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/lit/ - Literature

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10241859 No.10241859 [Reply] [Original]

yo /lit/,

an older coworker knows i read and asked for book recommendations. what would impress a lady in her late thirties?

>> No.10241864 [DELETED] 


>> No.10241867

Herman Hesse - Siddhartha

>> No.10241869
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>> No.10241871

Why not just be a good coworker and potential friend and recommend her books that are good and that she will like?

>> No.10241896


>> No.10241923

Call her mommy, then unzip dick.

>> No.10241938

anything by Milo Yannapoporopoulos. you know. the faggot with the hair-do.

>> No.10242380

A-Any good books about mommy gfs?

>> No.10242393

Are you trying to expand her mind anon, or just satisfy your lowly and base sexual urges?

>> No.10242400

Give her a book you think she'all enjoy. Jesus fuck, can you people be normal human beings instead of sex-crazed maniacs for five fucking minutes?

>> No.10243207

some chick lit like elena ferrante

>> No.10243311

I'm about to start dating a 34 year old single mother (with her tubes tied). We went on one date a few days ago and she's really into me for some reason.
Please subscribe to my blog and know that you too can get a qt mommy gf.
Girard Reader. That shit's good.

>> No.10243363

Having kids is one of life's greatest pleasures anonymous

>> No.10243430


If you wanna """impress""" her, you're doing it wrong. Jus b urself.

>> No.10243461

50 Shades of Grey
>popular pleb book so it's safe
>popular amongst women in sexless marriages/post-wall women
>will make you seem more sexual in her eyes
Thank me later.

>> No.10244668

Norwegian Wood

>> No.10244691

The last remaining cultural taboo is discussing the extreme buyer's remorse that is modern parenting

>> No.10244711

lol what, do you even read the guardian? That shit gets discussed non stop.

>> No.10244725

>the guardian
Good lord, no.

>> No.10244802

a youthful phallus

>> No.10244818
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Not for the children.

>> No.10244820

Are you kidding? That's like 90% of female lifestyle writing

>> No.10244822
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>> No.10244838

>reading female lifestyle writing
Can you summarize, though, please?
This topic interests me.

>> No.10245055

>The last remaining cultural taboo is discussing the extreme buyer's remorse that is modern parenting
Are you posting from 1968?

>> No.10245071

I love that his mom told him, that if she knew how unhappy he would become, she would have aborted him.

>> No.10245279

I love even more that he said this made him extremely happy.

>> No.10245315

Recommend some Vonnegut or like Palahniuk or something.

Easy to read and understand but still complex and challenging enough for her to be impressed by your cultured and intelligent self.

>> No.10245465

i finished reading on the heights of despair some days ago. tf was his problem ?

>> No.10245489

What does she read?

>> No.10246735

Alessandro Baricco's Silk.
Short and sweet and vaguely erotic in a warm fuzzy kind of way.

>> No.10246740

yeah, three cheers for fertile cumming.

>> No.10246744

Henry Miller and Bukowski

>> No.10246746

She doesn't, she's like the bint in the Bill Hicks sketch:
>Say, whatcha readin' fer?

>> No.10246753

If you want to impress someone, you should recommend them stuff that you like, not stuff that you think they'd like. It always goes better.

>> No.10246758

yeah Infinite Jest, pseud. Sod off.

>> No.10246877


>> No.10247242

Lolita, of course.

>> No.10247243

Umberto Eco's Granita, naturally.

>> No.10247248

when did /lit/ become /r9k/. jesus fucking christ, mod delete these threads.

>> No.10247252

So OP do you read books?
or do you read 4chan posts?

In which case you should just come right out and suggest Kill All Normies by Nagel

I feel a person who is labeled as one who reads books, should have no problem recommending some books.

>> No.10247271

Norwegian Wood should do the job.

>> No.10247272

>when did 4chan became a place where autistic loner gather
geee, I don't know

>> No.10247294
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>> No.10247301

Unironically this.

>> No.10248056

The Karmasutra my dude lmao

>> No.10248079

her panties fit her pussy so tightly that I'm excited

>> No.10248124


>> No.10248179


I would say this too. If she reads it she's a keeper.

>> No.10248416
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mämmy gf can get my Norwegian Wood

>> No.10249487

he said good

>> No.10249495
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what if she's hiding her power level? OP will be crushed, piss ant that he is

>> No.10249619

Oedipus Rex

>> No.10249656

is it good ? i'm actually interested

>> No.10249680


>> No.10249889

Its not that good if you have standards but if you like feels and manic pixie girls you might get a kick out of it.

>> No.10249896
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all I want is a mommy gf

>> No.10249906

In Narcissus and Goldmund the young lad runs away and sleeps with a bunch of farmers wifes

>> No.10249915

Egoist antinatalism is the final redpill.