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/lit/ - Literature

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10241798 No.10241798 [Reply] [Original]

Is literature over?

>> No.10241805

What do you mean?

>> No.10241823
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Mass shootings are the last american artform

>> No.10241829

I also wonder this
Language facility and basic concentration is declining with the upsweep of social media and the expansion of electronic tech into every realm of the mind.
I'm only 25 and I'm probably wrong but I don't think people of my generation have "the right stuff" to create real art

>> No.10241843

This, but extra unironically.

>> No.10241868
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Like how flying planes into buildings is the last great Middle Eastern art form?

The culturally inculcated proclivity to rape young boys is less than artistic

>> No.10241874

yeah, it's over on the bookshelf. help yourself.

>> No.10241877

>9/11 happened because of some middle easteners

>> No.10241885

(((middle easterners)))

>> No.10241897

nice get

strange how the buildings became total dust, eh? steel beams don't disintegrate.

>> No.10241903

Egypt, Lebanon, the UAE and Saudi Arabia are all in the Middle East. I don't give a shit about your politics, or what you think the "causes" are (muh false flag or whatever). The fact is the art was created ipso facto by men from the Middle East

>> No.10241910


>> No.10241916

No, you idiots realize art takes intense work and focus? If you locked yourself in a room for two years and set to working on a novel for 10 hours every day, the chances you wouldn’t write something impressive are extremely low. You’ll try to deny this, only because you don’t want to face the fact that every hour spent on the internet could have been devoted to intense work on something actually important.

>> No.10241940

High-intellect individuals of the current generations are less capable of actually doing that than ever before in the history of mankind. Who knows if there will be a cultural shift within the next few decades where rampant socialmedia mind-infection goes out-of-vogue but as it stands people from age 0 to around 35 have had their minds completely warped by constant access to the internet.

>> No.10241943
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>> No.10241949
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>Steve did anything he wanted to do
Steven Paddock was on some legit Nietszchean ubermensch shit. seriously the more I Iearn about the guy, the more I stand in awe of him. A force of nature.

>> No.10241951

Literature ended with Ulysses, everything since has just been a coda

>> No.10241952

You know, I am a pretty pessimistic person, but this sounds to me like something to be overcome.

>> No.10241954

I'm not making excuses for anyone, it's just an observation. The way I see the current youth generations, in 100 years people will be looking back on the period of 2010-2030 as a dark time for art. And that's only if civilization somehow stops devolving, and I'm unsure it will

>> No.10241957

addendum: I'm 25, not a butthurt curmudgeon. I have zero respect for my generation and I'm not saying this to be edgy

>> No.10241996

There seems to be a lack of interest in high brow literature as well as actual works being put out.

>> No.10242000

I think many people from our generation have the talent but lack the drive. Nietzsche predicted this era of last men

>> No.10242006

You can't "observe" a lack of work in relation to art, because such a lack would imply that the person "ought" to be working, which to me defeats the purpose of an artistic endeavor. Is it possible to say, "Beethoven would have written more if he didn't have so many health problems" without dismissing the precise peculiarity that made him able to produce what he did?

Stop crying about civilization, or if you have to, at least write while you're crying like Evola

>> No.10242017

One can be 25 and a butthurt curmudgeon. People have been bitching about the degradation of society literally forever, and yet here we are.

>> No.10242032
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Does it sound like I'm crying? I think my generation gets let off too easily for being criss-crossed, addlepated do-nothings precisely because the "stop crying" crowd are too squeamish to call this shit like it is. Obviously I can't peer into the future and tell you who our greatest minds will have been once the current 20-35 crowd realized that we're going to die and that life isn't as pointless and complicated as we're taught to see it as, but I can tell you that judging from the peers who I've encountered we are MORBIDLY delayed in that realization. It's pretty disgusting to witness and I suspect that /lit/minded people of my age are similarly repulsed/avoidant, which will leave its mark in the form of a lack of participation with the world while the lower masses experience an uptick in participation i.e. a dark age for literature

>> No.10242035


No, you just won't appreciate the art of this generation until it's long enough past for you to feel pretentious about understanding it. It takes an entirely different skill to understand contemporary works to classic works.

>> No.10242047
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>tfw like to write short stories, novels, and poetry
>tfw worried that nobody in my own generation will appreciate what I do

>> No.10242056
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Yes, it sounds very much like you're crying. Based on this, all I can say is, get better friends. If someone says some stupid nonsense to me like:
>Stephen King is a really good writer
>Some lives need to be advocated for more than others because they have been historically underrepresented
>Civilization is dying

I usually stop interacting with them.

>> No.10242095

I think its hilarious that your national identity comes from defining yourself against muslims lol

>> No.10242100

qts will if you tell them and have 1 good story to show when they ask

>> No.10242104

It's a reference to a Stockhausen quote you utter hare-brain.

>> No.10242116
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Stop crying about civilisation and just do something for once! death to the black iron prison! death to our hypersanitised late capitalist non environment! death to gynocratic-managerial dystopia! face it, Liberal democracy has degenerated into a glorified meat processing facility in which former humans lie hooked up to algorithmic skinner boxes. I am a believer in the redemptive power of violence, the only way to restore the full force of the sacred to this godforsaken earth. I will always vouch for the poetry of the carbomb and the 'active shooter'.

>> No.10242119
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>national identity defining ourselves against muslims
It's more complex than you say, my provincial friend. We also share a rich tradition of novelty T-shirts, gridiron nigger-egg, and mutual Mexican heritage. We are truly the most blessed and enriched society of our time

>> No.10242130
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is it too late for me if this kind of rhetoric speaks to me on a more fundamental level than contemporary "humanist" platitudes?

>> No.10242136

no one has time to waste writing few bollocks on a piece of paper anymore. the best and the brightest are coding videogame now

>> No.10242140

>gridiron nigger-egg
God dammit you got me.

>> No.10242143

Misanthropy can't exist without humanism. Your hatred of humans in general is one simple opposition away from the love of humans in general (humanism).

It's not too late if you still have enough feeling to hate.

>> No.10242149

I don't hate humans, I love humanity but hate democracy and progressive mystery-cult memes like "humanism," "equality," "democracy," "fraternity," etc for what they have done to the tangible human condition in my time.

>> No.10242158

Then what about killing other humans appeals to you? Or is it just the idea of such a grand rebellion?

>> No.10242175
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I can imagine (not that I know for sure) a political/cultural/intellectual/historical/social reality in which people are too thoroughly/comfortably entrenched in their mode of thought ever to enact the changes necessary to uplift the state of the human condition. There could also be a quality to that moment in history where all of those realms of human experience are in degrading at the same time without any real recourse due to the devolution of humanity and our societies. In such a circumstance I can imagine violent upheaval as being a catalyst for real change, a furnace in which to temper the human spirit. Also I can't think of any other ways to be rid of the niggers and the jews

>> No.10242262

but what comes after the 'last men'? will there be no humans in the next generation?

>> No.10242279

Humans, but no real "men"

>> No.10242378

9/11 didn't happen.

>> No.10242506

And Building 7 just collapsed from the grief of seeing its two big brothers killed right in front of him. What a tragedy.

>> No.10242514

Senator Bob Graham basically fingered Cheney as allowing 9/11 to happen. In an interview with journalist Paul Jay, Graham was asked how could all these danger lights be flashing in the international intelligence community in the lead up to 9/11 and the CIA and the FBI were unable to thwart the attacks. Graham said that if you have everyone running on the football field in formation, you have to assume there is a coach calling the shots, the coach being Cheney.

>> No.10242526

>Senator Bob Graham basically fingered Cheney

>> No.10242533

That's what Cheney gets for being such a tease:

Former Senator Graham says that a new inquiry into 9/11 should be launched to ask whether the 19 hijackers acted alone, the extent of Saudi involvement in the attacks, and why the US concealed evidence of a support network for the hijackers.

The Bush administration also failed to seriously respond to a Presidential Daily Brief from August 6, 2001 that contained a section titled “bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US.”

“It was a fairly stark and specific call,” says Former Senator Bob Graham. “The president, from all evidence, basically ignored that warning and no steps were taken to try to dig deeper or to disrupt the plot.”

Graham served as the co-chair of the 2002 Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11. A 28-page chapter in the final report detailing Saudi involvement in the financing, support, and execution of the attacks on the World Trade Center was redacted by the FBI.

The FBI also withheld information about the support networks for several of the 9/11 hijackers located through the United States, says Graham.

When asked about whether a deliberate culture had been created by the Bush administration to suppress information about possible terrorist attacks, Graham admitted that “virtually all of the agencies of the federal government were moving in the same direction, from a customs agent at an airport in Orlando who was chastised when he denied entry into the United States to a Saudi, to the president of the United States authorizing large numbers of Saudis to leave the country.”

"You don't have everybody moving in the same direction without there being a head coach somewhere who was giving them instructions as to where he wants them to move,” said Graham.


>> No.10242541

it will be the AI era

>> No.10242563

Literature ended with Gilgamesh, everything since has just been a coda