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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 478 KB, 449x577, Screenshot_2017-11-07-20-26-24-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10241086 No.10241086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit and /mu in one picture together. the voice of our generation (mira gonzalez) with the literal voice of our generation (grimes ).

>> No.10241093

I don't know who either of these people are and I don't want to.

>> No.10241094


>our generation

im 42. kurt cobain was the voice of my generation "kek"

>> No.10241101

i'd fuck them both

>> No.10241111

Who the fuck is grimes though
>im 42.
fuck that when did you come to 4chan 2004?

>> No.10241113

Thats fucking sad he was a whinny bitch. Oh booo hoooo I signed a big record contract and now im famous and I hate the sellout life. Kys

>> No.10241116

The absolute state of lardmerican culture.

>> No.10241121


>> No.10241124

Never heard of them.
Why is your generation such a tasteless fashion train wreck? Even your athletes look like someone had to roll them out of a basement and make them play. Beertent's closed Ladies, time for you to go do whatever that Sport-thingie is that you do. Your so-called Stars are flat shapeless genera-humans that embody all that is forgettable in women. Srs, like you aren't even trying.

>> No.10241127

Mira Gonzalez looks like all the cottage cheese in a supermarket temporarily joined forces to masquerade as a person by taking a vaguely humanoid shape and stealing a bag lady's clothes

>> No.10241132

Never has so much ugly been captured in picture form, as with Millenials.

>> No.10241135

I can only imagine the odor.

>> No.10241169

you guys are literally gay right?

>> No.10241174

>as if anyone knows, even
get out of your self congratulatory social media soapbox, Millennial. Buzz fail.

>> No.10241176

Nice try Mira

>> No.10241177

no, gays create and understand fashion, you might be autistic.

>> No.10241199
File: 97 KB, 1000x1400, 61MC7BHAFSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has read this what is grimes best song

>> No.10241203

Why is /lit9k/ so mean to her, she has browsed here before and you spergs make us look like petty losers, atleast be witty or ironic instead of writing paragraphs about her sexual market value like she has any relevance to your life

>> No.10241208

Hey grimes a cute! CUTE!

>> No.10241218


>wahh why can't this place be more like pleddit ur all gross losers

protip: posters like you are even worse than the r9k set

>> No.10241223

She's just as ugly, unfunny and talentless as the average canadian cumdumpster.

>> No.10241228

more like rivers cuomo

>> No.10241246

Mira was a /mu/ meme as well for whatever reason. I bet Grimes is just hanging out with her to get close to that dreamy Tao Lin

>> No.10241248

Pft you dont mean that

>> No.10241262

Fuck off Tao.

>> No.10241271

I will never be /Lit/ enough to capitalize my title.

>> No.10241283

Does /mu/ like or dislike Grimes now? I can't keep up with the memes

>> No.10241287
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>> No.10241289
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Call me when August and Lauren meet.

>> No.10241295

The majority of /mu/tants still hate her but some /mu/mblr users are still trying to force her.

>> No.10241296

They liked her until I started spamming her

>> No.10241300

The opinion was reasonably positive last time I posted there, that was a while back though

>> No.10241301

She's alright but she's too much of a meme on /mu/ which can get old

>> No.10241306
File: 681 KB, 567x752, 1509467637467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an angel /heart eyes emoji/

>> No.10241308
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Op probably has Funco on her shelves. That level of derp.

>> No.10241310

No there's a way to fuck with people and harass them without coming across as a bitter /b/tard

>> No.10241311

Remember when the mods banned every mention of her and everyone was happy except some very dedicated spammers?
The problem is not her music (which is forgettable at best) but her shitty snowflake aesthetics.

>> No.10241315


>> No.10241339


>guys you can fuck with people and literally "harass them" but let's not be sexist about it now

the mental gymnastics of this shit.

stop trying to milquetoast everything that you touch you total bore. i'd rather see /lit/ drown in bitter r9k spergs than have it become anything like you.

>> No.10241347

What's it like being a girl in a male space? Serious question

Do you feel how out of place you are? Or are you oblivious to it, because you have no frame of reference for what "fitting in with a group" is like? Being a woman must be fascinating

>> No.10241348

huh. had never heard of either. just experienced content from both after a quick search. huh... well at least i understand where the fashion/pop culture at my liberal arts school comes from. i've always been bad at keeping up with these things.

>> No.10241353


>like she has any relevance to your life

this line from her last post was a dead giveaway that it was a femanon but i wasn't even going to bother going there. it really couldn't have been any more obvious though.

>> No.10241375

You're a moron my dude I didn't say anything about sexism the point was the paragraphs that aren't funny, just sad. You could say something similar like
Without coming across like a bitter youtube commenter

>> No.10241376
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>> No.10241389

Like the Carli hymen comment, that's actually funny

>> No.10241394

plebs: the thread

>> No.10241403
File: 95 KB, 300x298, mirag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could have saved her

>> No.10241407


>every post that you make should be overly forced quirktastic reddit witticisms

why does everything have to be so prim and proper to you?

and why can't a guy shitpost? as you said, they've no relevance to your life personally. why must you demand that every form of joking that you personally disapprove of be shut down?

>> No.10241414

Grimes is waifu tier. She seems like one of those dirty Trotskyists who sell newspapers in front of university, but still deserves a bone. Music is good too.

Mira is Tao's ex

>> No.10241416
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>you now realize this is what she looks like with her makeup off

>> No.10241417


ayy lmao

>> No.10241419
File: 62 KB, 750x1000, ra,relaxed_fit,x2000,fafafa-ca443f4786,front-c,295,163,750,1000-bg,f8f8f8.lite-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to rescue a disenfranchised nihilistic qt from the belly of the whale and turn her into a traditionalist girls are so open I'm sure I could do it plus I'm a beautiful human in many regards except my below average penis

>> No.10241423

ffs sake dude I'm advocating shitposts you must not have seen the essay some sperg wrote about her

>> No.10241432

it doesn't work believe me

>> No.10241446

>She has an edgy haircut now
>So, she's a nihilist
>Must save her with Christ
You permas are so pathetic. You're literally the same as those moms against rock people decades ago. Why do I come here?

>> No.10241449


>ffs sake dude I'm advocating shitposts

not you're not you're advocating for shitposting on your terms. it doesn't work like that.

>> No.10241454
File: 494 KB, 2048x1536, anne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ and /mu/ in one picture together

>> No.10241456
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>> No.10241457

Realiti imo

>> No.10241458
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>Why do I come here?
Because you're a different brand of pathetic and would rather lie to yourself than fess up to it.

>> No.10241466

Hope you posted this as bait so your generation could wallow in its irrelevance.

>> No.10241467

>Why do I come here?
because sometimes while browsing this board you are able to feel deep inside just the briefest glimmer of hope that you used to feel when you still had dreams

>> No.10241468

Shitposting isn't writing a serious essay about a person that is literally the opposite and that's was why it was embarassing garbage, what a stupid argument this is

>> No.10241484

>implying I assumed every personality trait of hers from her haircut
What are you on about, is that how you judge people?

>> No.10241487
File: 78 KB, 380x282, Inquiring_minds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what is shitposting I ask you?

>> No.10241489

She needs to sleep. How do you even develop double eyebags?

>> No.10241497
File: 77 KB, 534x800, 205773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"what dude you don't like your girl covered in shit tattoos and fucking strangers? Stop worrying so much mannn"

>> No.10241506


>Shitposting isn't -

shitposting is whatever anon wants it to be you confused redditor.

>> No.10241517
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>> No.10241520
File: 71 KB, 672x936, mira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do if you woke up and found out Mira was your gf?

>> No.10241527

Probably fuck her, show /lit/ proof for clout, then dump her
Send Tao Lin proof and tell him if he's ever in Vancouver we should smoke a cig together
If he accepts, slap him across the face and call him a nerd
Go home and cry because tfw no gf

>> No.10241530

Teach her what fashion is.

>> No.10241538

Memes aside I'd feel enraptured at the prospect of waking up to a cute girl that likes me for the first time in my life

>> No.10241552
File: 33 KB, 314x469, 1509324051361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know them so well, why not introduce them to the sun?

>> No.10241553

do sex with her then breakup

>> No.10241558

No there's a thing called effort posting you dumb relativist cunts, and bring up reddit again yeah? Fucking morons

>> No.10241591
File: 74 KB, 807x802, 1496307114641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No there's a thing called effort posting

you mean like the effort you just put in then? you don't even know what you're crying about anymore you goofy bitch.

>> No.10241627

we need joe mcelroy, john green, and jonathan franzen to meet kanye, mc ride, and whoever the fuck is a member of neutral milk hotel.

>> No.10241628
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>> No.10241634
File: 128 KB, 764x904, Screenshot_2017-09-26-19-18-53_kindlephoto-31520013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They warned us of this. A generation so devoid of ideas it came to be known as:
The Reboot Generation.

Ignorance is strength.

>> No.10241639
File: 114 KB, 1300x957, kid-using-computer-cute-blond-boy-personal-44896600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst comment chain I've ever been a part of good work pendantic fools

>> No.10241641

More like meet lil peep, xxxtebtation

>> No.10241649

fuck off /mu/

>> No.10241650

How does Aug get cuter every picture I see her in
I want gf

>> No.10241660

/lit/, /mu/ and /sp/ in one picture together

>> No.10241674

>implying I am petit bourg manlet with shit tats
I'm the Chad model of the proletariat, bucko. I just happen to respect women.

>> No.10241687
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>respecting women

>> No.10241692

Am I supposed to know who these cunts are?

>> No.10241703
File: 27 KB, 560x553, 1496526659938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you ever call a woman that again. It is such a degrading word.

>> No.10241705
File: 102 KB, 850x850, zizek-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff Mangum's wife directed one of Zizeks documentaries

>> No.10241710

>implying marxist feminism isn't a well established ideology

>> No.10241712

I think he means Luther would be upset, never know though. Fucking Proties.

>> No.10241727

based anne frank

>> No.10241729

this doesnt get deleted but my tread about my favorite book, What Happened? By Hillary Rodham Clinton does? Mods are such nazis!

>> No.10241741

If you're gonna spam, make another Nietzsche thread. Those are at least funny, reading the comments of literary m/a/nlets.

>> No.10241775

424 likes, almost as much as a dumpster fire pic.

>> No.10241787
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>> No.10241810

In a way she was really a pioneer, some retarded teens do these le ironic montages from what I have seen.

>> No.10241822

she didnt start this, and youre betraying your lack of knowledge of internet culture

>> No.10241878

I dont use non-anonymous social networks so you're right, I lack "internet culture" I guess.

>> No.10241928
File: 12 KB, 384x384, 1499061559221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you were the one being the pedantic retard all along and yet you are unable to see this

how does your mind work?

>> No.10241933

tell me more about the six gorillion

>> No.10241944


Human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a spectrum of conditions caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).[9][10][11] Following initial infection, a person may not notice any symptoms or may experience a brief period of influenza-like illness.[5] Typically, this is followed by a prolonged period with no symptoms.[6] As the infection progresses, it interferes more with the immune system, increasing the risk of common infections like tuberculosis, as well as other opportunistic infections, and tumors that rarely affect people who have working immune systems.[5] These late symptoms of infection are referred to as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).[6] This stage is often also associated with weight loss.[6]

>> No.10242090
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>> No.10242107
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>> No.10242218
File: 381 KB, 800x1199, Mira_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Mira is currently writing an essay critiquing late stage capitalist culture. She lists some of her influences; Gramsci, Feuerbach, de Sade, Irigaray and Mari Ruti."

I can't say Grimes is doing anything this interesting.

>> No.10242222
File: 164 KB, 1240x786, thisisyourhome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10242223
File: 107 KB, 1080x720, IMG932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the rare times she wasn't too high to get out of bed

>> No.10242229

Disgusting, Gramsci is a fucking weasel. She probably thinks she's the good guy to, makes me think.

>> No.10242576

They literally look like mental patients lounging in the sanatorium courtyard

>> No.10242621

That's the power of schizotypy my man

>> No.10242645

are you a wealthy successful artist?

>> No.10242648

Just saying they look like two crazy bag ladies is all, don't get your panties in a twist you little soyboy

>> No.10242675
File: 179 KB, 600x406, journal.pone.0016040.g001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wealthy but not because of my success as an artist, that's still successful as far as artists go though.
However you seem to imply schizotypy is always negative: it is not, as it correlates with creativity and in some forms with higher mating success.

>> No.10242680

>Just saying they look like two crazy bag ladies is all, don't get your panties in a twist you little soyboy
looks like im not the one with my panties in a twist. When you are a wealthy successful artist you can dress like two crazy bag ladies, and still have a better life than you

>> No.10242690

> our generation's anything
> nobody can tell who they are

Nice try but clearly the voice of our generation is Rupi Kapur Poppadomalopoulos cus yaaaas, that queen slays! *snaps xir fingers*

>> No.10242692

it's not gay if she has a feminine penis tbqh

>> No.10242698

NOW that's what i call MANBROWS

>> No.10242701

wtf just take a nap dude like put down the instagram turn away from the blogspot tumblr dude have a fuckin sleep put on some whale song put your feet on the sofa and jus sleep a bit nigga

>> No.10242705

why is mira doing that thing with her food? humiliating

>> No.10242707

could the Mangum's get any more based

>> No.10242732

>critique of late stage caitalist culture
What an original and daring idea

>> No.10242756

Well, agreed.
But what culture else to critique? She can't critique automated luxery communist society yet, or the fifth reich for that matter.

>> No.10242777

Mira is hilarious I love her:

"how do people watch the news without repeatedly shouting "EAT MY ASS BITCH" at the TV"

>> No.10242796
File: 447 KB, 938x673, 1502791759386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching the rube tube
>getting manipulated by literal propaganda
mira so smart yes queen

>> No.10242807

>the sentence implies she doesnt' often watch the news
>didn't say smart, said she, via this sentence, and others like it, is hilarious. 'eat my ass bitch' is a funny phrase, one you dont hear often, one I was not expecting, the concept of yelling at the tv is funny in itself, the concept of yelling at the news person is funny, the concept of yelling that at the news person is funny, I found it funny. Im a retard.

>> No.10242879


Also /his/. Can't forget pregnant Anne posting.

>> No.10242904

/lit/ and /mu/'s need for congenial company is testament to their narrow mindedness. Explore ideas with people are different from you, it will help you burst that dreary bubble of yours

>> No.10243746

How about she stops being a woman with a vagina?

>> No.10243822

you really dont know Grimes?

>> No.10244242

Thats just a single spammer

>> No.10244248

She's cuuuuute i like her little frog face

>> No.10244253

>How dare someone talk about the society they live in!

>> No.10244256

they dont look that great dude.