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10246015 No.10246015[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>failing all my classes because I stopped turning in work and physically can't force myself to leave my apartment half the time

what is wrong with me

>> No.10246022

see a psychiatrist
you're depressed nigga

>> No.10246023
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It sounds like you need a new direction in life.

>> No.10246029

get rid of apartment, it's holding you back

>> No.10246032
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looks interesting

>> No.10246033

Well, I prefer Joyce to Proust

>> No.10246037

you might just hate commuting. i hate commuting. especially in winter.

try living on campus

>> No.10246039

This. I've had your exact experience and I'm currently 'on leave' because of it; it sucks

>> No.10246042

Unironically this.

>> No.10246048

Stop smoking weed.

>> No.10246067
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How old are you? I was a in a similar boat. The only thing that compelled me to change at all was the severe degradation of my affairs and prospects. Things had to get much much worse for me to care. I'm now 26, in debt, forced to work a horrible min wage job, and only halfway done with a degree I've now spent 5 years pursuing (most of which I fell into sulking and ceased attending). I don't recommend it.

In the early days life was easy, I had financial aid, the confidence of my parents, peers my own age, and so forth. Now I am impossibly estranged and the climb before me is utterly steep. In seeking to escape my troubles I only prolonged them.

>> No.10246070


>> No.10246073

Been there. Dropped out, but not soon enough. Take a year off.

>> No.10246105

Same thing happened to me. I dropped out of University, moved back home, and got a job helping disabled kids. I've been saving up to go to Europe so that I can try to join the FFL in about a year.
You could try that. I no longer think about killing myself or anyone else. Other than terrorists, obviously. And It gives me way more time to read.

>> No.10246123


Why don't you stop wasting money on a degree and just teach yourself what you want to know? You really don't need that much money to survive, if you're only providing for yourself. Although, I can't speak to the debt thing, because one of the major reasons I dropped out was to avoid accruing massive amounts of student loan debt.

>> No.10246145

Yeah, sounds like depression
gonna say a prayer for you tonight
take care, buddy

>> No.10246146

21. Senior year. It feels bad for this to happen when I'm so close to graduation (and basically killing any hope of further education). I don't smoke weed, but I do drink a lot more than I used to.

>> No.10246154

>try living on campus
Not everyone has Daddy's money.

>> No.10246176

i was like you three years ago. falling into a lethargic neet state will destroy your life, in no uncertain terms.

>> No.10246181


>> No.10246185


You can easily pay for on campus housing using financial aid. If your Daddy doesn't have money, then you qualify.

Quit making excuses for yourself and try solving your problems. Obviously what you're doing now isn't working. Come up with something else or drop out.

>> No.10246191


>Degrees are completely worthless, I know more about literature than people with doctoral degrees who have dedicated their entire lives to literature because I found out about Infinite Jest from a Tibetan basket weaving forum

>> No.10246192

I'm not OP

>> No.10246197


then fuck off

>> No.10246201

>tfw daddy has money but refuses to pay
>cant get financial AIDS despite being broke

>> No.10246217

chronic amphetamine deficiency. Get on dat vitamin A nigga.

>> No.10246220


that's because he's claiming you on his tax returns like an idiot.

claim yourself and tell him not to. you will save way more money by qualifying for financial aid than he will by claiming you.

you may need to fill out a tax sheet (I 10?) for employment, I don't really know.

The rules are funny but from what I understand, past a certain age (22?) if you're claiming yourself and you have no wealth/substantial income, then you should qualify.

Be careful because you can't let your gpa fall below 2.0. And for fuck's sake go talk to the financial aid people and figure out just what you need to do.

>> No.10246228
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>tfw my dad refuses to stop claiming me on his tax returns
>tfw he just laughs everytime I bring it up

>> No.10246236


You have anxiety disorder. Order speed and benzos online.

>> No.10246239

t. (((sigmund fraud)))

>> No.10246240
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this is the way to hapiness OP, what else would you like to know?

>> No.10246242


There is no easy way out of your situation. You need to work things out with your dad. You have every right to assert "Dad I'm claiming myself just so you know, so don't claim me."

That would be illegal and his fault.

But seriously there are no easy ways out. Snap out of it and get to work.

>> No.10246244

You're right, he should be seeing a counselor before he gets someone who rights him off as a depressed bipolar psycho and gives him 13 prescriptions, chances are he just needs to straighten out his life.

>> No.10246248

you lived in a boat? that must have had its own unique peculiarities to be quite honest family shaking my head

>> No.10246250

Speed is Jungian approved. Root of neurosis is conflict between conscious and unconscious thought complexes. Amphetamine gives you increased mental energy, expanding the conscious center and temporarily draining the unconscious, giving respite from said neurosis.

>> No.10246259
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>Me: "Dad I'm claiming myself just so you know, so don't claim me."

>Dad: "Hahaha, no you're not, not if you want to continue living under my roof"

>> No.10246262

Less drug and alcohol use, less masturbation, less shitty food, less time spent on inane internet shit, less staying up late and getting up late

More exercise, more meditation, better diet, more time spent outdoors, more time spent on constructive action

>> No.10246265

no, he needs to be around people who can really help him, people who care about us and the planet.
Start with dianetics OP then take it from there.

>> No.10246275

This happened to me and I failed out of my respectable college. I was able to graduate somewhere else but I'll likely just work at the family business now.
Don't make the same mistakes I did anon. For the love of God, get your shit together.

>> No.10246279

OP is almost assuredly going to need a variety of stimulant substances to get him out of this hole. If you don't want to use hard stims fine, but OP for the love of god at least grab a redbull or something and start hammering out solutions.

>> No.10246287

>hey Op just give yourself a chemically induced lobotomy
these psych shills are the worst

>> No.10246291

yes but how?