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/lit/ - Literature

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10241137 No.10241137 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest with yourself:

He was smarter than you.

>> No.10241138

Doesn’t make him wiser.

>> No.10241142
File: 57 KB, 600x401, tumblr_mbqrp9m15t1rnvzfwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare davd thread?

>> No.10241143

Doesn’t make him water.

>> No.10241148

Are those work books? What's a /lit/ approved work boot? (tryin to cop)

>> No.10241151

Yet my neck is stronger than his neck.

>> No.10241165

>yeah just squat there, like you’re gonna squeeze out a little turd on the carpet

>> No.10241192

I don't know. This is not a capital-T truth.

>> No.10241205
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If he's so smart then why is he dead?

>> No.10241216

if by "smarter" you mean "more autistic" then yeah

god i wish that were me

>> No.10241260

Did Franzen kill him out of envy?

>> No.10241363

I'm the one that's still alive tho

>> No.10241388
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>> No.10241400

lol lots of people are smarter than me. i'm pretty stupid actually

>> No.10241562

Probably. He still shot himself and suffered most of his life.

>> No.10241645
File: 48 KB, 594x458, davidzadie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's him with his waifu

>> No.10241662

>shot himself
he was definitely smarter than you

>> No.10241668

then whyd he kill himself? he objectively has less brain matter than me. boom roasted.

>> No.10241676

He was a genius, our idiotic culture’s slow return to clacissism will elevate his status in the coming decades. Literary critics degraded him for trying to incorporate mathematics into his work, while mathematicians and actual intelligent people (like Jordan Ellenberg, for example) praise him for his ability to make mathematics beautiful.

Basically, once we’ve scraped off this PoMo crusted film from our eyes he’ll be elevated to near-eternal glory, believe you me.

>> No.10241678

I'm starting to think Franzen is schizophrenic since he has this monotonous, dull voice characteristic of schizophrenics. He most likely flipped it and killed Dave when they were having homosex. He tried to hide the evidence by framing it as auto-erotic asphyxiation

>> No.10241681

He finally realized that brains don't matter.

>> No.10241685

He was a dualist

>> No.10241707
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He has been whitewashed by the literary community for years

>> No.10241737

Of course!

>> No.10241755
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>> No.10241759

DFW was a poser faggot with massive intellectual insecurity.

He was roughly as gifted at mathematics as your average undergrad math major. He put most footnotes in IJ so that he could display knowledge extraneous to the text.

Don't believe me?


Awwww wilttle professor's baby wanted to be a wittle genius. He did a wittle math and a wittle reading and tried to make himself out to be some kind of wittle genius.

Poor babeee

>> No.10241761

Well, congratulations! You suicided DFW! Now, what's the next step in your master plan?

>> No.10241766

Is Pynchon the same? GR is filled with rocket science, but I don't see him as really showing off his intellectual cock girth.

>> No.10241784

What, like, a Cartesian? DFW was a fan of Wittgenstein

>> No.10241786


I don't know shit about Pynchon's science but he can certainly write. DFW could not write. But you have to show people his math sucks to get them to be open to that idea, weirdly enough.

And that's exactly what he noticed, what he tapped into: that he could bypass the need to write by displaying an intellectual ability in line with the times.

Just wait for the next DFW. He'll show us all how he's an entrepreneur who gave up millions to write. He'll convince us as much, by dropping out of Stanford or causing a spat with a high level exec. at Google. Fuck em all.

>> No.10241881

So your argument for why you're so much smarter than DFW is that one of his characters, who is in high school (effectively), makes a high school-tier mistake while explaining high school maths to another high school student?

>> No.10241884


>> No.10241919


ah yeah bro it was all intentional

>calculus in high school

>> No.10241985

What? Doing calculus in high school isn't abnormal at all.

>> No.10242157
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>> No.10242163

I was in the advanced maths class and we did calculus in high school. DFW was still a hack-fraud though

>> No.10242168

You don't write, do you?
You do know that writers can apply personality traits in ways where they're not literally telling you in the text. Pem had to listen to his brother get fucked by his dad... of course he's gonna develop narcissistic traits to survive.

Learn to read.

>> No.10242171

i'm the stupidest poster on lit

>> No.10242221

>that subtle Franzen

>> No.10242236


>> No.10242251

I took calc in high school and was technically a year behind where I was supposed to be.
t. American

>> No.10242601
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He's missing something

>> No.10242607


>> No.10242750

thumbs up to you kiddo

>> No.10242762

What doth water?

>> No.10242766

But now he's gone there's a new king in town.

>> No.10243213


Ahahaha point at this man and laugh.

>> No.10243243


>> No.10243385

>couldn't even play on middle class white male difficulty
Nah. Almost every average shitposter on /lit/ is generally smarter.

>> No.10243470
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Nigga the math he uses is unimpressive. Basic calculus, basic modal logic. It's high school and/or first year undergrad shit. It also adds nothing to the theme. Wallace is clearly just flexing. That wouldn't be a problem, if he had something to flex, but he was a brainlet trying hard, not a smart guy having fun.

Gravity's Rainbow is about historical materialism, and it uses the fixed trajectory of a rocket as a metaphor for that. The math is in there for a reason. Pynchon also incorporates humor into the novel, which keeps his high-flying conceptual stuff grounded.
>that candy-eating chapter

Pynch > DFW

>> No.10243474

no he wasn't. the thing is, i'm more depressed than he was, so i really don't have in me what it takes to write some convoluted mental gymnastic about the burdens of our time

>> No.10243860

>Gravity's Rainbow is about historical materialism, and it uses the fixed trajectory of a rocket as a metaphor for that. The math is in there for a reason. Pynchon also incorporates humor into the novel, which keeps his high-flying conceptual stuff grounded.

What about the coprophagia?

>> No.10243882
File: 118 KB, 666x878, dialectic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, never saw it that way, but I'm a bad leftist - barely gotten through Das Kapital, and picked up the worst edition of it. Candy-eating chapter fucked me up too.

I got a meme for that. I think there's a bit in Sublime Object of Ideology that talks about the shit dialectic.

>> No.10244088
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>Shot himself
You're thinking of Kurt Cobain, buddy.

>> No.10244138

>He's missing something

>> No.10244146

>Just wait for the next DFW. He'll show us all how he's an entrepreneur who gave up millions to write. He'll convince us as much, by dropping out of Stanford or causing a spat with a high level exec. at Google. Fuck em all.
How is this anything like DFW?

>> No.10244164
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>unironically calls people 'brainlet' and posts wojack memes
>is impressed by Pynchon

Please stop posting.

>> No.10244232

XRA is actually finnegans wake, read the book then watch the show, then read the book, then watch the show. It is one hundred percent clear.

>> No.10244292

He was a talentless hack and will remain a meme. Clumsily using semi-coherent babby calc lingo is of neither artistic nor scientific merit and only serves to impress complete and utter brainlets like you.

>> No.10244303

noone is smarter than me though

>> No.10244323


Hating DFW is like hating John Cena at this point. Let’s face it, they’re two dudes who perfected their craft. At some point you smarks need to grow up.

>> No.10244460

what an iconic duo

>> No.10244650

this comment made me youtube and his name is memes

>> No.10244968

Have yested that theory anon?

>> No.10245035

I am honest with myself, he is smarter

>> No.10245135
File: 1.04 MB, 3300x1600, tfw 2smrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got a meme for that...
We are truly a blessed generation, the dialectic has assumed a greater form
>tfw the coprophagia accelerates

>> No.10245147

>kills himself
sorry, David, Anon wins again

>> No.10245173
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He faked the suicide so he wouldn't have to finish the books he was working on and to relieve himself of the cringeworthy public persona that he grew out of in his late 30's.

He's still writing obviously but I don't read enough contemporary fiction to tell you who he is

>> No.10245175
File: 25 KB, 376x284, sitting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, and?

>> No.10245204
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Sometimes I feel shitty about my lot in life when I realize that most of the blistering intellects we've come to know, who put out mountains of writing and reached the heights of their field, have a similar background to DFW.
>father a philosophy professor emeritus
>mother an english professor
And meanwhile I'm here with no parents working a construction job

>> No.10245220
File: 13 KB, 200x200, ascended-master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw is rupi kaur

>> No.10245241

>Gravity's Rainbow is about historical materialism
can you expand on this? i'm intrigued

>> No.10245259

why is he always wearing gauze over his head he looks like he just got out of the hospital after terrible car accident

>> No.10245289

Lol. I'll take the bait.

It's a bandanna that he claimed he started wearing because he sweat so much in Arizona and then when he moved he was so used to the bandanna that without it he felt self-conscious or something. Then it became kind-of his thing or schtick so he stopped wearing it a lot. You'll notice in like the last ten years of his life there are a lot less photos of him with bandannas and shorter hair.

He was very reflective and conscious of what wearing the bandanna meant to those who judged him.

t. DFW fan and dicksucker

>> No.10245300

What a mess.

>> No.10245323

he liked tennis, why didn't he just wear one of those tennis headbands? i saw him mention the sweat like 4 times in that german interview

>> No.10245337


>> No.10245542

Lookin' like buff Mac from Always Sunny right here

>> No.10245883

He didn't see himself as a tennis player very much past like 16 from what I've read and heard.

>> No.10245888


>> No.10246326

so? he didn't see himself as Axl Rose or a black woman slave and still wore that stupid thing on his head

>> No.10246333

how do we get him in smash bros

>> No.10246357

damn /lit/ is fast

>> No.10246416
File: 93 KB, 854x960, C3dg8X1VUAECdJc.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the characters make decisions; they only respond to economic/cultural/biological drives. Every character is overtly associated with a particular modernist school of thought (pavlov, freud, mill, marx, schmitt, etc.), and essentially acts out that thinker's ideas. Every interaction between characters is also an interaction between historical forces.

Pynchon makes this cast of automatons seem random and free-willed, by using a lot of odd plot details to get them to act in unexpected ways, but when you dissect any character's behavior enough, you find that he/she is operating on a very clear, logical paradigm, even if he/she isn't aware of it.

The rockets tie into this because they initially seem random, but they're predictable (via the erections), and any given rocket follows a predetermined trajectory. That trajectory is "Gravity's Rainbow."

Unlike Marx, however, Pynchon's historical materialism doesn't go anywhere in particular. Humanity is just a big, lumbering machine whose direction we can only hope to deduce. Self-destruction, more so than utopia, is the most likely outcome, but, again like the rockets, those of us who aren't the pilots can't predict where anything'll go.

>> No.10246533

He couldn't cut it with non-fiction, so I don't think so.

Still, he was probably smart. If the movie is anything to go by, he also trapped himself in his life; (and if his suicide is anything to go by, ) drowning in a glass of water.


>> No.10247095

this made me laugh

>> No.10247108


Sometimes I wonder if maybe, just maybe, he was exactly as smart as me

>> No.10247647

Did he kill himself sincerely or was it is final lapse back into deep irony?

>> No.10247715

He's also deader than me.

>> No.10249382

naah, the dubs cofirm it-s him

>> No.10249388
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>Couldn't into maths so he switched to analytic phil
>Couldn't into analytic phil so he switched to fiction
>Couldn't into fiction so he killed himself
Sounds pretty dumb to me desu