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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 689 KB, 800x534, IMG_1679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10253287 No.10253287 [Reply] [Original]

Most /lit/ city in the world?

>> No.10253311

The most /lit/ is recognising the post-geographical and realising everything culturally important now happens on the internet, and then leveraging that and living in a pragmatic sensible cheap place.

Joke: Loft in NYC.
Woke: Grandma's basement in Eau Claire, Wisconsin

>> No.10253321

I would say Chicago. You can constantly be murdered everywhere you go, it stinks, it's broken up into isolated neighbourhoods that don't communicate easily because of how dangerous it is, and there are river tours! Yaaaay!

>> No.10253323
File: 564 KB, 800x430, 1493245672760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything culturally important now happens on the internet

>> No.10253334

4chan is certainly culturally more important than some shitty blasé brooklyn book party

>> No.10253344

Dallas, Texas. It's like millennial Americana, straight of the NYT. and since the gentrification hasn't gotten too bad you can live there on a low budget.

>> No.10253348

Chomsky once discussed the literary nexus that existed in the Arab world. The proverb once went, “Egypt writes; Lebanon publishes and Iraq reads.” Then he went through the fates of Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq. Egypt faced the tyranny of the US backed dictator Mubarick and no suffers under the US backed tyranny of President Sisi. During the first invasion of Lebanon, the Israelis deliberately bombarded the publishing houses of Beirut. We rightfully denounce the Taliban for dynamiting ancient Buddhist rock carvings and ISIS for destroying the ancient Roman monuments of Palmyra, but the fact that the Israeli are engaged in acts of barbariic acts of cultural destruction is literally inconceivable because We in the West are noble and fight with honor and the Arabs are incapable of culture. We don’t have to get into Iraq’s fare.

>> No.10253367

I respect the Taliban and ISIS and their 'if our God is actually real it means your idolatry can get fucked' more than the bad faith moderates who just play at religion desu.

If religious people are sincere everything about their faith should be treated as a life and death question of the highest order and urgency, not as some lukewarm set of rituals.

>> No.10253375

Gaza Strip

>> No.10253386

Very good answer desu.

>> No.10253390


>> No.10253453

It's the geographical embodiment of the oppressed. Instant cred with all the leftist women who run publishing, even though they're Jewish.

>> No.10253469

NYC is a giant pile of garbage

>> No.10253479

Joke: San Francisco
Bloke: New York City
Woke: Kansas City

>> No.10253484

Man I wish it was just garbage.
It's mostly vomit and dead rats.

>> No.10253486
File: 394 KB, 1024x706, nightlife-in-reykjavik-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10253492

Reykjavik is the most boring city in the world desu

>> No.10253493

I can't believe de Blasio won AGAIN. Who fucking votes for that faggot? The trash and the crime are back but the rent is still going up. Fuck him.

>> No.10253501


t. boring mega bougie

>> No.10253502


Souce: I live there.

>> No.10253509

this tbqfwuf
been there twice and the best thing that happened was I saw a deaf/mute facetiming her friend

Also this, fucking lurch can't run a city. NY is at its best with a democrat council and a republican mayor, even if he's a RINO like Bloomb*rg

>> No.10253513

>go to iceland with friends
>they decide to spend 2 days hiking and 3 days in reykjavik

it was painful desu

>> No.10253514

>1 in 10 Icelandic people will publish a book
>literally not the most /lit/ country in the world
Unless OP is talking about /lit/ fodder, but there are a lot of shitholes in the world.

>> No.10253515
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Did you copy and paste this off of tumblr?

It's so shrill my ears hurt.

>> No.10253518
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>> No.10253522

its all probably pseud ya shit

which makes it the least lit country in the world

>> No.10253523

>publishing a book

>> No.10253525
File: 595 KB, 1140x458, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realise a boring organised orderly wealthlife is the ultimate atmosphere to write the novel of polite commercial culture of the 21st century, right?

It's the final destination of world liberalism. Maybe Singapore is the ultimate literary city today.

>> No.10253532


t. Cletus

>> No.10253550

this. The metroplex is known as DFW

>> No.10253551

The most /lit/ city in the world is without a doubt Salisbury, Maryland.

>> No.10253552


>> No.10253556


>> No.10253557

>Dallasfags on my /lit/

Well, cool, it's nice to know I'm not the only one. What's funny is that non-literary culture has a pretty big presence in the city, with all the museums and public art, but our literary culture is severely lacking. I think we have a single notable independent book store.

>> No.10253577

Da WAN ku na para TSAYER ic in yur dar llagan PARAPENITEN, ku Y'USEN qua non uratb losh JUR, se ne l'eiphano ro misah khalolo ichak ish in b'a ta, QUA DU YURASELOR UN IREST I'TOLIKHA NO HAWINO LA O DERU KAIJUNICU AJOW. U ta maquesea lo no iecesumbra.

>> No.10253581

Boring is good.

>> No.10253582

nailed it

>> No.10253585

This but unironically.

>> No.10253602

Good post

>> No.10253617

Calvino liked Turin
Passao liked Lisbin

>> No.10253626

lisbon is full of niggers

>> No.10253635

Explain your reasoning

>> No.10253637

Nantucket desu

>> No.10253638

I thought the literary culture was really active. Tons of open mics and published authors.

>> No.10253639

It's the most soulless place I ever had the displeasure of living in.

>> No.10253669

Link? Chomsky is always interesting to listen to.

>> No.10253677

Relatively cheap, vibrant art scene supported by government and community leaders, long cold winters, excellent park system, countless libraries, bicycle-friendly, etc.

>> No.10253682

Where have you been finding them? I'd love to know where to look.

>> No.10253685

It was a YouTube interview. I wish I kept the link, he has done so many of them.

>> No.10253772

Somewhere in Japan? The literacy rate is 99%. I live in a town with around 120k people and there is about 3 book stores, technically 5 if you count stores that also sell books as well as other things.

>> No.10253873

On Facebook. Dallas has a huge cultural scene.

>> No.10253944

Most /lit/ places are
>tropical islands
>snowy midwestern homesteads
>old central European cities

>> No.10253967

London you contrarian fedoras

>> No.10253970

>no one mentioned Vienna
>no one mentioned Budapest
>no one mentioned Zagreb
>no one mentioned Bratislava

this anon >>10253944 hit the nail on the head with the old central european cities. Their comfiness can't be matched.

>> No.10253984

Bump. Minneapolis is the shit. It's a thrivong art hub, but still unappreciated.

>> No.10254033

how hard is it to move to austria

>> No.10254123

>The literacy rate is 99%
99% Manga

>> No.10254182

When my parents lived in Japan 40 years ago, they said it was common for people to read on the public transit. Japan had required music appreciation and literature courses, at least for the Japanese baby boom generation. My dad was a screw off in school, but his music and literature courses still had a lifelong impact on him. I don’t know how seriously artistic education is taken in Japan these days though.

>> No.10254187

Shit if niggers can do it why can't we?

>> No.10254205

For instance, there was a scene from an Ozu movie where the protagonist, Noriko, was at the train station, speaking to her friend about the book he was reading. He replied nonchalantly that he was reading Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky’s The Idiot had been adapted for the screen by Kurosawa in the early 1950s. Highbrow lit was current in the Japanese mainstream.

>> No.10254216

>Kansas City

Is it for real woke? I know that the economics department at the UMKC has one on the few non-neoclassical economics departments in the world. Is the rest of the city as scrappy?

>> No.10254281

Maybe Tangiers was /lit/ at some point. It didn't seem very when I was there.

>> No.10254309
File: 89 KB, 748x421, petersburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. Petersburg

>> No.10254324

>St. Petersburg

A Masonic abomination.

>> No.10254328

>unironically putting a shitty vienna suburb with 3/10 oldtown in the same league as budapest and vienna itself
Easy on the carrots, discounter Czech.

>> No.10254342

Replace Bratislava with Krakow and you're good to go.

>> No.10254346
File: 25 KB, 772x413, science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally the best place to live in Russia. I visited a traditional Russian Banya and got a massage (naked) from a thicc (naked) Russian bimbo who rubbed her tits all over me and jerked me off.

>> No.10254534


It is the best place to live in Russia; but that's not saying much. I preferred St. Petersburg for the food over Moscow; but it feel just like a watered-down European experience at best.

>> No.10254537


>> No.10254555

t. pajeet

>> No.10254561

>a watered-down European experience

How many stars would you give it?

>> No.10254569

Interesting. I guess maybe I'll be telling my kids similar stories when I have some. That is, if we don't have kids here in Japan.

>> No.10254706

So is your mom's vagine, yet you don't bitch about that.

>> No.10254722

Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

>> No.10255091

I live in London and it's really not that inspiring

>> No.10255092

>a tug job from an overweight hooker is the pinnacle of living

>> No.10255102

there are people that unironically believe this like /pol/ thinking it memed someone into the presidency

>> No.10255119

Cambridge University

>> No.10255137

>implying london in 2017 inspires anything other than angry racist blog posts by muslim acid attack victims

>> No.10255175
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Is this even a question?

>> No.10255178
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>> No.10255201
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shenzhen is right on the edge of the future, it’s certainly the most artistically significant city right now.

>> No.10255205

Any medieval town in Italy

>> No.10255215

wtf i hate israel no

>> No.10255272

>mentions Zagreb
>doesn't mention Sarajevo

Four times the size of Zagreb and culturally richer considering that Jugoslavia was centralized and Sarajevo was its center, people are generally friendlier and has a warm feel about it despite the freezing wind.

If you just haven't been but liked Zagreb, you definitely should go.

t. Croatian person

>> No.10255299

>Jugoslavia was centralised


>> No.10255316

have you ever seen bjork at the grocery store?

>> No.10255543


>> No.10255618 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 1057x780, iaer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The website is the new city
and that city is sofurry.com
tags M/M, Muscle, -scat -feral -incest -bestiality -non-anthro -rubber -latex -undertale -pokemon -digimon -sonic -mlp -pony -fat -chub -orca -avian -bird

>> No.10255632

I-is this advertising for a furry site?

>> No.10255652

Mobile Alabama

>> No.10255876

NYC is terrific... and I'm not even American.

>> No.10255921

If you believe /pol/ wasn't the kernel of the Trump presidential campaign you are an outsider.

Is none, cities are unironically full of social trash/niggers in every formerly respectable country.
The only literary home is a rural abode in the woods or in a secluded low population township.

No shit you aren't American, anyone who isn't a wide-eyed tourist understands why NYC is shit.
t. New Yorker

>> No.10255991

don't, it's a miserable country

>> No.10256006

Moscow or Paris.

>> No.10256013

Please explain, what's wrong with New York?

>> No.10256293

I've seen her many times. She's a friend of my moms so we have dinner with her occasionally.

>> No.10257182

>Eau Claire, Wisconsin
nothing but cambodians and hmong people and okies that think they stole their dog

>> No.10257186
File: 588 KB, 1600x1066, Nordlingen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any medieval town in Germany


>> No.10257198

Fuck off yuppies, we're full

>> No.10257618
File: 535 KB, 1501x997, civita-bagnoregio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Germanbro trying to compete

Noice ;)

>> No.10257696

Eau Claire sucks, Rapids is where it's at

>> No.10257699

If by "lit" you mean 70 year old mummies who do nothing all day besides bestemmiare and playing cards at the bar, sure.

>> No.10257704

From my experience, Tangiers is not /lit/ at all.

>> No.10257709

Why so mad?

>> No.10257713


>> No.10257736

New York is the shit only if you've got A LOT of money.

You could say this about many places but seriously, the amount of wealth you need to have to live somewhat comfortably in New York is off the charts.

>> No.10257990

Made me think, then made me want to kill myself, do you not want to go out and get drunk like Hemingway? Meet interesting people and have sex with roasties while explaining nihilism to them naked in bed?

>> No.10257994

>go out and get drunk like Hemingway
There isn't a place in the world better than Wisconsin for that though. Except maybe Finland

>> No.10258014
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That's like living in the Renaissances and not living in Florence or Venice.

Only cities worth living in right now:

Hong Kong
New York
Las Vegas

That's literally it

>> No.10258020

las vegas is a massive suburb in the desert that people only care about because it has a few casinos

>> No.10258051
File: 339 KB, 1200x599, vivlas4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people and the events that go there definitely influence the entertainment business and therefore the world and it's just a vast gathering of the very wealthy and the very addicted combined into one chaotic place, not unlike Tatooine, but yes if u were to ask me to remove one from there it could be Las Vegas or Seoul

>> No.10258057
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I did that in my early 20s, got tired of it quickly and being an alcoholic is no fun after a while.

The simple ascetic life is more worthwhile in the long run.

>> No.10258062

finally a /lit/ thread where my city is mentioned. >>10258051 this picture is SEVERELY overstating the amount of green and forestry and if it weren't for this place's lack of that, then I would have no reason to complain. I guess I would still complain about the poverty and ghetto surrounding my university... But seriously this picture paints TOO many trees and even gives the base of the mountains some mystical glow which is overdone (the mountains in Vegas are still alright tho).

>> No.10258137

>noone has said buenos aires yet

>> No.10258145

Clearwater Florida - home of L Ron Hubbard, the greatest writer known the man

>> No.10258192

> wanting to get robbed by a guy in a moped

no thanks

>> No.10258197


>> No.10258213


what are you my editor?

>> No.10258634

Can you actually not believe it? It was never even close in the polls the months leading up to the election

>> No.10258685
File: 186 KB, 1280x800, 1507034080_4320107_1507033963_4043386St_Petersburg_lead2-xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. Petersburg

>> No.10258716
File: 181 KB, 1218x469, tarim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sunny desert cities of Yemen are ideal.
Tarim is the most /lit/ city in the world.

>> No.10258728

>Meet interesting people and have sex with roasties while explaining nihilism to them naked in bed?
you're not an interesting person and never will be. "but i can entertain some braindead slut!" cool.

>> No.10258754
File: 29 KB, 1140x193, Warren Wilhelm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would anyone want to live in this godless shithole?

>> No.10258756

Berlin right now is Weimar 2.0 - great for being /lit/, but otherwise pretty shitty

>> No.10258830
File: 422 KB, 1600x909, orasul-Victoria,-jud.-Braso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one.

>> No.10259115

look nice site to pedhofiles

>> No.10259311

Unironically New Delhi. Beautiful mixture of Hindu culture, Arab monuments, 19th century British architecture.

>> No.10259328
File: 173 KB, 1024x768, Victoria_(Romania),_le_3_mai_2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rest of it looks pretty /lit/

>> No.10259337
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I wish I could be better at entertaining braindead sluts. I like smart girls a lot more though. They entertain me.
I live in New York, so I guess I'm biased though. Having said that, this is a stupid thread. Other than the fact that there's a late night book store and multiple nice used bookstores in walking distance from my place, there's nothing "lit" about here. Any big university town would be as "lit" I think.

>> No.10259341

Unironically Moscow

>> No.10259343

Why Rome ?

>> No.10259403


>> No.10259407

man could those boyfuckers write though

>> No.10260525


>> No.10260750

I travel for a living. In my opinion, Minneapolis is the best city in the US for creative types. It’s not even a secret anymore, but the cold is too much for most. And you need to know a few people to get anywhere near the scenes. That’s true in most major cities; it’s just more pronounced in communities with Scandinavian roots

>> No.10260776

hong kong

>> No.10260785

Paris. How is this even a question?

>the best place to live in Russia.
Is that like most pretty plus sized model?


You clearly haven't been in half of these.

Gotta love Khrushchev aesthetic.

>> No.10260792

How did you come to that? Most creatives are in SF and NYC. Maybe Seattle.

>> No.10260807
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>> No.10260820


>> No.10260836

there's nothing "literary" about any particular city in the Internet age. this thread is the autistic equivalent of instagram celebs boasting about their holidays to dubai

>> No.10260844

As far as shear volume of published works, probably. However, Minneapolis easily beats out all of those places per capita. It’s surprisingly easy to find brilliant artists and writers in Minne, and because they don’t have the same pressure to compete, the true talents tend to be more accessible and willing to work collaboratively. To break into the lit world in SF or NYC, you need money or another sort of social capital that isn’t necessary in the Midwest. If you can write or play guitar or paint, Minneapolitans will both inspire you and support you.

>> No.10260847

I'm not exactly unbiased because I've lived there all my life, but I agree. You know you live in a great city when the thought of moving doesn't ever enter your mind. I could never leave.

>> No.10260851

In my heart, it will always be Vienna.
Auf wiedersehen, Kaisertum!

>> No.10260881

Most people in Minne feel that way. Or they leave for school (or after school) and come back once they realize how mediocre most cities are compared to Minneapolis. In my experience, the only city that rivals in loyalty is Copenhagen, which makes sense because it’s the only city the Danes have, and it’s also brilliant.

>> No.10260895

Man, now I am really eager to at least visit it.

>> No.10260943

>It's the final destination of world liberalism
Hahahahahahahaha. No, Africa (or any place in 99 percent of the 3rd world) is never going to look like Iceland. You're a Utopian twit.

>> No.10260966

>not Paris or Vienna

>> No.10260971

It's 2017, not 1768.

>> No.10261001
File: 487 KB, 1920x1080, A77FF8A7-5DD8-4256-8111-88F816DFCEA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally /comfy/ the city

>> No.10261009
File: 637 KB, 800x1200, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no great artistic communities in America anymore. The people who have potential are either scattered and then mutilated by a thousand cuts into outsider perverts or mediocrities by the requirements of work and being an serious artist while working, or they follow the university track and end up in a suspended artistic adolescence with bizarrely hypertrophied abilities. (They're also increasingly getting ground up by the universities too.)

Writing is only able to thrive in clement economic conditions, where there is time to fuck around with people while not undermining your future. The post-war boom of great writing was caused not only by the intense and shared experiences but by all the military money people had and the ability to secure their livings.

Pre-modernity, it was possible to make a living writing despite economic adversity, so you could get to a stable position while nuturing/using your talents, but you can't do that any longer because all of the instutitions except the university have withered away or sealed themselves off and minimized to survive.

Pretty much anybody who has any talent and isn't a fool will be going into the TV industry these days. Where do you think the "golden age" of television is coming from?

>> No.10261020

Athens sure is beautiful but its days of glory are long gone.

>> No.10261036
File: 62 KB, 600x422, jebem ti mater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cities aren't /lit/ one bit. Live in a village.

>> No.10261039

That’s not Athens

>> No.10261067

this'ing this

>> No.10261145

Hahaha if you think this you are wrong

>> No.10261155

Oxford. Why has no-one said oxford?

>> No.10261175

>jebem ti mater
haha LOL!!

>> No.10261206

The city which has the best narrow cozy streets is the most /lit/

>> No.10261209

NYC has The Strand bookstore

>> No.10261924

I was there last week and I concur, but it's not a place for a poorfag.

Sheungwan all the way.

>> No.10261930


Bar a couple of old style teahouses and cafes, there's F-all to bring the lit life to mind there.

itt: inhabitant

>> No.10262099

> being this salty and jelly

Why not just hide your anger?

>> No.10262118

and everywhere has amazon

>> No.10262267

>Las Vegas
maybe if you're a stupid degenerate, and I don't use that term lightly. I will give it credit for its sincerity

>> No.10262313


Hong Kong

that's it

>> No.10262322
File: 178 KB, 1100x1445, W1eMFGv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you, an idiot: live in paris or NYC smoking cigarettes and loitering around cafes and book signings while generally keeping to myself and maintaining an unassuming appearance, hoping, by some incidental forces, being put in contact with a cute, modest woman who's curiously attracted to it all

me, a genius: living at gradma's house rent free baby

>> No.10262368

Have you ever been? It's a tourist trap.

>> No.10262369

What does living in a /lit/ city mean, what does it signify?
>tfw live in NYC
>never leave my apt
>the only company I know are the vermin that scatter as I turn on the lights

>> No.10262375

>tfw live in NYC

Only a good city if you do a lot of fine dining, shopping, theater attending, and shopping.

>> No.10262402

Why live in NYC if you never leave your apartment? Don't get me wrong. I don't leave my apartment either, but I live in a cheap city so I hardly have to work.

>> No.10262448


>> No.10262521

>Why live in NYC if you never leave your apartment?
It's where I was born. I find it odd and perverse how people long to come here as though it were different from anywhere else, when really it's totally unremarkable outside of some consumerist retreats.

>> No.10262593

yeah dude tell him haha u seem dope id smoke weed with you and lay in the bed of my truck talking about philosophy looking at the stars pondering the big questions haha yeah

>> No.10262607

>the only company I know are the vermin that scatter as I turn on the lights

That sounds pretty /lit/ tbqf anon

>> No.10262894

Oxford is nice but really has nothing on Cambridge for literary-ness.

>> No.10262994

Nice list.

>> No.10263004

Sarajevo was the setting for Godard’s “Norte Musique”. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SGEIwsNlXj8

>> No.10263016

>hong kong
Soulless workaholic metropolis.
Commieblock ridden dumpster fire. Literally any other Polish city is infinitely better.
Nice, but not even slightly literary.

Overall 0/10 fantasies of someone who hasn't been anywhere.

>> No.10263039


>> No.10263094

Anyone live in Athens? The anarchists hold entire sections of the city. Seems like a 5/5 bretty good place to be.

>> No.10263108

>chooses cities because they sound interesting, not because he’s been there or read anything about them

>> No.10263110

Hahahaha-no. Even as a tourist it wasn't even that great. Dargo in Victoria is probably the most /lit place in Australia, if for no other reason than being away from everything and everyone, as well as the Asian invasion

>> No.10263113

>>hong kong
>Soulless workaholic m
Was there last week, can refute that, found it pretty soulful to be honest. Then againb, I'm comparing it to other cities in China/Asia.

>> No.10263121
File: 491 KB, 1920x650, saint-maurice-home-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmaoing@your life

>> No.10263266

It was a joke. Perth is probably the least cultured place in the world.

>> No.10263283

ecce: the world's first autistic rapper — straight outta minnieapp

>> No.10263377

Edinbra is too rainy for me

>> No.10263442

prove 2 me that manga isn't literature of the highest pedigree

>> No.10263562

I can’t find the interview, but Harold Bloom said that Spain has a lively literary culture, but that England is dead.

>> No.10264100

wtf im not gay, go away fagget

>> No.10264104

That's not what you said when my dick was in your mouth.
Or it may have been, it was hard to tell.

>> No.10264592

Michigan has some great /lit/ spots.

Ann Arbor is the obvious one.

Royal Oak.


Grand Rapids.

>> No.10264663

Nothing, Anon just couldn’t cut it so he lives in some Wal-Mart suburb of Queens or on Schlong Island.

NYC is objectively GOAT

>> No.10264667

>dirty immigrant shithole

>> No.10265194

why are you pretending to be me

>> No.10265561

Agree in part

Also Duluth if you don't mind cold.
Colorado in the mountain towns, like Dylan or Frisco is absolute god tier. Or somewhere like Vale or Aspen if you can afford it

>> No.10265746

this is the single most delusional post i've ever seen on this website

>> No.10265793

>Salisbury, MD

As someone who was raised there I can tell you it played an integral part in ruining my childhood.

I still remember when the arrival of Walmart was all anyone could talk about for months.

>> No.10265815

>New York

When will this meme die?

>> No.10265827

It's without a doubt one of the worst places in the USA. The same violent crime per capita as Baltimore without any of interesting culture. I lived there for less than a year and witnessed multiple assaults and a serious hit and run of a pedestrian. I also heard my fair share of nearby gunshots. I've never called 911 so many times in such a short period of time. Lots of home invasions and rapes in the blocks around where I lived. Lots of legit black gangsters ruling the streets and lots of white shorebillies addicted to heroin. Every time I went grocery shopping I would see someone who was clearly on heroin. The SU kids are fucking dumb as rocks too. Taking a job in that place was the worst decision of my life.

I did write a "true crime" short story about some of the human trafficking happening there though so I guess it inspired me a little bit.

>> No.10266119

Moved to Brooklyn to write poetry.
Spending my time fucking models and snorting coke.

Not necessarily complaining.

>> No.10266123

China has literally the best art scene.

>> No.10266162

How old are you? What do you do? How diseased are the models?

>> No.10266166

I write pop songs
Most models are incels who never go out, don't know anyone, everyone around them is either gay or old, and don't date because are always traveling. You get two fashion weeks a year to fuck them and that's it.

>> No.10266218

How'd you get into the pop song business? Sounds fun.

>> No.10266244

I moved to nyc when I was 22. My family is upper middle class so they could maintain me for 6 month while I was doing an internship for a famous magazine. From there I was hired as a staff writer for resident advisor first and kept writing freelance all around: pitchfork, vice, paste, the village, complex, spin, and naturally the guardian. Mostly about music so I met a lot of bands. A couple of them needed help with the lyrics on their album so they asked for my help. Then an even smaller number went on to get signed, and I helped them gain popularity by pushing them on my coworker and getting them good reviews. Popularity meant more bands wanted my writing, which meant my chances of some of those bands making it were even larger.
This went on until I caught the eye of a producer who thought I was a hitmaker because I was writing for all these bands and decided to hire me. I worked well so I kept getting hired. And now, if you are a Lana del Rey fan, you probably have heard something of mine.

>> No.10266246

I live in the south side of Chicago. I'm the only white person in my whole apartment building but it's honestly really comfy. I have an amazing view of the city when I go to the roof to chainsmoke cigarettes and write. Chicago might have its problems but this city is surging with creativity that's about to make its mark within the next 10-15 years. Also I love it when all the old black ladies in my apartment building call me "baby".

>> No.10266255

Tangiers stopped being /lit/ when the Moroccan government started cracking down on male prostitution. All the gay writers who would go to Tangiers to work on their novels and fuck Moroccan bootyhole just started going to France instead.

>> No.10266259

chomsky is a retard

>> No.10266265

You wrote that Harvey song, huh? So you knew..

>> No.10266272

Didn't write that but everybody knew.
As everybody knows about Lorin Stein.

>> No.10266301

Still pretty cool. I'd love to write about music. I was a DJ at my college radio station and I have a journalism degree, but I guess I'd probably need to be in Brooklyn and know people since I don't really have anything else going for me to set me apart from the thousands of other people who probably want to live the same lifestyle as I want.

>> No.10266316

Not really just don't expect to be paid for a long time. Write a couple of sample reviews (like 5). Get them published on some shitty magazine (just google music magazine submissions) and start sending.

Always remember: editors prefer timeliness and quantity to quality. Write a lot, send it on time. Keep pitching and eventually you will be in.

>> No.10266379
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>> No.10266399

Wait pause for a second. Arr you saying the EiC of the Paris Review is a fucking rapist?

>> No.10266400


fuck mobile

>> No.10266446

Me? I’m not saying anything... but if you listen...

>> No.10266463

Do you feel safe there?

>> No.10266477

I think we know each other.

>> No.10266499

New York is really small.

>> No.10266744

you mean they just stayed at home, bar the couple of yanks?

>> No.10266924

Anywhere in the middle of the United States
Iowa seems pretty comfy

>> No.10266937

>Iowa seems pretty comfy

Parts of it are very comfy, like Dubuque and Decorah. Other parts, like Cedar Rapids, are just depressing.

>> No.10267065

Central Iowa is pretty nice
Where are you from?

>> No.10267476

Athens or Tokyo for me

>> No.10267494

>art scene supported by government

>> No.10267498


>> No.10267500



>> No.10267568


>> No.10267596


>yfw large amounts of /lit/ support a culture industry that pumps out culture widgets, just as long as it is done by good-think wise-people

this netflix movie widget is good comrade

>> No.10267660


It's probably produced the most decent authors per head of population out of any city ever.

>> No.10267698
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Beijing art district is comfy as fuck

>> No.10268517

>>dirty immigrant shithole
what do you thing paris in the 20's was?

>> No.10268536

Paris, Moscow or St. Petersburg. America hasn't got shit when it comes to literature.

>> No.10268796

Why not Madison?

>> No.10269048


>> No.10269126

Dublin is the only correct choice.
Home of Joyce and ever since writers pay no tax there.
Hence why the author of our time currently resides there. Bonus points if you can guess to whom I am referring.

>> No.10269159

>Practically none of you have said Cambridge.

Fucking plebs why do I even browse this board

>> No.10269160

there were a lot of slavs, jews, greeks, italians, armenians, greeks and probably some sandniggers as well. hardly "white"

>> No.10269175


Not at all, very few Jews, no Portuguese no Spanish no Italians, few Poles and that's it

>> No.10269179
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>a lot
Maybe relatively speaking for back then. It's nothing compared to today, and a lot of the ethnicities you mention are at least European and far superior to what they're dealing with now.

>> No.10269194

I was comparing today's NYC with the Paris of the 1920's. The Paris of today is long gone.

>> No.10269238

I wouldn't want to write anywhere but Appalachia. White with a heavy nature element.

Somewhere in Kentucky would probably be my top choice.

>> No.10269262 [DELETED] 

Lansing, Iowa

>> No.10269617

I think /pol/ overstates their importance but you could trace the appearance of a meme or story on /pol/ and it appearing on reddit, then facebook then twitter then trumps twitter feed.

However, do you really think universities and bourgeois parties produce valuable commentary on topics? When they arent out wearing pussy hats and destroying monuments.

>> No.10269703


Vladivostok or Budapest

>> No.10269742

theres only 2 different proper places to live

Gary, Indiana

>> No.10269746

/pol/ memes have been addressed by both trump and hillary. your book party hasn't.

>> No.10269772
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>defending brooklyn

>> No.10269944
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...well we have an independent one as well

>> No.10270125

Was surprised no German cities were mentioned
I was thinking Hamburg or Frankfurd

>> No.10270133

> However, do you really think universities and bourgeois parties produce valuable commentary on topics?

You mean the entirety of western thought?

>> No.10270371

Because Madison is shit. Overrun with yuppies from Chicago suburbs. Overpriced rent. Not jack shit to do. And UW is going downhill fast thanks to the moronic redpilled state government.

I imagine Madison was an awesome place to be 40-50 years ago. Not any longer.

>> No.10270582

John Fucking Banville, of Bachelor's Row, no doubt.

Or is it Sally Rooney???

>> No.10270612

Top tier /lit/ cities to live, in no particular order:

1. São Paulo
2. Lima
3. Mexico City
4. Chicago
5. Minneapolis/St. Paul
6. Miami
7. Boston
8. Rome
9. Madrid
10. Paris
11. London
12. Vienna
13. Tokyo
14. Hong Kong
15. Sydney
16. Jakarta
17. Singapore

>> No.10272085

Dam anon why you so salty about it

>> No.10272180

>muh transplant "i-i m-made the right decision to leave sheep bollocks, IA, and move to the big city r-right?" cliche.

you can always tell, because they are always the ones who attack the parts of new york with actual culture.

>> No.10272216
File: 117 KB, 700x465, Old_man_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>São Paulo

Jesus, man. Stop memeing like a retard. São Paulo is an absolute shithole.

>> No.10272325

nice list, retard

>> No.10272439

Yeah, West Islip, Whitestone, and Floral Park are just brimming with culture.

>> No.10272496

Honestly, yeah. I've never had a problem around here and everyone's really nice. The part I live in may be black but it's a lower middle-class area. It isn't like Englewood where you see crack houses on the corner or hear gun shots at night. It felt a little a weird at first being surrounded by blacks all the time but when you get over that it's no different than living in Logan Square or any other north side neighborhood. In fact I'd say it's better since you pay half the rent than you would over there.

>> No.10272524

Singapore in the 90s was