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/lit/ - Literature

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10235378 No.10235378 [Reply] [Original]

So has anybody got the new Kindle Oasis yet? How do you like it?
I got to play with one and was real tempted, but I just bought a used Kobo Glo HD. Miss the ease and comfort of the Kindle, though.

>> No.10236764

Is there an actual reason to buy one if I already have a Paperwhite? What does it offer?

>> No.10236791

My dad bought one for my mom's birthday and I gotta say, it's fucking noice. I still have the old 2012-13 paperwhite that I absolutely love, and I noticed a world of difference in terms of speed, ergonomics and clarity/sharpness of text. I honestly had no idea these ereaders could have been so improved on; mine seems almost perfect. But yeah, I might have to upgrade real soon. I'd say if you have the money to blow, go for it. It's top of the line shit.

>> No.10236919

I have the money but probably shouldn't spend it right now. Especially since I have an e-reader that is behaving for the time being.

Won't stop me from going to a store and touching them, though.

>> No.10237040

Buy 7.8' or 8' instead. Worlds of difference.

>> No.10237114

Kindle don't make an e-reader that big.

>> No.10237554
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The new one is 7" at 1680×1264 300dpi VS the Kobo's 7.8" 1872×1404 300dpi. I want a newer one but I can't bring myself to spend $250 when I have one that still works.

>> No.10237558

I have a Nook Glow light Plus. Is there even a reason to upgrade to one of these? I pirate all my ebooks so i don't care about the kindle having a bigger store.

>> No.10237589


>> No.10237795
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>left part of the tablet sticking out that much more

>> No.10237954

>Reading a screen
>The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.10237999

Anyway it's so you can hold it one-handed. There are page-turn buttons there too. I tried it out, it's super comfy.

>> No.10238001

>reads one book at a time

>> No.10238085
File: 164 KB, 900x1200, C4lRlT_UMAE8KJW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Screenlets can't read two at once.
When will they learn?

Losers with multiple kindles need not apply.

>> No.10238151

i can use picture in picture on my android tablet to read up to four at once, could probably find a way to do more but screen space gets sketchy

suck my fat cock you god damn baboon

>> No.10238909

Money isnt a concern for me, the problem is that the touch and paperwhite are just not that much worse.

>> No.10238911

>tfw that isnt even in the top 20 problems with /lit/

>> No.10238957

shit design

hopefully next iteration will look normal

>> No.10239047

It's comfier to hold, though. Regular Kindles are awkward to hold, say, lying in bed with it above you in one hand.

>> No.10239066

no they're not, i have a kindle touch 4 since 2011 and it still works perfectly, the only drawback being that i cannot read it in the pitch dark

>> No.10239101

Yes they are. But then again I have short fingers.

>> No.10239240

Yeah, I have one. Best Kindle I have ever owned. But then again, I'm a simpering fuck face.

>> No.10239363

origami cover makes that decently easy on my Voyage.