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/lit/ - Literature

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10243608 No.10243608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Do you guys wanna make out? The twins looked at each other. By asking the question I had immediately cut through the bullshit, it was the end of small talk and there was no return. Their options were to either call it a night and send me, the older guy they had just met, out of their parents house and on my way back to home or, and this they chose, to accept in the confidence of my demands. I kissed the first sister, blonde, sixteen. I kissed the second sister, brunette, same age. Young tongue, sloppy, a fucking mess of kissers they were. Kiss each other. Without hesitating, hands symmetrically on the others shoulder, the W in twins and for the win. I sat backed as my mind reeled, as if I had a list of things to do for this special occasions written ages ago. I laid down on the bed, a sister on each side, my arms wrapped around their waists, my fingers dug inside their private crevices, and together we became the kissing triptych of a salacious soliloquy for three. I brought the system of saliva swapping and skin slobbering down to my crotch, and we were naked by now, standing then, on their knees before had even begun, I brilliantly thought of, OH!, busting my load on both of their faces. No we are not done. No don’t wipe it off. A pillow for each on the floor to make comfortable the prone position, belly to the floor, I have some in my eyes, it’s ok don’t wipe it! Twins laying side by side on their belly on the floor naked. I rode the first with no pauses of acceleration, thrusting like the titanic albeit sinking from the pressure through the tiniest leak in the parking garage of a ship, haha, the other was scared. She didn’t like how hard it looked, it’s scared her. I’ll go slow. We morphed into the souls of 90’s RnB, a middle school slow dance wish fufilled, the absolutely slow demolishment of the life story of these two for now and all time. My only regret is that it ended so quickly. This story, representative of anything, is the massive hole in my memory that beckons with the cavernous reverberations of a longing that could never, would never be filled again.

How my prose?

>> No.10243616

I want to slap that prose until it's red and then fuck it furiously.

>> No.10243656

That angle is the best thing ever. Shame, there's so little pics of it.

>> No.10243773

you can't be serious

>> No.10243816

cut the word count by half and you might have something halfway decent.

>> No.10243835

>ayo lemme smash. da gemini bitchez luk at echotha. by axin I stop them playin. they either lemme smash, or miss me. I kiss da yellow hair. I kiss da brown hair. da whiteys kiss. I finga dem and we fug. I cum on da faces. I fug dem ages.

>> No.10243889

Best prose I ever read.

>> No.10243894


>> No.10243961
File: 194 KB, 324x345, theyoungthug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10243972

I am sick and tired of this. Every day I come to /lit/, and every day there is at least one thread up with an OP image of an attractive woman dressed scantily and posing seductively. It's probably the same one or two people who do it honestly. Let me tell you something, you faggot pieces of shit who are doing this: you are the poster child for everything that is wrong in literature, art, and society as a whole today. You are incapable of coming up with anything creative, thought provoking, or of substance, and you lack even the smallest modicum of intelligence, so you use "style" and "flash" and pizazz in place of it and to draw attention to yourself, because that's the only way your SHIT "creation" and ideas would ever get seen by anyone. And before you say anything, this has NOTHING to do with the fact that I don't have a girlfriend. Anyway, I will be petitioning the owner of this website to ban your asses, so enjoy being able to post here while it lasts, because it's not going to last long, just like you that one time you convinced an obese girl to let you fuck her.

>> No.10244035

Where's the other pasta? The one that starts with "why must you torment me" or something like that? That one usually shows up first.

>> No.10244072
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 1506103697881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and together we became the kissing triptych of a salacious soliloquy for three

>> No.10244121

How do girls feel about every guy wanting to fuck their ass I mean they are aware and then try to harmlessly post a blatant ass shot for social media

>> No.10244150

This but unironically

>> No.10244166

>same age

No fucking shit.

>> No.10244203

This but ironically

>> No.10244229

anyone have the pasta of the guy that wrote i think it was erotica that was really superfluous

>> No.10244239

Unironically enjoyable would read an entire book about some fuckup managing to fulfill fantasies just for the comfy

>> No.10245398
File: 79 KB, 421x421, AA007835-8751-41C8-AD1B-E12342D838E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10245481

OP btfo

>> No.10245487

Please. That trash of an insult is actually racially insulting and stereotypical to associate with anything that’s being presented at this current moment faggot