women with a degree into them and it just kind of snowballed from there

>> No.10257005

lol. so many fucking try hards on here.

seriously, can we burn this board to the ground? nothing of value will be lost and the circlejerk will continue for you /lit/ fags irl, slurping from each other's cocks like it's the only thing that matters.

fuck off.

>> No.10257013

let's not start sucking each other's delicious cocks yet

>> No.10257021

i have watched 150+hrs of JBP shit. nothing like that has ever been said.

if you're just gonna make strawmen to jerk over, then get out of the /lit/ basement nerd and fuck a woman.

>> No.10257025

Peterson is a good stepping stone to alt right ideas, a good semi-mainstream source normalizing taboos young people of today have been enculturated to put up defenses against, but he is obviously not alt right himself.

>> No.10257026


>> No.10257027

>it's okay if we're doing it

>> No.10257030

too late.

>> No.10257041

what bad behaviour has come from JBP's words?

people getting their shit together? oh my god, someone call the police.

>> No.10257051

>the sjw post modern shit is based on bad correlations at best
yes, nobody learns the word "correlation" in any of those classes, so let me doubt even that

>> No.10257057

>he doesn't even think SJW he thinks landwhale.
The fuck are you talking about?

And yes the last political cycle involved heavily identity politics, but also was majorly influenced by pomo ideas. Just go on to r/theredpill/ or SJW forums mid 2015 to about mid 2016 and you'll see the constant spewing of pomo ideas.

it's not complicated. you don't need to tie this up into a narrative of "the pomo as a political philosophy was done once therefore all subsequent attempts are something else".

it's included into the fold like an egg into an omelette.

>> No.10257066

I'm willing to bet he's pulled far more people out of the alt right than in. His messages are very adversarial to such thinking and I doubt you'll find many anti-Semites following along whenever he brings up the Holocaust every other lecture. Anti-communist isn't alt right.

>> No.10257070

>do you really want to believe that anyone in the movement he's fighting reads at a level so high above you that you would baulk at the text?

um what?
no why would you even assume that's how politics works? or anything works?

the vast majority of the time the intellectuals churn out an idea and it becomes popularized through other channels. i mean seriously. are you just trying to make your own reality on here?

it's easy to shove specific ideas from a philosophy down people's throats when you manipulate their existing sexual trauma or desires. i mean 1984 and all that, but the political manipulation of the masses is just brazen and bare faced.

i responded to you in my prev comment to >>10256951 which was meant for someone else, so i fucked that up.

>> No.10257083

That's literally never happened because this only goes in one direction. People who understand the jewish question don't go back to being mainstream kosher goyim.

>> No.10257090
File: 26 KB, 160x160, f533f7efc00996b728b9f8ca375640d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fear for my career because a random student shouted at me and no action were taken by the university or state or anyone really
>muh freeze peach
>neo-marxist-post-modernist-ezgeedabliu are creating a totalitarian police state
>let's create a professor's blacklist because they teach something I don't agree with (despite don't understanding pomo)
>I'm in no way starting a witchunt
>btw lets do a poll so I'll have my hands clean when shit hit the fan

>> No.10257103

>>neo-marxist-post-modernist-ezgeedabliu are creating a totalitarian police state

sure that's totally what he said. ever.

are you an idiot? i mean really. 4chan is just strawman + strawman + meme = real argument.

for a board that supposed to be smart, this is just shit. no fancy language to go above your guy's heads. this is just shit.

>let's create a professor's blacklist because they teach something I don't agree with (despite don't understanding pomo)

if he had this much influence why even bother with the educating the public on this? do you think he has the power to remove tenure, ect? where's the people whose jobs he's threatening talking out against this?

your comment is retarded i'm sorry. we're gonna have to put it down.

>muh freeze peach

sure. good summary mate, i'll put that straight at the top of /lit/'s intellectual points. never mind the experienced laywers that agree there are free speech issues. nooooo, let's not include that in this point. this point is a needless troll. woo /lit/ smarties.

>I'm in no way starting a witchunt

no more than any other political movement. you got a point orrrr not?

>I fear for my career because a random student shouted at me and no action were taken by the university or state or anyone really

??? this has never happened. the burden of proof is on the speaker, so fess up.

>> No.10257106
File: 38 KB, 685x395, 5391b9145ca220b3f651d9e2f6bc906d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are people so scared of a skinny man with the voice of a 12yo girl?

>> No.10257159

>??? this has never happened. the burden of proof is on the speaker, so fess up.
right, because memerson never cried that they were going to fire him after he got 2 letters from the university

>no more than any other political movement. you got a point orrrr not?
God you're retarded. this is why i said
>it's okay if we're doing it

>this point is a needless troll.
complaining about shitposting on 4chan. that spacing. pls go back

>if he had this much influence why even bother with the educating the public on this? do you think he has the power to remove tenure, ect? where's the people whose jobs he's threatening talking out against this?
he make 60k/months by spitting out platitudes at his audience. Do you really think he has no influence?

>sure that's totally what he said. ever.
using memerson words

>I will never use words I hate, like the trendy and artificially constructed words "zhe" and "zher." These words are at the vanguard of a post-modern, radical leftist ideology that I detest, and which is, in my professional opinion, frighteningly similar to the Marxist doctrines that killed at least 100 million people in the 20th century.

>I have been studying authoritarianism on the right and the left for 35 years. I wrote a book, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, on the topic, which explores how ideologies hijack language and belief. As a result of my studies, I have come to believe that Marxism is a murderous ideology. I believe its practitioners in modern universities should be ashamed of themselves for continuing to promote such vicious, untenable and anti-human ideas, and for indoctrinating their students with these beliefs. I am therefore not going to mouth Marxist words. That would make me a puppet of the radical left, and that is not going to happen. Period.[36]

pls now go kill yourself.

>> No.10257166
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sounds interesting, which academic discipline is he going to purge first?

>> No.10257209

SJWs are nobody, lol. At best they are a few fringe academics and at worst they are naive college undergrads with no social or political capital with crippling debt assembling in protests, which has always happened before.

Meanwhile, the Republicans control Congress, Jordan Peterson and shit-tier anti-SJW youtube channels like his are making bank off of spouting meaningless platitudes, and Donald Trump is president.

Whining about SJWs is probably the lowest hanging fruit there is. It is nothing more than complaining about a group of people who have no power, no money, and no influence. It is equivalent to garbage, TMZ-tier celebrity drama of "look at the stupid person, isn't he stuuuuupid? teeheehee, not unlike us, the smart people" only worse because it tricks people into thinking they have political and intellectually honest opinions when they don't. Jordan Peterson does not cite a single postmodernist idea or argument. All he does is appeal to a vague cultural boogeyman that he can't adequately define, quantify or support with any evidence to make stupid people feel smart for kicking down naive youth.

>> No.10257364
File: 708 KB, 800x800, 8679499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kant is a postmodernist

>> No.10257512

>suddenly free speech is about only banning again
More proof that the Right abuse this term as and when they wish

>> No.10257806

Anon, these products are like the price of 2 maccas meals, get over it.

>> No.10257842

I wonder why ((they)) want to get rid of Leftist professors? Could it be that Leftists tend to be the most anti-Zionist?

I know a scam when I see one. I won't be tricked into supporting this by (((them))).

>> No.10257863

Yes, you're right, it's definitely a Freemason conspiracy.

>> No.10257880

Fuck off, (((friend))).

>> No.10257909

Watch out, I don't like you insinuating that I'm a Christian, ((((bucko))))).

>> No.10258012

my problem with the scenario's description is that what these crazy kids are learning isn't postmodernism. if some blue haired twit tried to explain it as postmodernism to me instead of their retarded other explanations, you can bet i'd have given one of them a heidegger lecture. they're not though, nobody's defending what they do as postmodernism, and i'm not quite sure they're not against postmodernism.

i don't think they're really saying they support the people who wanted to remove the age of consent and shit like that, so placing the current political scourge in context of postmodernism to me always seems dumb. and that bothers me because it's clearly JBP trying to build up his enemy.

he, like the character in dorian gray, doesn't want to have idiots as his enemies, but he thinks pretending they're not idiots and have a french philosophy is equivalent to getting respectable enemies. it's not. he's endowing them with more intellectualism than they have and he's doing it for the same reasons that people told them they were victims; because it advances their power, the victim cryers for obvious reasons, but peterson because he can claim to have an intellectual and powerful enemy. in reality, he's fighting other people's victims whose brains are already broken, and breaking more people's brains to continue the fight. that's low and callous like the people who make women believe they'll be raped every six seconds if they tolerate any male presence.

>> No.10258393

is the idea here that anonymity is the only thing shielding post modern professors from harassment and thus this is a bad idea because it would expose them to all the would-be harassers waiting in the wings?

doesn't this assume quite a bit about how post modernism has been already accepted as 1) innocent and 2) targetted by intrinsically bad people

what if you unwind those assumptions and take things at face value: this would identify pomo classes/instructors and people can do with it what they want?

>> No.10258408

no it isn't
no it doesn't
no it wouldn't