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10242962 No.10242962[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Analytic philosophy = autism

>> No.10242963


>> No.10242967

this is the literate board did u cum to talk book?

>> No.10242969

Yes I cum talk book

>> No.10242976

then fucking talk it

>> No.10243028
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>hey this post-enlightenment piece of cancer isn't as bad as this post-enlightenment piece of aids.

>> No.10243076

Continental philosophy: leaky minds, schizotypy, prone to psychosis

>> No.10243080

Analytical philosophy: kissless virgins, aspergers, prone to school shootings

>> No.10243084
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>Analytical philosophy: kissless virgins, aspergers, prone to school shootings

Fucking close the thread, this is gold

>> No.10243106

Pretty good

>> No.10243113
File: 15 KB, 250x396, Althusser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take this back.

>> No.10243118

>Louis "Magic Hands" Althusser
>Louis "excellent grasp of marxism" Althusser
>Louis "strong grip of the tenets of dialectical materialism" Althusser
>Louis "clasps structuralism very well" Althusser
>Louis "fantastic clutch of french hegelianism" Althusser
>Louis "the latcher" Althusser
>Louis "the wench clencher" Althusser
>Louis "the wife stifler" Althusser
>Louis"the motherer smotherer" Althusser

>> No.10243124

Do you think he'd like Death Grips?

>> No.10243128


>> No.10243131

>Kneeling beside her, poised over her body, I am massaging her neck. I have often massaged her in silence, the nape of her neck, the small of her back: I learned the technique from a fellow prisoner of war, little Clerc, a professional footballer, an expert in everything.

>But this time it's the front of her neck that I'm massaging. I place my two thumbs on the hollow of flesh round the top of the breastbone and, applying pressure, one thumb to the right, the other aslant to the left, I slowly reach the harder zone beneath the ears. I massage in a V. I feel a great muscular fatigue in my forearms; they ache whenever I give a massage.

'Helene's features are serene and motionless, her open eyes gazing up at the ceiling.

>And suddenly I'm terror- stricken: her eyes have glazed over as if for ever and a tiny portion of her tongue is visible, strange and calm, between her lips and her teeth.

>I've seen dead people before, to be sure, but never in my life have I seen the face of a strangled woman. I nevertheless know she's been strangled. But how? I stand up and I cry out, 'I've strangled Helene'

Anyone know where to pirate this memoir? Can't find it on libgen

>> No.10243139

>Anna Karenina
>A work of fiction
Pretty apt


>> No.10243144

She kinda remotely reminds me of a girl I used to be infatuated with but always thought her way out of my league to try something.
Now I'm in a long distance relationship which is kinda slow crumbling, she's living in another state with some dude and we both found out about each one's past infatuation with the other through other people and I just feel fucking miserable.

Time for a sad wank I guess.

>> No.10244004


>> No.10244058

Why did he strangle his wife?

>> No.10244062

He had a psychosis, it plagued him for his entire life. It's not like he was lying, he was known to have episodes for years and was unable to teach half the time.

>> No.10244075

Also, he was diagnosed as having had a psychosis from the drugs he was taking by psychs. There was controversy he "got away with murder" but he was crazy. Read this article, pretty interesting: https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/3324-the-murder-of-helene-rytman

>> No.10244084

Was the whole, him denouncing his work as being shit a part of the psychosis aswell?

>> No.10244096

That's what the article says. I can believe it. I actually had a psychosis six months ago and hated myself. He'd also been a depressive all his life. Kinda sad people used it as an excuse to defame him, but I spose that comes with involving yourself with politics of any kind.

>> No.10244128

Yeah its saddening, article is a great read tho

>> No.10244269
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There is nothing wrong with analytic philosophy, its just another field like what maths is to art.

>> No.10244277

Growing up my guardians wouldn't let me read Althusser for this reason.

>> No.10244281
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>> No.10244285

Why are pseuds attracted to continental philosophy and repelled by analytic?

>> No.10244598

There aren't any interesting analytic philosophers.

>> No.10244637

Because they're brainlets who aren't actually interested in untangling philosophical problems. They're interested in a get-enlightened-quick scheme and consequently gorge on Hegel and Nietzsche and delude themselves into thinking they understand any of it. You can tell someone is a retarded continental if they read Heraclitus and not Parmenides, started with Camus or Neetchee, believe the goal of philosophy is telling you how to "live your life" like some new age self-help garbage and actively seek out "philosophies of life" from the hellenistic philosophers

>> No.10244658

Analytic philosophers gave up on the questions that actually mattered.

Philosophy was not born as a kind of abstract autistic exercise it turned into. For the Greeks, it stood at the very center of life and was about ethics, beauty, the place and purpose of man, his relationsship with God and the world.

Analytic philosophy is what happens when you narrow philosophy to one of its many products, science. But science alone would have never created the intellectual world we live in.

>> No.10244724
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LMAO who cares if it makes sense. The world is like way complicated man and that shit is hard to understand. basically i dgaf dude just blaze weed and think about the universe and sheeeit. Im a nihilist which means i abandon all traditions (because they are FAKE) in favour of superior invading cultures. i mean i cant change peoples minds afterall. live and let live like a true woke centrist libertarian x) like dont be mean man so what he wants to rape your daughter???

>> No.10244734

How is wanting to have a better life a bad thing?

>> No.10244735

Spoken like a true /lit/izen

Stoic cuckoldry is the ultimate redpill

>> No.10244737

>mentally ill and wants to murder people
I am shocked

>> No.10244745

continental philosophy is pointless at the moment

until we get a good theory of the mind, language and knowledge we will not be able to figure the other stuff out

>> No.10244760

You haven't read any analytic philosophy

>> No.10244761

Husserl at least got this

too bad )))Heidegger((( went off the rails with everything he tried to do

>> No.10244764

ah yes because the true meaning of philosophy is to show that science has had it really figured out this whole time

>> No.10244771

this is a bad stereotype

not even the logical positivists thought this

>> No.10244809

What does psychosis feel like?

>> No.10244825

>Having met Althusser in 1946, she was his first sexual lover. Prior to meeting her, he had avoided women in an almost phobic way. He didn’t even dare masturbate until the age of 27. Althusser bears certain similarities to the case of ‘Bronzehelmet’ described by Jean-Claude Schaetzel in this respect — 'Bronzehelmet' suffered terrifying anxiety regarding sex and when he attempted his first sexual encounter it provoked a psychotic episode. Likewise, his first sexual encounter with Rytman resulted in a spiral into depression and his first trip to the hospital.

Holy shit, is he /ourguy/?

>> No.10244851
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>still buying into the analytic/continental dichotomy

There really is no limit to the puerility of you pseuds. Wittgenstein was heavily influenced by Kant and Schopenhauer.

>> No.10244854

>when you can't into math buy still want to pretend to be an intellectual

>> No.10245168

It's not. Pretending that philosophy is and ought to be confined to moralizing is a pretty wrongheaded view and fails to capture the breadth of the discipline. It's not anyone's fault that you don't read but your own

You have never read any analytic philosophy. Just stop posting and read a book instead of skimming wikipedia and failing to understand even that

>> No.10246445


>> No.10246470

>Analytic philosophy
I don't use this board, but am very curious as to why Analytic philosophy is shit-tier.

Anyone care to explain?

>> No.10246496

I only hate it because I'm nearly failing first year logic. Haven't looked into it very much, but it's people like Chomsky if you want an example of who influenced Anal phil

>> No.10246503

first year logic is the only hard year of logic senpai
once you've figured out first order logic and tableaux its easy as fuck, you just have to do practice problems as often as you can

>> No.10246933

Are you guys talking about math?

I don't use the fuckin board.
Can anyone give an explanation for retards?

>> No.10246950

continentals literally can't into thinking

>> No.10247336

I agree that the analytic school has distanced itself from actual life in favor of sterile meandering, but the continental school is barely better.

The continentals write about stuff like biopower and differance and whatnot that is highly speculative and ultimately of little consequence.

>> No.10247408


Its not just autism, it's absolute autism.

>> No.10247412


Yes, totally. Topkek

>> No.10247419
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>> No.10247449

There were people named in the name of (the philosophy of) Nietzsche, Heidegger, Rousseau and Marx.

Who ever killed in the name of Analytic Philosophy?

>> No.10247464

>calls analytic philosophy autism
>Both options have trains in them
OP was the autist all along

>> No.10247628


Continental philosophy: forced labor, food lines, writing nuanced apologies for rape gangs, male feminist rapist activists, prone to the kind of authoritarianism he allegedly hates.

Continental philosophy is basically a rape cult. Hence, the obsession with labelling anyone not continental as a someone not interested in sex.

>gotta get that pussy bro, I listen to Chapo Trap House, if I'm not getting pussy, I'll get it myself by force, check out my mansion that I will inherit

>> No.10247648


nietzsche, kierkegaard, the founding fathers of the continental school, were turbovirgins incapable of entering a romantic relationsship

>> No.10247883

Probably the best way to describe the two

>> No.10248032

What was this supposed to mean?

>> No.10248043

>he doesn't listen to chapo while diving into pussy
Holy shit, was a gaylord.

>> No.10248223

>Continental philosophy is basically a rape cult. Hence, the obsession with labelling anyone not continental as a someone not interested in sex.

Also analytics:
>“American imperialism? Oh boy, that sounds great, honey! Let’s go to bed and do that right now!”

>> No.10248237

>american imperialism
you mean geopolitics?
why are champagne socialists so keen on newspeak?

>> No.10248243

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.10248248

Continent Philosophy: sounding as profound as possible by obscuring thinfs

Analytic philosophy: sounding as dry and boring and possible by explaining stuff no one cares about

>> No.10248249


>> No.10248250

its because the us is still a fledging colony really. thats why the left picture looks like a primitive small scale model

>> No.10248259

Wow, that was unpredictable. You can still read actual articles from them, rather than the meme lists that they do explicitly to get money.

>> No.10248579

The project of the analytics, Russell and Moore, to reduce all truth to few logical operators, for BTFO and they had to adopt methods from other schools to solve their problems.
Continental philosophy basically won.

>> No.10248647

But the opposition to logicism came from within analytic philosophy. How could continentals win when they weren't even playing the game?

>> No.10248652

Logicism was the original mission of the analytic school and the false assumption usually employed to discredit all other schools of thought.

>> No.10248663

>Louis "The Invisible Hand of the Market" Althusser
>Louis "Are you a capitalism?" Althusser
>Louis "My left hand is the thesis, my right hand is the antithesis, your death is the synthesis" Althusser
>Louis "The Neck Wrecker" Althusser
>Louis "Patton Oswalt: Communist Edition" Althusser
>Louis "Saisissant vous avec mes Mains de Pendaison" Althusser

>> No.10248694

The project to reduce all mathematical operations to logic is the false assumption employed to discredit all other schools of thought? Doesn't sound right to me. What does that have to do with continental philosophy?

>> No.10248714

>Prior to meeting her, he had avoided women in an almost phobic way. He didn’t even dare masturbate until the age of 27.
No wonder he went fucking nuts.

>> No.10248829

Analytic philosophy is what happens when aspies read Nietzsche. See: Russell's "criticism" of Nietzsche.

>> No.10248999

And continental philosophy is what happens when aspies take Nietzsche too seriously

>> No.10249011

Nietzsche is what happens aspies read philosophy seriously

>> No.10249020

>"people" actually take Nietzsche seriously

>> No.10249058

Nietzsche is what happens when you abolish the search for truth and focus on your own personal little woes and lamentation about the meaninglessness of existence instead - ergo, Nietzsche is when you give up philosphy

>> No.10249296
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Many continental school thinkers are great prosaists and describe the frustration of being alive movingly, but it's mostly just navelgazing prose. The problems with the continental school emerge when people inform their ideology with infinite regress of dialectic

Despite all the "muh virgin apollonian, muh Chad dionysian" memeing on /lit/ the most pragmatic and lucid method of thinking about reality/metaphysics and real life implications thereof is through clear ideas acquired by establishing a philology of things

>> No.10250069

weak thread