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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.31 MB, 1500x3500, 2017littop100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10243846 No.10243846 [Reply] [Original]

lots of newfags here recently. read the top 100 and stop posting about politics.

>> No.10243854

Heh, only a LEFTIST would post THAT image.

>> No.10243856

fake and gay

>> No.10243897
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>> No.10243934

>unironically read this entire list
>even Women and Men an Anatomy of Melancholy
>even Bottom's Dream
I have never had a girlfriend

>> No.10243981

>Finnegans Wake at 5

>> No.10243996

That's pretty cool, which ones were your favourites?

>> No.10244005

>Zettel's Traum
No one has read this, and based on the few pages that I've tried reading, it doesnt deserve to be there. I'm guessing his other works might be great and more deserving

>> No.10244013

Reminder this chart was not made by the polling anon and is also pretty fake news

>> No.10244019


>> No.10244027

how old are you bud

>> No.10244045

Stopped reading at Ulysses

>> No.10244053

fuck off

>> No.10244054

This has to be updated for 2017, remove Finnegans Wake and place Ulysses in its place, then put Culture of Critique at #1

>> No.10244056

>top 100 from 2017

Do I start from the top or bottom?

>> No.10244081

this is 2017 idiot

>> No.10244082

Damn... I thought lit might finally have outgrown dfw, and not only that learned how to properly place him relative to the rest of the cannon in doing so. I mean 42 is probably still a little too generous in terms of things, but not wildly inappropriate for a board like lit.

When lit! When will you mature and relegate this autistic stooge to the literary b-box where he belongs!

>> No.10244086

go back to /pol/

>> No.10244124

I read all of these, and it can all be tied back to politics

>> No.10244139

DFW is a fine writer and the most spiritually significant American one in a long while. Stop virtue signalling. Yourself and a Harry Potter enthusiast have more in common than a fraction of any of the writers on that chart.

>> No.10244250
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/lit/ opinion?

>> No.10244255
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>> No.10244335

no u

>> No.10244348

awful chart I don't know who should be more embarrassed the creator or the people who repost it unironically

>> No.10244361

Thats the discord top 100.

>> No.10244412

>no Downfall of the Occident
>no Men among the Ruins
>no Eumeswil
>no White Power
whoever made this needs to lurk /pdfs/

>> No.10244420

It's pretty bad, a random jumbled mess without any overarching idea.

>> No.10244430

The only thing I'm signaling the fact that I'm an elitist with elite taste in lit and am therefor better than you and David "the garbage water drinker" Wallace

>> No.10244454

>/pol/ack book chart
>no Culture of Critique

That's like bread and butter, how was that missed?

>> No.10244492

That list is vastly different from the previous ones

>> No.10244512

quit fucking shilling the 2017 list
quit fucking shilling the goy meme!

>> No.10244514

Let me make this much more accurate.
>1984 synopsis on wikipedia
>Culture of Critique as explained to them by another anon
>leftists twitters
Did i miss anything?

>> No.10244539

So is this just meant to be like, a guide to self indoctrination?

>> No.10244612

best chart we have desu

>> No.10244756

what board is /pdfs/? where find?

>> No.10244801

it's on
If you're not right or libertarian leaning it isn't for you, and the rest of that site is pretty crap

>> No.10244941

>Moby-Dick not at #1

Okay what the fuck

>> No.10244963
File: 3.38 MB, 3900x9000, jhkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10244970

Smoke a bowl and chill the fuck out

>> No.10244975

1,5,10,12,13,25,29,45,52, and 98

>> No.10244979

>the final Tier of philosophical education, the last step towards pure enlightenment
>Ayn Rand
>Ron Paul
>Lord of the Rings

>> No.10244991

has anyone here read arno schmidt's zettels traum? how did you get a hold of it and how did you like it?

>> No.10244995
File: 15 KB, 337x233, 1498115696597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the faggot that made the actual new google survey top 100 list???
>Also the stupid excuse of idk how to make the jpeg of the 100 novels is not valid

>> No.10244998

its number 13 btw

>> No.10245890

That's more self loathing than reading. A serious exercise in boredom.

>> No.10245903

Meme or not I've got 25 under my belt, but sadly own another 10-15 but havent touched them.

>> No.10246000

>People who pretend to have read Critique of Pure Reason and an entire fucking Encyclopedia by Hegel
>Fucking Meditations in tier 3

>> No.10246011


>> No.10246056
File: 59 KB, 247x329, 1510197477434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What books should a 26 year old virgin read?

>> No.10246608
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Pic related.

>> No.10246623

/pol/ here and even I think it's shit.
And the leftist charts aren't?

>> No.10246631

>ignoring me when I said I had earlier in the thread
Dalkey Archive recently just put a translation that John E Woods has been working on for years and years (legendary german to english translator)
I had a girlfriend who read german and loved the original
its fantastic but I'd definitely test the water with his much shorter and simpler works to see if you'd like it first
Familiarize yourself deeply with Poe and Joyce before reading it
btw its the largest book you'll ever see
its almost as tall as my forearm and over a thousand pages

>> No.10246643

As a matter of principle, I refuse to read anymore Tolstoy.

>> No.10246648
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>> No.10246651


>> No.10246655

mfw /pol/ doesn't realize that 'The Prince' is literally satire designed to show how not to rule

>> No.10246661

How is Osamu Dazai?

>> No.10246667
File: 47 KB, 645x968, tfw dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teehee right on girl, The Republic was also satire guys!

>> No.10246676

>hurrdurr im so depressed
>watch me fuck a bunch of different women
>life is so awful
its like watching Shame except Michael Fassbender doesn't redeem the whole thing

>> No.10246682


A fair list if you don't take the order too seriously. I agree that 95% of /lit/ would do well to try and read as many as these as possible, 100% being the ultimate achievement. The only way we make this board better is by visiting it less and less and reading more and more. It's a hard psychological breakthrough for some who are so highly addicted to the need for social contact over the internet. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed. It's time to form new habits and rely less on vapid social contact from people you don't even know. I'm sure many have gained positive change from visiting this site for many years, they would probably not be the same person if they never knew about this site, but people have to grow out of their comfort zones. Go read.

>> No.10246699

this, the list is fake

>> No.10247433

Well this is dumb and fake, but it does raise a good point: it's probably about time for the yearly poll. Is polling anon around?

>> No.10247447

Whataboutism is not a good defense.

>> No.10247460

>had to think of a response for 7 hours
SAD! I wasn't defending it either, I was merely exposing the hypocrisy. No one says that about the leftist charts.