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File: 14 KB, 633x758, feelwojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10248357 No.10248357 [Reply] [Original]

>just walked home alone from work on a dark winter evening
>spent the entire walk making up a cute and funny poem I wish I'd written for my crush on Valentine's Day in 2016
>think of the card I'd have written it in, the red wax I'd seal the envelope with, the way I'd make it half-seem like someone had posted it to her rather than left it out where she'd see it
>think of her reaction and her smiling and showing off the poem to other people
>think of her wondering how to approach me and communicate her attraction towards me
>imagine her making up some dumb excuse to get me alone without making the people around me suspicious
>feel my heart literally begin to pound as I imagine how glorious it would feel to know she liked me and that my poem was a success
>tfw suddenly return to grim reality
>tfw haven't seen her in over a year
>tfw she is in a long-term relationship with a wealthy, popular dude now
>tfw confront the grim prospect of another evening, then another weekend, then another month, over yet another year I have spent alone

Any books for this feeling? The regret is crushing me tonight.

>> No.10248369
File: 479 KB, 823x1280, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oneitis is a bitch my man. I've been there, it sucks.

Best book for your feel is not a book. Go experience something wonderful and new. If you absolutely must have a book, read something fantastic that will occupy your mind. Pic related if you haven't read it. Or Tolkien. Or watch films. I can give you a list if you want.

>> No.10248370
File: 35 KB, 190x300, virgin suicides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any books for this feeling?

>> No.10248384
File: 27 KB, 691x653, almostcryingwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to watch a film man, I just want her. Please let me go back. Please.

>> No.10248397

who cares about some dumb skank lmao. she'll be old and ugly in 20 years. go find someone else.

>> No.10248424

I am the guy you are replying to and:

This. You are crying because some dumb ho won't let you be her free meal ticket for the rest of her life. You are upset because you have been spared the indentured servitude to a skittish, over-emotional brainlet. Get on your knees and praise Jesus that she missed you with her bullshit, OP.

>> No.10248428

There's an invisibles reference in Stranger Things 2. I'm not sure why, or rather I can sort of see why they put it there but it's not really right.

>> No.10248440

L'écume des jours by Vian

>> No.10248442

Had to write a report on this for some hot chick in highschool. Never read it fully, but it made me cringe at first. Is it any good? Eugenides also looks like a creep.

>> No.10248445
File: 68 KB, 700x700, wojakonthervergeofcrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed my chance bros. I choked. I acted cold and indifferent and encouraged her to find someone else. There will never be anyone like her again. It's over for me now.

>> No.10248451

Yeh, I'm sort of confused as well. Seems whoever had the idea to put it there misused the meme. ST2 criticism and spoilers, y'all:

The criminals 11's sister are with are pretty much a knockoff of an Invisibles cell, but they don't seem to be fighting any obvious horror from beyond understanding. Just knocking over evil's footsoldiers (medical research kidnappers and cops, wow, big surprise). They didn't get the exposition they were due because it wasn't important. 11's rejection of the group sits wrong with me, but I suspect we'll see the sister again. With any luck ST will go another five years and our beloved crew from Hawkins will become Invisibles themselves.

>> No.10248457
File: 157 KB, 751x1064, American Beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go watch pic related OP. Then watch Antwon Fisher or The Blind Side or something.

>> No.10248465

maybe you shouldn't have projected all your romantic fantasy eggs onto one basket, dummy. You'll never find someone like her because outside of your autistic headcanon, she's just a normal person that has very little interest in you. And I'm about 99% confident that she's not that attractive and you'll be able to do better.

>> No.10248467
File: 39 KB, 645x773, wojakcryinghidingface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen it twice already. I NEED to experience love. I NEED to experience a kiss. I NEED physical intimacy for ONCE in my life. I am dying here. FUCK.

>> No.10248468

They're just shitty cartoon punks though, despite being literally 2D the Invisibles have more depth than they do.

>> No.10248896

And yet somehow this need couldn't hold a candle to your pride, which now carries a torch. In all sincerity crack open a tome. Proust's. Oneitis, pride and paranoia almost justified. That's very largely what it's about.
Why not? Youve got the time....