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10245492 No.10245492 [Reply] [Original]

who was the most obnoxious character in this book and why was it Mrs. Levy?

>> No.10245519
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I remember reading this a few years ago and the only thing that kept me going was hating Ignatius or whatever the main characters name was. Does anyone here like this book?

>> No.10245523

why should i read this book?

seriously....i've got lots of other books to read.... should i read this one?

>> No.10245539

No unless you enjoy reading about the most obnoxious literary characters ever conceived who masturbate to their pet dog while scarfing down hotdogs in there moms house.

>t. anon who heavily identified with the main character

>> No.10245596
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im in

>> No.10245644

It's particularly entertaining when you're familiar with 4chan and some of the users that show up in 2017. He purposely seeks out media that makes him angry, critiques the fashion of all those around him while dressing like a complete doofus, fails to hold a job and lives with his mother (blaming it all on outside circumstances), and sees himself as waging war against the degeneracy of modern society. Alongside him are caricatures of everyone from radical leftists to old women and high society gays all set in front of a vibrant New Orleans backdrop.

>> No.10245656

It is the funniest book I have ever read. Not even the type of book that pretentious millennials would laugh at to seem cultured, but like actually funny. Also, the main character is like a caricature of the average /lit/ user so it is pretty interesting. Reading it was also kind of like reading a Dostoevsky character in that I could relate the worst parts of myself to them, but instead of feeling like shit, I laugh my ass off.

>> No.10246072

It's the second funniest book I've read. It's really great and Ignatius is essentially someone you'd find here or /pol/.

>> No.10246097


All right, what's the funniest?

>> No.10246117

Never interested to people who find Ignatius obnoxious. I connect hard with him, he is hurt by solipsism compared to you all.
The book is Kafkaesque!

>> No.10246121

All of these. Reading CoD is basically like reading 4chan or /lit/ the novel, except that it was written nearly 50 years ago. Ignatius' diary entries and rants against degeneracy would look entirely appropriate posted on /lit/ today. It's kind of uncanny how accurately Toole portrayed the post-grad NEET lifestyle and thought processes.

>>10245523 , it is definitely worth reading. It's wonderfully written and hilarious and it's only grown funnier over the years.

>> No.10246126

Sot Weed Factor

>> No.10246134

Funnier than Tristram Shandy?

>> No.10246139

I'm a pleb and haven't read that yet.

>> No.10246163

If I hadn't read it, I'd likely be even more like Ignatius than I already am. Every time I find myself thinking something he would probably think, I have to pause and reconsider.

>> No.10246173

Is any book half as funny as CoD? Catch-22 was alright but doesn't compare. Reading John Swartzwelder's frank burly series and it's good but nothing has even come close desu.

>> No.10246186
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Sot Weed Factor (from my cursory glance at a Wikipedia article) was a parody of novels like Tristram Shandy, which was the first parody of novels like itself. I definitely recommend it, it's fucking hilarious, the top of my list of comic novels (just ahead of Confederacy of Dunces). First line:
>I wish either my mother or my father, or indeed both of them, as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when they begot me; had they duly consider'd how much depended upon what they were then doing;--that not only the production of a rational Being was concern'd in it, but possibly the happy formation and temperature of his body, perhaps his genius and the very cast of his mind;--and, for aught they knew to the contrary, even the fortunes of his whole house might take their turn from the humours and dispositions which were then uppermost:------Had they duly weighed and considered all this, and proceeded accordingly,-------I am verily persuaded I should have made quire a different figure in the world, from that, in which the reader is likely to see me.

>> No.10246199

I've definitely been meaning to read it. I've heard plenty of good things.

>> No.10246851

I thought the cover was a chocobo attacking Luigis head.