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10243896 No.10243896 [Reply] [Original]

>not remotely better or more virtuous than any political leader despite studying philosophy


>> No.10243919

Hegesias was the true redpill.

>> No.10243938

is there a single philosopher who has not been BTFO by history? philosophers are really the intellectual midgets of humanity, the should be mocked, not put on a pedestal by lonely brainlets with no talent for the sciences or literature

>> No.10243989

> In Paris, he failed to gain entry to the École Normale Supérieure twice.[26][27][28] He instead studied Philosophy at the University of Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense, obtaining a DEA degree (a master level degree, with a thesis on Machiavelli and Hegel).[21][29] Around 1999 Macron worked as an editorial assistant to Paul Ricoeur, the French Protestant philosopher who was then writing his last major work, La Mémoire, l'Histoire, l'Oubli. Macron worked mainly on the notes and bibliography.

Interesting. I should've studied Machiavelli and Hegel as well. Even if I didn't become the president of France, I'd at least probably marry my High School teacher.

>> No.10243994

It has barely been half a year.

>> No.10243997

>For me, my office isn't first and foremost a political or technical one. Rather, it is symbolic. I am a strong believer that modern political life must rediscover a sense for symbolism. We need to develop a kind of political heroism. I don't mean that I want to play the hero. But we need to be amenable once again to creating grand narratives. If you like, post-modernism was the worst thing that could have happened to our democracy. The idea that you have to deconstruct and destroy all grand narratives is not a good one. Since then, trust has evaporated in everything and everyone. I am sometimes surprised that it is the media that are the first ones to exhibit a lack of trust in grand narratives. They believe that destroying something is part of their journalistic purpose because something grand must inevitably contain an element of evil. Critique is necessary, but where does this hate for the so-called grand narrative come from?
the french actually elected a fucking peterson fanboy lmao

>> No.10243998

>not remotely better or more virtuous

>> No.10244006

Bitch, I bet you didn't even refuse to listen to sad music or roleplay bad guys in your playground games as a kid. That shit will fuck you up.

>> No.10244020

>balding is aesthetic now


who is this semon demon?

>> No.10244031
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For a Jew he's pretty cool.

>“Democracy is always presented as if it were incomplete, because democracy is not enough by itself,”

>"Fascism is preoccupied by the clothing (namely the forms of state organization), National-Socialism by the body (namely the racial eugenics), whereas Monarchism is preoccupied by something much deeper: by the soul (namely by its strengthening through the cultivation of Christian virtues and its preparation with final salvation in mind, salvation dealt with by the Christian Church in the most perfect fashion)."

>> No.10244041

> incredibly centrist

Oh boy, radical centrist memes incoming.

>> No.10244047


>> No.10244055

Anyone know what he wrote about?

>> No.10244059

Another proof that philosophy students are retarded

>> No.10244065

ahaha he's pseud-supreme

>> No.10244070

nice argument, did you learn that from your classroom debates?

>> No.10244076

kek sorry I didn't mean to trigger you

>> No.10244095

keK bro ahaaha get triggereed sjwW!1

>> No.10244111

you didn't have to respond twice

>> No.10244117

philosophers shaped history, as well as the very idea of history, turbobrainlet

>> No.10244125

I am actually impressed. In contrast to Peterson, he has the right idea about what postmodernism is.

>> No.10244141

napoleon and alexander the great shaped history, philosophers just sucked their cocks

>> No.10244143

The ascent of Napoleon to power and the design of his centralized power apparatus was enabled by Enlightenment thinking, turbobrainlet.

>> No.10244152

>Alexander the great
>Philosophers just sucked their cocks
You realise he was taught by Aristotle? And Diogenes told him basically to fuck off when Alexander went to go talk to him

>> No.10244153

"Stand a little out of my sun".

>> No.10244157
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>needs a monarchy
Need a fucking Sixth Republic to purge this filth

>> No.10244160

How does this differ from Peterson's view of postmodernism? It looks perfectly aligned to me. Grand narratives are at the core of what he talks about.

>> No.10244168

Peterson spoke about "postmodernist Marxists", which is a contradiction in itself, which panders to the populist and nonsensical alt-right narrative that postmodernism is a continuation of Marxism by other means.

>> No.10244175

His thought is a step more profound than that of, say, Merkel and Trump, but his politics is still good old neoliberalism, so what gives?

>> No.10244177
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>> No.10244179

and? philosophers are the little cuck of history, they lay the foundations of a culture but they never achieve neither historical greatness (in the sense of carlyle's great man theory) nor actual knowledge (meaning scientific knowledge)

>> No.10244181

He's well aware that it's a contradiction; he's said so numerous times. The cognitive dissonance is on the part of the neomarxists, not him.

>> No.10244185

>They lay the foundations
>They never achieve historical greatness

>> No.10244191

stefan molyneux laid the foundation of the rise of trump. tell me, did he achieve historical greatness?

>> No.10244198
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>> No.10244202


>in the sense of carlyle's great man theory
>actual knowledge (meaning scientific knowledge)
>calls others intellectual midgets

The amazing thing is that the bait, crude as it was, actually worked.


>> No.10244219

>nor actual knowledge (meaning scientific knowledge
Scientific knowledge is not the totality of knowledge, brainlet. Sciencecucks can't even legitimate their own bullshit.

>> No.10244237

> p-please m-mr rocket s-scientist a-admit that you n-need philosophers to study scientific epistemology to legitimize the value of your research
you sound panicked

>> No.10244249


You should check out the philosophical writings of Niels Bohr, they're fairly interesting.

The fact that the last generation of truly brilliant scientists (Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg, Planck) were all philosophically interested, and that the lack of genius in recent times coincide with a general lack of interest in and even disdain for philosophy, really, really activates my almonds.

>> No.10244260

I think Plato was talking about a group of philosophers with full control. Not a single person who doesn't have that much power to begin with.

>> No.10244279

>did his masters on Machiavelli
how on earth do people trust this sly bastard

>> No.10244296 [DELETED] 

>In Paris, he failed to gain entry to the École Normale Supérieure twice.[26][27][28] He instead studied Philosophy at the University of Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense, obtaining a DEA degree (a master level degree, with a thesis on Machiavelli and Hegel).

So he failed at STEM and turned to philosophy. Makes sense.

>> No.10244302

i am personally fascinated by the relationship between philosophy, humanities and science.

is there some good book that tackles the relationship between these fields?

>> No.10244309

the alternative was the counter-enlightenment in the face of le pen

>> No.10244313


>> No.10244347
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>the only great scientists are the ones I did my high-school report on

>> No.10244418

> who's shinichi mochizuki
> who's perelman
> who's edward witten
lmao philosophical brainlet strikes again

>> No.10244419

This is either a perfect bait or the biggest piece of namedropping pseudointellectualism I have I ever seen.

>> No.10244426

Name one scientist post-WWII who did anything close to what Bohr did.

>> No.10244428

damn my respect levels for Macron just peaked

>> No.10244429

He's way better than anyone in western Europe right now

>> No.10244437


>> No.10244443

Having a basic grasp on philosophy does not make you a good politician.
He continues the disastrous aimless politics of Hollands and Sarkozy.

>> No.10244450
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>> No.10244475

What disastrous politics?

>> No.10244476

what about that guy from tesla, who will bring ppl to space in 2020?

>> No.10244481

you mean the guy almost entirely funded by the government because he can't run a business in the free market and who delegates the research work to other people because he can't do it himself?

>> No.10244483

France is in its worst shape since decades, both economically (high levels of unemployment, McJobs on the rise, zero growth, rising govt debt) and socially (wave of terror and desorientation).

>> No.10244488

Yippie! Having the needs of the people and the functions of the state dictated and justified by the grand narratives for the ruling class. Glory days! Glad we could return--

How dumb are you people? The power has structure never changed. It takes more than a few bois snipping their peepees and dikes painting their hair to destroy the myths we live by.

>> No.10244493

Damn, I wanted to move there. Guess I'll just go to Germany.

>> No.10244494
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>> No.10244502

i guess you didnt get it. he's like a science steve jobs bruh

>> No.10244504


>> No.10244505
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Seems more like a temporary downturn due to the global financial crisis last decade.

>> No.10244507
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ehehehehe nice one XD

>> No.10244510

You can still move there if you manage to get a good job. France is still a first world country, even if it is in decline. And it is still pathetically beautiful here and there.

>> No.10244511
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>> No.10244518

Even before the crisis, you had an unemployment rate of around 10% and above, plus a good deal of shit-tier jobs. 25% youth unemployment.

That is not normal for a country that used to match Germany in terms of erxonomic performance.

>> No.10244520
File: 126 KB, 1920x1541, aputhinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's rich. how come that so many philosophers worshipped on /lit/ didn't sell a copy of their works while they were alive? sounds like free market is not that rational, isn't it?

>> No.10244521

aaaaaand? you know that every economy is growing, you do? also GDP can be raised by inflation

>> No.10244523

How can anyone look at the state of interpersonal relationships in the 21st century and not think that the cultural critics won? If it's something that's remained unchanged, then it's probably something inherent to the human personality

>> No.10244524

not sure if sarcasm or naive seppo

>> No.10244526

dumb frogposter

>> No.10244529


>> No.10244535

Why naive? Germany is actually growing. I have almost 0 chance to find a decent job here.

>> No.10244542
File: 114 KB, 800x420, fugees - the score.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's growing, alright.

>> No.10244545
File: 513 KB, 800x600, plato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Macron is not a geometer.

>the french actually elected a fucking peterson fanboy lmao
And a monarchist, as per >>10244031 . In France. Yes. And they did all of this to escape the "nightmare" of voting an old woman scared of some Muslims. And there are people out there that somehow still think he's some manner of liberal (in the American sense, "social" liberal for Europeans).

Welcome to 21st century politics.

>> No.10244550


wtf I love macaroon now

>> No.10244560

but prove him wrong though

>> No.10244564

Dude, I'm Italian. Why the fuck should I care about a couple of refugees (we have even more here, so idgaf) if the alternative is starving or living with mamma till she dies. Are you american?

>> No.10244568

The /pol/ narrative has little to do with day-to-day reality. Germany is peaceful and everyone has a chance

>> No.10244572

>state of interpersonal relationships in the 21st century

They are roughly the same as they were centuries before. Perhaps better, because people do not have to worry about survival all the time and have more time for introspection

>> No.10244597

They're not roughly the same as they were centuries before. There's been a wave of atomization and social dislocation since the Church stopped serving its communal roles, and since families went from extended to nuclear, and as marriages went from life-long contracts to decade-long temporary arrangements. We live very differently to our pre-20th century ancestors.

>> No.10244604

>Dude, I'm Italian.
In that case nevermind, good luck migrant

>> No.10244644


>> No.10244672

You are adopting a Sprengler-ian or Rousseau-an view of Western civilization as one in constant decline.

In the times you speak about most people never had an elaborate private life. Most were farmers and workers that lacked basic self-awareness. They worked 60h on a factory, fucked, died. The individual quest for happiness was barely a thing back then.

>> No.10244705

École Normale Supérieure isn't just STEM though as far as I know.

> The school has achieved particular recognition in the fields of mathematics and physics as one of France's foremost scientific training grounds, along with notability in the human sciences as the spiritual birthplace of authors such as Julien Gracq, Jean Giraudoux, Assia Djebar, and Charles Péguy, philosophers such as Henri Bergson, Jean-Paul Sartre, Louis Althusser, Simone Weil, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Alain Badiou, social scientists such as Émile Durkheim, Raymond Aron, and Pierre Bourdieu, and "French theorists" such as Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida.

Although my knowledge of this is limited since it's only stuff my French friends talked about, but iirc taking the exam to the Ecole is only allowed to those who had very good results in High School and spend a year or more in preparation for the exam with weekly tests (so basically extra High School years). And failing the exam just means that you get to go to another Uni with no extra effort on your part.

>> No.10244728

Yep, it's not just stem.
It's basically a school for the best of the best. We have a similar one here called Scuola Normale.

>> No.10244746

My views aren't as straightforward as Sprengler's. This is a fairly recent phenomenon, and is taking place alongside notable improvements in our material conditions. The notion that peasants never had elaborate private lives is questionable, but besides the point. The point is that every social movement we've had to free us from the tyranny of the collective have only served to alienate us from one another, and to atomize the individual by telling him that the only duty he has is to his own subjectivity.

>> No.10244758

Junge du bist so ein Haufen Scheisse. Hast du mal die Augen auf gemacht? Warst du mal draussen oder sitzt du nur in deinem Keller? Wenn ja, wohnst du im Bauernkaff? /Pol/ Narrativ hin oder her, hier gehen Sachen ab die vor 10/20 Jahren undenkbar waren

>> No.10244774

Du hast mich gefragt und ich hab nichts gesagt. Willst du bis der Tod uns scheidet . Treue sein für alle Tage. Sie lieben auch in schlechten Tagen.

>> No.10244775 [DELETED] 


>> No.10244783

Machiavelli, Nietzsche

>> No.10244786

I ciociari sono terroni? Non l'ho mai capito

Heil Hitler

>> No.10244791

cazzo t'aspetti se ti laurei in lettere?

>> No.10244804


>> No.10244813

Ma chi cazzo ha parlato di lettere turboricchione

>> No.10244826

Deine Antwort auf "Warst du mal draussen?"

>> No.10244828

che percorso lavorativo hai alle spalle allora?

>> No.10244832

Ancora mi devo laureare, sto al secondo anno.

>> No.10244877

The only issue that truly matters is immigration and his philosophy hardly prepared him to handle it.

>> No.10244903

>Guize making any criticism to our power structures is meen, and it's totally your fault when our faculties can't even run on transparency and legitimacy in the face of this
What a baby lmao, no wonder he's a monarchist

>> No.10244923

nel frattempo io sono un programmatore ed ho più offerte di lavoro di quante ne possa accettare. topkek /lit/cuck

>> No.10244994

We have no idea how effective his reforms prove to be but Macrons rhetoric is superior to everyone out there and his ideas sound decent in theory. Watching his debate with that nazi lady, it was shocking to hear a politician with understanding about what he's talking about instead of just throwing it sound pieces.

Their economy works quite different from the usual neo-liberal hellhole so low growth and high unemployment aren't even a big deal. Look at their productivity.
They do need to shrink the state and ease up on bureaucracy but that's what he promises to do.

Kek, we've actually have quite a few Italians coming here recently. I am working with migrants and while good half of them are Syrian/Afghani/Iranians, lately there were 10% Italians.

Not him but in my moderately sized city in south Germany, nothing of relevance changed.

>> No.10245039

/lit/ is a /radicalcentrist/ board.


>> No.10245653

>Their economy works quite different from the usual neo-liberal hellhole so low growth and high unemployment aren't even a big deal. Look at their productivity.
>low growth and high unemployment aren't even a big deal

If I had a brainlet image, I would post it.

>> No.10245778

Look at the actual living standards of the people. Say compared to a similar sized economy and country that has better growth and lower unemployment. Say pre-suicide UK.

If opinion pieces from the Torygraph like http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/11655310/France-is-better-than-Britain-but-were-scared-to-admit-it.html
or Daily Hail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1314112/France--Lets-British-quality-life-compare-continent.html aren't enough ...let's look at the naked data.

>https://data.oecd.org/chart/4ZBh (Poverty rate)
>https://data.oecd.org/chart/4ZBi (Household disposable income)
>https://data.oecd.org/chart/4ZBj (Household spending)
And extra keks: https://data.oecd.org/chart/4ZBk (Hours worked)
You'll be able to check costs for tertiary education, transportation, healthcare and the likes yourself. Also let's not forget the income inequality.

>> No.10245805

>not beta
>NOT eternally BTFO and BETA and sentenced to death and exile

>> No.10245811

What about the Greeks?

>> No.10245816

has to be a bait.. is it possible its not?

>> No.10245850

>postmodernist Marxists

He explicitly notes that this is contradictory.

>> No.10245970

It remains to be proved that said postmodernists really even consider themselves Marxists. Foucault and Baudrillard certainly didn't.

>> No.10245975

How is Peterson not a postmodern thinker?

>> No.10245976

He's usually referring to contemporary people, not historical people. He's not a fucking retard.

Also, by "marxist", he is referring to their social justice ideology, which is pretty much a spin-off of marxism.

>> No.10245980

He believes in mythological metanarratives. He actually refers to them as "meta".

>> No.10245981
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>> No.10245983

And this is sufficient?

>> No.10245997

It is if we define postmodernism as rejection or skepticism of metanarratives.

>> No.10246009

What matters is median after-tax income and the resulting purchasing power. France is no better for than the UK, but roughly equal in this regard.

What you call „suicide“ in the form of Thatcher-ian de-industrialization and limitation of government services happened in France as well.

>> No.10246019

SJWism is not really Marxist. Marxism portrays history and consciousness as shaped by the economy and economic classes. The concepts of race and culture have no place.

>> No.10246024

just replace economic class with race

>> No.10246034

Which is a pretty weak definition.

>> No.10246038

Hence, why I called it a spin-off

Just remove "proletariat" and "bourgeoisie" from marxist texts and replace them with "PoC/LGBTQ/Women/Muslims" and "white, western, male patriarchy" respectively. It's an oppression narrative just like marxism.

>> No.10246045

Hey, well it's the preferred definition around here.

>> No.10246047


>> No.10246050

>France is no better for than the UK
But they are. Not by a lot but still. Besides consider that they work much fewer hours for that, and have more people who profit from the wealth of the country, and have fewer poorfags despite more jobless fags. Also the stats are mostly from 2014-15. And all despite much worse growth of the economy.

Thatcher did just your usual neo-liberalism cancer^2, while France experienced it too, no other European country is nearly as bad at it as UK. Though with "suicide" obviously Brexit was meant. One can attempt to justify Thatcherism and some ideas of it weren't even that bad, it's the execution that sucked, but something like Brexit has pretty much zero benefits (sans providing entertainment) and extreme costs.

>> No.10246051

That's convenient.

>> No.10246059

>/lit/ is a shittier wikipedia

>> No.10246061

Making each and every oppression narrative Marxist is a long, long stretch.

Are Star Wars and the story of the Jewish exodus from Israel also Marxist?

>> No.10246076

Consider that the UK used to trail far, far behind France and Germany in the 1970s in terms of wealth. They actually catched up since then.

Brexit is not even entertaining. It is exhausting to watch, like a political soap opera, and in the end there is no way the UK will actually be reduced to a third party nation.

>> No.10246094

The thing about social justice ideology is that it is directly related to marxism in that the class oppression content of marxism was stripped off and a gender/sexuality/racial oppression content was hung on its framework by the intelligentsia, ostensibly because marxism wasn't looking too hot after the horrors of the Soviet Union were revealed to the world.

>> No.10246115

What you listed are stories of oppression. Marxist want to build opression into a grand narrative plebs vs bourgoises; poc/trans/faggots/roasties vs straight white males

>> No.10246144

>in terms of wealth
Were their living standards that much worse tho? Besides, it's not like they didn't have a head start after WW2. Germany is another example how a strong and growing economy not necessary means better living standards, it recovered from the crisis just fine but for the average citizen nothing really changed for decades. At least frog-fags have to work less for their stagnating wages, while Germany and UK are overloaded with zero hour shit at cancerous minimum wages to artificially lower their unemployed stats.

>like a political soap opera
One where the actors are completely inept to a comical degree and some mixed up the play they are in. Sure, it got a bit boring now that shit became repetitive but the highlights like Cameron resigning the next day or May trying to show how strong and stable her support is and then losing sits to a "unelectable" Corbyn is stuff for the history books.

>and in the end there is no way the UK will actually be reduced to a third party nation
Saving us some funny reactions for the grand finale once it happens.

>> No.10246210

Again, the idea that any oppression narrative is inherently Marxist is laughable. Were the crusaders Marxist?

Marxism is a particular oppression narrative, one of economic oppression. That is its defining novelty. Oppression narratives in general existed earlier.

>> No.10246285

>Were the crusaders Marxist?
you are a charlatan

>> No.10246299
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Marcus Aurelius, shit-for-brains.

>> No.10246309

Truly the original edgelord. I bet he cut himself.

>> No.10246316
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Any true philosopher would not go into politics because they would know what a corrupt, vapid, sychophantic, and sophist pursuit it is.

Politics is concerned with power, not truth or justice. The only politicians that have a semblance of true philosophy in their blood never make it big because they are unwilling to take bullshit stances and/or flip-flop on various topics.

So if this guy is a bad politician, don't blame it on philosophy, blame it on him as a person.

>> No.10246319
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Dude is hitched to a fully desiccated human carcass, does continental philosophy do this to a man?

>> No.10246507

He is a philosopher?

>> No.10246790

no it isn't

>> No.10246819

>Macron is the only world leader who studied philosophy
lol, Bubba, everyone who is in a career where rethoric and public speaking are important studies philosophy,

>not remotely better
take all educated politicians and compare them to illiterate warlords/tribal leaders and tell me they are not better.

philosophy'effect is on structures and values more than individuals. Even assuming non-philosophical individuals, the system influenced by philosophy will be more complex in its values.

>philosophy is useless to power, every new boss blitzing all family and supporters of previous boos is as good as social consensus over alternance.
jesus christ OP, you're a fucking mess

>> No.10246825

>take all educated politicians and compare them to illiterate warlords/tribal leaders and tell me they are not better.
tribal warlords are more charasmatic

>> No.10246913

sup geniefag

>> No.10246980

>Germany is another example how a strong and growing economy not necessary means better living standards, it recovered from the crisis just fine but for the average citizen nothing really changed for decades.

It is the same shit in all developed nations and may have more to do with automation and globalization than labor market policies.

That said, further trampling on the working class after they were severely weakened by said developments, like Macron and other neoliberals do, is immoral and only worsens the situation.

>At least frog-fags have to work less for their stagnating wages, while Germany and UK are overloaded with zero hour shit at cancerous minimum wages to artificially lower their unemployed stats.

The German and British minimum wages are roughly the same as the French one, and the French also have their fair deal of temporary contracts, Zeitarbeit and similar cancer. France is no better off than Germany.

>Saving us some funny reactions for the grand finale once it happens.

If (!) Brexit happens the form we imagine it, e. g. Britain losing all privileges of EU membership. I doubt it.

>> No.10247047

>kid you're a dumb shit. Have you ever used your eyes? Do you ever go outside or do you sit in your basement? Or do you live on a farm? /pol/ narrative here or there, there are things happening here that were unthinkable 10/20 years ago.

please rate my german reading skills

>> No.10247060

You translated everything correctly, albeit it is not hard to decide stuff from the context

>> No.10247099

>auf gemacht

>> No.10247136

i'll take it

>> No.10247173
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>tfw you correctly diagnose capitalism's structural defects and shape the next 170+ years of geopolitics

>> No.10247199
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>just replace the Marxist's core concept with another and the class struggle with virtue signaling on Twitter. See it's the same thing

>> No.10247342
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w-what the fuck I love Emmanuel "Restore the Stuarts" Macaroni & Cheese now