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10236639 No.10236639 [Reply] [Original]

Did William Burroughs believe in the things he said, for example in the Boy Scout manual, or was it an exercise in literature?

>> No.10236661

The answer is usually 'both, depends'.

>> No.10236662

what about when he murdered his wife for a gag at a party to impress his friends and then let them rape his teenage son

>> No.10236668

Not to mention he was a trust fund kid who played around at slumming and payed young Mexican boys for sex.

>> No.10236751

He killed his wife and fucked his daughters. Any questions?

>> No.10236762

What daughters, you mean secred Fritz-like babies hidden from the whole world, with one in a billion exeption - (You)?

>> No.10236885

He killed her, not "murdered" her. Why don't you faggots hate on Ginsberg instead, huh? That guy was an actual pedophile who advocated for pedophile rights, not to mention a hack.

>> No.10237818

All Beats suck majora.

>> No.10237841


>> No.10237887

I am an unironic homophobe, but I respect old school homos like Burroughs and Foucault, if only for their commitment.

>> No.10237903

Burroughs was a drug peddling CIAnigger cultural saboteur of the Ginsberg, Kerouac, Leary variety
Nothing of worth to be seen in anything he touched, move along

>> No.10237943

Probably because post modernists were mostly just rampant degenerates trying to intellectualize their deviancy ad hoc. Him included

>> No.10237969

It goes deeper than that. The moral relativism was not just a deflection in defense of their own hedonism, the beat generation writers were marketing fronts for CIA production and sale of narcotics as well as the psyop cultural degradation brought along with their rampant use.

Still, “Naked Lunch” serves a very valuable and reliable purpose. Get to it early enough, somewhere between the Hardy Boys and Holden Caulfield, and the fatigue and tedium will inoculate you against all sorts of intellectual malfeasance. You’ll never swallow the line that obscenity is a hallmark of genius, or that the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom (usually it leads to the palace of excess, except when it leads to the hovel of incomprehensibility). Dismiss Burroughs as a pull-my-finger bore and you're ready to dismiss all other sorts of absurd postmodern drivel

>> No.10237985

Burroughs wrote the majority of his shit in a heroin-induced stupor, so no

>> No.10238149

Why not hate on both, mongrel? Slit your wrists