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10249734 No.10249734 [Reply] [Original]

can you write like the greeks?

>> No.10249780

step 1: be greek

>> No.10249851

I was thinking the whole point of learning was to get the tools you need to produce what you want. And that usually what we want is too far away for a beginner, so the best way to keep motivation alive is to create lots of tiny side projects that use what you've learned. But if no one here reads the Greeks for anything more than to understand the references in later works, then it must be a meme.

>> No.10250050

>I was thinking the whole point of learning was to get the tools you need to produce what you want.
That's stupid.

>> No.10250101

I'm not sure how to feel about that image.

>> No.10250329

I don't like learning for the sake of learning. Aside from it tasting heavily like school propaganda, it's a cop-out for the sensory deprivation people get when they put in a ton of work and have nothing to show for it. A-at least you learned something! Congratulations, you have divorced yourself from interacting with and truly appreciating your environment because you were too scared/lazy/arrogant enough to do anything other than consume. I'm reminded of a cabbage in a science fiction story that just learned all day. It's a fucking vegetable, it doesn't do anything!

I laugh every time I see it.

>> No.10250340

just study what they do, my dude

>> No.10250437

Imagine being so autistic that you actually wrap all the way around into becoming an extrovert

>> No.10251994

greeks are awesome

>> No.10252024
File: 551 KB, 964x912, 1456621427070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I laugh every time I see it.
Y-Yeah, haha. It's so funny, I bet there are people who fap to this stuff! F-Fucking pervs, amirite guys?

>> No.10252075

Holy shit fuck off back to you know where.
>Learning for the sake of learning
>Bad in any capacity

Why do you think people become versed in fields other than their own? To inform themselves purely? Not really, it's because it helps build a more whole, picture of the World, that knowledge isn't just insular, it informs your actions and decisions that yunno are environmental, they effect how you interact with the world and perceive it, it's not useless at all, to be honest I have no idea how you could come to such a flimsy conclusion. Are you a rugby player?

>> No.10252559
File: 40 KB, 324x499, 1485266338622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did this give me an erection?
What fetish is this?

>> No.10253350

Start with the greeks